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Los Angeles, California

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Re: Los Angeles, California

Will shrugged.

"Well, you've already seen enough to probably have guessed it anyway. At least with us you don't have to worry about us doing anything to keep you quiet. Although ... Don't suppose your interested in a new job?"
Re: Los Angeles, California

Natasha laughed, "I'm not sure you're high up enough to hire on new people. Let's get this thing back there then your boss can decide if he wants to do that or make me disappear."
Re: Los Angeles, California

Will laughed.

"You might be right there, and she actually. Don't suppose you've ever heard of a Helen Magnus have you?"

After securing their cargo in the truck, the other two climbed in, waiting for her.

"Though to talk to her, your probably going to want to take a brief trip to Calgary. That's normally where we work."
Re: Los Angeles, California

"Calgary?" Natasha broke into roaring laughter as she entered the vehicle, "The center of monster hunting is in Canada?! Oh god this is priceless...." She snorted a bit as she laughed as they got rolling. "Wow...just wow. I've got to go up there and see this, I'm so glad I have so many years worth of vacation days backed up."
Re: Los Angeles, California

Will chuckled slightly himself.

"Well, these days it is, however it started first in London. But that's from another century, and that's a story Magnus will have to tell you. Anyway ... let's get the hell over to the Sanctuary here first."

A few moments later they were starting out, and Natasha noticed they were sticking to back roads, avoiding public areas. This shortly proved a good tactic, as suddenly a black van raced out from a street behind them, a man leaning out to fire what seemed like a high powered automatic.

"Ah, Will you might want to drive a bit faster, we've got uninvited guests, and the radio is still out."

Kate, as she spoke, withdrew a revolver, and then leaned out her window slightly, just before a shot fired by, forcing her to duck her head back in.
Re: Los Angeles, California

"Okay so who the hell are these guys? Some kind of rival zoo or something? Because I'm thinking that it might be a good idea to -let- the bad guys try and control that hulking nightmare we have. Just for laughs." She placed a clip into her rifle and leaned out the window aiming for the windshield. "Thankfully, at least since that hollywood bank robbery they let us cops use AP bullets now."
Re: Los Angeles, California

Will shook his head.

"We stop, they kill us, take him, and IF they manage to control it, they'll turn it into a weapon and kill people with it. They're into some heavy illegal stuff, but no one dares oppose them directly. If we can make it to the outer gates of the Sanctuary, they aren't going to follow us past that. If they do ... well, let's just say I never thought being allowed to handle a stinger missile system was a good thing until last month."
Re: Los Angeles, California

Natasha raised an eyebrow as she sprayed a volley at the van "Okay so you oppose a bunch of evil magic poachers who want to capture all kinds of creatures so they can take over the world...."


(I had to do it.....)
Re: Los Angeles, California

Will didn't take his eyes off the road or reply, but as Kate fired she did.

"Actually, it's more like we oppose throwbacks who want to take over the world who just so happen to be direct descendants of the nazi's. And oh yeah, they follow the same damn m.o Hitler did, only they're a bit smarter about it. Oh ... bite me hard, Will, I think that's a grenade launcher they're pulling out."

If Natasha looked right, she'd notice something that did indeed look a lot like a grenade launcher, even as the van they were in suddenly kicked it into an even higher gear. Now they were in a total race, and she might find it a bit ironic that she was on the running end of a high speed chase, and not the chasing end.
Re: Los Angeles, California

"Nazis, awesome, I've never gotten to shoot a nazi before...." She grinned and suddenly opened the car door, dangling out with her pistol drawn, propped up by her left hand on the door, her feet in the seat. "Too bad for you everyone hates nazis." She pulled the trigger on her pistol and placed one dead between the grenadier's eyes shattering his sunglasses as he dropped his weapon onto the road and slumped against the side of the van. "Now if only that had been one of Los Lobos, then it would be a perfect day now." She swung back into the vehicle and closed the door, "Please tell me we're getting close or I'm going to try and push that monster out the back and see how well that van handles after going airborne over it."
Re: Los Angeles, California

"See those gates up ahead, that's part of the place."

A few moments later they roared through the gates, and as they did two gargoyle statues suddenly opened at the sides, revealing they were actually mounted chain gun turrets, turning towards the van chasing them.

The driver slammed on his breaks and squealed to a stop outside the gates, and turned his vehicle around, pulling out even as the turrets had begun whining at shooting speeds. With the threat gone, the statues closed back up, and the sentry weapons went quiet.

"Well ... time to get to the lower levels then and get big boy back there situated in the proper spot. That was ... fun."
Re: Los Angeles, California

"I like your landscaper, is he available? I have some hedges that would be perfect to install some flamethrowers in." Natasha smirks sarcastically as she exits the vehicle. "In hindsight I'm glad I didn't give you an escort, I don't think my car is gate gargoyle gatling gun rated." She took up a position to watch the grounds as the two unloaded the creature making sure nothing dropped in on them this close to the finish line.
Re: Los Angeles, California

Kate smiled and chuckled as she helped Will unload their dangerous cargo.

Soon enough, they were heading inside of a door that Natasha wouldn't have even seen at first, and then down a long series of corridors.
Re: Los Angeles, California

"Okay...I know theres more going on here. Theres no way two people from a secret government organization would ask an outsider for help, tell her about said secret organization and then lead her to their base of operations. Especially since I have normal bullets and you have phasers. If I feel a needle go into my neck, wake up in my apartment and come back here to an empty lot...........I'm going to be very annoyed." She narrows her eyes and glances between the two. "And it would make you terrible hosts...."
Re: Los Angeles, California

Now it was Will's turn to chuckle.

"Well, if this place suddenly up and vanishes it'd be bad for everyone in this area, that would mean one hell of a shit storm was about to be unleashed. No, something this large isn't going anywhere. Oh, and no needles. I suppose now is a bad time to mention though that those guys you saw back there, their bosses probably have a mark on your head by now for getting in their way."
Re: Los Angeles, California

"Ha....in the world of gangbanging cops are worth bonus points, I'm used to having pot shots taken at me while I'm sitting at a red light or driving through a bad neighborhood. Well dressed secret societies are way easier to spot sneaking up on you and a lot thinner in numbers. I'm more worried about you, I mean that had to be really bad. Getting a random bystander involved, a massive firefight, tons of property damage, an alibi needed for said bystander who now knows all about you, dead bodies everywhere, your boss is going to be -pissed-.
Re: Los Angeles, California

Kate and Will shrugged, as Kate took off to go find the Head of House here.

Will on the other hand spoke and stayed with her.

"Yeah, kind of. Just another day at the office as of late though. We're really pissing off the Cabal. So ah ... how do you feel about a trip to Calgary?"
Re: Los Angeles, California

"Calgary huh? I never thought about taking a vacation that far north. What should I tell the chief? I've decided to become a monster hunter and fight against evil vampires, werewolves and ghosts to save the world? Actually that would be pretty tempting to list on my resignation letter." She grinned, "Should I fly business or coach?"
Re: Los Angeles, California

Will chuckled.

"Yeah, you tell your boss that they'll probably try to ship you off to a nut house. I'll leave it up to you what you want to tell him, though you could tell him you've been requisitioned by a government institution that's on a need to know business. Can get the credentials for that too, all legal of course. As for flying ... how does private jet sound?"
Re: Los Angeles, California

"It sounds perfect...."

The next day Chief was informed that Natasha was being transferred to DHS following her ability to spot and prevent the detonation of a van bomb in a crowded area. Explaining away the now torched van and bodies that were found near where they found her patrol car.

A few hours after that Natasha was leaned back enjoying her free ride in the sky. "Oh Stevens, if only you were here, I could sing the -I was right- song...."
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