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RPG [Lucifer Studios] Rise of Asmodeus


Jungle Girl
Sep 15, 2013
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ROA is an in development role-playing game developed by me. The completed game will feature various creatures which the player can defeat or fall to, quests to undertake and a story written by a writer known as EmiliaRoseWriting. At the moment of writing this I have developed a combat system, sex framework, Enemy AI ( with Patrolling, Searching, Combat), inventory system, equipment system and more.

ROA is meant to be a fantasy based RPG game where you play as a young peasant woman. Through your actions your character may become anything from the heroin your failing country needs to a lowly slave of a band of goblins.

I'm excited to bring you all the demo here:

My twitter is here:

My website is here:

The controls are as follows:
MouseLook around
TabOpen inventory
Left CtrlUse Mouse instead of look
EInteract with items and containers
VChange viewpoint
Space while movingDodge Roll
Space while not movingDodge Backwards
Hold SpaceSprint
RSheath and unsheathe weapon
Left ClickNormal Attack (Try chaining attacks)
Shift + Left ClickPower Attack (Try mixing with normal attacks)
Hold Right ClickBlock
Space, then Left ClickRolling attack
Space, then Shift + Left ClickPower rolling attack
Hold space, then Left ClickSprinting attack
Hold space, then Shift + Left ClickJumping attack
Hold Left AltWalk
Escape KeyOpen pause menu

Thank you. Please enjoy.
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My twitter handle is
Keeping this post slot for later use.
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You really didn't give any useful information. What is the story? The focus? What type of gameplay will it have? Honestly the technicals alone basically give us nothing to look forward to or watch for.
You really didn't give any useful information. What is the story? The focus? What type of gameplay will it have? Honestly the technicals alone basically give us nothing to look forward to or watch for.

Very true, I will add more info when I get home

Emilia Rose is the writer for this game so kudos to her. Here’s her instagram:
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Thread moved to H-Games discussions. When you have a demo, let a moderator know and we'll move it back to the right section.
I'm just going to work on the game and lay off on updating the development updates in the first post, I realized it takes more time away from development than I would like
I'm just going to work on the game and lay off on updating the development updates in the first post, I realized it takes more time away from development than I would like
Really should have waited to share a demo even if u are excited. Not trying to be mean just stating a fact.
I am excited, and you are probably right o_OWorking hard to get it ready as soon as possible.
Drag and drop done, tooltip done plus tons more improvements like butt physics. I want to add physics to the hair as well. I payed someone who makes tons of hair for games for the one I’m using. They asked me to add them to the credits.

Keeping an eye on the FPS. Right now I can run the game in 116 fps with all physics enabled but my computer is ridiculously expensive. At some point I need to do research into making sure the game can run on a potato.
making animations... takes a lot of time :coffee:

Also, I wrote up a design document that details how I could code a spell crafting system. I think it would be cool, but I'm going to focus on getting a demo out first before I work on anything like that.
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This weekend I completed 7 animations, each 60 frames in length except one was 120 frames. I need to do this two more times for a total of 21 sex animations for the demo. Then I need to actually add them to the game and have the enemies use them

edit: Also working on falling down animations, so the player actually falls down. And also struggle animations before sexy time begins. This way the player doesn't just 'teleport' into sex. And so the player has a chance to escape.

I think my escape mechanic will be; when you press the F key, you punch the enemy in the face and then it will calculate your chance of escape based on how much stamina you have left compared to how healthy/strong the enemy is. If you fail, you will lose some stamina. If you succeed, you would stand back up. But if you run out of stamina. Well
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Here's an animation I finished last Monday. This would happen if the player succeeded a skill check when a goblin attempts to initiate sex once the player is knocked down. Still working on other animations


edit - wow, I just realized, while looking at this again, that her neck/head doesn't move very much in relation to the inertia of her foot connecting with his body. I will fix this now.
fixed? - don't worry about the breasts not moving. That's handled with physics inside the game engine. UE4 physics looks a lot better than trying to animate it.

edit again - also, I'm doing the facial animations separately and blending them in for faster development.
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4 more animations are left on my list, I can add them to the game at that point. But there's also some other things I'd like to do as well. Namely, I need to code a framework to handle these animation sets. Should take about 10 to 12 hours to complete when I find the time.

Also, I'm going to create a 'skill check' that appears on the screen during certain stages. If the player succeeds these skill checks, they have a chance to escape.

If you see in the image below, I'd like to make a radial popup appear where the player can attempt to stop the moving bar in the green or white area.
  • pressing nothing will be an auto fail
  • Stopping it in the grey area will be high chance of failure and spend more stamina
  • hitting the white area has a medium success chance and spend some stamina
  • hitting the green area has a high success chance and spend very little stamina
  • Both the green and white area size is increased or decreased base on certain attributes (like dexterity) and your current stamina remaining.
  • The player will have multiple attempts to escape, at least until they run out of stamina
I was talking to someone about this and they suggested that I could add a 'red area' that appears just outside the white area. This red area would appear only when the player is poisoned or afflicted with some other detrimental state. Hitting this red area would expend high stamina and have 0 chance of success.

This is not what the final UI would look like, this is just a quick example.
Once the coding is done, I will create a high quality version of this.

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Still working. Did a large upgrade of the equipment screen. It used to be very simple. Fixed tons of bugs I found in the inventory system I created. Need to add two more slots to the equipment screen for necklace and leg wear. I needed this upgrade so that it’s easier to add new items to the game. All items now rely on a parent class that I can just extend from and change a few values.
Working on enemy AI. It's insanely complicated. I've done a chatbot AI for a web app before from scratch, but this is something else entirely. There's so many different variables to take into account. Where as with a chat bot you only have to worry about what text the user sends to the server.

I did patrolling, chasing, searching. There's a lot more to do, but I'm trying to keep to MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to have the demo ready. I have many ideas for how to make really unique and smart AI, but I think it would take too much time. I'd rather have an actual product that people can play. I can improve it later. o_O
Improved the logic of the AI so that it’s harder to escape once he sees you, though it’s still possible if you gain enough distance and break line of sight. The AI will run to where he last saw you and then begin searching from that spot. The player sprints just a bit faster than the AI so it is possible to gain distance.

But if you just try to run around a pillar to break line of sight while he is right behind you, he is smart enough to know that you are behind the pillar even though he can’t see you anymore and continues to run at full speed.

Also working on combat AI now. Trying to figure out how to give the AI ways to hit the player when they are running away. I think the best way is to simply give the AI more stamina, so eventually the AI would out last the player. Alternatively I could give the AI a speed burst ability that it can use occasionally that allows it to get at least one good hit in before the player can get away. That ability would spend a large amount of stamina and would then allow the player to escape more easily.

Of course the player can always simply not run and fight the AI but I’d like to accommodate a play style where the player would try to “kite” the enemies. You can use that strategy, but only for so long - eventually the enemy will take you down if you don’t kill him or escape first.
My enemy AI can get into combat range, strafe around the player and attack. I'm working on making it's attacking phase a bit more aggressive. I also gave the AI the ability to detect when the player is attacking, so that he can block or evade the player's attacks.
I also threw some randomness in there so the player won't be able to guess what the AI will do next.

I also wrote something that detects when the player is trying to run away. The AI does a leaping attack that covers ground quickly. The attack isn't super accurate since the AI doesn't have control over it's trajectory once it leaves the ground, but I'll make it do a lot of damage if it connects.

I also wrote something else to make the AI's head turn to face the player while they are in combat. So even if his body turns away to the side; his neck and head turn to face the player to make him feel more 'alive'. Now it looks a lot smoother. He seems a little scary now. GOOD~!

edit: Oh also gave him a combo attack, similar to how the player can combo attack.
edit2: Also gave the player the ability to kick (F key)

Once all of this combat stuff is done I will work on the sex animation framework. Which will be interesting. I actually don't think it will be difficult, feeling positive
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I'm getting much closer to having a playable demo. I feel confident that I'll have something playable by August or September. Maybe sooner, but experience has taught me to double whatever I think an estimate is.

I have a list of about 18 things I want to do before I call it demo-able.
I ended up adding a lot more things to that list, but I did quite a few of them too. I have 14 left before the demo is ready. Most of them are small and will only take an afternoon, while others are larger work efforts and may take a week or two of development time.