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Lumi (Wallpaper)

Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 860/1000 KP. KL 1/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 51/75

Pregnancy Counter: 15 turns until birthing.

Attack Roll:

Lumi: 30+32=62 Vs. Brain Sucker: 56

Damage Calculations:


Lumi smacks the bug in the face, driving it back a few steps.

Grapple Attempt:

Brain Sucker: 55 Vs. Lumi: 30+26=56

Lumi BARELY avoids being grappled again.



Get raped.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

"Whoops!" She slipped out of its very near grasp, regaining her balance after that awkward dodge and going for its face again -- that seemed to work!
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 860/1000 KP. KL 1/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 51/75

Pregnancy Counter: 14 turns until birthing.

Attack Roll:

Lumi: 30+50=80 Vs. Brain Sucker: 46

Damage Calculations:


Lumi cracked the bug a good one across the face, actually causing it to somersault over backwards from the blow.

Grapple Attempt:

Brain Sucker: 89 Vs. Lumi: 30+20=50

Orgasm Roll:

Brain Sucker: 58 Vs. Lumi: 25+5=30

Lumi is stunned when the bug doesn't bother walking closer, it simply leaps the twelve feet between her and it in one bound, grabbing her before she can react. To make matters worse, the sensation of it dragging it's cock across her opening caused her to shudder into an orgasm, and she crashed to the ground with the bug on top of her, lining up to thrust inside of her once more.

Lumi suffers 39 pleasure, gains 89 KP and loses 8 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 949/1000 KP. KL 1/6.

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 43/75


Lumi is unable to move due to her orgasm.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

"Ha ha, take tha--" Lumi crowed, watching the bug tumble backwards. Really, she should have known by now that the moment she managed to achieve something, she ought to be on guard against a surprise like... well...

She yelped as the bug flew at her, falling hard on her bum and then her back as it pinned her, the growing lump in her belly causing a strange sensation as the monster pressed her down. Lumi struggled against it, shouting for the bug to get off of her... but it had her legs spread, and she was coming to learn very quickly that it didn't take much for the demonic thing to get her off! She braced herself as best she could, but its erection slipped deliciously up against her wet labia, causing a groan and a wave of arousal that seemed to bounce up and down her body far more potently than any simple brush of the cock ought to allow. Lumi felt her shouts turn to rising gasps and then a betraying, noisy moan as her body went completely tense in climax.

Her head fell back gently on the ground as the bug got a better grip on her; she was too overwhelmed with the delicious sensation of her orgasm to even fight back as it tilted her hips for a better fuck...
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 860/1000 KP. KL 1/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 43/75

Pregnancy Counter: 13 turns until birthing.

Pleasure Roll:

Brain Sucker: 66 Vs. Lumi: Unable to resist.

Special Ability - Brain Suck: SUCCESS! -10 to all orgasm rolls for the rest of the encounter. (5 turn recharge)

Orgasm Roll:

Brain Sucker: 75 Vs. Lumi: 25+39-10=54.

Lumi's body shuddered as the creature dove once more inside of her with it's thick cock, slamming up against her g-spot and triggering yet another orgasm, seeming to almost... laugh at her as it did.

Lumi suffers 66 pleasure, gains 136 KP and loses 14 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 996/1000 KP. KL 1/6.

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 29/75


Lumi is unable to move due to her orgasm.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

As soon as she felt her resistance draining away, the young woman knew that something was wrong... She still struggled, but her attempts were muted, at best. She felt like putty -- searing hot putty, but putty none the less. "Nngh... get off!" begged she, even as her legs spasmed and her body tensed again, a small gush of their mingled fluids covering the thing's cock and lower thorax. This shouldn't be feeling this good!
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 996/1000 KP. KL 1/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 29/75

Pregnancy Counter: 12 turns until birthing.

Pleasure Roll:

Brain Sucker: 82 Vs. Lumi: Unable to resist.

Orgasm Roll:

Brain Sucker: 71 Vs. Lumi: 25+17=10=32

Lumi bucks wildly as the creature continues to pound away happily inside of her, bringing her to another quick, whit hot orgasm in seconds.

Lumi suffers 82 pleasure, gains 132 KP and loses 17 Stamina. Lumi gains Corruption Level 2!

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 1128/2000 KP. KL 2/6.

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 12/75


Lumi can't move thanks to her orgasm.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Clenching her teeth against the scream of ecstasy that tried to force its way out of her as the brainsucker sped her along to orgasm, Lumi pounded feebly at its chest... thorax... whatever. Didn't stop her from bucking her hips under it, her cunt grabbing hungrily at it as it pumped away inside of her. "Stop," she groaned, body completely at odds with that pitiful begging. Oh, Gods... yes... She felt as though every nerve in her body was alight in searing ecstasy. She really couldn't keep going like this...
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1128/2000 KP. KL 2/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 12/75

Pregnancy Counter: 11 turns until birthing.

Pleasure Roll:

Brain Sucker: 90 Vs. Lumi: 30+5=35

Orgasm Roll:

Brain Sucker: 45 Vs. Lumi: 25+21=46

Lumi suffers 55 pleasure, gains 55 KP and loses 11 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 1183/2000 KP. KL 2/6.

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 1/75


Attempt to escape penetration.

Allowed the bug to rape you and pass out (will definitely happen this turn.)
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

She felt so light-headed that she couldn't see straight, coated in juices from the waist down, trapped beneath this damned bug that seemed to want to fuck her raw, even past the lump that grew inside of her and left her a little queazy and sore.

Lumi didn't think that if she passed out, this thing would stop. She struggled to get out from under it, even if her arms and legs were near but the strength of water!

(Try to escape, even if she's to be knocked out next round!)
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1183/2000 KP. KL 2/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 1/75

Pregnancy Counter: 10 turns until birthing.

Escape Penetration Attempt:

Lumi: 40+5=45 Vs. Brain Sucker: 98.

Lumi doesn't even make the bug flinch in her attempt to escape.

Pleasure Roll:

Brain Sucker: 86 Vs. Lumi: 30+37=67

Orgasm Roll:

Brain Sucker: 53 Vs. Lumi: 25+22=47.

Lumi shudders as once more she is fucked into an orgasm, and with a shriek, she passes out!

Lumi suffers 19 pleasure, gains 69 KP and loses 4 Stamina, passing out.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 1252/2000 KP. KL 2/6.

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 0/75 (Passed Out.)


Lumi will be unable to move her first turn after waking up, however she will be free of her rapist until she can move.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi struggled against the beast, though really it was more like her hips rocked languidly with its every thrust. She was sore but she couldn't quite seem to stop herself. "Mm..." she groaned, feeling her body surging with another burst of pleasure... "mm... oh... gods..." she clenched her eyes closed, body jolting for lack of a decent body to latch around. "yesss!" she hissed, though as orgasm completely overtook her, her voice descended into screams of agonized pleasure before the girl collapsed, unresponsive to further fucking.


Coming to gods knew when, Lumi felt damp and heavy, as if perhaps she were made of a wet blanket. Groaning, she tried to push herself to her side as she tried to remember where she was. A shock of fear surged through her as she felt her stomach and breasts -- both were more swollen than she remembered -- and the rest of the previous couple of hours came to mind. "Oh, oh no," she murmured, looking around for the brainsucker. A thrill of fear sent her body prickling with goosebumps but, shamefully enough, she found that her cunt thrilled in its own way. As distressing as being fucked by a giant bug was, Lumi's body didn't seem to care. The fact that it fucked her so hard and thoroughly was... was... embarrassingly tantalizing, she didn't want to admit.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1252/2000 KP. KL 2/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 72/75

Pregnancy Counter: 9 turns until birthing.

Stamina Recharge Roll:


Lumi spots the Brain Sucker, roughly ten feet away, waiting for her to make a move first.



Get Raped more!
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi didn't really want to get close and personal with the bug again; she knew what was going to happen, but she also realized that it was inevitable. What had the voice said? She had to kill it or get raped for eternity? (Did it count as rape if she wanted it?

She couldn't even remember what lay at home when she got there... no memories of the past...

But to give in to this thing... Lumi only took a moment or two to come to a decision. She was going to try to give the thing a swift end, if she was able to. Clutching her stomach, regarding the Brainsucker, Lumi got to her feet and faced it. She held her ground until it came to her, getting ready to slug it once it got in reach... she knew it was fast, but she was hoping that she could hurt it enough that it backed off!

((attack, after a fashion!

Also, I'm having lots of fun so far. D: I'm terrified to see what happens when she gives birth... this game is so nerve-wracking in a way.))
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1252/2000 KP. KL 2/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 72/75

Pregnancy Counter: 8 turns until birthing.

Attack Roll:

Lumi: 30+32=62 Vs. Brain Sucker: 41

Damage Calculations:


Lumi punches the bug as it leaps, flipping it over backwards...

Grapple Attempt:

Brain Sucker: 76 Vs. Lumi: 30+47=77

... and BARELY dodges it's next attack.



Get Raped!

((Your lucky, I missed that your should have had a -10 to several rolls here. Ah well, next time lol. As for the pregnancy and giving birth... that's gonna be an interesting writing scene.))
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi gasped as it tried to snag her when she closed on it. Oh for a firebolt... The next room that she visited, she was going to see if she could pry a torch off the wall somehow, if one made itself available!

Still, she closed on the bug again, trying to deal the satisfying crunching noise that she'd heard earlier, even if it'd left her knuckles sore. Her heart was in her throat; she didn't want to do this, but she was still playing by the rules. For some reason that seemed important.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1252/2000 KP. KL 2/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 72/75

Pregnancy Counter: 7 turns until birthing.

Attack Roll:

Lumi: 30+49=79 Vs. Brain Sucker: 54.

Damage Calculations:


Lumi cracks the bug again and it staggers back, taking a moment to recover...

Grapple Attempt:

Brain Sucker: 90 Vs. Lumi: 30+25=55

Orgasm Roll:

Brain Sucker: 73 Vs. Lumi: 25+34-10=49.

... and gasps as the bug grabs her in mid jump, dragging it's dick over her opening, causing her to shudder in orgasm once more. Instantly her legs give out, and she is mounted.

Lumi suffers 35 Pleasure, gains 85 KP and loses 7 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 1337/2000 KP. KL 2/6.

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 65/75


Lumi can't move due to her orgasm.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi lets loose a scream that quickly turns into a moan, collapsing backwards under its weight and finding herself placed in a very uncomfortable situation. "G-get the fuck off," she gasps, knowing what's going to happen if this continues the way she knows it's going to. She doesn't even know if it can understand her, or if it's just some mindlessly fucking animal, something she finds just as disturbing as the fact that she can't seem to get away from it, and the fact that it makes her feel so good so easily. That, she knows, is the dangerous part...

Lumi struggles to push the brainsucker off of her, or roll it, or otherwise give her a way to get free long enough that she can hurt it again.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Lumi's Stats: 0/500 XP, 1337/2000 KP. KL 2/6

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 25

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 65/75

Pregnancy Counter: 6 turns until birthing.

Pleasure Roll:

Brain Sucker: 51 Vs. Lumi: Unable to resist.

Orgasm Roll:

Brain Sucker: 46 Vs. Lumi: 25+3=28

Lumi squirms as the Brain Sucker continues pumping into her, and eventually triggers another orgasm.

Lumi suffers 51 pleasure, gains 101 KP and loses 11 Stamina.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 1438/2000 KP. KL 2/6.

HP: 97/105
Stamina: 54/75


Lumni can't move because of her orgasm.
Re: Lumi (Wallpaper)

Here we go a--AH!...gain, Lumi thinks, mind going a little blank for a moment as she retreats into herself. With all of these orgasms so often in a row, she's beginning to get used to the spikes of pleasure and take them in stride... sort of.

If only her body would move. All she can seem to do is to shiver and take it, panting and groaning. "You really would fuck me forever, wouldn't you?" she pants up at the brainsucker that's riding her. Maybe... that wouldn't be so bad...

Then again, Lumi thinks that if she's going to wind up that way, it'll be a sarding cold day in hell before she lets it be with an overgrown, man-dicked beetle...