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Lurker Wars (Story Only)


Nov 9, 2008
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Don't post here, dammit! I'll beat you to death!
Chapter 1:
The flickering embers of the burning city flowed from side to side, as the harsh breeze from night wind continued to blow. Each member of the surviving Squad 13 stood in a rugged building, pacing around in anxiety. They slept in the ruins of their once beloved city of LineMarvel. Ever since the Lurker hordes grew larger, the Regulars began to take arms and fight them off to preserve their culture. However the untimely assassination of Aika, the founder of the city, drove everything to chaos. Aika’s determination to bring the two sides together failed miserably when he agreed to meet with Lurker king, Supermeme. As the two discussed for a peaceful solution, Supermeme silently gave a hand signal to an assassin from far away and an arrow was shot through Aika’s heart. As his life began to sink away from him, the Lurker king knelt down and whispered in his ear, “None of us will ever bow down to a Regular. This meeting will signify the beginning of the LineMarvel Wars!”

Momiji paced through the LineMarvel Chatroom Bar. It was one of the few places the Regulars had left. The topics were now in the hands on the Lurkers, as they continued to destroy the forums with their constant questioning of the god the city had been dedicated to, LineMarvel. Their fear that the arrival of the holy relic known only as Mystic Girl would never be realized. Momiji sat in one of the chairs of the bar and went into deep thought.
Gah, everything’s gone to hell, Momiji thought with a sigh. Primarch Corax, or PC as most called him, sat down next to Momiji.
“I need liquor in my system..” He complained, grabbing a beer and chugging it down. “A few of our squad members are going to the Everything Else District to try and scout out the current situation. Wanna come with?”
“Not sure they should let you or I have a gun with the liquor and all, but sure.” And with that, PC and Momiji set off towards the EE District.

The Everything Else grounds was a complete battlefield. Rogue Regulars who didn’t take Aika’s death very well hunted Lurkers here, only to be killed themselves. Blood stained to walls of the buildings and bodies of members of all kinds decorated the floor. Momiji held up his rifle, a M16 with added grenade launcher, and walked cautiously into the city’s “ghetto”. Corax marched in front of him, with a shotgun of his own. The air was think with the smell of blood and rotting flesh. An eerie silence filled the streets. The nothingness was broken when a scream was heard. Immediately, the two hid behind pieces of rubble, guns held at ready positions.
A body flew past them and was pinned onto a crumbling wall with a halberd. Both Regulars immediately recognized who was just killed. The body of one of the squad’s leaders, DarkFire, hung limp on the rock. His rifle, a Steyr AUG, slowly swung from from his lifeless hand until it fell and landed with a heavy clatter. In a war, no solider had time to mourn a loss of a brother, but this was different. As one of the founding members of the Regulars resistance group, DarkFire had led many Regulars into battle, with many victories. However, as the war began to favor the Lurkers, he had lost more and more control of the tide.
Momiji slowly walked to the impaled body of his fallen superior, in complete disbelief that he could die so easily. However, neither one of them wasted time to let a tear out. Corax walked behind Momiji and placed his hand on his shoulder. “He died doing what he did: Fucking with the Lurkers,” he said with a hint of sarcasm, in a futile attempt to lighten the grim mood. Momiji took notice of DarkFire’s left hand, which was still tightly balled into a fist. Prying it open, he found a bloodstained dogtag. It read, “Onikain, Moderator, Second-in-Command”. Momiji shuddered as he read the letters that were imprinted into the piece of metal. “First DarkFire, and now Onikain. They‘re seriously asking for it,” He said, voice cracking in anger. Corax, having never been fond of Onikain, let out an unnoticeable grin.
Momiji turned to Corax and said in a low voice, “Looks like Onikain‘s dead too. The doujin can’t be maintained now. It’s only a matter of time until the Lurkers capture it. We can only hope that Rman finds out first and saves it. We have to keep looking for survivo- “ Momiji was knocked to the ground by a diving punch from a Lurker who had been scouting. PC, responding immediately, took out his bowie knife and gave an upper slash into the Lurker’s abdomen. A bloodcurling scream came out of the Lurker‘s lungs, but was quickly drowned out by the echoing blast from PC‘s shotgun barrel, slaughtering the weakened enemy. Momiji stood back up, and dusted himself.
"Damn it, those fuckers are fast." Momiji took one last look at DarkFire's dead body. He had led many battles, but he was one of Momiji's best friends as well. And while he had never known Onikain too well, he heard that Oni and DarkFire were good friends. "Those damn Lurkers.. They'll pay.. I'll make them pay.. With blood." Without another word, Momiji joined up with his squad, only to be forced into a wall for cover.

"THEY GOT THIS AREA TOO SECURE!! GRAB DARKFIRE AND ONIKAIN’S BODIES AND LET’S GET OUT OF HERE!!" D.A screamed. It’s voice cracked very noticeably the minute it mentioned Onikain and DarkFire. Designated Arsonist was the Squad's only pyro, and carried around a flame thrower. It was it's job to set off traps, and to burn all Lurkers in sight. None of the Squad was able to tell weather D.A was a boy or a girl, and it wore a gas mask to keep it that way.
Momiji held up a hand to signal to stop when they got to another part of the battlefield. This section was strewn with bodies, and they weren't old either.
"Looks like the Lurkers and our forces reached a stalemate.." PC said, with just a hint of sadness trailing in his voice.
They looked around for more bodies. It was amazing how many of their soldiers had died, and they only came across a Lurker body every once in a while. After a while, they found WJ's body, He got his neck cracked, painless, by the looks of it. Most of the dead bodies didn't have dogtags, so the Squad headed home, carrying the dead heroes legacy's on their backs.
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 2:
Momiji sat in one of the chairs next to the bar, as the rest of the squad came pouring in. Arsonist’s Vader-like breathing was the first to be heard, as it made its way to the only computer in the building. It placed its flamethrower next to him on the floor, producing a loud thump upon impact, and immediately began to furiously slam its fingers on the keyboard. Next to enter the bar was the squad’s skilled swordsman, Slash.

One of the more mature members, Slash’s reputation as a blade master was only surpassed by his humbleness. He only spoke when absolutely necessary, and always provided something useful to contribute. The blades that hung on his side, sheathed, made no sound for each step Slash took. His light feet made it seem like he glided across the room, as Slash made his way to a chair on the left side of the dining table in the room. He stood up again and walked to the bar. Grabbing and filling a tea kettle with water, he proceeded to brew some black tea for the rest. The door flew open, with a loud crash, and the good Doctor walked in.

Doctor Holocaust, though not really a doctor, was not only the squad’s sniper, but also one of the inventors. His literate mind had won him many praises by the surviving members of the city. Like Onikain, he created some of the powerful weaponry that had become the stuff of legends in the city. These included the Jungle Girl fan fiction and Behavioral Training. His weapons, a rapier and a bolt-action rifle, was all he needed to survive in the battlefield. As a sniper, he had silent but rapid footsteps that led him to the sofa, where he sat next to Arsonist, staring curiously at what it was typing.

Soon, the other members began to pour in. One of the members, Ili, carried DarkFire’s body. However, Onikain’s was nowhere to be found. Arsonist stood up to confront Ili. “Where’s our second body?” It said in its robotic voice. “Onikain’s body was nowhere to be found, and we were under fire. We only have his dogtag. S-sorry, sir. Err, ma‘am. I-I mean.. Um..” Ili studdered. Ili was the squad’s typical new guy. Having gained his Regular citizenship just before the War started, Ili was often linked with conspiracy theories of Lurker spies in Regular territory. As a result, he wasn’t very well-liked by most of the squad. Those who didn’t see him that way, however, knew he was a valuable member of the team. Slinging his standard-issue rifle M16 to his back, Ili proceeded to bring the body to the table.

Carrying DarkFire’s rifle, along with his own, was Primarch Corax. Being the close-quarters combatant in the group, PC was one of the more extreme members. He faced things head-on, and feared no one. A custom S.P.A.S. assault shotgun with double barrels, bowie knives, butterfly knives, switchblades, and combat knives all decorated his uniform. Defiant until the last breath he would draw, everybody in the squad could tell that if PC were to die in the war, it would be one hell of a flashy end.

Placing DarkFire’s rifle on the owner’s body, he took a seat next to Momiji. “Helluva kill I got today, didn’t I? I think you owe me a drink for that,” he nudged Momiji. “You get a drink when we get a better bartender,” Momiji snapped back.

It was true though. The war had caused the evacuation of most members except the Lurkers and Regulars. Those who stayed behind were known as ex-Lurkers. They weren‘t exactly ready to get involved in an all-out civil war, however, and didn’t seem to favor either side in general. Momiji shrugged, and grabbed a bottle behind the counter. Handing it to PC, he walked over to DarkFire’s body. “Ah hell. Do you think we should burn his body or something? What do you think he would want?” he said rudely. In response, several members glared at him. “Alright, alright. It was uncalled for, but still. What do we do with his body? And what happened to Onikain’s body?”

“Ili forgot it,”
“Freakin’ Lurker can’t do anything right,”
“We should kill him here and now,”
“That’s what I’m talking about!”

“ENOUGH!” Arsonist’s Vader voice boomed. “Do you think killed another comrade is going to bring Dark back to life?!” The others sighed and bowed their heads in apology to Ili grudgingly. Though they knew that Arsonist was not a Moderator, they knew that it was still one of the few that could keep control over all the members. Not only was it known as one of the most responsible members in the city, but was also the most powerful and influential non-Moderators. Favored by the Administrators and respected by the Regulars, Arsonist was needed for the war to turn the tides in favor of the Regulars. “Now, we just lost DarkFire and Onikain’s body location is still unknown. First thing to do is figure out how we‘re going to continue this rebellion without a leader now,”

As if in complete harmony, several Regulars immediately responded, “You lead us then!” Taking its helmet off just enough to catch a glimpse of its neck, it revealed its blonde hair. “You guys are crazy,” it said, scratching its head. It removed its mask completely now, which prompted nearly all the Regulars to lean in closely to see its face. Unfortunately for them, Arsonist slipped it back on almost as suddenly as it took it off. “Got a little itchy in there, but it’s good now. Anyway, I can’t just ‘lead’ you guys. I’m not qualified to. I didn’t finish my squad leader training,”

“And when has that stopped you from doing something drastic before?” Slash asked, lifting the whistling kettle off the stove and pouring a cup for himself. Arsonist sighed, and paced around the room, mentally debating on its decision.

“Well then.. I guess as my first order of business, we give DarkFire a proper burial.” It buzzes through its mask. The members smiled and nodded and picked up his body. They took this as a yes. Carrying it upstairs, they bring it into the Forum Jump vehicle. The Forum Jump was a breakthrough of technology, brought by Aika, to serve as a transportation device for easy access through the various parts of the city. Not too many realized its usefulness pre-war, but saw its practicality when it successfully transferred thousands of stolen firearms from the Lurkers back to the tavern.

After stripping him of all of his equipment, they placed him inside and sent him to the Trashcan, where he would be buried appropriately. A brief moment of silence later, the remaining team walk back to the tavern and rest, reloading their guns, stocking up on ammo, taking naps, and chatting with each other.

However, Momiji sat nervously. DarkFire had Onikain’s dogtag, but was nowhere near anything that resembled Onikain’s body. And he also knew that DarkFire wasn’t stupid enough to just take Onikain’s dogtag. He would take as much equipment as he could and escape. Finally, DarkFire couldn’t have been defeated by some giant halberd impaling him. Any moron could sidestep and get away from a twelve foot long pointed stick being hurled at them from pretty much anywhere. Granted, he was a moron, but he at least knew how to fight. Something was wrong, and he promised that he would be the one that found out…
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 3 and 4

After the crowd had settled down, Momiji went back to pondering upon the unanswered questions surrounding DarkFire and Onikain. Where the hell did Onikain go? And why did DarkFire die so easily? His mind kept thinking up one bizarre theory after another. Finally, the only remotely believable theory stuck to his mind: What if Onikain was the one that killed him? Was he the traitor to the squad? It would definitely explain his disappearance. And it would also explain DarkFire’s easily avoidable death. Only a violent tremor shook him out of thought, as well as his seat. Glass bottles, mugs, and tables fell over as an earthquake shook the entire tavern. Momiji sprinted outside to see what could have caused it.

He definitely hadn’t expected what would happen next. The Trolls, who were minions of the Lurkers, were storming the Pointless Play By Post arenas. In the Pre-War days, these arenas would allow Regulars and Lurkers alike to meet with each other and actually conversed. But Aika’s death had broken all ties the Lurkers had with the Regulars. Now, like many other areas, the arenas have become a battleground for control.

The Trolls were disfigured abominations that plagued the land. Whether or not they chose to have the operation to transform into one or if it was forced upon them was up for debate, but it was useless information when it came to facing them in battle. The Trolls moved similarly to that of a gorilla, and adapted many other gorilla-like features such as relentless fighting and bulky bodies. They resembled crazed humans with disfigured faces, similar to that of a drunkard’s. Their large strength was thankfully countered by their extremely low intelligence. Unable to comprehend the most simple of thoughts, they usually took orders by those who could prove they were significantly stronger than them. The Regulars’ scientists believe that these changes in a member were actually extreme alterations to one’s genetics, and that all members Regular or Lurker, could turn into one. Lurkers, however, showed signs of succumbing to these changes much faster. Most of the time Trolls are found in packs of two or three, but today was different.

The monsters, obviously celebrating the blow they had dealt to the Regulars, had begun to storm the boards. Momiji ran outside to find out what was happening. Arsonist ran outside as well, flamethrower ready for use. The two gazed upon the surprisingly well-organized attack formations the Trolls were moving in. “We can’t let them capture this place too! Round up the troops and meet me at the PBP arenas!” Hissed Arsonist through his mask. It began to sprint at full speed, despite carrying a huge flamethrower. After watching it disappear over the horizon, Momiji rushed inside to report.

“Lock and load people! We got major trouble! Let’s go!” He said, grabbing his M16 from off the counter. The rest of the squad immediately jolted awake and grabbed their weapons. Thankfully, the arenas were closer to their tavern than most other districts, so they could easily take the footpath and make it there posthaste.

Meeting up with Arsonist, the squad crouched behind various pieces of rubble. “Chibi,” Arsonist said. “See if you can’t take the ones up ahead,” Nodding in agreement, Chibi took out her high-powered bow, locked onto many Trolls and let go of the tightly-wound sling. Soaring through the air was her titanium arrows, who found themselves lodged into Lurker skulls.

Chibi was one of the few Regulars in the forum still alive that was noted for being one of the even fewer females that roamed the place. Unlike most of the Regulars, who could care less about what happened to someone else, she actually showed a great deal of compassion and heart, especially towards her fellow Regulars. Being a whimsical and high dreamer, Chibi is often the one most people enjoyed talking to. Her imaginative mind also gave her a more broad sense of thinking. However, she always saw archery as the pinnacle of ranged weapon technology, seeing guns as a waste of time. Specializing in bows and crossbows, Chibi was the squad’s second sniper, but was more often the one sent in covert missions, as she had no need to carry huge weapons and made zero noise.

Arsonist signaled for Bob next. Along with Lucas, Bob was known as one of the most deranged members in the squad. He was often the one being sent to the front lines to deal with the enemies when the main point was to slaughter. Most probably clinically insane, he had yet to turn down any of those orders. Even more confusing what that his main firearm was, for some unknown reason, an FN F2000, which was a rifle mostly used in covert missions and stealth tactics. Despite all of this, Bob was still the prime example of the perfect solider, literally laughing in the face of danger. His position as Squad infantry proved that soldiers in the front lines were not just cannon fodder.

Bob ripped his F2000 out of its back holster and tore through the remaining trolls in the area. As body by body dropped to the floor, Bob walked up to one of the Lurker bodies and held his head up. Stretching his arm out and making, he punched the back of its skull, spraying blood on his sleeves. He struggled once or twice, making a wincing face now and then, and tore the brain out, mostly intact. Blood was pouring down his arm and working its way to the rest of his body as Bob held the brain up high in triumph. The other members squinted or winced at the sight, obviously disgusted by this act. He pulled a shot glass out next and began to pinch pieces of the brain off, sprinkling it into the glass. In a short moment, the glass was filled, and the brain was in a sloppy and ruined mess. He took a custom made bottle cap and fit it over the glass.

“What the hell, Bob… Seriously, that’s sick,” Momiji commented. Bob turned to him and said, “I think I need a trophy for every ‘shot’ I make in the ‘head’,” Momiji groaned at his “clever” pun, and decided he should probably stop talking to Bob for a while.

The team continued forward, slowly clearing out the threads one by one. As they reached the final arena, Arsonist noticed its flamethrower was beginning to run out of fuel. Fumbling with the fuel container for a new one, the other members noticed it began to move sluggishly as it dragged its now shaking hands. Arsonist could feel underneath its mask that it was sweating waterfalls. Soon, its hands began to jerk violently.

“No… Not now… It’s not time yet! It’s shouldn’t be affecting me NOW!” Arsonist said in a panicking voice. By now, the other members were getting worried. They promptly moved themselves and Arsonist into safe cover. “I was planning on tell you tonight but…” It whispered softly in a pained voice. The others listen intensely.

“I’ve read up on ancient spells and rituals to try to find ways to bring Aika back to life, or maybe kill Supermeme. However, the only thing useful I found so far was just too tempting to not try. Right now, I’m most probably in the step where my energy and power is drained, meaning-” It’s voice cut off quickly, gasping heavily for air. “Meaning I can’t fight… I shall be able to function normally, but…. there is no chance of my survivial…. in the battlefield if I am… to continue to fight…. However… Should it work.. I‘ll apparently get some… enhanced skills….. Just think of it... As a full body makeover..." It crackled through the mask. It slumped on a wall, leaning greatly on the flamethrower nozzle for support.

Immediately, the listening members caught Arsonist as it stumbled back and forth. “You’re getting out of here, and that‘s final.” Momiji said, helping it back to its feet. The others nod solemnly. “You guys take Arsonist back to base. The rest of us’ll finish up this mission,” Momiji continued. Primarch and a few others stood behind Momiji as they watched the other Regulars carry Arsonist and quickly made their way over the horizon, disappearing from sight.
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 5

Almost instinctively, the members that remained immediately pushed their thoughts of Arsonist behind. Momiji and Primarch, once again, teamed up to continue the mission. However, they now had backup from Slash, Bob, and two others, who chose to stay behind stayed behind. The first one was Rule 34. A no-nonsense person, Rule gave shit, but would never take any from anybody. The only one who believed that ammo conservation was much better than the trigger-happy idiots that were in the squad, Rule was also the only one who could pack as lightly as he wanted and still slaughter hundreds with ease, wielding a mere hatchet and a Desert Eagle. His keen eyesight and immense agility secured his spot as the Squad scout.

Without a single word, Rule swiftly moved ahead to survey the area. “Wait, where are yo-” Momiji began to say, before Primarch quickly interrupted him. “Don’t bother him. Breaking his concentration leads to some pretty nasty stuff,” He whispered to Momiji‘s ear. A few moments later, Rule came dropping down from the roof of a nearby building, and said in a deep voice, “Lone lurker in sight. No protection at first glance,” Immediately, Momiji rushed to the next area, but a single hand grabbed his shoulder and halted him from moving any closer.

MMK, the other Regular who stayed behind, twisted his body, still holding Momiji, and threw him into a wall. “What the hell do you think your doing?” He said angrily, glaring at Momiji. “We need to think rationally, not like a child!”

MMK was known for being more of the quiet observer in the squad. Though not as invisible as Slash, he was usually found in the corner of the room, sitting quietly. He pulled his two pistols, a pair of Browning 9MMs, and played with them, twirling them around with his fingers. “If anything, we should flank the guy first, starting with Bob. If the guy’s truly is unarmed, we’ll take him prisoner instead. However if he concealed a weapon that Rule couldn’t se-”
“I ALWAYS see the weapon, MMK,” Rule interrupts,

“I know but I’m just saying that if you…”
“I do NOT make bad oberservations,”
“I never said that! You’re putting words in my mou-”
“And you’re saying I can’t do my job right!”

“Nutella is absolutely delicious!” Bob said spontaneously. The two men stared stopped their squabble to give Bob a confused look before they looked back at each other and continued.

“If you got something to say about me, then say it!”
“You need to stick to your own damn job and not worry about what I do!”
“You are a total fuc-”
“You guys need to stop talking if you want to get the job done,” Slash shouted only loud enough for the two of them to hear over their bickering. He rubbed his temples to show his disappointment. The two exchanged dirty looks, then glared at Slash, who was nowhere near interested in what they had to say about him. As the two continued to bicker while Slash tried to calm them down, another earthquake silenced them all. This time, it wasn’t a storm of Trolls, but an explosion.
The men stared wide-eyed as the Statue of LineMarvel began to collapse. The flames on the monument engulfed trolls that were apparently crawling on it. Originally designed by DarkFire, the Statue of LineMarvel was constructed by the Regulars in an attempt to call out to their god, LineMarvel, in hopes of having their prayers answered. Though it never happened, the statue remained in the background of the city, but always gave others hope when one would gaze upon it.
The flaming metal from the explosion began to rain on the men, as well as many other sections of the city. Rule, taking the chance to watch the Lurker while it was distracted, and MMK, who planned out the idea that the raining metal would allow them the time to take the Lurker prisoner, immediately said to the rest of the group in unison, “WE NEED TO TAKE HIM DOWN NOW!”
Bob, who had already left the group, had already tackled the Lurker. Shoving the barrel of the gun into its ass, he begins to beat the Lurker with his shoe. The rest of the group restrain him, then train their firearms to the Lurker, who slowly rises, with a look of grimace.
“Pironious…” Primarch says, grabbing him by the shoulder, “You’re one of the Ex-Lurkers, aren’t you?” Pushing his SPAS-12 into Pironious’s back, he makes him walk.
“What the hell are we waiting for? Just kill him and let’s keep going!” Rule says to Primarch.
“He’s an Ex-Lurker. We only do that to Lurkers. We don’t know whether or not he could be useful,”
“Listen to the man,” Pironious suddenly pipes up. “Can’t you pull the trigger on me? The other guy didn’t have the guts to slit my throat when he was here, so why can’t you?”
Momiji’s eyes light up. Grabbing him by the collar, he holds up his M16 to Pironious’s chin, “Who the hell are you talking about?”
Grinning that he found a sensitive spot, Pironious changes the topic purposefully. “I’m unarmed, just so you kn-” He tries to say before getting hit in the chest by Momiji’s rifle stock. Groaning in pain, Pironious kneels down. But before they can continue their interrogation, flaming rubble begins to aim at them. Picking up Pironious, they restrict him of any movement and begin dodging the falling debris. Soon the metal and rock surround them, and they have nowhere else to turn. “We’re trapped!” Momiji shouts. As if some prayer was answered, a shadow is seen and a huge part of the statue gives away, landing next to them and allowing the group to climb and escape.
As the embers continue to fall, the others are almost there, but only to be ambushed by more Lurkers. “Now?” Rule says impatiently. “Now,” Primarch responds.
Immediately, Rule’s hatchet flies through the air and cracks a lurker’s skull into two. The two squads open fire at each other. Bob moves in closer and is shot several times, but it doesn’t seem to faze him. As soon as he gets close enough to actually touch them, Bob knees two of them in the balls and laughs at them. Meanwhile, MMK pulls the broadsword from his back and, holding it with one hand and handgun in another, leaps into the air. He decapitates the injured and emasculated lurker with his sword while shooting another in the head.
Primarch takes cover behind a pillar closest to the Lurkers and begins whittling their cover down with his SPAS-12. Noticing a Troll try to run at his team, he shoot it in the legs, handicapping it. It is then quickly torn apart by both sides of the groups’ bullets. Slash, however, is nowhere to be found. As the gunfire stops and the squad emerges, Momiji notes, “Where the hell did Slash go?”
On the other side of the road, Slash stealthily shoves his claymore through an unsuspecting Lurker’s back, silently killing it. Sheathing that sword, he pulls out a katana and proceeds to impale another in the head. When he pulls it out, he does a 360 and horizontally slashes the Lurker’s standing body, knocking it down. Dashing to cover, he holds the sword with both hands now. Lowering the sword down to his hands, and so that his arms are stretching downward, blade to the front of him, Slash rushes into the next one, jumping into the air and tackling it to the ground, with sword in its throat.
Arriving back to the group, with blood splattered all over him, Slash sheathes his blade and silently stays in the back. Momiji, immediately seeing him, tosses one of his grenades into the Lurkers, who scramble to try to throw it back. The only thing they succeed in doing is getting their arms blown off. Primarch, who takes the grenade as a chance, fires with both barrels at the screaming Lurkers. Their heads splatter fantastically into their covers, leaving their still warm bodies in a pool of blood. Rule moves close enough to retrieve his hatchet and maneuvers his way to a Lurker. Swinging the hatchet upward, the blade catches the Lurker in the abdomen, making it bleed in the mouth. Lifting his polished Desert Eagle to the Lurker’s chin, he pulls the trigger and causes what little of the brains are left in a Lurker to explode instantly.
Taking a deep breath, the members grabs Pironious, who was unable to move in fear of getting hailed with bullets like the other Lurkers, and arrive at the tavern.
Meanwhile, sitting on rooftop of a building is a shadowed figure. Twirling his blade in one hand, he tosses up and down a dogtag up and down in the other, letting the jingle ring through the eerie silence of the evening. Putting on the dogtag, he pulls out a photo. A picture of DarkFire and him drinking. Letting a smile out, he puts it back into his pocket and lays on his back, slowly letting himself drift to sleep.
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 6

Breathing heavily through its ninja mask, Nunu sprinted through the city hall in a desperate attempt to deliver a message to the survivors. Raising its knife, it threw it at one of its pursuers, taking it down easily. I need to get to the tavern NOW! Nunu’s mind screamed as its lungs burned for oxygen. It was clear its body was starting to get tired, but still it pushed on. Like Arsonist, Nunu was also an unknown gender, and shared many qualities Arsonist had as well. The two traits every member noticed was that both had stirred quite a lot of attention with their unknown genders, and both were also known for their unsurpassable information gathering skills. Each of them had found many pieces of history of each member they felt they wanted to learn about. However, Nunu was the more aggressive one. Unlike Arsonist, Nunu was capable of putting other people’s feelings behind in order to get what it wanted. Therefore, people tended to stay closer to Arsonist more, as Nunu was dangerous to have an enemy as, and even posed a threat as a friend. Those who stuck by it were subjected to usual playful torment, such as bullet-dodging and fistfights. Rumor had it that Antithetical Inquiry was one of the few people in the city that knew of Nunu’s gender.
Unsheathing its Dotanuki, Nunu swept through the incoming trolls with ease. Its blade was designed to slice through the human body with relative ease, but was very thick to carry. Therefore most undisciplined people were unable to wield it properly. Nunu, however, had already trained its body to the extremes in order to become a functional Moderator. It was known that his status as Moderator only increased its power tenfold, and it was even rumored it may have wielded the fabled Ban Hammer. However, such rumors were never confirmed.
Sinking as low into the ground as it could without losing speed, Nunu made itself seem invisible if one were not looking carefully. Therefore, it was able to sneak through the Lurker defenses easily, killing only when needed. As it nearly reached the Regular’s side of the town, it began to relax and slow down. This proved to be a grave mistake on its part, as it did not notice a tripwire on the ground.
Almost immediately, Nunu slid on the floor, and landed in an alley, dazed. As it began to stand and check for injuries, Nunu was surrounded by Trolls everywhere. Readying its weapon, Nunu glared with a hint of bloodshed in its eye. However in Lurker territory, anything was possible. The wall behind it opened, and out came fifteen Trolls, who immediately grabbed its arms. As Nunu registered what was happening to it, four more grabbed its two ankles and lifted it off the ground. Its weapon fell to the floor. Soon more and more Trolls subdued Nunu until finally it could no longer move. Struggling to get out, Nunu was only able to shake the paper message out of its pocket before being dragged into the hole. Closing its eyes shut tightly, Nunu had no idea what to expect as the wall closed in front of it.
Meanwhile, the party had died down as Doctor Holocaust held his fan fiction up in triumph. With it in his possession, his eyes became more focused and his body more physically built. His voiced carried a deeper tone and his eyes changed from a happy-go-lucky attitude to a confident, but friendly look.
Slash, not joining the party in order to make sure Arsonist was alright, shifted his blades around their sheathes, while watching Arsonist rest. Though it did not seem like it, Slash and Arsonist shared a bond beyond that of simple comrades. They always had each other's back in a fight and would always stand by each other’s side. Some say that if Arsonist was a female, Slash might have even married Arsonist, but seeing as how no one was certain of Arsonist’s gender, they couldn’t say. Even more rumors even indicated that they would have wed despite gender.
Because of the bond Arsonist shared with Chibi as well, the three of them also made up the most devastating trio of fighters, with Chibi being the long range fighter, Arsonist being the heavy weaponry, and Slash being the closer quarters combatant. When Onikain and DarkFire were leading the squad, it was said that they sent the three to over nine thousand missions, each and every one a success. And with all of each other being skilled in a certain area, obviously the three taught each other a thing or two about their weapons.
As Arsonist laid in bed, breathing through his gas mask, which never left its face, Slash stood by his bed, meditating. Though the two seemed to be silent and nothing was happening, they actually had such a powerful bond, they almost had a form of telepathy. Then out of nowhere, Arsonist spoke up. “Slash,” it whispered. “Hm?” was Slash’s reply.
“Maybe you should go down to the party. It’s not like the Lurkers are going to come in any time soon. They still need to recover for their los-”
“You are out of commission, and you being the new leader and my comrade, I will take every moment I can to guard you. So help me if a single lurker sets foot near this room,” Slash grips his sword tightly, almost tight enough to hear the wood of the sheath start to crack.
Arsonist chuckles at his valor and responds, “Well we may as well do something productive at least,”
“Like what?”
“Bring that laptop over here, Slash,”
“This one?”
“That’s the one,”
“What are you trying to do?”
For a few moments, Slash watches in silence as Arsonist works its fingers all over the keyboard. Then, he turns the screen to face his friend. Lines of codes and blinking dots filled the screen.

“See this?”
“I do. Care to explain?”
“Before the spell got to its next stage, I was able to place a couple trackers on the bodies of the Lurkers. You ever notice how all their bodies seem to disappear, and yet our comrades seem to just lay there?’
“I guess, but what are you getting at?”
Arsonist turns the screen back to it and begins working again.
“Well obviously, the bodies either decay faster than anything on the planet, or they’re being taken somewhere…. There! I found the place!”
He points to his screen, where a lone blue dot is blinking.
“This isn’t good, though. Blue dots indicate OUR squad. That means someone is out there, either prisoner or dead,”
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 5 (con.)

Nunu slowly rose from its sleep. Blinking a couple times to adjust its eyes to the darkness that surrounded it, Nunu concluded that it must have been knocked out. Attempting to rise, it felt tremendous pressure on its back and limbs. “What the…” it mutters, before hearing a low chuckling.
Reaching for its sword, it realizes it wasn’t there, and its arms hurt from moving so fast. “You must be a new prisoner, my friend,” the lone voice said. Immediately, the surroundings seem to come into place. Nunu was in a cell, with somebody else. “Well now,” the voice continues, the sound echoing through the dank and long hallway. If the place wasn’t in a city, one might even find stalactites in there. “I may as well introduce myself, seeing as we’ll have to live with each other forever,” a shadow walks into what little light there is.
“My name is Ryu. From the looks of it, you must be Nunu, the genderless ninja,” Ryu declares.
“That would be correct, but how would you know that? Am I really that-”
“Famous?” Ryu finishes. “My friend, you’ve slaughtered countless numbers of my brothers. Your name strikes terror into our hearts. Had we not filled our air with the gas that weakened a Regular’s body, we most probably wouldn’t have caught you either,”
“Why do you continue to say ‘we’? And what do you mean ‘gas’?” Nunu asks in confusion. Having just woken up, nothing was making sense right now.
“I.. Am an Ex-Lurker, Nunu. However, Ex-Lurkers that lurk in the parts of Lurker territory are considered traitors, even though we have done nothing. Before, I was one of the Lurker’s leading captains. You may recall the recent attack we had on you? I believe we killed many of your leaders that day. It was under my leadership that it was possible,” Ryu replies.
“As for the gas, we Lurkers breathe a special type of air that Regulars cannot seem to inhale. We call it ‘SPAM” or Silently Potent Air Molecule. This air is called Silently Potent because of how well it seeps into a Regular’s skin, lungs, and stomach. The Regular never feels a thing when it first enters,” he continues, “By the time one realizes he or she has been infected with SPAM, they’re bodies will be rendered useless. That is why you had such difficulty struggling out,”
“Is it infecting me right now?” Nunu asks.
“Not anymore. We only release the noxious gas in order to capture those in our territory. Contrary to belief, it’s actually quite hard to produce SPAM,” the prisoner replies.
“If you were such a great captain, why are you here?” Nunu immediately asks next.
“Don’t you think you’re asking too many questions for one day?”
In response, Nunu simply gives Ryu a cold glare.
“Very well… In a short summary, I was basically found guilty of impersonating Lurkers, though really it was them that hired me, and was thrown in here. There’s no coming out of here, my friend. We may as well enjoy each other’s company while we still can,”
As if on cue, the prison doors swung open, and a huge burly wall of muscle began to walk down the corridors.
“The warden!” Ryu whispered. “He’s come to torture us! Do not ever give in! They will never cease if you do!”
Their cell door opens with loud creaks and the warden grabs Ryu by the neck, dragging him out. The warden, being at least seven and a half feet tall ( I think it’s about 2 meters in metric?) and being made of solid muscle, easily overpowers Ryu as he squeezes the breath out of his prisoner. “Gkkch… Guccchh… Gchhhuh…” Ryu chokes out as his legs swing freely, trying to find ground. Nunu, being accustomed to the shadows, crouches and remains hidden. Even Ryu was not sure where he went from the quick survey he made as he is held at the mercy of the prisoner.
Throwing him violently to the floor, the warden tightly grabs Ryu’s limp legs and drags him out of the cell. At the last moment, Ryu sees Nunu and whispers, “Stay strong… If they break you, you lose….” before disappearing down the hall. A moment of silence later, horrible screaming filled Nunu’s heart with terror.
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 8

The shadow quickly bounced from building to building, holding its sheathed blade near its waist. Landing on a particular building, it finds the hole it was told about earlier. It unhooks one of its fragmentation grenades it keeps and tosses it into the hole and proceeds to dive to the floor. The explosion shakes the ground a little, but its armor protects it from any major damage. It’s armor was unlike the Regular’s armor.
While infiltrating a Lurker base, it had come across this set of armor, which was known as a prototype all-purpose flexible armor. It’s incredible amount of easy-access pockets allowed not only useful gadgets, but even allowed delicate items like data sticks to stay in place with ease. The material was a woven together combination of Kevlar and heavy materials like steel and titanium. This was added with bits and pieces of diamond to ensure complete protection. But the main point of the suit was to give maximum protection without sacrificing weight and detection. Therefore, the suits was given the right amount of the combination to ensure it was only enough to feel like one was submerged underwater. It was also woven with flexible materials to ensure maximum movement. It fits tightly on the person’s body and is very sleek. Colored jet black normally for hiding in shadows, the suit also has an integrated computer system to allow the wearer to adjust, though slightly, how tinted or toned the suit’s color is.
Immediately after the shaking stopped, the shadow swooped inside the building, taking out any survivors inside. With an Irish claymore, the shadow cuts through the defenses. Rushing through the next room, it is surrounded by armed Lurkers. Each of them point their guns at the shadow, who simply smiles. The shadow reached for its last grenade, pulled its pin, tossed it into the center of the Lurkers, and climbed the wall to the safety of a shelf. This time, every Lurker was killed. Leaping back down to the ground, the shadow takes its slow steps to its goal.
On , the shadow slowly sticks its hand out to grasp its well-deserved prize. Though everything was shrouded in darkness, it could still make out clearly what it was it was holding. Lifting it up, it claimed the item it so long desired: A certain Steyr AUG that was painted red from the blood of thousands of dead Lurkers. “It worked for him, maybe it’ll work for me…” he said, as it slipped into the darkness with a new suit and rifle.
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Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 9

With the help of Slash and Chibi, Arsonist set up an entire computer system in the room it was resting in. The walls hung computer screens the size of a regular flat screen television, with larger keyboards to compliment it. With all the raided items they found from the ever-growing Lurkers, the Regulars had the potential to create a base that could rival the Lurkers’. Laying on the bed, Arsonist stared with satisfaction as they had just finished a job well done. Grabbing onto Slash and Chibi’s arms, it hoisted itself up and slowly made its way to one of the computers. It’s fingers were moving much slower than it usually could, so the two could see what Arsonist was typing. “S…C..A…N..N..I…N..G…F..O..R…L..I..F..E-” Quickly, Chibi got Arsonist out of the chair and finished the sentence. “-FORMS IN IMMEDIATE VICINITY : REGISTERED REGULARS AND EX LURKERS ONLY” Pressing enter, the screen immediately comes up with a grid map of the city, with yellow and blue blinking dots. Thirteen yellow dots were blinking in the middle. “So that’s us?” Chibi asks, pointing the yellow dots. Slash slowly raises his hand and pushes Chibi’s finger back down. “No fingerprints on the computer screen, if you please,” he says politely. Arsonist, ignoring the fingerprints, says, “That’s correct. Yellow shows Regulars, while blue shows Ex-Lurkers. Notice the lone blue dot inside all the yellow ones. That’s Rapture,” He scrolls around to look for more Regulars. A red dot is blinking rapidly somewhere near the Roleplay boards. “That was where that signal came from earlier. The weird thing is that it’s in an alleyway, but not moving. If the person were dead, then it wouldn’t show up on the screen at all,”
Scrolling northeast of it, Arsonist begins to close in on The Blank Page boards, where the shadow was camping out for the night.
Meanwhile, the shadow is tinkering with something on its left leg. Its hands are grabbing tightly onto something, but what it was uncertain.
Arsonist began to scan through the parts of the city, from Labyrinth of Lust to Behavioral Training. It is only two threads away from the shadow.
In a shout of anger, the shadow screams and rips out a microchip-shaded object. Gasping for air, it begins to study the object.
Finally, Arsonist scrolls into the thread with women in it.
The shadow crushes the microchip, deeming it useless.
Arsonist sees the blip of a Regular disappear. Staring in horror, it stands up and, using Chibi and Slash as crutches, rushes downstair. The Regulars there were fooling around, training, or sleeping. Feeling its chin for the knob, Arsonist turns the volume of the gas mask to max and shouts out, “WE GOT A 404 IN THE BLANK PAGE! LOCK AND LOAD PEOPLE!”
Slash and Chibi immediately let go of it by mistake, making Arsonist tumble down the stairs. As they reach to pick up their mistake, Arsonist shakes its head and says, “Hurry up and get out!”
Momiji was a little uneasy as the squad drove to The Blank Page. This mission felt different. They were checking to see if a Regular was still alive. Did the person die? Did they get captured? What happened? Primarch, noticing Momiji in deep thought, removes the headphones of his music play and nudges Momiji, whispering, “Usually by now, you would be singing some obnoxious infinite loop song by now. What’s wrong?”
“I don’t like this mission, is all. It ma-”
“You? Not liking missions? Stop psyching me out, or I’M not going to like this mission,” he interrupts, putting his headphones on.
“Asswipe…” Momiji mutters.
The car arrives at the board and drops the squad off. Immediately the teams divide themselves into groups of four. Momiji, Primarch, Ili, and Lucas took point. Noticing that this was probably the first time Lucas has been in their group when splitting up, Momiji walks up to confront him. “Hey man, you alright with this group or do you want to be in another?”
The only response he gets is a gurgle in Lucas’s stomach. “Er… Okay…” he says, backing away. He then notices Ili, the Regular everybody believed was really a Lurker. Momiji was one of them. “Listen up, maggot. We need to find a friend of ours, so don’t fuck this up. Otherwise consider yourself ‘banned’,” he threatens. Ili, not one to be shaken easily, simply shrugs him off. Shuffling his various pistols that he carried, Ili quietly checked his ammo and got ready. Lucas, on the other hand, was not so prepared. Instead of making sure he was prepared, he decided to chase a butterfly. As Lucas disappeared, the others face palmed. “We’re going to need backup…” Primarch says.
Meanwhile, the shadow packs its equipment and leaps off the building it rested on. As it reaches four stories before ground level, it immediately curves its dive, allowing the wind to push it closer to the building. It slows its speed down by placing its feet on the building whilst reaching for the pole that protruded on the side. As soon as it got close enough and slow enough, it leaped gracefully and successfully grabbed onto it. Dropping down, the shadow immediately runs to find its next goal.
The sun begins to set as Momiji’s crew silently searches the places. The evening sunset slowly increases the suspension for them. With Lucas still gone, they almost feel like worried mothers. Shuffling his SPAS-12 in his arm, Primarch let’s out a slight yawn, surprising everybody. As they pass an alleyway, they stare in horror at the body of a Lurker. Though they could not distinguish who it was, they were certain it was a female, for her body was dripping with cum along with her bountiful breasts were unrestricted by clothing.
“They would do this to their own kind?” Ili says in disgust. “You should know, shouldn’t you Lurker?” Momiji angrily snaps back. Primarch grabs Momiji’s shoulder and pulls him closer. “Dude, shut up. We don’t need any of that right now. First things first, we should report in,” Momiji grumbles as he watches Primarch pulls out his shoulder radio. “Squad 13, Group C reporting in. We’ve found the body of a female lurker. Body has been shot multiple times and was raped…” he pauses then adds, “It looked pretty hot too,” slight chuckles could be heard in the radio cackles. “Anyway, body seems fresh and the Lurkers seem to like leaving footprints. Permission to check it out?” the radio cackles as Rule 34’s voice comes up, “Roger that. Go ahead Group C,”
The three draw straws and Ili comes up the loser. Sighing in disappointment, Ili scouts ahead to see if the footprints were deliberate. Pulling out his Heckler and Koch USP from its holster, he runs ahead. Momiji and Primarch run slower so that they allow Ili some room. “Momiji,” Primarch begins, “What the hell is wrong with you? He’s part of our team. Now chill the fuck out or we’ll never get out alive,”
“He’s a damn Lurker, Primarch. His kind killed DarkFire and Onikain. We don’t forgive people like that.”
“When the hell was he a part of the Lurkers? From what I remember he was a Regular long before the wars started,”
“Obviously it’s part of the plan, now will you listen to me for once?”
Primarch stops running now and throws Momiji to the ground. “What the hell is going on in that gray slab of meat you call a brain? Have you even considered once that Ili was given a background check on his family, his family’s history, his family’s family’s history, all of his personal information, and no one EVER found a single connection to a Lurker!? He never once conversed with anybody but Regulars! It’s YOUR shallow mind that DarkFire and Onikain died! They both took Ili like a brother an-”
“And WHAT!?” Momiji screams. “They took him in like a brother and they died! Who the hell do you think you ar-”
Their argument gets cut short by ten pistol shots. Though a begrudging feeling followed them, the two ran to investigate. Holding their respective guns to their shoulders, they cautiously walk into where they believe the gunshots came from. Ili comes out of the alleyway, with blood splattered on him. Both of them look in shock as Ili simply slides his HK USP into his holster. “What happened!?” Primarch asks.
“Well it started off with these Lurkers trying to ambush me, and it ended with them losing,” he says with a little sarcastic tone in his voice.
“And you’re bloody because…?” Momiji asks.
“I went a little overboard,” Ili responds, scratching his head. It was indeed true. When the two went to look at the bodies, they saw pistol whip wounds all over their faces, a bullet in each arm that was holding guns, and the ammo already looted.
“Jesus… That might have even beaten Slash’s body kill to loot time,” Momiji says in amazement.
“Well Momiji… What do you have to sa-” Primarch begins, but soon cuts off as he feels the barrel of a rifle on his head. Dropping his weapon, he raises his hands. Soon the other two feel them and do the same.
The Lurker troops encircle them as they lead them out of the alleyway. One of them reaches for Ili’s arm and studies it, with no objections from Ili. “I could have sworn he looked Lurker to me!” The trooper says. “Same here!” Another one shouts. Others begin nodding in agreement. Letting go of the hand, Ili rubs his wrist to comfort it; the trooper had a grip that cut off his circulation. The three Regulars began to walk away, when one of the Lurkers that had a barrel to Momiji’s head dropped dead. Immediately, Momiji delivers a right hook to the one to his left, breaking the Lurker’s nose. As the others began to prepare to open fire, Ili bent his back to a ninety degree angle and ran to the side of a Lurker. Out of nowhere, his knee shoots out and hits the Lurker in the solar plexus, and most probably rupturing its kidneys. Primarch took this chance to disarm his own captor. Bending down to the point of crouching, he shoots up and somersaults in the air, planting a heel into the Lurker’s skull. Not only did the kick break the Lurker’s skull, it also shot the rifle out of its hand, misfired, and killed another. As the three scrambled to get their guns, the rest of the Lurkers had already gotten ready. The entire squadron of Lurkers tackled them to the ground, subduing them all.
As they struggled to shake them off, the Lurkers delivered punch after punch to their body, fatiguing them badly. Momiji’s breath grew short as he felt his eyes sealing shut. As all hope seemed lost, very heavy gunshots were heard and blood began to drip on the three’s clothing and faces. Pushing the obviously very dead bodies off, Primarch tries to wipe the blood off his face, only to smear it on, giving him what looked like war painting. They looked around to see who had just saved them. After a few minutes of searching, they gave up. “The orgy is over!?” Shouted a familiar voice. Looking up, they saw what appeared to be a cardboard box on the roof. The box moved and was tossed at them. As they tried to dodge it Lucas dropped down along with it, holding a M249 PARA Machine Gun. “Show-a time!” he shouts in as patriotically a voice as he could muster.
“Lucas.. Where the hell did you get that gun!?” Momiji asked excitedly.
“Well it began with the butterfly. It lead me over to the newspaper stand, who was having a givaway for bubblegum. Or maybe it was peppermint… Chocolate ba-”
“Okay, you know what? Forget I asked.” Momiji said.
As the perfect pair for Bob, Lucas and Bob were the squad’s heavy weapons men. Their ignorant and care-free outer shell hid their love of war perfectly. Lucas was also the more cunning of the two, while Bob was the more skilled between them. They have also earned the reputation of the Military Slaughterer. But when they heard of their name, they immediately wanted the name Uncle Maxwell’s Second Nose and Left Testicle.
Already holding all of their guns, Lucas tosses all three of them into the air, only to land in the wrong hands. After a brief and confusing exchange between guns, the Regulars decided to report back. “Squad 13, this is Group C. We were under attack against enemy forces. We were forced to neutralize them,” Primarch relays into the radio.
“What!? We? Who’s we!? I’m the one who had the gun!” Lucas said.
Slash’s voice crackles through static. “Taking….. Assista-……. Repe-….. Fire, n-….Immediate-……”
The four reload their guns and run together as a combined team.
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 10
DarkFire had been screwing around with his gun again, putting this attachment or that extended clip. Onikain stared in disgust as he piled more and more junk on his gun. “See, why would you ruin such a perfectly good gun with a god damn grenade launcher? You don’t even NEED one! And what the hell…” he points to the end of the barrel, where a small box was located. “Is THAT?”
“That would be a voice recorder,” DarkFire responds gleefully. “See you just point the gun at a faraway target and activate the recorder. The device will then send waves to that direction that capture what noises the person or thing is making and can be played back at an-”
“And you need that WHY?” Onikain immediately responds.
The two walked through the ruins of the News and Announcements board. As soon as news spread of Aika’s death, Lurkers had begun searing for ways everywhere to be able to hack through them. “I still can’t believe Aika actually tried to talk to them…” DarkFire says gloomily, his voice taking a drastic change from carefree to dark. “What the hell did he think he was going to accomplish by talking to god damn Lurkers!?” he said through his gritted teeth. His fists clutched tightly onto his guns and his body begins to shake in anger. “What kind of a fucking moron would even THINK of reasoning with them!?”
Patting DarkFire on the shoulder, Onikain shifted around and lit a fire for the night. The entire forum was in complete disarray and there was no more order left. The regular members had to find shelter from the Lurker attacks immediately, to avoid the risk of being caught, killed, or raped, depending on your gender.
“Damn… I’m getting hungry,” Onikain muttered. Overhearing this, DarkFire slowly puts away the bag of marshmallows he was about to eat. Sitting on a nearby piece of rubble, the two quietly watched the small flames lick the air as it danced playfully. If only our life was as simple as a flame, maybe then we wouldn’t be in such deep shit Onikain thought. He glanced over at DarkFire to see how he was doing, only to find him stuffing himself with marshmallows. Immediately seeing food and him hogging it, Onikain stood up. “What the hell, man!? I thought we were going to look out for each other!”
“We are! You’re looking out for me by letting me eat these and you’re just giving me friendly reminders that we should find you food later!” DarkFire retaliated.
“That’s won’t work this time, Dark! Hand them over! You know I’m starving my ass off over here!”
“Over my dead body!”
“That can be arranged!” Onikain said, then tackled DarkFire to the ground. The marshmallows flew everywhere as Dark hit the ground. Strangling his neck, Onikain relentlessly hit him over the head with a random piece of rock. Thankfully, DarkFire’s hard head was used to brain cell killing, and pushed Onikain off. As the two wrestled each other, the rock Onikain had dropped tripped both of them. As they began to stand, the two saw writing etched on it.
DarkFire picked the stone up and, after getting as much blood of it as possible, the two reading the etchings, which read, “Demon Gir-” And underneath it, “-jin”. Both giving looks at each other, they put out their fire and picked up their weapons. It was time to reclaim what was theirs.
The two sprinted to the Demon Girl boards and saw it infested with Lurkers. “Maybe we should stop,” DarkFire said timidly. “Don’t be a chicken pussy. Just shut up and kill,” Onikain said psychotically. Immediately, the Lurkers were met with a hailstorm of well-fired bullets. Using his grenade launcher, DarkFire cleared out the path easily. “The irony hurts, doesn’t it Onikain!” he shouts over the gunfire. Meanwhile taking out a knife, Onikain crouched and ran to a Lurker, stabbing upwards and catching the Lurker by the abdomen. Turning it around, he used the Lurker’s body as a shield as he fired his and its weapon.
With his shotgun attachment, DarkFire began to hit multiple targets easily. “How useless does this look NOW, Onikain!?” he yells. The two continue their volley of fire until at last the last of them died down. Walking back to DarkFire, Onikain stood next to a barely breathing lurker. Putting his boot on its head, he crushed it. “Overkill much?” his friend said in response.
“Not really,” he said. Searching the body, he found ammo for himself and some poorly written notes of attacks. The letter was addressed to the Lurker, whose name was Lnirth.
“Look at this!” Onikain exclaimed. “They’re planning attacks all over the place! If they succeed at this, they’ll be able to outman, outnumber, and most importantly, kill every Regular here. We have to think of something,”
“Well first we need to get them to safe haven. There has to be a place they can’t touch,” DarkFire responds. The two make their way the Demon Girl Doujin thread. “Now let’s think. Was is one place Lurkers almost never come into? Well the one we want to kill, anyway…”
“There’s the RP boards,” Onikain suggests.
“If they find out we’re there, they’ll easily surround the RP threads and ruin it. Remember that they have one weapon that RP’s despise: Illiteracy,” Dark says, “What about the Useless Post Games sub-boards?”
“That’s were we keep controlled SPAM, Dark. There’s no way in hell we could ever do that. If anything, they’ll storm the place and release the SPAM. Things’ll spiral downhill really bad if that happens,”
The two continued with their suggestions, each one making valid points. The two stopped talking when they reached the towering pages of the Demon Girl Doujin. It’s mighty pages were created by Onikain at the times of peace to celebrate LineMarvel’s gift of Demon Girl. But since then, the Lurkers slowly and slowly gained control over it, continuously harassing Onikain to fulfill their ridiculous requests or to “Hurry the fuck up!”
Reaching their goal, Onikain takes out a pencil. “What the he-” DarkFire begins to say before seeing Onikain creating lines out of thin air with the pencil.
“What the hell!? How are y-”
As DarkFire watched, memorized, Onikain began to draw something. The lines slowly began to form a being, and eventually he saw what is was. A signature. Onikain picked the signature up and placed it onto his creation, the doujin. The earth begins to rumble as the ceiling starts to collapse. Large pieces of rock start falling. DarkFire heads for the exit, but sees Onikain still standing there, holding his hand out.
What the hell is he thinking!? his thoughts scream. The ceiling crumbles fast enough that he now had a decision to make: Get out alive and leave Onikain or stay and hope for the best.
“To hell with heroism!” He shouts, and runs out of the room. As he continues sprinting down the corridor, he realized that, “I FUCKING FORGOT MY GUN! SHIT!” About facing, he sprints even faster into the chamber again, where Onikain was still standing. Ironically, as soon as DarkFire got back in, rocks covered the exit. “Well there goes my exit,” he says sadly. Running back to Onikain, he swipes his gun and, surprisingly, stops cold next to him. Dark lets go of all other thoughts and simply glares at Onikain. Neither one of them budge, and neither one of them say a word. The rocks continue to fall, but never come close to hitting them. But as sudden as the earthquake started, it stopped. The rocks that fell dissolved. The roof, walls, and floor were rebuilt.
Onikain blinks a couple times before turning to DarkFire. “What’re we standing around for? Let’s get the hell out of here!” Deciding not to question anything, Dark simply nods and the two run out of the chamber.
As they reach the outside, Onikain reaches inside his pocket. “Check it out,” he exclaims, pulling out a booklet. “The Demon Girl Doujin,” Now flabbergasted, DarkFire decides to make a point. “Okay… One, where the hell did that come from? Two, why did the room have an earthquake, then repair itself? Three, why were you just standing there. And four, most importantly, do you have copies of that?”
“Alright, let’s see: One, I put the Doujin there. Two, it was just an illusion. Three, showing that you are unafraid of the illusion is how you make it stop. And four, fuck you and find your own,” Onikain responds.
As the two walk out of the chamber, they realize they needed a drink badly. Shooting people dead and having mind-scarring terror had the tendency to do that to people.
The Unofficial LineMarvel Forum Chat Bar used to be the place where people of both sides would speak freely to each other. But like everything else, Aika’s death split that apart. The two opened the door only to be met with barrels in their faces. Their first response was knocking the gun out of the two wielders’ hands, then throwing them over their backs. DarkFire whipped out his Steyr AUG and pointed the shotgun attachment to their faces. Only then did they realize it was merely Designated Arsonist, who was wearing bandages all around its head, and Antithetical Inquiry. Standing down, he lets Onikain help them back up.
“Is that how you treat your friends!?” Arsonist yells in a muffled voice.
“Arsonist, it was our fault for pointing our guns at them in the first place…” Inquiry’s calm and cool voice spoke.
“Really? Because I’m pretty sure we’re here to protect the only secure place in the forums! That means take no chances!” he responds.
Onikain’s eyes widen, while DarkFire’s didn’t do much.
“What do you mean, it’s the only secure area?” Onikain slowly asks.
“Well with Antithetical Inquiry and I as moderators, especially with her being an Administrator, no Lurker can enter as we see fit,” Arsonist explains.
“Why do you care?” Antithetical Inquiry asks. “It’s not like there’s anybody to talk to, unless you want to talk to an impatient me, an idiot…” she points to DarkFire as he tries to climb over the counter, “And a genderless freak, I don’t see much use for this place,”
“Impatient? What are you so impatient about?” DarkFire asks, falling off the counter with a thud.
“Lurkers try to enter and we have to continuously ban them. I haven’t gotten any sleep for four days now!” she shouts, now getting angry at Dark’s stupidity.
Cowering a little, Dark hides behind the counter.
“Well we were thinking that we should rally the remaining Regulars and gather them here. We could create a militia. A resistance. A rebellion. We need to keep our heads high and our minds unclouded. Pick up arms and join as brothers against a single common enemy. That by having our combined forces, we can tackle upon the larger enemy at hand. We need to-”
“Get to the goddamn point,” AI interrupts with an annoyed tone.
“Let us use this tavern as a secure base for the remaining Regular,” Onikain says.
Popping out of the counter again, with a mug on his head, DarkFire says, “And if you can, can you use Project Ragnarok to rally the troops?”
Project Ragnarok was the operation in case everything had become hell. The city of LineMarvel would be leveled by faceless gods who curse the very morals the members practiced. It consisted of spiritually connecting one’s self to Antithetical Inquiry’s spirit, who will keep the members alive and move them a new city.
“That… That’s actually a good idea, Dark,” Onikain says.
“I have my moments, I guess,” he says modestly.
“Well we better get started now, shouldn’t we?” AI says.
During her time alive, AI was the second Administrator in the city. It was said that more people feared her than Aika. While Aika was the kind ruler who allowed the citizens to live peacefully, AI was the one who enforced the rules. Her powers have given her great respect amongst the other members, as well as getting several people wet and/or hard from the very thought of a tough-as-nails girl enforcing the law on them.
Days later, every Regular arrives in the chatroom. They are each assigned a squad. A young Momiji, determined to help DarkFire defeat the Lurkers, was assigned Squad 13 with his comrade, Primarch. The members begin going on missions with the sole purpose of taking down the Lurkers. However, they had never properly trained themselves how to fight, and were slowly picked off. Onikain realized this after his squad was nearly annihilated.
Led by AI and DarkFire, the two began to show the remaining members the true way to survive in war. How to wield a gun, hand-to-hand combat, and eventually on graduation day, what position they should take in their squad.
Two weeks later, DarkFire and Onikain joined their two squads for a short time. Their mission was to reclaim the Everything Else board. In those two weeks, the two had studied intensely the position the Lurkers took, where they patrolled, how best to enter, and everything. But they had never found out what it was they had been guarding there all along. A bio-engineered war machine, built for their highness: Supersonic.
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 11

Momiji and his squad moved through the rubble and the ash, dust and what used to be buildings. As they approached the battle, they found a horrible, horrible scene.
Most of Squad 13 was being pinned down by Lurker fire, except for the 2 snipers, who were being dealt with hand to hand by a mysterious Lurker. Momiji squinted, to get a better view of the mysterious figure. It seemed to have a powerful aura about it, and Chibi and The Doc were getting pounded."What the fuck...." PC said. The Lurker seemed to move so fast you couldn't see him, and his arms and his body were completely covered in shadow..evil shadow."Like that black suit shit that Spider-Man tryed to pull off...that movie sucked ass." PC commented.
"Stop talking about movies, we're still a long ways away! Let's get moving, guys! OPEN FIRE!" Momiji shouted. They managed to kill and drive away most of the lurkers, giving the squad a chance to help The good doctor.
"Doc! You're going to be alright, man, trust me. GET ME A JEEP, WE NEED TO GET OUTTA HERE ASAP!! SURRPRESSING FIRE, GODDAMNIT!" The Lurker had thrown Doc away from the fight scene, and Chibi was all alone with no weapons.
"Heheh, what do we have here..?" The mysterious Lurker spoke, and his voice sounded high pitch, like a teenager... Even still, one of his arms began to change into a lazer cannon type weapon. "Just thought I'd warn you first....IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZO-"
The Lurker was cut off by a gunshot, fired by Momiji. His squad had come close enough to fire, and he held a .50 cal Sniper Rifle in his hands."Someone like you doesn't deserve to say a quote like that, Lurker." Momiji put emphasis on the word "Lurker" and fire filled his eyes. "Did you really think that you could kill us all here? Your only one person, against 12!"
"12? Just what happened to your 13th member, Mo-Kun?" The Lurker asked, his eyes turning completely red, with a grin on his face.
"Like scum like you deserves to know. I'll kill you right here!" Momiji jumped off the cliff he was standing on and drew his sword. "I'll make you pay for doing that to Chibi, you bastard."
"Hahaha! Really? Well then.." The Lurker drew his own Cloud-esque sword, lifting it like it was a twig."LETS GET IT ON!" WIth his shout, the Lurker disappeared, seemingly into thin air, and appeared behind Momiji, taking a huge slash at him. Luckily, Momiji saw his movements, and ducked, returning with his own unique sword style. As the battle waged on, The Lurker got quicker and quicker with each blow, and Momiji soon began to tire. However, no one said this had to be a fair fight, and Chibi began to fire arrows at the Lurker. Somehow, he managed to dodge every one or slice them in half. Even when he sliced them in half, he was quick enough to give Momiji a quick slice right after. After a while, Momiji's blade broke in two. "Ha! What happened to killing me, eh!?" The Lurker had a grin on his face, and his sword was above his head. Momiji, in a fix, quickly grabbed his pistol and shot the Lurker's hands, making him drop the blade.
"Bitch, don't underestimate m- AGH!" Momiji was sent flying from a kick from the Lurker. "Who..who th..*cough* the..hell are you?"
"Me? I'm.....Supersonic. THe one who kicked those bastard regulars Onikain and DarkFire." These words caused Momiji to feel white hot burning rage. He ignored all traces of pain or injury and got up quickly.
"You killed them..? You are the one, who killed that bastard DarkFire and that dickface Onikain...? ...You and I...." Momiji took his rifle in hand, an angry scowl seemingly glued on his face."WE GOTTA SCORE TO SETTLE, FUCKTARD!" Momiji fired a hail of bullets, and Chibi released a storm of Arrows she had been saving up. Momiji breathed heavy after that, and he fired his grenade he had been saving up until then.
When the dust and smoke settled, what stood there was what was called "a failed experiment." The twitching, bloody, corpse of what was once a lurker stood there, holding 2 halberds in his hands. He moved so fast, and threw the two halberd at Chibi, and while she managed to dodge one, the other one made her lose an arm. "Chibi! Shit!" Momiji ran toward ChibiChibi, only to get a halberd threw at him by the corpse experiment thing. "You fucktard, coming back from the grave. If only DarkFire and Onikain could do the same..." Momiji ran toward Supersonic, hoping to beat him in close combat now that his rifle and pistol were empty. Unfortunately, Supersonic was faster than ever, and he easily beat Momiji to the ground. Just as it seemed Supersonic was going to crack Momiji's skull, Momiji pulled out a .38 cal. Stub Nose revolver. "Just....in...case..something..like..this shit...happened...." Momiji pulled the trigger, and the bullet directly hit Supersonic's head, leaving a big hole in his forehead. The Squad brought Momiji and Chibi, who had both passed out, to the bar, throwing Momiji on the floor while propping up Chibi.

"Ow, you fucking.." With a grumble and a sigh, Momiji got up.
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 12

A gun shot could be heard in the distance as a couple of jeeps pulled up outside some old warehouses. About two dozen Lurkers got off them and spread themselves around one warehouse in particular. A few checked the walls, some leant into it as to see if you could hear anything. After they decided they were content they took some explosives and planted it next to the wall. They stepped back, stretching some wire out as they did and when they got far enough they detonated it, a large smouldering hole was blasted in the wall, and behind the wall stood cells full of Lurkers. Their allies pick locked the cell doors, taking their time as they knew they still had a while yet before the Regulars will return. As they released their comrades, a few of them signalled to a lone girl in a cell by herself. One of the Lurkers checked the computer that was in the room, after some searching he found the file.

“Take her,” He said gruffly. One of the Lurkers unlocked her door and forcibly dragged her out and into one of the jeeps outside. Despite all her struggling she couldn’t do anything to get herself free from her captor.

The girl was fairly tall, about 5’ 9”, her slender physique looking delicate and frail in comparison to the hulky bodies of the Lurkers. Her long hazel coloured hair was mussed up from where the Lurker had grabbed her and thrown her. She cowered in the back of the jeep, scared for her life, taking rapid intakes of breath, her modest chest heaving. They had finally captured Rapture. As the Lurkers each got into the jeep, she huddled herself in a corner. They laughed at her.

The jeeps started moving, the road was quite bumpy, what with all the recent fights breaking out and the place getting torn up from gunfire and explosions. The jeeps drove on for what seemed like an hour, the road getting steadily more uneven. The jeeps slowed down until they stopped and the ignition was cut. As they got out of the vehicle’s and pulled the Rapture out, she noticed that they had taken her to another disused warehouse, though this time it was one of the Lurkers many bases. They pulled her by one of her arms and threw her to the floor. A circle of Lurkers formed around her, Rapture knew what was about to come.

The biggest Lurker, most obviously the leader of this brigade stepped in the middle of the circle, and walked casually up to Rapture. She was now shaking in fear, tears steaming down her pretty, scared face. The ring out Lurkers laughed and jeered as their Leader knelt down, and grabbed her around her lower jaw. Pulling her face close to his he pulled out a combat knife from the back of his pants and placed it to her throat.

“You’re gonna do as we demand,” He said, right in her face. “Or you’ll meet a swift end.” He placed the blade at the top button of Raptures shirt and cut it off. He proceeded to do this to the rest of her buttons, slashing down, until finally they were all cut off. He let go of her face and ripped her shirt off, it fell to the ground in several pieces. Rapture let out a small scream. The leader slashed at her again, this time her skirt was cut off. Rapture was now in a pair of plain white bra and panties. The Lurkers laughed as she screamed again. Not needing the knife anymore, the leader threw it to one side as he went for the clasp of his pants. He undid them and pulled them down along with his underwear, revealing his erect manhood. Rapture screamed yet again as the leader grabbed her by her hair and pulled her face to his member, her mouth taking it all in. The leader thrusts, Rapture has no control over what’s happening, her muffled screaming does nothing but to incite the Lurker leader, his thrusts become faster, her tongue running down the length of his shaft as he rapes her face, teeth gently scraping along his length. Before long he feels a pressure building up, Rapture notices it too for as he goes to pull out she reluctantly pulls him deeper into her mouth, not wanting to be covered in the sticky mess. As she pulls him in deeper, the leader grunts, cum rushes out of him and flows into her mouth, the warm substance slides down her throat as she swallows it all, desperately not wanting to be covered by any of it. As he finishes depositing his load into her mouth he pulls out and lets her drop to the floor.

Rapture lies there, sweating slightly, panting heavily, her enclosed chest heaving against its constrictions. All the while the Lurkers were cheering their leader on. The support from his men seemed to have spurned him on. He walks back over to Rapture and grabs her bra. He pulls, and a moment later a snap can be heard as the connections keeping it hooked break, he rips her bra off, revealing her pert breasts, her soft pink nipples hard despite her disgust of the situation. She led there, frozen with fear as the leader began fondling her breasts, pinching her nipples as his member was caught between her legs. She winced with every pinch, shuddered in humiliation with every squeeze of her breasts. He did this for a few minutes, he even leant over, taking her nipples into his mouth and licked and sucked on them, his saliva running down her breasts. He got off, running his hands down her stomach to her underwear, he rubbed his middle finger between her legs, across her slit.

“Oh,” He said, feeling how wet Rapture was getting. “Looks like you’re a little slut, enjoying getting raped.” He ripped off her panties, again, tearing them into several pieces as he forcibly removes them. He parts her legs and slides two fingers into her, with renewed crying Rapture screams out, her muscles contracting, tightening around his fingers. He pushes them in further, using his thumb to tease her clit rubbing her in random directions. Rapture, against her own will, gets even more wet, even though she knows she’s being raped she cant help but enjoy the pleasure on a subconscious level. As he thrusts faster, he screams of anguish have a slight sound of pleasure to them, her pussy getting more and more wet.

He pulls out, and smiles. He leans in closer to her, the head of his member, glistening from pre cum rests against the entrance of her sex. She looks at him in horror, at what he’s about to do. He forces himself into her, she lets out a cry, mingled with fear, humiliation and pleasure. He pumps into her, all she can hear now is the laughter of the Lurkers and the grunts of their leader. His touch sickens her, she feels as if she could be sick, his hands all over her breasts, drunkenly fondling them. Rapture cries out, tears streaming once more down her pretty face. His grunts get faster as his pace quickens, and shortly she feels to all too familiar sensation of the man coming inside her. Revolting, she thinks, though there’s nothing she can do about it now. Though she thinks to herself that she’s thankful he didn’t pull out and cum all over her body. The leader pulls out and turns her over, forcing her on her hands and knee’s. He grabs her hips and plunges into her mound yet again, going at her with the same greed filled lust as before. She rocked in time to his thrusts, her modest breasts swaying rhythmically, she continued her crying, her screaming stifled by her moans, Rapture was disgusted with herself, succumbing to pleasure as she was being raped. As she was taken from behind, she felt something hard slide into her mouth. She opened her eyes to see another Lurker, entering her mouth. He placed his hands on the back of her head and forced her down on him, pulling her back and forth. She had no choice to do what he wanted, better safe to please your captives and go away with your life. She began to use her tongue on his member as he pulled on her, gliding it up and down his shaft, teasing its head. Two more appeared by the side of her, grabbing her hands they placed them around their stiffened organs. She began to stroke them off, repulsed by how they felt, though she put effort into it, rubbing the tips of their cocks with her thumb. Even as she succumbed to their demands, Rapture continued her crying, until finally moments later all of the Lurkers came, she instinctively pushed the two away that she was stroking, their cum splattered on the floor, though the leader and the other Lurker came, shooting their load into her mouth and pussy, filling her up. She collapsed on the floor as she too hit her orgasm. Her juices flowed out of her, mingled with the cum from the leader. She lay on her back panting, crying, her screams just a few moments before echoed all around the warehouse, and most likely a further way away too. But now she led there, silently crying, her breathing laboured and her chest heaving. Her body covered in sweat, shaking from the ordeal that they had just put her through. The leader got up.

“Well I think we’ve had out fun here,” He said, pulling up his pants. “This little slut is no use to us anymore. Not with her filled with so much cum.” He walked over to his blade and picked it up. “So, how about we slice the bitch up?” He called out to the other Lurkers, their cheers echoing in the warehouse. Rapture looked in horror. She thought, even after all that she did, after all that pain she went through, all that dirty pleasure she was made to suffer and how well she tried to pleasure them back to ensure her safety, she was still to be killed.

After just having killed a small group of Lurkers the shadow took a rest on the roof of a nearby building, mainly to be protected from any sneaky Lurkers, but also to keep watch, to make sure they don’t attack anyone. The shadow had only been sitting there for a few minutes before it heard the scream of a woman. Picking up its blade, it leaps off the building to the next one, following the sounds of the screaming. Soon it came to a large warehouse, several jeeps were parked outside, with tire tracks leading into it. The shadow jumped down and moved closer to the door of the warehouse. It looked in. Inside it saw a woman, not clearly recognisable because of the grime on the windows, there was also a large gathering of Lurkers, and particularly large one, that must be the leader of this group the shadow thought to itself. As the shadow watched, he saw the leader bend over and pick up a knife. Finally realising that these Lurkers must have raped the woman and are now planning on killing her, the shadow slashed open the door. The Lurkers, taken by surprise, didn’t realise what was happening until their leader threw the knife at the shadow. As the blade flew at it, the shadow caught it mid flight, and threw it back at the leader, impaling into his forehead. The leader dropped down dead.

The Lurkers all at once went for the new arrival, taking out their various weapons; guns, blades even metal pipes they ran at him, slashing and shooting. The shadow, knowing how the minds of Lurkers work easily dodge their attacks, slashing at the bullets it cant dodge. Though soon they have it surrounded. The shadow runs at them, blade readied and takes a swing at the nearest couple. They are sliced in two, limbs fly off in all directions as blood spurts out, staining the dusty, pale concrete floor crimson. Cries from the Lurkers could be heard as one by one they fell to the shadows blade, piles of blood soaked masses surround it once it had finished them off. Seeing the naked woman, the shadow quickly thinks to find some way of getting her cleaned, or at least safe. It looks around the warehouse, knowing that there has to be some sort of tarp or other cover to wrap her with. After several minutes of searching the shadow finds a small cover, just big enough to put over a mini for the girl. The shadow hands it to her so that she may wrap herself in it. She does. Without talking it tells her that it’s going to take her to safety, but first the shadow is going to take her to a place where she can clean herself up. And it knows just the place.

The shadow lifts up Rapture, she feels as light as a feather, indeed thanks to the augmentation of the suit the shadow can carry nearly a ton without much hindrance. It leaps on the buildings, seemingly gliding through the night sky to the girl. They soon get to an abandoned housing complex. The shadow enters it, the girl still in his arms, it pulls out a gun from a holster. It cautiously walks through the building, wondering whether any Lurkers are lying in wait, ready to ambush it. As the shadow gets to the its newly established ‘base’, it lets Rapture stand. It signals that the bathroom is just down the hall and points to an unused bedroom for spare clothes. Rapture nods, thanks the shadow and goes for a shower.

While Rapture cleans herself up the shadow walks onto the balcony outside. It takes off its mask, the wind blowing through its hair feels good. Its been a long day today it thinks, and its only going to get longer. For a while it stares out at the city, remembering when it was once a peaceful place, a place where people could come to and talk about various things. Hell, even amateur art and literature was welcomed, even praised in the case of some people. It smiled at this thought. At how, if one day this city can get back to the way it was, the shadow could start contributing again. Make the city flourish once more.

There was the sound of someone wanting to speak. The shadow quickly put its mask back on and turned around. Rapture had finished showering and had gotten dressed. She was now wearing a shirt and denim pants, her hair tied back.

“Thanks for helping me,” She said quietly. The shadow walked up to her and nodded once. It then signalled her to follow it, she did, they both walked to the balcony. The shadow took her in its arms again and leapt from the balcony, the free fell, Rapture tucking her head into the shadow’s chest. As they got to about half way down the building, the shadow shoots a wire at the opposite building, it connects and they swing towards it. As they get closer to the ground the shadow severs the wire, he lands with such force that the pavement below him cracks and is pushed down slightly. The shadow starts running, the surroundings blurred from the speed that it is travelling, pushing itself further than it has done now that it has to protect someone., and not wanting it to end like it did before.

The shadow keeps running, turning whenever it deemed necessary, scaling buildings to dodge gangs of Lurkers. Soon it stopped, a bar some 20 feet away from the shadow. It moved towards it cautiously, not wanting to alert anyone of its presence. As it got nearer the door, it hesitated. The shadow tried the door, it was locked. That was obvious. The shadow put Rapture down, she stood up. The shadow then charged the door, knocking it off its hinges. It signals for her to go in. She does. The shadow follows in after her inside. It takes a piece of paper and a pen and scrawls a note. ‘She’s clean. Not a Lurker. Make sure to keep her safe. Lurkers harmed her pretty bad.’ It says. He leaves it on the bar. As the shadow goes to leave it hands the gun to Rapture, so that she can protect herself just in case any Lurkers come. She gets up.

“Aren’t you-” She says, stopping mid sentence, the shadow quickly runs off. She was certain that she had seen who it was before when it had its mask off.
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 13

As the dawn of the new day approached, the tired Regulars stayed in bed, exhausted from their battle against Supersonic. Only Primarch, who had a reputation of waking up bright and early each morning, walked down to the bar’s main floor. Behind the counter, he pulled out a check board and wandered around various parts of the bar, examining details that one would never see. Scribbling down things on the check board, he wanders to the front door, where he hears a muffled *thump*. Obviously alerting Primarch, he draws out his butterfly knife and expertly opens it in a smooth action.
Slowly turning the knob, he tightens his grip on the handle, ready for anything. As the completely awakened Regular peek out cautiously, he saw no one. He scanned the area with the little crack of light that he allowed himself, but still saw nothing dangerous. Finally, he looked down and saw the body of a sleeping woman. A written note slowly floated to the inside of the tavern.
4 members surrounded the still sleeping Rapture. “She’s our prisoner, isn’t she?” Primarch asks the group.
“Yeah, it is. ‘Prisoner of cell six in warehouse forty-two: Rapture. Currently an ex-Lurker with clean record. Detained for future evaluation.’” Arsonist said, with a clipboard in hand.
“Just how did she get out? All our Lurker prisoners got away, but she stayed behind and with a note?” Momiji questioned.
“Did you even read it?” Primarch shouted, annoyed. “It said that the Lurkers were hurting her. That obviously means they broke into the prisons, and probably took her too,”
Momiji gulped a little, a little surprised he hadn’t figured it out sooner. “Al-alright…” he says quietly.
Doctor Holocaust, having been silent for the time, spoke up. “Either way, who was the one who wrote this note?”
“Hell if I know,”
“Same here,”
“I’m going to have to follow everybody else for this,”
“Well we can assume it’s at least friendly. Or at least, friendly to Rapture,” Doc replied.
“Let’s just think for a moment,” Momiji piped up, “The Lurkers broke a hot girl out of our prisons and was later saved by something or someone. The time between the rescue and the kidnapping, they obviously should have done something to her, hence the ‘hurt her bad’ part on the note,”
“We’ll conduct an analysis on her. In the mean time, let’s just go back to bed,” Holocaust groaned.

Meanwhile the Lurkers had just received word from the survivors that their bio weapon was injured.
“Interesting…” Supermeme muttered on his throne. He picked up his grail and swirled the liquid inside before taking a sip. “Our weapon isn’t impervious to all weaponry. We’ll just have to continue research. The body is still alive, is it not?”
“But of course, sir,” said the lowly servant. “The idiotic Regular shot it in the head, thinking it would do something. Like they thought a magnum to the head would put down years worth of research!” he said with a laugh.
Supermeme joined in the laughter too, before cutting them off. “So it’s still alive then?”
“That is correct, my lord,”
“Excellent. However, please explain to me how it is possible,”
“Certainly. The biologically-engineered super weapon was built to take on any bullet without dying. However, we only designed it to take them without dying. To make up for this form of immortality, we were forced to add a feature into it in order to keep it from being completely destroyed. If any life-threatening wound were to befall on the weapon, it would automatically cease all action and fall into a stasis, where it will recover at an incredible rate. At this point, we’re expecting it to awake between fourteen to thirty hours,”
“Do not send it back to battle,” Supermeme stated boldly.
“S-sir!?” the servant said, taken aback.
Sticking out his left arm, Supermeme then pointed to it and continued, “Do not send it back to battle… yet. Take a sample of my blood. Infuse it into the weapon. My blood and its enhanced abilities will basically mean a stronger clone of myself,”
“B-brilliant sir!” the servant replied enthusiastically.
“You state the obvious yet again, petty servant,” Supermeme said. “DO IT NOW!”
“S-sir ye-yes s-s-sir!”

At the infirmary, Chibi looked at her left arm. She still couldn’t believe it: her arm had been cut off by a Lurker! How was she going to fight again? A prosthetic would be a little bit of a hassle, but it would work. The shock didn’t even let her think straight.
A knock on the door snapped Chibi out of her deep thought, “Come in,” she invited.
The door slowly creaked open. Chibi shifted a little off the bed to see who it was. A masked person. Arsonist? No. Arsonist wore a gas mask. This one wore some sort of battle mask.
“Who might you b-” she began to say, before being cut off by the heavy footsteps of the boots the person made. As it stepped out of the shadow, she immediately saw two lumps on the person’s chest. A dog tag jingled with each step she took. As a trained marksman, she could see things much more clearly than most others. The dogtag was scratched up, but she could make out the words, “Admi-”
The person closed the door and slowly got to the foot of Chibi’s bed. Sitting in the chair next to her. A sense of strength overcame Chibi. Breasts? An “Admi-” dog tag? A powerful and moving aura?
“ANTI!” she squealed. The person removed her mask and was indeed Antithetical Inquiry.
“Yeah… How you feeling, Chibi?” she asked in her usual bold voice.
“Lots better now that you’re here! Where have you been!?” she shouted.
“Shh…” Inquiry put a finger at her mouth. “Listen. The first attack Supersonic let out was only the beginning. It’s immortal, Chibi. It can’t just die from a headshot wound, even if it was that close. I never saw it up close, but one of my troops came up to me and reported the two were killed in action by a huge beast of a Lurker,”
“Supersonic…” she whispered.
“Correct. I was told Oni and Dark fought until they ran out of ammo, then attacked it with their bare fists, holding it off long enough for the troops to escape. It seems their effort went to waste, as Supersonic killed the two and caught up with the rest. I was with them at the time, but someone saved me at the last moment, somehow closing up my wound,”
“Would you describe it…” Chibi gulped. “As a shadowy figure?”
“Actually, yeah. How’d you know?”
Chibi sighed and said, “No reason. Just continue,”
“Right then. I couldn’t let the Lurkers know I was still alive, because then they would immediately send for my capture. I didn’t have ammo at the time, so fighting off hordes of Lurkers seems a bit pointless,”
“I hear ya on that,” Chibi said.
“I tried a more covert approach, but someone had taken my stealth armor. I ended up having to rely on infiltrating a Lurker armory and stealing one of their suits,”
“HANG ON,” Chibi exclaimed, “Have you been following our mission ever since!?”
“What? No. I lost contact with you guys a while ago. My radar busted and we were pretty far deep in Lurker territory. I ended spying on the Lurkers and recording information on what they were doing instead of finding you guys. It was only when I heard that Supersonic was being deployed again did I try to find you,”
Chibi was in tears by then and hugged AI. A little shocked by the sudden sign of affection, AI patted her on the head nervously.
She pulled out a stack of papers and laid it on Chibi’s bed. “Here’s the information I gathered so far. Who’s currently leading the squads?” Anti asked.
“Squad actually…”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s no longer ‘squads’. It’s just… ‘squad’.”
“You mean…”
“Damn it…” Inquiry cursed. She gritted her teeth as she curled her hands into tight fists.
“Squad 13 is the only one left. Arsonist is leading, but it’s out of commission,”
“Out of commission?”
“Tried to do some sort of spell and ended up messing up,”
“Ah. I know what happened then,”
“Can you speed up the stupid wait time then!?”
“Sorry, no can do,”
“What!?” Chibi shouted. AI put her finger to her mouth again and made a shushing sound. “It’s already taken place, so we can’t mess with it without doing something really bad,” she said vaguely.
“Wha…” Chibi said, confused.
“Anyway, tell them I’m back but tell them as of now I resign from duty of one of the commanders,” AI said without hesitation.
“I’m not quitting. I’m going to try to spy on the Lurkers more,”
“Ohh…” she said in a sigh of relief.
“But enough about me for now, tell me what’s currently going on,”
Chibi explained to AI all the recent happenings, from the discovery of DarkFire’s dead body to the victory against Supersonic.
AI glanced at Chibi’s missing left arm and said, “If you want…” she said carefully.
Chibi leaned forward in anticipation.
“I could… I could implant a cybernetic arm there. It’ll function the same way your old arm used to, but now it’ll probably be a lot stronger and more flexible,”
She leaned onto her pillow and thought deeply. Seconds turned to minutes, which turned to hours, which seemed to run forever. Lifting herself off the bed, she sat straight up. Examining AI’s body, she could tell she had to kill some Lurkers, as the black armor was stained with more than just a slight hint of blood red. Her head seemed to completely contradict her body, however. Though her clothes were rough and battle-hardened, her face seemed completely undisturbed. Her hair was tied to a ponytail to avoid potential eye view blockage. Her skin was flawless and didn’t have a single scratch. Her eyes burned with a passion and gleamed in the lighting in the room. She became lost in a gaze at AI, who was staring back at her as if Chibi had gone nuts.
“Um.. Chibi?”
“I guess…” she started. “I guess I’m a lefty from now on,”
AI grinned as she took a syringe out and injected it into Chibi.

The afternoon sun rose and the Regulars had all awakened, though still very sore. Not even Bob or Lucas had the energy to crack a joke. Like a humid summer day for a student on summer vacation, the Regulars laid around. MMK, however, was a little more worried.
“Epic defeat can only be responded with a more epic retaliation,” he stated. Pulling out his two Browning handguns, he left for the roof to scan the outside.
He came back with horror on his face. “Guys…” he said gravely. “We’re gonna need more ammo,”

The Lurkers began to line themselves up in their territory, ready for a full throttle assault. They took up the entire other half of the city, with Trolls crawling on the buildings as well.

The shadow sat on the rooftop of one of the Regulars building. It took a deep breath and closed its eyes to prepare for the inevitable battle, but flashes of memories of Rapture kept entering its mind from time to time.

Ryu was thrown back into the cell, where Nunu sat and waited. He was bloody and could barely move. “You alright?” Nunu asked, with a shaking voice. “This… This is n-nothing…” he responded. “Are you afraid of your turn? Because it isn’t that bad once you get used t-”
“No.” Nunu stopped him from saying anything else. “It’s not that. It’s just… The Battle of-
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 14

The rest of the day began with the squad immediately suiting up. Rule 34 left first to immediately scout the area. Each of them checking on their equipment, they prayed they would survive. Two members were out of commission, Arsonist and Chibi. The rest of them were still tired and injured from the previous battle. “First a bioweapon battle, now a battle against an army!?” Momiji moaned. The others wearily agreed.
But despite all of the pain, they managed to re-discipline themselves in order to continue on. “Alright people,” Arsonist said. “I’ve taken the liberty of hooking up a radio to each of your suits. I’ll be able to communicate with you guys. Just use the regular radio commands, nothing special.”
“Wait, radio commands?” Bob transmitted.
“Yeah. ‘Maintain radio silence’, ‘Napper’, ‘Sleeper’, ‘Clean’, and all that,” Arsonist answered.
“Er… Okay..?” He said with a confused tone.
“Anyway, it would be fatal if ANY of you separated from the group. Do NOT split into groups this time. That’ll only ensure death. According to the maps we have up so far, the Lurkers are no longer using guerilla warfare. They’ll be lining themselves up like a real army. However, the Trolls will still be using their, ‘hide and jump’ techniques, so watch out for that. All in all, just take out as many as you can without using a lot of bullets. There’s no telling what they’re planning now,”
“Roger that,” a couple members say before signing out.

Chibi began to wake up in a dark room with only a burning light bulb about four feet above her glowed. A section of Antithetical Inquiry’s flowing black hair was swayed in front of Chibi’s eyes. She groaned a little and tried to shift herself. Immediately Inquiry to notice. “Oh jeez,” she muttered. “Don’t move, Chibi,” she said as she made clattering noises and picked up a screwdriver. Chibi relaxed a little before she began to feel her body again. Her breathing began to get very rapid, and her left arm was burning. But then, as sudden as she woke up, unimaginable pain went through Chibi, as she screamed horrifically in pain. She quickly looked at her left arm and saw AI attaching a cybernetic arm onto her.
She could see the enlightened and tightened screws jiggling in place as she twitched in pain. She made sorrowful moans and squeals as AI continued to tighten the screws and connect the muscles and nerves with the “cyber-arm”. Struggling as hard as she can to endure the pain, AI takes sympathy and gives her wood to gnaw on. Immediately, Chibi grabbed it with her mouth and began chewing it in half.
“I’m sorry the drug wore off already,” Inquiry begins as she tightens another screw up, “I was positive it would have been much long than that, unless you’ve developed immunities to these kinds of drugs. It might be possible, since yo- Whoops.” she says, fumbling with a screwdriver. The mere sound of her saying “Whoops” throws Chibi into a frenzy. She begins fidgeting insanely, until AI pulls a wet towel out and wipes her arm. She begins to scream more until she realizes,
Antithetical Inquiry grinned a little when Chibi comes to realize that she now had a new arm that felt like it had been with her forever. “Incredible! It’s just like a real arm!” Chibi remarked. “That’s because it was made FROM a real arm…” AI responds. Chibi stops smiling and glares at her commanding officer with a grim face. Inquiry cracks another smile and says, “I’m only joking,”
Taking a sigh, she moved her new arm around to get a feel of movement again. It had only been a day, so her subconscious mind had yet to forget how to move the arm muscles in the left side. The arm was a dark metallic color, with no shine whatsoever. It was probably so covert operations would we easier to handle. It showed a clear divide of the three sections of the arm: The shoulder, which had a titanium shoulder pad, the elbow, which divided the upper and lower arm and padded everywhere except where the bend was, and the wrist, where each finger and the other side of the palm was covered with more titanium.
“Oh, and your arm isn’t bound by human flaw now. You can make your wrist and shoulder do a three-sixty and you won’t feel a thing. The elbow can bend on both sides also, for whatever reason you may need that. However the organic parts of it, which is in the inside of all the armor, can still be worked like a normal muscle, so you’ll have to reshape the organic part into how you used to have it.”
Reaching for her bow on the side of her bed, an explosion shook the infirmary. AI unlatched the shoulder sheath and pulled her bowie knife out. The window glass busted and a Troll’s hand stuck out. Immediately, AI sprinted to the window and stabbed the hand deeply. Looking out the window, her eyes widened. There were about fifteen of them crawling up. Pulling out her second bowie knife on her waist, she leaned out and stabbed the same Troll in the skull, causing it to stop struggling. Pulling both knives out, the Troll’s body dropped, distracting the other climbing Trolls. Grabbing the large quiver on the desk, she hands it to Chibi and says, “It’s now or never,”

“I’M HIT! I’M HIT!” Primarch shouts to the rest of the members. He ducks behind a car and grabs his wound, located on his right shoulder. Ili immediately stopped his firing and ran to Primarch, being careful not to run in front of any of the other Regulars.
“I got ya, man, don’t worry,” Ili says quickly in a single breath, as he reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a syringe full of morphine. “Calm down now, and don’t move at all,” he says gently as the needle pricks into the muscle. Tearing a part of his uniform off, he wraps it around Primarch’s wound and helps him back up.
“You good?”
“I didn’t know any of us even knew first aid. Thanks,”
“Not a-” Ili begins to say before being cut off by gunshots that whiz past him. Immediately, the two duck under the car and fire at the Lurkers again. With one hand, Corax shot his SPAS-12, tossed it slightly in the air, and caught it by the pump. After pumping it, he tossed it back up and caught it by the handle again and repeated. Ili blind fired from behind the car, not looking up once.
Momiji ran into an empty alleyway and immediately set up a wall made from rubble and debris that was lying on the floor. Bob and Lucas both jumped in right after.
“Hey Bob!” Lucas said.
“Yes Lucas?”
“Nice house,”
“Doesn’t it remind you of-”
“What else?”
“Of course, the sand always gets in my sandals, and that makes me mad,”
“I agree. So very mad,”
“Very… Very… Mad,”
Momiji holds in the temptation to continue the quote and says to them, “Guys! I only made this so we can reload!” but then realizes the two had already finished reloading, as well as ignoring him.
“Well now, shall we take our leave?”
The two jumped over the barricade and fired into the army of Lurkers. Bob held his FN-F2000 to his shoulder and began to drop enemies one shot at a time. Lucas, however, wasn’t conserving as much ammo. Instead, he shot in a straight line, slaughtering any Lurker in that particular line. The two of them didn’t even seem to get shot once either, especially since neither of them took any cover.
“How the hell are they doing that?” a voice asked.
“They’re Bob and Lucas. They’re invincible, dude,” Momiji replied without looking at who was talking.
“I…See…” the voice says again. “Well, I best be taking my leave now,”
“Wait, but we’re in war! We can-” Momiji turns around, but finds nobody behind him. “What the he-” But a stream of bullets cut him off, forcing him into his barricade again.

The shadow had backed into the very corner as Momiji looked around. Sucker, it says in its mind. Taking a single throwing knife out, he shoots it out of his hand at a blinding rate, passing Momiji’s head so fast, he never noticed. The approaching Troll that was crawling down the wall immediately got struck in the head, killing it instantly. The falling body landed on a crumbling canopy, resulting in the canopy collapsing. The weight of the Troll and canopy combined fell on more Lurkers, knocking down and killing some of them.

Immediately, Momiji saw the fallen Lurkers and shot holes through the sheet of fabric, killing any other Lurker. “What the hell keeps happening!?” he shouts.

The shadow leaps and scales the building, reaching the top in no time. He begins attracting the attention of the Trolls, who direct their attention back to the shadow. “Hell, if the Regulars want to fight the Lurkers, they better be prepared for everything. They’re lucky I’m here to provide backup,” unsheathing its Irish claymore, the shadow cut the fingers of the first Troll that grabbed the ledge, dooming it to a falling death. Soon two more came and met the same fate. As more came, the shadow had no time to get them all. “I guess it’s time to let them in the party,” he says, pulling out a familiar weapon: A Steyr AUG.

Slash and Doctor Holocaust stood their ground on the roof as well, but never once noticed the shadow. Slash sat next to the Doc as he sniped. After all, every sniper needed a spotter and Slash was the perfect one. Trolls scaled the wall of their building as well, but Slash’s many blades easily kept them at bay, leaving Holocaust to concentrate on the marching Lurkers. “Gah. This is taking too long!” he whines. Reaching for his pocket, he pulls out a rather large grenade with something even bigger strapped onto it. Slash turns in horror as he kicks another Troll off with a back kick.
“Oh God, don’t tell me…”
“That’s right…”
Slash whirls around and impales another Troll who had just got up onto the roof, and was kicked off the blade, hurling it back to the ground.
Holocaust attached the grenade launcher attachment to his gun and held the sniper steady, aiming at a car that seemed to still have gas in it. A sniper grenade launcher attachment was quite rare, and almost nobody has ever heard of using it effectively in battle. This made Holocaust probably the only person in the world who could fight as a sniper and as a demolition man. Sticking his tongue out slightly, he held his breath and closed his eyes… And is shot.

The shadow, having a hard time controlling both a claymore and a rifle in one hand each misfired and had shot Holocaust in the heart. “Oh shit…” it whispered, as the Trolls began to surround it. It spins wildly with the claymore, slicing all of them randomly, and pushing them back off the building. Pulling out its binoculars, the shadow looks at what was happening to the Doctor.

His eyes went white as his hands trembled, sniper shaking violently. He looked at his wound and tried to look at who shot him, only to see a blur. I…Got shot…? he thought to himself. He slowly fell on his back as the life slowly left him.

Slash looked in horror as Doc fell. “Doctor! Shit!” He immediately picks up the body and the gun and runs down the building.

The shadow looks in shame as the approaching Trolls surround him again. For once, he didn’t feel like fighting back.
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 15-Fuck the Elite Task Force

“Cover me! I need to reload!”
“Ha Ha! That’s one less Lurker to worry about now!”
“Oh shi-, that bullet was pretty close,”
“Watch out! Troll behind ya!”
Slash is greeted by this and many more shouts as he runs on the wall of the building, carrying a dying Doctor Holocaust. Momiji, who had been hiding in the barricade, looked out once and immediately got a prickling feeling in his heart. Leaping over the barricade, he guns down the Lurkers, who somehow decreased from thousand to just about a dozen. They must have just intimidating us, he thought.
The victorious Regulars had nothing to celebrate. The loss of one of them. Doctor Holocaust. “We can’t afford to lose members, people! There’s only thirteen of us!” Rule 34 shouts angrily. “Come on people! Look alive for once!”
Rule is met with a fist flying at him. Immediately, he tilts his head to the left, letting the fist slide away from him. Wrapping his arm around the wrist, he twists it to the point in which the wrist could break.
“Get off!” Momiji screamed. “Holocaust is dead, and yet all you can think about is the mission!?”
“He died so we could go on with the fight!”
“How the hell are we supposed to go on without our scout!?”
“So you’d rather give ourselves up than just keep fighting, like he would have wanted!? Don’t be a god damn idiot! We need to keep moving, or we’ll never make it out alive! The more we mourn, the more they can release their scorn! We are instruments of light, and I’ll be DAMNED if I let any Lurker destroy everything we love!” He lets go of his grip on Momiji’s wrist and throws it back to Momiji. He rubs his wrists in shame.
The men exchange their last good-byes to the body of Doctor Holocaust. MMK leaned down and closed his eyes. “We can’t let him hold his gun though. The Lurkers will obviously take it. We’ll have to…”
“Don’t say it..”
“We’ll have to take everything from him,”
Now it was Primarch that tried to punch MMK, though he wasn’t fast enough to dodge, and caught a nick of it. “We WILL NOT take anything from his body!”
Both of them breathe heavily as they try to catch their breath. The arguments had pushed all sympathy over his death out the window. Primarch silently picks up Doctor Holocaust’s body and, with no objection with anybody, carries him over his shoulder. The troops whistled the tune of Taps as they marched in two columns. Holocaust’s limp arms swung freely as the Regulars marched on. He would live as a warrior and die a hero…

The explosions everywhere was weakening the prison cells. The prison warren ran down the hall to respond to an emergency. Nunu sparked to life and used all its might to kick the jail cell door down, landing on the Lurker. Ryu, who wasn’t too bad at fighting himself, immediately searched the unconscious guard, pulling out a knife and a Beretta 92. Two reliable, but dangerous in a all out brawl, weapon. “Take your pick,” Ryu said to Nunu.
Nunu’s hand extended to the Beretta. It grinned so mischievously, the makeshift mask it had made to continue to hide its identity made a clear indentation of the mouth smiling. Ryu looked at Nunu with a somewhat worried look as he tested the knife’s weight. “Alright…” Nunu whispered. “Take the left and I’ll go right. If something goes wrong, meet back over here,”
Ryu nodded in silence and took the left as ordered. He lowered himself into a crouch and, as quickly as possible, he made it to the hallway next door, and spotted two guards, smoking. They didn’t seem to be armed, and they were pretty far away from each other. Make it easier, and I might just kill you two with my hands, he thought when suddenly an explosion destroyed the wall, killing one of them.
Alright fine, he says to himself, dashing towards the surviving one. Leaping into the air, he pulled his fist back gracefully. The guard, having heard footsteps, turned around just in time to see Ryu performing a perfect Superman Punch. The Lurker’s nose was crushed immediately as his face twisted violently. Blood spewed onto Ryu’s fist and the floor as he crumbled to the floor. Cracking his knuckle, he scoffs and says to the body, “That was my bad hand too,” as he stares at his now bloodied left hand. “In fact, I’ll just fight with this hand!” he shouts to no one. He wasn’t afraid of anybody anymore. He was free and he was ready to break some skulls. Stripping the body of every article of clothing, he wore them on top of the rags he was given shortly after being put in the cell. It was warm and pretty light for a ballistics body armor. The body had some ammo for the gun Nunu had earlier, but the gun itself, Ryu spotted, was burning and melting under the weight of the giant piece of concrete that was crushing it.

Nunu, however, took a much more covert way. Its training as a shadow was going to save its life again, like all other times. Shortly after Ryu left, Nunu leapt up and grabbed low pipe. With its massive strength, it easily lifted itself up, allowing it to shimmy on it. Hugging its legs on the pipe, Nunu moved through the next hallway without once being spotted. As it made it to the warren’s office, it dropped back down and found its confiscated items. It’s shadow stealth suit, its Dotanuki, even its Gaia comics that gave it immense energy! They were all intact and nothing was tampered with! Within seconds, Nunu had donned its suit again and resumed its stealth-like status. It inspected the other items carefully, and found one labeled, “Prisoner #438275: Ryu”. Searching through it, Nunu found an extremely heavy ballistics body armor, and a shoulder mounted rocket launcher. Square in shape, the projectile rested on the wielder’s shoulder and was balanced with the two handles: one for the trigger, and one on the side. Rather than a manual load for each shot, this particular one had a clip for about four or so shots. Attempting to pick it up, Nunu actually had a bit difficulty trying to lift it.
After several attempts, Nunu hoisted it over its shoulder, sheathed its blade, and began running back with Ryu’s items.

The idle Lurker looked around the prison. Female ex-Lurkers being raped on one side, male Ex-Lurkers and prisoners from the Regulars being severely beaten on the other. His entire life just seemed to revolve around death and torture, and it became boring after a while. He no longer felt the urge to kill, and was no longer excited when a new female captive was fresh for the raping. He had grown accustomed to all of this mess and watched without so much as a twitch.
Today was to be the day he would finally be promoted. Him! Some lowly soldier! They must have finally realized his true potential! He quickly made his final rounds in the prison. No more guarding these cells anymore! No more having to listen to the haunting screams and the shrill cries for help while he tried to masturbate to stick figure porn! It was going to be the high life for him from now on!
Reporting into his superior’s office, he stood strong and tall, eager to please. The Lurker boss, hulking and buff, stood up and stuck his hand out. Hands trembling, the Lurker slowly reached for it to shake his. At last! The moment would finally come! Just as they touched fingers, the Lurker boss dropped his hand. The Lurker stood silent, his mouth gaping. What did he just do? Did he upset him? What!?
It was then he realized the boss’s eyes had rolled backwards. He was bleeding through the mouth. Finally, the body just collapsed onto the desk. “WHAT!?” the Lurker shouted. His promotion! His life! What could he do now!? Wha- … He could take his job. Just become him. Hide the body. Make it seem like… Nothing. Ever. Happened.
The lights began to flicker on and off, and he immediately turned around, his Micro-Uzi ready for action. Nobody at the door. Sighing, he tried to go back to his thoughts until the lights shut off completely. Eye widened, he shuffled around for the light switch, only to find it was sliced off. “H-how the..!” he stuttered out instinctively. His heart was reaching an all-time high. He ran out the room, gasping heavily for his burning lungs. Eyes almost ready to pop out their sockets, the Lurker scans the room for any sign of life. Any at all! “Who the hell is messing with me!?” he screamed into the empty dark air. “Mike!? Dave!? Al!? Get out here so I can kick your ass! This shit isn’t fu-”
The screams of agony from the torture chamber stop abruptly and the deep voices of his friends replace them. “NO! GET AWAY! STOP! NOOO-”
The blood flew everywhere, the Lurker could see. Some even splattered out to the room he was in. When the screams were silenced, nothing stirred. Terrified beyond belief, the Lurker tried to run. Hide. Do something. But, the only thing it did do… Was walk closer inside. He could hear his own heart beat, and his throat burning from the adrenaline. He could swear that he even heard his hair moving as he advanced into the room. Why!? Why would he move closer!? It doesn’t make sense! He never actually tortured a member! He was only trying to pay for his girlfriend and his bills! He never wanted to hurt people! Never! His father took this job! He wanted to live his life in a peaceful farm! He hates the war! He wants to be with the Regulars! SOMETHING STOP HIM!
He stood in the middle of the bloody room, the prisoners in a corner, breathing heavily to recover their wounds. He realized that he was so nervous, he crushed his gun handle. His vision blurred. His legs were shaking. His hands were clammy. His throat could barely get any oxygen in. Where was the god damn enemy!? “WHERE!??!” He screams, shoving his fist into a gate, breaking it down. He saw the cowering prisoner and, fueled with rage and fear, pumped bullet after bullet into its weak and tired body. The prisoner easily fell into a bloody mess. It splattered all over the walls, and the floor had bloody handprints of the poor victim. It was a woman.
He wasn’t satisfied with this. Lifting his gun up again, he continued to unload his gun into the body now. “HOW DO YOU LIKE IT NOW, MISTER MYSTERY!? I KILLED! I KILLED BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU BASTARD! AHAH! AHAHAHA! AHAHAHHAHAAH!” he screamed at the top of his sore lungs. His laugh was deranged. The Lurker had went insane. Out of bullets, he tossed the Micro-Uzi aside, shattering it when it collided with the wall.
With no sensible thought left, he ripped his pants off and bent down. He was getting hot just by looking at her mangled corpse. His now hardened penis pushed through his underpants as he grabbed the still clean ass. It was a perfect orb and it wasn’t bloody either! He wasn’t about to die a virgin. Not yet. Without warning, his pelvis shoved itself into the woman’s ass. No resistance, predictably. And yet, it was such an amazing feeling, to have sex with a corpse. Especially a freshly killed one. The tight ass showed she was a virgin too. Never took it in the anus. He didn’t mind, in fact it was even more kinky. Over the smell of sweat, blood, and scalding hot lead, he could still smell the girl. Thrusting harder and harder, he was screaming in pleasure. The dead arms flopped around, as his eyes dilated and his mouth dribbled spit everywhere. Harder and harder until his entire penis had finally fit all the way in. Unbearable! Simply spectacular! He gripped the still warm ass tightly, which simply turned him on even more. He was half expecting the girl to look up, like any other who probably would have. His hands were cold, but she, or rather what was left of her, didn’t seem to mind. He chuckled at the irony as his penis thrusted so hard, her head began to bobble. Her face had a single bullet in the eye, but her face was still so beautiful. He sniffed her hair as he continued to rape the body. She never would have wanted me unless this happened… the Lurker thought to himself.
Finally, the most incredible moment in his life was finally happening. He felt the same tingling feeling that a man felt. His penis was feeling so hard, it actually started to hurt. The urge was coming, and he didn’t want to miss a single moment. He came in her ass until it began to over flow. His hands was on her breasts now, D cups, and he was bending down, his body touching her back. He groaned in ecstasy as he licked the still-warm face. The blood the dripped reached his mouth, but it was turning him on even more. The bloody corpse was starting to reach her ass, and he felt even hotter. Each time he thought he was finished, more seemed to come out. It was like some sort of heaven, he thought as he closed his eyes and orgasmed more in the ass. The blood trickled onto his still hard penis, the sensation urging him on. He was no longer a virgin, but a true man now.
Opening his eyes, he saw nothing but the dark ceiling of the cell. Suddenly, his body went cold. He felt the sharp feeling of pain shoot through his spine. His hands didn’t let go the girl’s beautiful breasts, and his penis was still inside. The Lurker finally relaxed his face and a sense of sanity returned to him slowly. He had just performed necrophilia. Was he insane? What was he thinking!? But it felt so nice. And he wasn’t a virgin. Ow.. What was that cold feeling he had in his spine? The pain grew more and more intense. It began to burn. His body became very tense, and he felt something warm run down his back. He looked down to see what was causing it. Slowly, he saw his stomach start to grow. It grew larger and larger, until the very peak was only a point. Then, the “volcano” on his body erupted. Lava was flowing out. Wait, lava? No… It was blood. Blood was coming out of it. And it wasn’t a volcano. His eyes blurred as he concentrated on it. The pain in his back had spread to his entire body. He made out the shape of some kind of long red object.
Finally, all common sense came back to him. The sword shoved even deeper in, and he finally gasped in pain. He let go of the girl’s breasts, but did not pull out. His arms swinging freely, he looked up again, and saw nobody still. He coughed out some blood and began to gurgle on more. The cut had grown to the size of the blade itself. He felt the pain receding now. And as the pain receded, so did his consciousness. He felt… Tired. He didn’t want to think anymore. Good night, me. Good night… Biteme… Maybe I’ll see you some other time…

Nunu scoffed in disgust. The guy just raped a dead body and was still in her. It was about ready to puke and this performance, and wanted to leave immediately. Pulling its sword out of the horrible and deranged Lurker, It spoke only a sentence, “Killing and raping: The only thing Lurkers would ever do,”
Turning around, it continued down the corridor, and found Ryu trying to open the same door.
“I guess this place is a circle then,” Ryu said.
“I guess so,”
“What’s that on your shoul-”
“Change your clothes first. You look dirty as hell, boy,”
Tears began to stream down Ryu’s face as he gratefully took the body armor and donned it. Fitting his helmet on, Ryu lifted the shoulder-mounted rocket launcher off Nunu with incredible ease and hoisted it onto his own. Not one to show much astonishment over others’ accomplishments, Nunu simply watched with a blank expression as Ryu suited up.
“You are awesome, Nunu. The tales of you really don’t lie,”
“Tales? Such as?”
“Did you seriously infiltrate the Lurker’s headquarters just to find out their genders?”
“…. Why?”
“I was bored,”
At that moment, Ryu began to laugh. He was going to have fun with a legendary killer.

Nunu returned the smile. This guy might be more than meets the eye.
“Alright then,” it sticks out its hand. “Partner,”

Ryu grabs the hand and firmly shakes it, “That’s right,” Lifting his launcher, he blows up the wall and jump out. Thankfully the building was only a one story building, so he didn’t have much to jump out of.

Nunu followed stealthily, grabbed Ryu by the collar and dragged him and itself up a building, scaling it in a matter of seconds. Ryu didn’t make a single gag sound, and even straightened his back to give Nunu an easier time carrying him. The two sat on the tall building. No door that leads up to the roof, so no chance of anything except a Troll or two climbing up. They were safe for now.

Momiji took Holocaust’s .50 caliber sniper and peered into the scope. It was a bit too heavy for him, and the blowback would probably break his shoulder after a couple shots. Sighing, he put it back on the body. This day would be a pretty damn one.

The ambush was quick and fierce. The Regulars had no idea they were coming, and were scrambling everywhere for cover. One was even carrying a body! Such an easy task for the Lurker elite force. They quickly rounded up the Regulars and subdued them.

Slash snuck his knife off and began to cut his ropes as fast as possible. There was no telling what would happen next, and he would need every surprise he could get. The Lurkers stood in front of them, laughing at how easy their capture was. That is, until one of them let out an agonizing scream. The others turned quickly to see what had happened, only to be frozen in shock when they saw their teammate on fire.

A familiar hissing sound was heard as the body was kicked down. The figure pushed the nozzle down another’s throat and let the fire burn it from the inside. It was cruel, undoubtedly, but it instilled fear and that was the upper hand. The three others stood in absolute horror as they watched their comrade scream for mercy through a muffled voice as the flames burned his insides. They felt the inferno and could not help but stand and watch.
Slash broke his ropes and immediately slit the throat of the second one. He gagged as he tried to cover the wound. It was too late though, as the cut was so deep, it had hit the Jugular. As he was brought to his knees, Slash unsheathed his first katana and horizontally slashed the first in the stomach. It stumbled backwards and looked in horror as the two Regulars walked to him.
“Any information for us?” Slash said, but the look on the Lurker’s face told him everything.
The figure lifted the flamethrower and burned him alive, the scream echoing throughout the city.

After cutting them all free, Slash and the others looked at the figure. Only one person could work so well with Slash without a single hassle.

“You guys can’t even take the Elite Task Force on? That’s such a shame,” Arsonist said.
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 16-I hope you like words

The shadow stood there, shocked at what just happened. Moments before it wanted to fight, now though its fighting spirit left it. Trolls had surrounded the shadow, about two dozen circled it, analysing it, wondering why it stood there. Seeing it as no threat, the Trolls leapt at the shadow, piling on it, punching and clawing at it, though their claws could not penetrate the shadows armour. As the Trolls pounded on it, the shadow led there, images of Doc Holocausts body becoming limp, lifeless as the bullets pierced his heart. The punches came down harder, and even though the armour absorbed most of the damage the shadow could feel some of the attacks, and if they continued this it would surely break.

Snapping out of its reverie, the shadow realised that deaths were to be expected. Especially since it has its own agenda to take care of. And if others are going to interfere then they should expect to die. Sure, Doc Holocaust’s death was accidental, but he may have tried to stop the shadow later on if he was still alive. And then the shadow would have no choice but to kill him then. So really, the shadow thought as it took out its Irish Claymore, I’ve done myself a favour by killing him now. Though I will have to pay my respects when they bury him. The shadow head butted the Troll that was directly on top of him, this threw the Troll into some of them knocking them backwards. As the shadow got up it swung its arm out, catching several Trolls with the blade, severing their heads, blood erupted from their necks like a fountain, spraying the closest Trolls crimson. The shadow now stood up.
The remaining Trolls backed away slightly, the moonlight glinting in their dull eyes. The shadow gripped the sword with both hands and stood firm, waiting for the Trolls to attack. They all stood there for a few minutes, the Trolls staring the shadow down, the shadow waiting patiently for the Trolls to attack once more.
Several of the Trolls edged forward, grunting. The shadow gripped the handle of its sword tightly as the Trolls lunged at it again, the shadow swung at them, slicing them in two, blood rained down as the halves of the Trolls rolled across the roof as they landed. The rest of the Trolls roared in anger, it echoed all throughout the city as they ran at the shadow. Catching it off guard, one of the Trolls tackle the shadow down, they roll across the roof before falling off the edge, the shadow plunges its blade into the wall, lodging it in tight. The shadow hangs there, trying to kick the Troll off of it’s leg, it eventually manages it, the Troll roars as it falls to the ground and splatters against the asphalt, the moonlight shining on its broken body. The shadow climbs back up the building, leaving its blade in the wall it runs at the Trolls. Arms outstretched, the shadow grabs the nearest Trolls shoulders and pulls itself onto the Troll digging its feet into the Trolls chest until finally a cracking sound can be heard, and a few seconds later a gushing of blood; the Trolls ribs have punctured its organs. The shadow uses the Trolls body as a platform and vaults itself towards the next nearest Troll. Its foot connects with the Trolls neck snapping it instantly, the Troll falls backwards, its head lolling about. Again the shadow uses its latest victim as a platform and goes for the next Troll. This time the Trolls knew what the shadow was about to do. Its next target dove out of the shadows way, the shadow landed and the roof shook, slightly denting where the shadow had landed. Unperturbed by the shadows killing instinct the remaining Trolls rushed it, tackling the shadow to the ground they continued their attack, punching every inch of the shadow. Without its weapon the shadow found it difficult to force the Trolls off of itself, pushing its arms through them, the shadow managed to grab the back of one of the Trolls heads and pull it towards itself, head butting the Troll, cracking its head open. Blood poured through the wound, running down the Trolls face and blinding it, sending it into a frenzy. The other Trolls stopped momentarily to watch their comrade flail around madly before stumbling off the edge of the roof. As they turned back to finish the shadow off the shadow kicked up catching one of the Trolls in the face it was sent soaring in the night sky, only to plummet off the roof to join its two comrades. Now there was only five remaining.
The shadow laughed, a cold and merciless laugh. If it could be seen its facial features were contorted into a sadistic smile. It ran straight at the last Trolls and plunged two fingers into one of the Trolls eye sockets, the fingers pushed past the eyes which popped out of their sockets dangling pathetically as the Troll roared in pain. The shadow grips tighter onto the Trolls face eventually shattering its skull, it lets go of the Troll who drops to the floor dead. The last Trolls back off slowly as the shadow walks towards them, laughing. They get to the edge of the roof and stop, its either fight or drop to their deaths. Before they have to think the shadow lefts its leg up and plants its foot in one of the Trolls chest. The Troll was knocked off balance and fell from the roof and landing down on the ground with a thump. The last three Trolls were frozen with fear, the shadow turned to them and ran at them, kicking out three times they too joined the other Trolls down below on the ground.
The shadow straightened up and sighed. Now that he had disposed of his enemies he could hear much more clearly. In the distance he could here gunfire, obviously the Regulars fighting against the overwhelming numbers if the Lurkers. Further on the sound of a blade could be heard, though only faintly. Pushing the guilt of killing Doc Holocaust back the shadow walks over to his blade and withdraws it from the wall before sheathing it back up. The shadow then travels towards the sound of gunfire.

Screams could be heard all over the city square as Lurkers drove around in their jeeps shooting at ex-Lurkers. Countless bodies of men, women and even children riddled with bullet holes already littered the square, heads and limbs crushed by the wheels of the jeeps.
“Sir!” One of the Lurkers called out over the roar of the vehicles. “What should we do if they continue resisting?”
“What should you do!?” The Lurker commander shouted back. “What are you, stupid? You kill them! Or if you feel then need rape them!”
The Lurker picked his machine gun back up and continued firing at the ex-Lurkers. In one of the nearby houses a person was looking through the window at the slaughter in the square.
“Sinful,” one of the ex-Lurkers called out to the figure looking through the window. The woman turned around and faced the other ex-Lurkers. About a dozen or so was in the room. The speaker was but a child. “What is going to happen to us?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll lead you all to safety,” Sinful replied to the child, though she herself wasn’t sure whether they’d all survive the massacre. Sinfulwolf, or just Sinful to those who knew her, stood at about six foot with an athletic build. Her black hair was tied into a French braid so that it wouldn’t get in the way, what little light that was in the room sparkled in her hazel eyes, though hardened from battle they still held a kind, mystical quality to them. Her c-cup breasts were pushed firmly against her from the restricting body armour that she wore underneath her military uniform, which was also worn down by battle.
Sinful looked out of the window again. Though she was a veteran despite her young age, the site of all those innocents being mercilessly killed was almost too much to bare.
“Okay, remember the secret tunnel I showed you?” She said as she turned back to face the rest. “I’m going to take you there. It’ll lead you to the chatroom, from there the Regulars will look after you.”
“Arent you coming too?” The child said again.
“I’ll be there later, first I need to take out them.” She said pointing towards the window. Sinful picked up several pistols and holstered them, to her legs. She also collected up an uzi and two combat knives, strapping them too to her legs and sliding the uzi into the back of her bottoms for easy access. She also picked up a few grenades , just in case Sinful needed them.
Quietly, she led the ex-Lurkers down the stairs and out the back of the building. Though it was night time, Sinful managed to navigate them safely to the hidden tunnel without alerting the Lurkers.
“Now quickly, go!” She said to them “Before the Lurkers find us!” Sinful ran back as the ex-Lurkers made their way into the tunnel.
As she got back to the square more people had been murdered, now there were only a few ex-Lurkers in this district alive.
“You bastards!” She shouted as Sinful took out two pistols and fired at them, expertly flipping and tumbling to dodge the fire from the Lurkers. Sinful took cover just as five Lurkers all pointed their machine guns at her and fired. The concrete was whittled down, chunks were being blown off by every bullet, until finally there was only the part that Sinful was hiding behind. One of the Lurkers pulled out a grenade and threw it at her as Sinful stood up. Seeing the grenade coming her way, Sinful ran back slightly and caught the grenade. She threw it back at the Lurkers, who, panicking, tried to get out of the jeep but it was too late. The grenade landed in the jeep just as it detonated. The jeep exploded, the explosion was bigger than usual because of the gas in the tank. A pillar of smoke rose into the air as the flames flickered, engulfing the nearest bodies.
“Not bad!” Said the Lurker commander. “I’m going to enjoy raping you!”
Sinful ran at the Lurkers, two fully loaded pistols firing at them. She leapt side wards as more Lurkers fired at her and threw away her guns as they became empty. As she landed she pulled out her uzi, and running around the Lurkers she shot at them, puncturing the tires of their jeeps so that they were now useless.
“You think that will stop us?!” Screamed the commander. “I’m still going to have you!” The Lurkers climbed out of the jeeps and pulled out their weapons.
“Sinful!” Sinful turned around and saw the same child from earlier run towards her.
“Get out of here!” She screamed at the child. The child stopped, confused by Sinfuls outburst. The commander smiled, his face contorted into something inhuman. He let out a laugh as he pointed his gun at the child and emptied the entire clip into the childs body. Sinful watched as the body of the child became limp and fell to the floor. Blood poured from every wound. The commander laughed harder.
“You, YOU MONSTER!” Sinful screamed as she ran at the commander and with her last pistols fired at him. With uncanny speed he dodged the bullets, he in turn reloaded his gun and fired at Sinful. The bullets hit her right in the chest and she fell to the floor.
“A shame,” He said, holstering his pistol. “She would have made an excellent edition to my collection of women. Would have been interesting to break her will.”

Nearby Primarch Corax and Ili were walking together, Primarch still with Doc Holocaust slung over his shoulder.
“Shit! How did we end up getting separated from the rest?” Primarch said aloud.
“We’ll find a way back to them,” Ili said, though he wasn’t sure of that himself.
“Well we better of some fucker is going to feel my wrath.”
“Hey, its not my fault why we separated.”
“I never said it was. Guilty conscience maybe?”
Suddenly Primarch’s leg caught something and a rapid beeping could be heard.
“Fuck, a trip wire!” Primarch grabbed Ili and threw him several feet ahead before running up to him. A small explosion went off and the wall collapsed, their way back now blocked.
“This is just fucking great!” Primarch said, punching the wall. “First Doc dies, then we’re all separated and now we cant go back.” There was a brief silence before Ili spoke up.
“Cant you hear gunfire in the distance?”
Primarch remained silent for a few moments.
“Wait, yes I can!”
Without another word Primarch and Ili ran in the direction of the battle, hoping that they’d find some friendly faces.

Surveying the area Nunu and Ryu relaxed a little. Now that they were pretty high up there wasn’t much chance of a Lurker or Troll ambush. They both sat in silence, watching for any sign of battle in their area. It was a while before they heard a small explosion. They looked around to see where it came from, and finally they saw some dust settle as two figures, one carrying a body run towards the square of that district. They looked further up and saw a large crowd of Lurkers, at least a hundred, and as time was going more Lurkers and Trolls were making their way there.
“C’mon we’re going,” Nunu said.
“Going? Where?” Ryu asked, picking up his rocket launcher.
“Where else? To where the battle is just about to start.” Nunu grabbed Ryu by the back of his top and leapt from the building onto another. Nunu and Ryu started to make their way to the square.

Near the chatroom a dozen or so ex-Lurkers were coming out of a concealed tunnel entrance. They looked around confused, not knowing what this district was like because they had never ventured this far before. A sound was heard and a second later the shadow stood before them. Several of the ex-Lurkers cowered I fear, not knowing who this stranger was.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” The shadow said, its voice not giving away its identity from the voice scrambler build in to the suit. “I saw what happened earlier, and the Regulars aren’t here at the moment so I’m taking you to the chatroom. The ex-Lurkers were a bit apprehensive at first, but they decided to follow the shadow.
It only took several minutes for them to arrive at the chatroom, the shadow knocked and called out, “Anyone there?” the door opened slightly, a girls face peering out. She opened the door fully and the shadow saw that it was Rapture.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, surprised at the shadows unannounced visit.
“I’m dropping off some ex-Lurkers,” The shadow walked into the chatroom with the ex-Lurkers and wrote a note. “Make sure the Regulars get this.” The note read to let the ex-Lurkers stay because they arent a part of the battle against the lurkers.
“What the hell happened here?!” The shadow said, shocked at the damage.
“Well some Trolls burst in, but AI and Chibi took care of them,” Rapture said, still slightly shocked at it happening.
“AI’s alive?” The shadow said shocked by this piece of news.
The shadow led the ex-Lurkers into the chatroom.
“Well, I’m off,” The shadow said before walking towards the door.
“Where are you going to?” Rapture asked.
“Where else? To the biggest battle so far. I cant let this one go past without participating.” The shadow paused for a moment, unsure what to do. It reached into its pocket and pulled something out. The shadow handed it to Rapture. “Keep this safe for me. There’s no telling what will happen and I don’t want one of my belongings destroyed in the battle.” The shadow walked through the door and disappeared. Rapture looked down at the item. It was a photo.
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 17 - Wins and Losses

Sinful lay there, the sound of a small explosion could be heard not too far away. She chanced a glance. The Lurkers were just standing there, some were sitting down either on the jeeps themselves or on broken walls, their commander though also heard the noise.
“Looks like the trap was set off,” He signalled a few Lurkers to go check it out. As they turned the corner their bodies flew back riddled with bullet holes.
“What the fuck!?” The commander shouted out as he saw both Primarch and Ili come into the square. “Shit, more troublesome pests.”
Both Primarch and Ili ran through the nearest Lurkers with relative ease, cutting a path through them aby gunning them down. Taking advantage of the distraction Sinful gets up and throws one of her knives at a Lurker, it buries itself in his head and she runs at his falling body snatching up his machine gun she fires at some more Lurkers.
“Shit, its Sinful. I didn’t realise she was still alive!” Primarch says over the sound of gunfire.
“Who?” Ili says as he reloads and fires at two Lurkers who run at him and Primarch. They do a backflip as Ili shoots them in the head.
“You’ve got to be shitting me. You don’t know Sinful?” Primarch leaps as a grenade is thrown at him. The explosion takes out the supports of a balcony and it comes crashing down. “She’s one of the ex-Lurkers, but she’s on our side of the battle.” Primarch runs up to one of the Lurkers and smacks it in under its jaw with the barrel of his SPAS-12. He pulls the trigger and blows its head clean off.

Realising that Sinful was still alive the commander orders the Lurkers to subdue her, so that he may have his way with her later. Several Lurkers run at her, Sinful ducks as one makes to grab her, and withdrawing her other knife from its sheath she plunges it the Lurkers stomach, blood gushes out washing over her hand and the blade. She twists it and pulls, the Lurkers intestines fall out and it collapses to the ground. Not stopping there Sinful slashes at the next nearest Lurker, though this time the Lurker dodges her attack with ease. Unperturbed by it, Sinful does a sweeping kick bringing the Lurker down to the floor where then she unloads the remaining clip into the crotch of the Lurker. His screams of pain echo throughout the square as its genitals are made into pulp. As his manhood is laid to waste, the bullets push upwards to his insides, turning them too into pulp. Finally the clip is emptied and the Lurker lays dead in a mess of blood and pulp, its face contorted in pain.
Turning to the other Lurkers Sinful picks up the recently killed Lurkers machine gun and runs towards them. They ready themselves for her attack, she pulls out a grenade and pulls out the pin. She throws it at them and with expert precision she shoots the grenade as it passes their heads. It explodes, killing them instantly as their heads are blown to pieces. Sinful runs through the smoke and flame straight at the commander, seeing her assault coming, he pulls his arm back and as she comes out of the smoke he swings at her, his fist connecting with her head. She flies back from the impact, landing on her back she slides several feet across the floor.
“AHAHAHA! You think to best me in close combat?!” The commander jumps down from the jeep and walks towards her. “So be it. I’ll be your opponent. But keep this in mind; once I have beaten you you’ll forever be my slave, your body will belong to me and as such I’ll do whatever I want to it. Not many women of the city are left to be caught. Such a shame AI had to perish. A Regular would’ve made a fine addition to my collection. Though there is always Chibi. And I can forgive those other Lurkers for raping Rapture before I got the chance if they can get her back.” The commander grabbed Sinful by the collar of her uniform and head butted her. Again she went flying through the air and landed on her back on the floor.
“Y-you bastard,” Sinful sputtered out as she got up, machine gun still in her hand. “Treating us like toys for you to collect. We’re more than that!” She ran at him shooting, he dodged every bullet with apparent ease and as she got closer to him he thrust his knee into her stomach. Sinful fell to the floor and threw up.
“That’s because all you women ARE objects to be collected,” He took a cloth out of his pocket and threw it to Sinful. “Now hurry up and wipe your mouth. I cant have you covered in vomit if you’re going to be in y collection.”
Sinful stood up and swung at the commander. He dodged and grabbed her arm.
“Now, now. We cant have you being violent towards your new master.” He squeezed her arm tightly, his grip was like a vice ready to crush her arm. Sinful wouldn’t let him make her scream in pain even if her arm was broken.
“Oh come now,” The commander said as he saw her face screwed up, trying now to utter a sound. “Let me hear you scream. I promise I’ll loosen my grip if you at least utter a painful sigh.”
“F-fuck you,” Sinful utters, as she plunges the knife into the commanders side. He releases her and grunts in pain. Blood pours out of the wound as she moves back and withdraws the knife from him.
“Think that was funny do you?” He says to her, his face no longer calm, it was now contorted with rage. “I’ll make you pay for that. You’ll wish I kill you after the raping you’re going to get.

Primarch and Ili were both surrounded by about fifty or so Lurkers, Doc Holocausts body rest against a wall not far away.
“Bastards,” Primarch said, he and Ili were back to back. “Looks like the fuckers were waiting here.”
“Don’t worry, we’ve handled worse before now,” Ili said, holding two HK USP’s.
They stood there, the Lurkers circling them. Several broke ranks and rushed at them, Primarch and Ili both took aim and blew them away, the rest of them then ran at them. Primarach and Ili separated, running into the crowd of Lurkers and fired at them. Lurker after Lurker fell, Primarch and Ili both dodging each bullet fired at them, though at several points it looked like Ili was going to be hit. Soon the Lurkers that had surrounded them led on the floor, riddled with holes and blood pouring out of them.
“Not too shabby,” Ili said reloading his guns.
“Don’t drop your guard!” Primarch growled at him as he too reloaded his weapon. “Theres still some here and no doubt more are on their way.”
Primarch was right, as they finished reloading more Lurkers rushed them, they were easily defeated as well though they were starting to run low on ammo.
“Crap, if this continues we might very well be dead next,”
“Calm down Primarch, we can always use their weapons,”
Now that only the commander remained Primarch and Ili could relax somewhat. It looked as though Sinful had it under control. Though that wasn’t for long. As if the death of the Lurkers had signalled them, a few hundred Lurkers and Trolls came rushing in, tearing the place apart.
“FUCK!” Primarch shouted out as they all came flooding in, trampling the dead bodies. “Shit, this is too many. No way can we handle this much on out own.
“Primarch, you got any plans?” Ili said, he too was now worried for their safety.
“Plans?! I never expected just us two to be facing this many fuckers!”
“You guys look like you could do with some help,” A familiar voice called down. Primarch looked up.
“Shit, is that you Nunu?” Primarch said in surprise to the new arrival. “And who is that with you?”
“Him? Just someone I picked up in prison,” Ryu aimed at the most crowded area and fired a rocket. It hit its target and some seventy Lurker and Troll bodies were blown up, rubble flew all over the place shattering windows and hitting other Lurkers and Trolls.
“Think he’ll be of any use?” Nunu pointed to Ryu jokingly. Nunu jumped down off the building and into the middle of the enemy. It withdrew its blade and proceeded to cut them down, blood splattered everywhere, coating both Nunu and its blade.
“What are you waiting for?” Primarch called to Ili as he ran into the crowd, gun fully loaded. “You’re not going to let Nunu beat us to the kill?” Ili followed Primarch into the crowd.
Ryu sitting there looks at everyone fighting. “Dammit, I cant use any rockets now. Oh well.” Ryu jumps down from the building and swings his rocket launcher at the nearest Troll. As it makes contact with the Troll, its skull shatters spraying the floor with bits of skull and brain. Ryu then follows them all into the crowd, randomly swinging his rocket launcher.

“THIS IS MY BATTLE!” The commander shouts at the newly arriving Lurkers and Trolls. He lunges at Sinful, the wound apparently not giving him any trouble. They both lunge at each other, Sinful using her combat knife and the commander just using his fists. The commander dodges Sinfuls initial attack, countering with a blow to her stomach, she slid back slightly, the damage of the attack softened by the armour she wore underneath. Again she lunged at him, this time hopping to the side and swiped at him. And again he dodged, though only just managing to, he swings at her again, this time missing as well. They both continue their attacks, Sinful slashing at the commander, and the commander throwing punches at Sinful.
“Do you really think you can keep up with me?” The commander said mockingly to Sinful as he dodged yet another of her attacks. “You’ll be mine in no time if you continue on this way!”
Sinful ran at him, this time ducking as he swung at her and sent her head up into his jaw. The commander went flying into the air and landed on the floor several feet away. She ran after him, but as she got close he spun around, his legs catching hers he brings Sinful to the ground. He quickly gets up and kicks her in the stomach.
“Thought you could beat me did you, BITCH!” He screams at Sinful, now coughing up some blood. He kicks her again, this time she slides across the concrete and rolls on her back. Sinful coughs up more blood and sits up just as the commander delivers yet another blow to her, this time to the arm that held the knife. She let go of the blade as his kick connected, screaming out in pain. “Yeah, like that. Scream like that for me!” He continued kicking Sinful, each blow delivered hitting another part of her.
As the commander swung his leg at Sinful she made a grab for it, pulling him back down onto the floor. She leapt on top of him and began pummelling him, her fists flew at him at an alarming pace, though he blocked most of the attacks. As her punches slowed the commander took the opportunity to push her off of him and leap onto her.
“HA! How do you like it?!” He pulled his arm back and sent it full force at her, though Sinful caught it just before it connected to her face. She kicked him off of her and she got back up.

Primarch, Ili, Nunu and Ryu all stood amongst the seemingly endless amount of Lurkers and Trolls, oblivious to the battle between Sinful and the commander.
“Shit! How many of these fuckers are there?!” Primarch shouted out. He had abandoned his SPAS-12 for a machine gun as he was out of ammo for it.
“Calm down Primarch,” Ili called over to his comrade. “I’m sure the rest will be here before long.”
“Don’t count on it,” Nunu called over to the two. “I didn’t see them anywhere near here before me and Ryu arrived.” Nunu quickly ducked as a Troll leapt for it, it turned around and plunged its blade into the Troll, blood spurting out of its wound.
Ryu was randomly swinging his rocket launcher around caving in Lurker and Troll skulls alike. On several occasions he had almost hit Primarch though.
“Yo, watch where you swing that fucking thing!”
“Sorry, its kind of hard to keep balance even for me when I use this as anything other than a rocket launcher,”
“Well just make sure you don’t take my head off by accident,”
“Calm down you two,” Nunu said as she passed them both, slicing down several Trolls that were about to attack them. “Really, do you need me to hold your hands as well while we’re in this fight?”
The four of them continued to battle Lurker after Lurker, though it seemed as if the battle would never end.
Suddenly, without warning Nunu swung its blade and it connected with another. The shadow stood amongst the crowd, its blade against Nunu’s. They looked at each other for a moment before pulling their blades back. They both stood there, their blades readied. Nunu was the first to attack. It ran at the shadow, its blade slicing across the concrete, sparks fly as it swings upwards. The shadow blocks the attack and counters with his own. Nunu, expecting the attack ducks, and dives its shoulder into the shadows stomach. Pushed back somewhat from Nunu’s dive, the shadow pulls its blade back and thrusts at Nunu, again Nunu dodges the attack and makes another swing at the shadow. This time it didn’t even bother dodging Nunu’s attack, instead it swings its own sword up and blocks its attack. The shadow kicks out at Nunu, who in turn leaps back to dodge the attack. The shadow rushes Nunu before it has the chance to react and swings at it, the shadows sword drags across the ground, grazing it with the tip of its blade and as it swings up Nunu hops back a bit more right into a Troll. The Troll turns around and the shadows blade thrusts into its face, and slicing upwards the Troll drops to the ground.
Nunu runs through the crowd, swinging at the Lurkers and Trolls to make its path clear, the shadow gives chase, leaping from the Lurkers and Trolls it cuts down towards Nunu. The shadow leaps at Nunu, tackling it to the ground, Nunu plunges the hilt of its sword into the shadows stomach, pushing the shadow off of it. They both get up and rush at each other again. Their blades clashed again, this time they didn’t bother with the ‘pleasantries’ of swordplay. Now they got serious. They back away from each other and, readying themselves they lunge forward, their blades slicing frantically through the air, almost a blur, though none of the hits connected to their target. Nunu backs off again and the shadow chases after it. The shadow drops backwards and, going with the momentum it goes into a sliding kick, knocking Nunu off its feet. The shadow springs back up as Nunu falls down and lunges its blade downwards towards Nunu’s face, who just manages to roll out of the way. Nunu goes into spinning kick and catches the shadow with its feet, bringing it to the ground. Nunu is already on its feet as the shadow gets up, as it rises from one knee Nunu strikes again. Again their blades clash. They stood there, blades grinding against each other, staring each other down. It had begun to rain, first a light drizzle, but it soon became a heavy downpour.
“You’re pretty good,” Nunu said, its face mere centimetres from the shadows. “But you’ll have to do better than this if you want to best me!” Pulling back its free arm, Nunu sent its fist into the shadows stomach. The shadow reeled back from the blow, and without hesitation it leapt at Nunu, kicking Nunu’s blade out of its hand. The shadow ran at Nunu and grabbed it around its neck and slams it against the floor.
“Go on, kill me!” Nunu screamed at the shadow. Moving its face closer to Nunu the shadow let out a gasp.
“Nunu?” It said in shock.
“Yeah, that’s my name. What, you want to rape me?”
“Aren’t you part of the Lurkers?” Nunu said, now confused by the shadows lack of action. It had even loosened its grip on Nunu’s neck somewhat.
“Me? No, though Im not a part of the Regulars either,”
Nunu reached up and lifted up a part of the shadows mask, revealing its mouth, smiling. The shadow quickly pulled it back down as Nunu was about to take the mask off completely.
“Wait, I thought you were gone?”
“Nope, but Im not here to help anyone by choice,”
“Then why are you here?”
“I have my own agenda to pursue. You guys just happen to be fighting the same people as me.” The shadow let go of Nunu and stood up, holding its hand out to Nunu, who accepted it. The shadow pulled Nunu to its feet.
“So, I bet that suit comes in handy when you’re stalking people,” Nunu said jokingly to the shadow, adding a playful punch to its arm. They both ran back to the group, cutting down any and all Lurkers and Trolls, the concrete was now bathed in rain and blood.

Sinful had been fighting the commander for what seemed like hours. Her body was bruised and aching all over, it seemed as if she was almost out of strength to fight.
“See? Didn’t I tell you becoming a part of my collection was inevitable?” The commander said to her, laughing as she struggled to remain on her feet.
“Id rather die than become a part of your so called ‘collection’!” Sinful shouted at him as she ran, knife grasped in both hands, she lunges at him again only to be easily dodged.
“I cant kill you,” The commander says kicking her in the side which knocks her to the ground. “I want to enjoy hearing your screams, I want to break your resolve and make you a mindless doll that is willing to do anything for its master.”

The battle had gotten pretty out of hand since Nunu had left their group, Ryu was occupied with Trolls, and Primarch and Ili had been surrounded by Lurkers. Both of them suffered bullet wounds, though Primarchs was much worse than Ili’s.
“Shit! If this keeps on we both are going to die,” Primarch shouted over the sound of gunfire and screams of laughter from the Lurkers.
“Don’t say that!” Ili exclaimed, shooting over Primarchs shoulder to get a Lurker that was about to attack Primarch.
Primarch turned around and saw the shadow holding a machine gun, it was pointed at Primarch.
“Shit!” Primarch dived out of the way as the shadow fired, bullets spewed forth from the gun and several Lurkers dropped dead, they were about to attack Primarch. Leaving the group to continue killing the Lurkers Primarch turned to Nunu.
“Who the fuck was that?”
“Just someone. But count yourself lucky its an ally in this battle.”

The battle continued for some time, Sinful led unconscious on the floor, Ili surprisingly wasn’t injured further, though Primarch had extensive damage, it was surprising that he was still standing. Both Nunu and Ryu had suffered no damage.
Walking casually to the battle, the commander called out to the Lurkers and Trolls.
“Look alive! We’ll be going back soon, so kill them now!”
Primarch turned to look at the commander. It was someone he recognised.
“The fuck? We thought you died, yet you’re working with the Lurkers?!” Primarch ran at the commander.
“What can I say? They offered me all the women I could ever want. You know how it is, I crave the attention!” As Primarch neared the commander, the commander thrust his foot into Primarchs chest sending him flying through the air. Primarch hit a wall and landed next to the Doc’s body. The commander ran at Primarch, and snatching a machine gun from one of the Lurkers he unloaded the whole clip into Primarch. Primarch led there, blood pouring out of his body.
“Fuck,” He said as he coughed up blood. “Looks like this is the end for me.” Primarch turned to Ili. “Get the fuck out of here now!” He screamed as he grabbed the bomb that Doc Holocaust had.
“Oh crap, you’re not seriously planning on using that are you!?” Ili shouted back, shocked at Primarchs actions.
“Oh fuck yes,” Primarch said, breaking into a smile. “I’ll take all these fuckers with me.”
“Nunu!” The shadow shouted as it ran towards them, blade grasped in both hands it plunges it into the commanders back and slices side wards. “Get out of her now, and take your partner with you!”
“What?! This, this cant be happening!” The commander exclaimed as he looked down at his side, blood gushed out, his intestines poking through the wound. “I cant die! There’s too many women left to be my slaves!”
Nunu grabbed Ryu by the back of his armour and leapt upwards, and away from the square to safety. The shadow ran towards Ili and it too grabbed Ili and ran towards Sinful. It grabbed her, and leapt out of the square, taking them back to the chatroom district.
The Lurkers and Trolls looked around confused. Their commander had just fallen in battle and all of their enemies except one had fled.
“Well, this is good bye,” Primarch said as he fiddled with the buttons on the explosive. “Burn in hell, mother fuckers!” He shouted as he hit one last button. A bright light, followed by an earth shaking explosion could be seen and felt all around the city. A mushroom cloud appeared where what used to be the square. Now all that was there was incinerated corpses and rubble. The surrounding area too was laid to waste, no remains of Primarch or Doc Holocaust were left. The rain continued to get heavier, as if it was crying for the loss of two Squad 13 members.
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 18 - Revival

It tore the door open, throwing the steel plated debris at the workers. Immediately it lifted the first soldier, whose tag read, “Lurker - Class II” and snapped its neck in half. The soldiers opened fire, but to no avail. As they fired, the peeked into the room it came out of. Scientists everywhere were horribly mutilated. One of the soldiers watched as his comrades begged for mercy while the unforgiving monster proceeded to tear them in half. A surviving scientist crawled to the soldier and whispered in a raspy voice, “The creation… It was perfected….” before the monster crushed his head. The soldier stared in horror as the monster proceeded to pick him up as well. As he closed his eyes to brace himself for his impending doom, a crash in the laboratory caught both their attentions. A large chamber that was previously closed and hidden in the shadows had busted open. Stepping out was a slimmer version of the creature already out. The soldier’s eyes widened as the monster dropped him to the ground.
The two beasts eyed each other, studying their strengths and weaknesses. As quietly as possible, the soldier slipped back into the laboratory, thinking they would have no reason to check there again. Peeking through the ruined wall where the door used to be, he watched with a dark expression on his face. The two monsters continued to face each other, until the more muscularly build one clenched its fists and drew its arm up. The slim monster immediately bent down and was ready to tackle it, but the muscled one whipped around to face a wall, and punched it down. The structure collapsed and dust flew everywhere. The soldier threw his hands to his face to avoid any dust to his eyes. The slim monster ran through the opening with lightning speed, while the large one took its time, destroying everything it saw.
“What the hell have we created…” the soldier whispered to himself. He heard a door open and a scientist came out, scanning every nook and cranny of the room. “Doctor Gatorbait!” the soldier exclaims, limping towards her. Doctor Gatorbait was a captive of the Lurkers, who was found to be useful not only as a sex toy for the Trolls, but as a brilliant scientist. Her long brown hair reached her shoulders and was ruffled, as if she had been through a hurricane. Wearing a standard white lab coat uniform, it was evident that she probably had her fair share of experiments, judging from the various discoloring, rips, and holes.
“Soldier! Report!” she said confidently. Taking off his bulletproof helmet, the soldier revealed his face. “Private Newbie, reporting!” he bellowed. Newbie stood taller than her, and with more discipline. His muscular physique was well toned and more defined than even the higher ranking officers. The serious eyes that rested in the determined expression that was his face could tell an entire life story. One that was filled with hardship and determination. The expression on his face, no matter which kind, would always show a hint of wisdom.
“Two test subjects have escaped. One was a-”
“WHICH TWO!?” she screamed, horrified.
“Um.. One was a giant hulking body of muscle, while the other looked identical to the beast, only skinnier and much faster,”
“Shit!” she yelled, punching the wall. Her hand started to bleed and she went silent, clutching her reddened hand. Immediately, Newbie’s toughened hands shot out and gently took the hand into his. Ripping a part of his shirt off, he wrapped the cloth around the hand until it was tightly bound to her hand, but left enough space to allow breathing room.
“Are you trained in first aid or something?” she asked.
“Nah. Just have a good head on my shoulders,” he responded, checking for any other injuries.
“Any reason why you’re taking such good care of me?”
“You’re the only survivor as far as I can see. Therefore, it’s no use if you die too,”
“I… Guess so. Are you sure it isn’t because you want me?” she says, crosses her legs seductively. She wore a skirt that showed off her silky smooth legs.
“Not at all, ma’am,” he says calmly. Without warning, he picks her up on his back, and sprints through the door.
“Wha-?!” she exclaims as soon as she is hoisted up. Immediately, Newbie went through several twists and turns of the hall way without missing a single step. He expertly navigated to a large steel reinforced door.
“Why are we at the exit?” Gatorbait asked.
“The guards are dead. We’re getting out of here,” he replied with a rare smile.

With inhuman speed, Arsonist sprinted, with flamethrower nozzle in hand, towards a crowd of Lurkers, knocking down several of them. Coming to a complete halt, it did a three-sixty, swinging the nozzle freely, and actually killing several Lurkers. As it spun, it pressed the trigger on the nozzle, encircling itself in a ring of fire. The surrounding Lurkers and Trolls screamed in pain as the fiery pain melted their weak flesh in seconds. The other Regulars tried to keep up, but Arsonist’s enhanced abilities had already cleared the sector.
“Hm. The spell seems to have worked ten times better than I would have ever thought. Say guys, where’s Doc and Pri-”

The wave of explosions had begun to catch up to the other districts. By now, the entire Everything Else board was annihilated to a blackened ground. The air had turned darker and the sky was raining down light ash. In all the other areas. Parts of every other districts were destroyed in the destruction. Its fiery clutches spared no one who dared stand in the way, crushing Regular and Lurker alike.

Immediately, Momiji’s eyes widened. “PRIMARCH!” He screamed, completely forgetting about Ili. “PRIMARCH! NO! THAT SON OF A BITCH JUST HAD TO FUCKING GET LOST!” He shoves through the stunned members, knocking some of them down. “WE’VE GOTTA GET OVER THERE! HE’S ALIVE! HE’S FUCKING ALIVE! THE FUCKER CAN’T DIE! THAT MOTHER FUCKING PUSSY ISN’T A QUITTER! I..I-”

The members quickly held Momiji back by securing his limbs. They had already figured Momiji went insane, so as gently as possible, Rule 34 rammed his knee into his solar plexus. Momiji puked out a bit of blood and gagged before his body jerked twice and fell unconscious.
“Retard,” Rule muttered. “I’m not carrying him, you know that?” the others looks solemnly to the ground, as if to mourn for the loss of the next to members. “Is this like some sort of ritualistic killing that’s fated to happen!?” MMK shouted.
“Maybe it’s karma,” Bob added.
“Karma, eh?” Lucas replied.
“Karma indeed,”
“Karma see karma do?”
“Karma karma karma hi, karma hidey hidey ho?”
“Guys, shut up!” Slash bellowed. “We need to keep moving if we’re even going to have any of us alive in the end!”
“He’s right, people. We can’t let some explosion stop the Regulars. We don’t roll that way,” Arsonist added. Its breathing was much heavier, almost as if in a crying fashion.

The now agitated Squad 13 pressed forward with the new and improved Arsonist, making much better progress.

The Shadow stood on the rooftop of a building far enough for the “Doomsday Cloud”, as it dubbed the explosion, to not be able to reach it. From time to time, it would encounter a stray Troll and make quick work of it. It watched the explosion at a better view, witnessing the spectacular flames engulf everything in its path. Thousands of the advancing Lurker troops and Trolls were swallowed by the unforgiving arms, but the ex-Lurkers that had banded together to fight were annihilated as well. The Everything Else district was going to be up for grabs as soon as all the dust was settled and the crying was over, the shadow thought to itself. Getting up, he heard a second explosion, much farther away from the Doomsday Cloud. The Main Lab down at the Demon Girl District, where the Lurkers conducted inhumane experiments and tormented their prisoners. With its interest captured, it drew its claymore and dashed towards the explosion.

“How many more are there!?” Chibi screamed, firing another arrow into a Troll’s chest. Her and AI had reached the chatroom bar moments before the Cloud, and was giving cover fire for the entering ex-Lurkers. Shortly after they left the infirmary, they received a message from an old friend through their wrist-mounted communicators. Fallen Angel , who had taken lead of the ex-Lurker pack, had made the decision to plunge themselves into the war, as allies for the Regulars. Obviously elated to see that reinforcements had arrived, the two felt brightened, until the next message told them the ex-Lurkers needed to get into the chatroom and establish a second base next to it.
Immediately, Chibi pinpointed the group’s location and relayed the message to AI, who cleared a path for them to enter. They were in the Demon Girl District, escaping the prison and had plenty of pursuers to worry about.
Trekking to the prison, the two gave cover fire to the escaping prisoners as the Lurkers scrambled to return fire. The fight did not last long, as the Lurkers easily outmanned and outgunned the two, and they were forced to quickly retreat. The remaining escapees would have to fend for themselves.
Meeting up with Angel, the three exchanged very brief reintroduction before being cut off by the gunfire. Thankfully, Angel had picked up a weapon along the way; a P90 from the body of what appeared to be a Lurker sergeant. Being one of the few ex-Lurkers exposed to regular gunfights, he took down the Lurkers who were after them.
Shortly after getting to the base, the ex-Lurkers quickly occupied the abandoned building connected to the chatroom. The large billboard on the front read “IRC”. It had similar properties as the chatroom, but felt somewhat different to be inside. Disregarding all of this, the ex-Lurkers immediately got to work and began to make the building operational.
Flipping switches and levers, Angel and the others made the dark and dusty building flicker lights until finally the computers lit up brightly and the lights shined brilliantly. It was there they saw the rations the Regulars had put into the building for emergencies. “They won’t mind,” Angel said, handing guns and armor out.
Chibi stood on the roof of the chatroom and fired her last C4 arrow at the advancing Lurkers before she saw the building light up. Inquiry lifted her scythe and swept horizontally, slamming and slashing Lurkers everywhere. From the reflection of the bloody blade she saw the building light up as well. “They got it up and running! Retreat! Retre-”
She was cut off by the explosion, where she could see the E.E. District turn into an enormous cloud of nothingness.
“NO!” Angel screamed, loud enough for Chibi and Inquiry to hear from the outside. “SINFUL WAS IN THAT DISTRICT!”
“What!?” Chibi exclaimed. She turned around to face Angel, who was outside the window, staring at the explosion. He quickly went back in to check on the computer“What do you mea-” she began to say before getting tackled by a Troll. She fell on her front, with the Troll wrapping its arms around her, in a bear hug fashion. Its hand covered Chibi’s mouth to muffle any sound. Chibi wriggled furiously as the Troll squeezed her tightly, especially in the chest area. Just because they were trolls did not mean they didn’t enjoy the feeling of breasts. A second one crawled to the building and grabbed her legs, caressing the smooth skin while still keeping her from flailing them. A third and fourth held her back down even more to ensure she would not move. A black portal appeared on the ground where Chibi was being held and she faced complete darkness. Her eyes went blank and the Trolls and her sank in. She screamed a muffled scream as a sixth came and pushed her head down to keep her from moving. As she began to accept her fate, the weight of all the Trolls were released. A whirl of slashes from a huge blade slammed next to her face several times, never connecting. She got up quickly and grabbed her bow, turning around furiously with the blade of the bow flying towards the last standing one.
Inquiry back stepped, shaking her head. “That’s how you say thank you, I see…” she says, with her trademark sweat drop running down. “Sorry,” Chibi said, lowering her weapon to her hip. “That was just… Really creepy. They were all touching me and… It looked like they were taking me somewhere,”
“Somewhere…?” Inquiry said, drifting off. “Yeah, some..where..” she said, slowing down after seeing Inquiry get quiet.
The two stood there, having defeated the enemies, until Angel broke the silence. “Hey you two! Get back in here! I’m gonna need some help!” Chibi and AI walked into the IRC building and met Angel at the front. “Sinful told us that she was going to look for something in the Double E District and we all saw the explosion, right?” The two nodded. “Well apparently, she’s still alive. Come here,” Angel walked up a couple flights of stairs before reaching a room with rushing ex-Lurkers. Each of them carried a box, moving items around to keep the place tidy and functional. At the far right corner of the dusty room was a single functioning computer. Angel walked over and began to sift through multiple windows before reaching a map.
“See that?” He said, pointing to a yellow blinking spot. “Apparently she’s somewhere in the Roleplay District, where the Regulars are as well. She’s with someone, but I can’t determine who. Either way, she’s safe for now. I need to send people over there. Can you girls help?”
Chibi was already shuffling through the boxes, and pulling out a fresh supply of arrows for herself. “What’re we waiting for?” she said, stuffing arrows in her quiver. “She’s not going to survive for long if we leave her there,”

“FALL BACK! FALL BACK!” Arsonist shouted to its comrades. The slim monster dashed right next to it and threw an elbow to Arsonist’s face. With inhuman speed, Arsonist tilted his body to the right, dodging the blow, and planted a heel to its stomach. The monster stumbled and gripped its stomach, while Arsonist began to run again. “Why the hell is there ANOTHER one!?” Slash shouted, slashing a piece of debris and kicking it at the new monster.
Bob’s face turned into a cold expression as he shot at the hulking monster. “There’s a second one over here!” he radioed to his team. “I’m at the PBP District! It looks like Supersonic or something!” Lucas hid behind a piece of concrete and let loose a hailstorm of bullets, with no effect. “Bob!” he yelled to his friend. “Tell me again how we got separated with the squad!?”
“Shut up! That’s how!”
“The fuck is this shi-” Lucas began to say, before the bulky monster punched a building, leveling it and making it fall. “OH SHI-” the two said simultaneously, and barely rolled out of the way. “And how did WE get stuck carrying Momiji’s body!?”
“I said shut up! That’s ho-”
“MOMIJI!?” the monster screamed. “I’LL KILL THE FUCKER!” he said, drawing an even larger blade than before. It stood longer than a pickup truck and was thinner than a sheet of paper. “WHERE IS HE!?” it screamed, tackling Bob and picking Lucas up.
“He’s… Over there…” Lucas said, pointing to a huge building on the other side of the district. Supersonic threw him to the ground and rushed to said building.
“Let’s get the hell out of here!” Bob said, digging the ground to reveal Momiji’s body. Picking him up, the two sprinted to the RP District.

“Who the hell are you!?” Rule 34 asked the monster as he fired a bullet from his custom Desert Eagle. His answer was a claw to the left leg. He grunted in pain, but lifted his right arm to brought his machete down to the creature’s head. It stumbled in pain, allowing the others to unload their bullets onto it. MMK dove towards the monster and unloaded his dual Browning 9MMs at it, before rolling to a halt and sweep kicking it. The monster fell, but quickly recovered by catching itself with its hands and flipping back onto its feet. It retaliated by throwing a flurry of fists at MMK so fast, he didn’t feel anything for the first four seconds. The creature ran past him and focused on Slash and Arsonist, who were charging towards him as well. MMK began to turn to stop it, only to cough out blood and collapse to the ground. “What… happened…” he whispered.
The monster knocked Arsonist away with a cheap shot to the ribs and gripped Slash by the neck. “My name is Sonic. Pleased to meet you,” he said in a deep, but squeaky voice. Slash let out a little chuckle from the odd voice but reminded himself he was about to be killed and quickly pushed it out of his mind. With two katanas in hand, he stabbed Sonic in the chest multiple times. It bled green blood.
Letting go, the blur that seemed to follow Sonic vanished. He was around eight and a half feet tall with almost no muscle, almost like a stick figure. . The only muscles that could be visibly seen was his legs, which showed off a slim and very well toned shape. His skin was pale to the point where it almost looked blue. His fingers were replaced with claws. He wore a long brown overcoat that reached his ankles and didn’t seem to make a sound when he moved. Bullet holes decorated the coat in all areas.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Arsonist said, getting up. “Supersonic is dead!” Sonic threw another kick to Arsonist, who was prepared this time. Rolling out of the way, it threw a fist at the wound Slash had made, pushing Sonic back to the opposite wall. Rule 34 helped MMK back up and carried him to the battle. “I’m fine.. Just let me walk on my own,” MMK groggily said. Rule dropped MMK from out of the blue, who stumbled to keep himself up. “Bastard..” he mumbled. Sonic got back up and, with lightning speed, he palm striked every one of the Regulars, knocking them to the wall.
“You aren’t very good fighters, are you?” he said with a cocky attitude. The only response he got was a rocket to the face. Sonic flailed wildly and covered his face in pain. On the rooftops was Ryu, with Nunu and Sinfulwolf behind him. Nunu ran down the building and drew its blade out. It reached the ground and ran to Sonic, who was bracing for an attack. Nunu planted its feet to the ground, allowing its body to slide. It stuck its blade out as it slid and impaled Sonic. Ryu ran down next, with Sinful on his back. Sinful pulled out her MP5 she found while rushing to the battle and fired as Ryu concentrated running down the building. They reached the ground and unleashed hell in bullet form on Sonic. “We’ll buy you some time,” Nunu said to Arsonist, offering its hand to help it up. Arsonist took the hand and got up. “There’s no time. We’re missing three of our members and this isn’t Supersonic. That means something else is hap-” it was cut off by a crackling of the radio. “DA! We gotta run!” Lucas said. “We lied to someone and now he’s chasing us!” The roar of a monster was then heard in the radio, followed by gunfire. At the same time, they heard it a couple yards behind them. Rule 34 ran to the sound, and a few minutes later, sprinted even faster back.
“THEY’RE FREAKIN’ IDIOTS!” Rule 34 said through gritted teeth. He was followed by Bob and Lucas, who were carrying Momiji, while Supersonic ran after them. “RUN!” MMK screamed after seeing Rule running. He knew that if he saw Rule run, it was for good reason. The squad and Nunu, Ryu, and Sinful ran to the center of the district, where they would have more room to fight. Sonic, who was momentarily stunned at the time, saw his prey run and sprinted past them. Sitting down, he waited for them to appear.

The shadow stood on top of a roof. It looked to the left, where it saw jeeps being deployed. It looked below and saw Sonic and Supersonic chasing the Regulars. Ili stood behind and said, “What’s happening?” After the explosion, Sinful agreed to go with Nunu and Ryu if Ili went with the shadow. After a short good bye, the two groups agreed to meet up in the chat room later.
It pointed to the center of the RP district and said, “Can you shoot all the streetlights out?” Ili pulled his pistol out and fired perfect shots, taking every one of the lights out.
“Alright. Why would you want to do that?” Ili asked.
The shadow ignored the question and pointed to the benches. “Can you shoot the legs of those benches?” Again, Ili did as he was told and shot the legs.
“Can you shoot the doorknobs of the buildings?” Getting confused, Ili shot the doorknobs as well. “Alright. Leave the rest to me,” the shadow said. It shuffled through its bag and pulled out a box. Opening it, the shadow fiddled with a couple switches, but nothing interesting happened. “Alright. Let’s get down there and help,” it said, closing the box.

The group reached the center, only to be met by Sonic. Arsonist took no chances this time and dashed towards it, head butting the creature in the stomach. It took its flamethrower out and shot a single burst of flame at Sonic. Unaffected by the heat, it stood up, only to be knocked down by a rocket. Ryu ran next to Arsonist and nodded a “You’re welcome” to it. The explosion amplified the heat and made Sonic’s body burn. The coat burned to pieces and the result was a now charred skinned Sonic, who was pissed. It lifted both hands to begin an attack, but was stopped by a continuous shot of bullets.
Ili stood at the entrance, pistol ready with its barrel letting out smoke. The shadow dropped down and dashed towards Sonic. Lifting itself to the air, it drew its blade and somersaulted, keeping its blade in front of it, and slammed the tip on Sonic’s head. Blood rushed down as the shadow dropped to a crouch. Driving the hilt of the blade into the monster’s ankle, it proceeded to give the other two a thumbs up.
“What’d we miss?” it said confidently. The reunion was cut short as the roar of charging Lurkers was heard.
“Heh.. You guys are fucked now…” Sonic mumbled.
“Supersonic called for backup… Meet the Elite Lurker Task Force,” he said proudly, pointing to a huge crowd of darkness, rushing towards their location.
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 19 - Rejuvenation

The Lurkers marched towards the battlefield with noticeable discipline. Not one of them faltered in any way. Each step they took shook the ground more and more, especially since they were nearing their destination. Lucas took no chances and immediately ran toward them, M249 PARA Machine Gun fully loaded and ready to meet Lurker flesh. Without missing a beat, he pulled the bipod of the gun down and dropped to his stomach, now aiming the gun. Closing his eye to line the other with the iron sight, he took a couple of test shots, each hitting a Lurker somewhere. Satisfied, he let loose a rain of lead into the charging Lurkers. His face turned from a silly smile to a sadistic grin that showed no compassion. The walls of the buildings quickly became a dark shade of dripping red, courtesy of the Lurker’s “kind donation” of their “natural paint”. However, there were noticeably too many still, as Lucas calmly told the group, “THERE ARE OVER NINE THOUSAND OF THEM!”

Though they didn’t appreciate the joke Lucas made, the squad felt a sense of loss of hope. Never before were their more than nine thousand Lurkers, much less in a single area. “HOW LONG CAN YOU HOLD THEM OFF, LUCAS!?” Arsonist shouted, ducking a jab from Sonic. It monkey kicked Sonic’s left ankle, causing him to drop to a knee again, where Arsonist sprang up, connecting its knee to Sonic’s forehead. It sent him back three feet away and time to help the others. “SOMEONE NEEDS TO GIVE LUCAS BACKU-”

It was cut off by a double fist hammer in the back. Arsonist dropped to the ground on its hands and knees, as Supersonic’s spectacular muscles throbbed. He grinned and proceeded to lift his leg up and step on Arsonist, but was met with five knives in his leg. Slash, with torn clothes from obvious fumbling for the knives, lifted his katana to point to Supersonic. “Try it again. I dare you,” he muttered demonically. Testing Slash’s patience, Supersonic smirked and lifted his foot again. This was met with two blades dug halfway through his leg. The two stood there, Supersonic in shock from the sudden attack, and Slash to try and push the blades farther in. Finally, Supersonic threw a punch at Slash, who easily saw it coming. With his third sword that was kept in its sheath, he pushed the blade halfway out with a single twitch of his thumb. The fist collided with the blade and split Supersonic’s knuckles in half. He roared in pain and ripped his fist and leg out of the blades. Huge gashes were left on them and dripped a generous amount of blood. At first, his face twisted in anger, but then relaxed into a sly grin.

“You think you’ve won?” Supersonic bellowed. “You’ve been so focused on hurting me, you seem to have forgotten about your little friend there,” he said, pointing to Lucas, who was being held down by a Lurker.

Lucas crushed one of the Lurkers with the butt of his PARA, spilling blood on his face. It ran down to his beard and neck. The momentum of the strike pushed the other off, which gave Lucas the chance to unload some bullets into its back. But as the Lurker’s life drifted away from him, the thousands of others that were marching towards Lucas had caught up. A group of them immediately knocked Lucas to the ground, pulling out their blades, each one varying from the other, with the desire to slowly and painfully impale each blade into him.

The other Regulars were too far away from Lucas, and his body was already being hidden by the massive legions of Lurkers that were still pressing forward. As a result, nobody could see what happened next.

The first Lurker, who was holding out two bowie knives, rubbed the tip of his blades gently on the Lucas’s shoulder. Lucas winced a little, still trying to shaking them off. He managed to flail his legs hard enough to kick one in the chest. This particular Lurker was holding a cutlass and was none too happy to be kicked by a downed opponent. With no warning, he grabbed the two legs, letting the feet meet together, and stabbed right through both of them. Lucas gasped in pain, then gritted his teeth. The one twirling the knives on his shoulder saw the opportunity to make a combo, and gently pushed the first one into Lucas’s left shoulder. He began to twist the blade a little as it sank slowly into him, slicing through muscle cleanly. The sinking eventually met up with the hilt, and he left it in the shoulder. Blood was flowing out of the opening of the wound, puddling on his armor and running to the ground. The Lurker grinned and lifted the knife on his right shoulder off. Lucas had his eyes closed to try to endure the pain and could only feel what was happening.

The Lurker raised the knife up slowly, and the others saw what he was about to attempt to do. He rapidly plunged the knife into the other shoulder, which made Lucas pop his eyes open in total shock. The immense pain shot from his shoulder all the way down to the tips of his fingers, as he felt several nerves light on fire, in a sort. He tried to make a fist, and was greeted by the mind-numbing pain, and followed by the realization that he could no longer move any part of his arm. It was then that Lucas finally screamed. His echoing voice rang through the rest of the Lurkers and reached the squad. Their bones chilled as they began to breathe heavier and worry for Lucas. Supersonic guffawed in a very goofy sound without realizing he sounded like an imbecile. “Do you see, Regulars!? Do you see what happens when you mess with warriors like us!?”

“The only warrior I see is a dead one,” responded a voice. Grabbing onto a powerline, he zipped down, firing his P90 at Supersonic and Sonic. Fallen Angel dusted himself off, and looked back to the roof, motioning for something else to come down. Sonic took this as a cheap shot, and dashed with his super speed towards Angel.

He was quickly pushed back by four arrows that had suddenly protruded from his shoulder and chest. They directed their attention upward, where Chibi held her bow steady for a fifth one. Supersonic ran to the building and began to pound on the foundation. Chibi, having stood on the edge, began to trip on the ledge, and fell off, only to have saved herself by hooking her bow to the edge.
A titanic scythe came down upon Supersonic, who used his forearms to block it. The blade sank into the flesh and got caught in the muscle. He howled in pain as the owner of the scythe struggled to rip the blade out. Antithetical Inquiry kicked him in the stomach hard enough to force the two out. “You little bitc-”
“EXCUSE ME?” She shouted, her face fuming. She quickly regained her calm attitude again and said. “You obviously never have dealt with an Ex-Administrator…” Inquiry twirled around and look at the others, who were busy keeping Sonic from knocking Chibi off the building. “You guys will NOT, under any circumstance, interfere with this fight… He’s mine,” she said, licking her lips seductively, then grinning.

Taken aback from the lip licking, he dropped his guard. Immediately, Inquiry drew her knife and plunged it into Supersonic’s rock solid abdomen. The barely got through the skin before the blade began to bend. He enjoyed the futile attempt of her attacks, and attempted to ram a knee into her stomach. However, just as she was powerful, she was extremely maneuverable. She quickly let go of the knife, leaving it where it was in his stomach. She twirled her hips to the left and dodged the assault. With the hand that held the scythe, she grabbed onto the knee. Like an acrobat in a circus, she swung herself by clutching onto the thigh and landed on to of it, where she quickly dropped into a crouch. Before he could react, she crouched even lower. With her body low enough for her head to touch the knee, she shot her leg out, her heel connecting to Supersonic’s cheekbone. The sheer force of her kick sent him flying to the ground, landing about three feet away from her.

She jumped off immediately before Supersonic dropped his leg and, not taking any chances, ran to his knocked down self. She quickly raised her scythe, pointing the handle directly at Supersonic, and plunged it into his abdomen, precisely where the knife was. The knife dug much deeper, with the handle making a loud snapping sound upon impact. This time, Supersonic wasn’t laughing. Now he felt a burning sensation in his stomach, which soon turned into horrifying pain. He began to gurgle until he fell limp. Inquiry lifted the scythe up and slammed the blade into his heart for good measure.

Wiggling the blade out, AI hoisted the blade to her shoulder and flicked her nose with her thumb defiantly at the body. “Who the fuck is next?” She growled, adrenaline still rushing. She felt a sharp pain in her back that seemed to bother her a bit. It grew more and more painful as she stood there. Finally, she looked down and saw her stomach begin to bulge. A claw burst from the indent and blood sprayed everywhere. She made a small gasp as Supersonic lifted her off the ground. With his other hand, he dug into his wound and ripped the knife out. AI’s legs dangled helplessly as Supersonic brought her closer to him. Her tactical suit began to turn a dark shade of red. He stuck his free hand out, where a spike began to grow out of the palm. It grew at about seven inches. He caressed Inquiry’s face, which was white with anger, and slowly slid it down to her neck. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to feel around for her knife. She found it, ripped it out of its sheath, and stabbed Supersonic multiple times in the stomach, each stab doing almost nothing.

He chuckled at the futile attempts to attack him and shifted the claw slightly, which caused Inquiry to twist her face in pain. He pulled his other arm back, ready to deal the finishing blow, before realizing the spike was gone. “Wh-what!?” he stuttered, throwing AI to the ground. She scrambled to her feet, trying to ignore the screaming pain of her fresh wound.

The shadow tosses the spike into the air and caught it a couple times, leaning on a wall. “It annoys me when people take their time to kill their prey…” it whispered. it threw the spike up again, but this time it jumped backwards and ran towards Supersonic, grabbing the spike as he dashed forward. With godlike reflexes, it hurled the spike at Supersonic, who deflected it with his claw. Inquiry took the chance and reached for her scythe. Still holding her bleeding wound, she held the scythe with one hand and sliced Supersonic’s left leg with a single swipe. He toppled over, face first, but rolled onto his back just in time to see the shadow dropping from the air, its blade flying down to his face.

The blade drove through Supersonic’s eye, penetrating his entire eye socket and ripping through the back of the head. It slammed into the ground and impaled Supersonic to the floor, leaving him to thrash around in unspeakable pain. The shadow leaned to Supersonic‘s ear. “And unlike you, I know how to kill my prey,” it whispered. He grabbed the handle of the blade and with one tug, pulled it out sideways. The blade came through the other eye and splattered blood everywhere. It left the blade on the ground and, shuffling through his pockets, pulled out a medical bandage.

It quickly ran to Inquiry and began to wrap the bandage around her torso, hoping to stop the bleeding. “You need to sit down,” it said, trying to get her hand off her wound. “You have no right to talk to me that way, even if you did just kill that thing for me,” she responded, slowly lifting her arm. After a few minutes, the wound was completely bandaged up, but the pain had not subsided. “What are you doing here?” she said in a raspy voice. She turned her head to look at the shadow, who was already sitting down. Lifting a canteen, it said, “Water?”

She squinted at it, but took the canteen cautiously before chugging it down. She was a little surprised at how pure it tasted. Water around here was usually full of things that killed the poison the Lurkers kept adding, but it made it taste terrible. “It’s my own invention,” it said, pulling the Steyr AUG out of its holster. She wondered if it meant the water or the gun was its invention, but simply nodded in response. It lifted the rifle to its eye and looked through its scope. She continued drinking, with water now running down her neck and glanced at the general direction he was aiming. Right there was Chibi still hanging on, with more and more Trolls standing up. She choked on the water as she realized what it was doing. “Stop!” she yelled, but the shadow’s finger was faster than her. Pulling the trigger, a single bullet shot out, hitting a Troll in the skull. It fired quickly, making spastic movements to aim at a new target, knocking down more and more Trolls. She stopped and watched curiously at the shadow’s marksmanship. Though her own shooting was none to be ashamed of, it still had single shot on plus the shadow had a scope.

It flicked its thumb, turning on the full auto mode, with each shot hitting a body part easily. This time, she stepped back in surprise. The rifle’s clicking told them it was spent, so the shadow dropped it. It handed Inquiry binoculars, who took it and looked for Chibi. She had scrambled back up and was already resuming fire. She seemed a little confused as to how the Trolls were killed, but didn’t seemed to worried about that for the moment.

“Thank you…” she said to the shadow, who shrugged. “Why are you doing this? Who are yo-”

“This isn’t our first date, Ms. Inquiry. You know these answers,”

“The hell I do! Who are you?!” she said more forcefully.

“I’m disappointed! You really don’t remember!” it said, starting to chuckle. Inquiry began to turn red with anger, but controlled herself so she wouldn’t slug it in the face. “Anyway, shouldn’t you be helping your friends?”

“Shouldn’t you make yourself more useful than just sitting here?” she responded.

It got up and sighed. Picking up its bloodied blade, it began to walk out. “Tell you what,” he said, “I’ll keep my end of the bargain if you keep yours,” She scoffed and said, “I plan to,”

Undeed had finally gotten out of the godforsaken place with Gatorbait still on his back. “Where are we going again?” she shouted to Undeed, who was still running. “We’re going to see if the Regulars are more than just the ‘terrible killers with no compassion’,”

He continued to sprint through, stopping only when he found a German Mauser on near a dead body. He paid no mind as to how an antique would be found at a place like this, and continued his trek to the chatroom. Sadly, the only way to get the chatroom was by taking the route through RP District.

Arsonist blocked a roundhouse kick from the left and retaliated with a palm strike to Sonic’s chest. He stumbled back, but sidestepped the left fast enough to dodge a downward strike from Slash. With his blade still coming down, he slid his leg to the side and twisted his body, his arms following. The blade swung horizontally towards Sonic’s torso, who leapt into the air to avoid it. Arsonist saw the dodge and stepped on Slash’s back, using him to propel itself towards Sonic. It threw a massive left hook to the face and knocked Sonic to the floor. “Not bad,” he said, wiping a bit of blood from his mouth. He crouched down, his fists dangling freely. Suddenly, he sprang up and leaped seven feet into the air, stunning the two . They could only watch in bewilderment as Sonic came crashing down in a nose dive, with his fists ready to crush them. Arsonist was the first to return to reality, and pushed Slash out of the way. Sonic impacted the ground, making a crater the size of his fists. Slash recovered from the push my rolling back onto his feet. He pushed himself off the ground again, sword ready to spill blood.

Arsonist scrambled back to its feet and faced Sonic again. “This is taking way too long, Slash,”
“Well, we’re just trying to hold him off while the others find Lucas, right?” Slash replied, sidestepping from a punch.

“True, but we should have killed him by now,”

Ryu opened his launcher and placed another rocket in, “I’m out after this one, so you guys’ll have to take over!” he said, aiming at a building. “Friendly advice: Hit the deck!” he shouted, firing the rocket. The blazing flames that propelled the rocket caught everybody’s attention as it traveled to the building. The explosion wasn’t deafening, but it definitely woke a member or two up. Huge chunks of concrete and glass began to rain on the Lurkers below, crushing hundreds in that instant.

“Alright, I’m out! I’m out!” He shouted, running back to the rest. The Regulars immediately opened fire at the Lurkers not caught in the massive destruction. It was Rule who was taking the opening shots first. He immediately aimed at the thickest group of Lurkers with his magnum, who seemed to have been piling up on something. His Desert Eagle had been customized to rip through at least three bodies, and didn’t fail this time either. His bullets tore through the horde until two of them were left standing. He wasn’t too worried about the Lurkers that were close by, as the others would probably take care of them. Unsheathing his hatchet, he hurled it at the farther one, sending the Lurker flying. At that instant, he drew his Desert Eagle at the same time and planted a bullet into the other’s head. With the two gone, he instantly saw a bloody body.

“Lucas!” Rule shouted, sprinting towards him. He ripped the blades off and helped him up. Lucas batted his eyes before taking a breath in. “You alright?” Rule asked, getting Lucas’s arm around his shoulder.

The only sign of life in Lucas was his short breaths, rapidly getting shorter. But a sudden flame lit up in his eye, and he grabbed his PARA. Without a word, he fired blindly at the remaining crowd of Lurkers, who were far too focused on the Regulars that were firing at the other side.

“Are you nuts!?” Rule said. Lucas was slightly annoyed that they were able to swarm him so easily and so wanted to make them bleed. Ripping the hatchet out of the dead body, Rule sighed and said, “Alright.. Why not?”

The Regulars began to fire blindly as well, as the remaining Lurkers began to diminish. MMK said to the others. “We need a miracle to take these guys out!”

Ili’s eyes widened at the sound of this and a psychotic look crossed his face. Ignoring the gun fire, he ran headfirst into the crowd, with his Heckler and Koch USP’s firing wildly. Arms flailing now, Ili continued to fire endlessly at the crowds, stopping only to slip a fresh clip in. Seeing him as a threat, the Lurkers turned their attention to Ili. His response to his new attention was even more erratic movements and faster trigger fingers. Soon, Ili’s fury had tore through the entire defense and the army had laid dead. Ili panted for air as his face slowly returned to his normal expression. “So what now?” He asked, before noticing Lucas and Rule. “Guys! Those two are okay!”

A little shaken up by the whole experience, the group cautiously approached Ili. “Well now that we have the whole group together…” Rule began.

“That wall of debris won’t hold those Lurkers. They’ll either burst through that wall or they’ll try to flank us at the other ends. Chances are, it’s both,” MMK added.

“Isn’t that Chibi up there?” Nunu said, pointing to a building. Chibi saw the point and waved to them. “What’s going on over the other side?” Nunu shouted to her.

“Some of them ar-” she ducked as a bullet whizzed past her. “Some of them are going around! Others are radioing for backup over there! I heard the word ‘tank’ a couple times, so I think we’re in some pretty deep shi-” she ducked again as more bullets flew past. “I’m gonna need back up over here, by the way!” she finally shouted, before crawling out of view again.

“You heard the lady. One of us get up there!” Nunu ordered.

“Since when were you in charge!? I seem to recall that you never even joined Squad 13!” Lucas argued.

“Well I AM more responsible. And plus I‘m pretty sure that I don‘t run into hundreds of heavily armed troops, guns blazing,” Nunu refuted.

“I’ll go,”

The group turned around, to see Momiji standing up from the rubble he rested on. His head was bleeding a little, and his M16 was beat up. Nonetheless, he had never looked more serious.

Not wasting a second, Nunu dashed towards Momiji, picked him up, and scaled the building Chibi was on. Once there, it dropped him off, handed him an extra clip and a fragmentation grenade, and told him, “Godspeed,”

“Pretty sure God’s not gonna like what I’m gonna do next,” Momiji muttered, clipping the grenade to his belt. “You say something, Mo?” Chibi asked.

“It’s nothing,” he said, laying on his stomach now and aiming.

Meanwhile, The others had begun to take point already. They split themselves up to help defend more easily, and that was when they realized Slash, Arsonist, and Sonic were still killing each other. Not wanting to interrupt, Rule used his radio to tell Arsonist, “Approaching enemy flank. Remove yourselves from the vicinity or kill him quickly,”

Arsonist was gasping for air as it let Slash scrimmage with Sonic. “R-roger that,” it said. “Slash!”

“Yeah?” he answered, roundhouse kicking Sonic on the side.

“Follow me!” and with that, Arsonist ran through one of the alleys.

Slash immediately stopped attacking, catching onto the plan. He threw five knives at Sonic, all of them stabbing into his arms. Sonic howled in pain and gave chase. “So where to?” Slash said, running side by side with Arsonist. “Far away. That’s all,” it responded, as they made their way out of the district and into a new one.

The Shadow and Inquiry had finally gotten their way back to the group, only to be ordered by Nunu to take point. “Excuse me?” the shadow asked, annoyed.

“I said, go take the pathway that leads to the JG District. AI, you can take the DG Distr-”

“Excuse me?” Inquiry copied.

“Come on, guys. Just focus. Unless you want to make their jobs easier by killing each other, we have to listen to each other,”

“And when did others become you?” The shadow asked.

“And when did you suddenly get involved with this group?” Nunu retorted.

The three exchanged silent cold stares before a deafening boom awakened them. “Shit!” The shadow exclaimed. “Alright! Just this once!” it said, before dashing off. Nunu turned to AI. “Well from the looks of it, you don’t have someone assigned to you, Nunu,” she said, holding up her scythe. “I guess I don’t,”

The two gripped their blades as tightly as possible, expecting to sprint towards the incoming group and slicing through. The next explosion, however, knocked them to the ground. The wall of debris had fallen. And on the other side stood,

“Ex-Lurkers!?” Momiji exclaimed from the rooftops.

Fallen Angel stood in front of the small pack of ex-Lurkers with a triumphant look on his face, clothes and armor bloody, with some noticeable cuts. He reloaded his P90 and said, “I’m pretty sure you called for backup,”
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Chapter 20- No.

In the shadows of the alley way, Newbie had slammed a stray Lurker into the wall, holding his newly acquired Luger up to its chin. “So buddy. Hear any good gossip lately? I enjoy a good story once in a while, so make it interesting or we’re going to play a game,” Turning to Gator, he nodded his head, telling her to continue on. Being completely defenseless, Gator refused to leave without a weapon, and shook her head rapidly in response. Rolling his eyes, the soldier frisked the Lurker and found a fully loaded HK USP in a holster and handed it to Gatorbait. Instinct took over as she swiped the gun from her hand and quickly sprinted onward. “Chatroom’s just a couple yards there, right?!” she yelled to Newbie. Kicking some dust up, the rebel replied, “Should be, so I’ll catch up later!”

Newbie turned back to the Lurker. He studied its face carefully, taking note of every detail and blemish on the skin. Before he gave the gun to Gator, he had taken a glance at the Lurker, who had on a face that showed a face presenting pseudo-confidence to deny Newbie the satisfaction of a sniveling coward to mercilessly kill. In truth, he was absolutely terrified, but the Lurker’s proud nature overcame all fear, despite his difficulty hiding his quivering lip and shaking body.

Now the Lurker’s face dropped its mask and all the fear was evident in his face. Found your little ace in the hole, did I? Newbie chuckled to himself as he pushed the barrel harder into the chin, making sure to leave a nice indent on his skin.

“So where were we? Ah yes. We were about to play a game,”

“B-but! You said you were going to let me ex-”

“Hush up, or you’re playing another round,” His cold voice rang into the Lurker’s ears. Having commanded Lurker troops, he knew what made them tick. A barrel to the head and a booming voice was all a person needed for a Lurker to cooperate.

“Now then, I’m thinking of a number from one to ten. Guess,”


“Hm. Lucky guess. You get to live for this round. But piss me off and we’ll have to play another round,”

The Lurker swallowed at the sound of it. All of his boastful fronts had shattered at the cold monster in front of him. The cold monster… Who seemed very familiar. “Wh-what do you want?”

“I heard there was a party set up for the Regulars….” Newbie began, gently. Where is it?” His voice twisted to a psychotic tone, pressing ever slightly harder into the chin. The Lurker winced as it began to poke his Jugular.

“I-I.. I don’t know,” he stuttered out.

“Where is it?” he asked again, more sternly.

“Ahh..! I don’t know! I swear!”

“Where is it?” He said, penetrating the skin, with drops of blood starting to run down the gleaming barrel.

“ARGH! It’s in the DG District! We had orders to release the two super weapons!”

Newbie stood silent, but kept the gun trained on the Lurker. Were those two behemoths that he almost died from the two super weapons? “And just what would those weapons be?” he asked to be sure.

“W-well the first one are those two science mumbo-jumbo enhanced Lurkers!”

“What do you mean ‘first one’? You just told me two of them,”

“They’re just… Just one of the sets they have,” the Lurker replied, giving up all resistance to keep information from his interrogator.

“A.. Tower…”

“That’s what I said, yes. The tower is a stationary plasma cannon capable of obliterating entire districts in a matter a minutes,” Each word the Lurker said continuously became more and more confident.

“How long has this been in construction!?” Newbie snarled immediately. His Luger rammed into the Lurker’s chin even further, almost hitting its tongue. The Lurker twisted violently at Newbie’s burst of anger. The blood that ran down his gloved hand smoothly slid down a single trickle. It gagged as it tried to breathe as Newbie unknowingly continued to kill him. Finally, Newbie ripped the barrel out, leaving a gasping Lurker on his knees.

Without remorse, Newbie picked him back up by the collar and slammed him into the wall again. The recoil shook the military medals on his chest, finally catching the attention of the Lurker. “You’re… You’re-!”

“I’m what? A Lurker? The captain of the Elite Task Force? One of the most highly decorated soldiers

“B-but weren’t YOU assigned to post guard in the development for those Lurkers?!” The Lurker’s voice said, now receding back to its cowardly and stuttering remarks.

“I’m just a hired gun,” Newbie retorted coolly. “We’re not done, though. What is this tower we’re talking about?”

“It’s like a fifty foot launcher that fires a number of things… All I remember is one of them is a sound wave that can tear anybody within it’s radius to lose all sense of hearing and the other’s just a super cannon that can obliterate anything in the city,”

“You sure seem to know what you’re talking about, so stop fucking playing dumb and start giving me answers,“ He growled. The whimpering Lurker shut his eyes as if to ward off the anger. Newbie seemed to get angrier at the Lurker’s cowardice and began to shake him violently. The Lurker curled himself up as much as he could while standing, which finally burned off the last of Newbie’s patience. The Lurker wanted to shut himself off from the pain? Fine by him. The Lugar was leveled to the bridge of his nose and gently pressed against it. Newbie felt a brief moment of satisfaction as he pulled the trigger.

Ever since Rapture had arrived in the bar, it had been, “Move that box and unpack it there!” or “Find the coordinates to the Lurker squad in the MG district,” and frankly, it was whittling what was left of the thin thread she called patience. She diligently, but reluctantly, scanned through the Trashcan district for any stray Lurkers, when she noticed something extremely interesting.

There wasn’t time to report to her superior, Angel, since he was out on the battlefield. She sighed and pulled her hair back, and with a rubber band, she make a quick ponytail. One that most female soldiers had it set up. She scanned the room quickly, and satisfied she was alone for now, quickly grabbed a Beretta M9 pistol and a heavy combat knife. Her face lit up as she covertly dove through the door.

The monitor had a single brilliant blinking blue light; the symbol of an ex-Lurker.

Having not really practiced his sharpshooting in a while, plus the fact that he was unconscious for a while, Momiji’s aim was shaky at best. It wasn’t helpful that he couldn’t seem to shoot a single bullet at a time, as they came out at bursts of three all the time. Meanwhile, Chibi, thanks to the new arm, was firing at an even faster speed and with better aim, something that she hadn’t though possible. Momiji glanced at her from time to time, wondering just how come she was firing like crazy, especially with a bow, but still hit her target each time.

“Hey, Chibi?” Momiji nudged her. Immediately, her hands shook and fired at a nearby building. Her C4 arrow flew at an angle and blew off chunks of the building, slaughtering more Lurkers and blocking their path for now.

“Yeah?” she said, trying not to sound annoyed.

“How are you doing that?”

She turned back to aim again, and asked, “Doing what?”

“Shooting so fast, of course!”

“Haven’t I always shot this fast?”

Momiji paused, thinking back to a few seconds ago, where her arms had become a blur of movements as an army of arrows showered upon the ground troops.

“I’m pretty sure that you couldn’t make people think it was raining arrows before,”

It was then Chibi remembered the operation. “Oh, right. Well look at my arm and tell me if you see anything,”

Momiji leaned over to her and saw a slight discoloration. “… So you’re, like, Robo-Chibi or…”

She laughed and shook her head. “It’s just for the arm,”

“Well, who gave it to ya?”

“AI did. Did you know she could do surgery?”

“That worries me. What if she put like, some sort of electrical discharger in your arm and if you misbehave she’ll taze you?”

“Oh come on, Mo. AI wouldn’t do th-” Chibi immediately froze as she could have sworn a jolt of electricity ran down her spine.

“W-we have work to do… Let’s not talk about this…“she said, not noticing that she was touching her homemade “Storm Arrows”. The conversation seemed to have breathed fresh talent back into him, as Momiji unloaded his entire clip into every Lurker he saw.

Rapture had gone through a single clip by the time she reached the Trashcan. Her travel wasn’t delayed very much by a gunfight, and she mostly kept to the shadows well.

The door that led into the Trashcan was absolutely impenetrable, having been built to keep the dead inside forever. When she had first moved into the city, she had toured around. Her encounter with the door had nearly scared her into moving out. The mere presence of all the death that surrounded the door was unnerving to say the least, and there was no exception to this trip as well. Still, Rapture clutched her pistol and slowly walked towards the door.

Her first reaction to touching the door was to drop to her knees, but even terror couldn’t stop her now. “I’m getting you out of there, whoever you are…” she mumbled as she inched closer to the handle of the door.

The gates into the Trashcan were made with an ancient wood material, supported only by the rusting iron that gave it its swinging properties. It stood at a menacing twenty feet high and seemed to be getting bigger by the minute.

Rapture sighed again and closed her eyes. It was better just to get the whole thing over with. Without warning, she pushed the door with all her might, but didn’t expect it to fly open immediately. Rapture tumbled to the floor and dropped her M9. She laid on the floor, with her face completely buried in the ground, thinking someone had pulled the door out from the other side.

The other woman walked to the laying Rapture, curious as to what she was doing. She stumbled every three or four steps, as if she wasn’t used to walking, but walked so quietly that Rapture hadn’t been alerted by her presence at all. She knelt down and offered a hand to Rapture, who still had her face to the ground.

“Is something wrong?” the woman asked. Without warning, Rapture sprang up and caught the woman in the neck, her M9 right in her abdomen. The mysterious woman hadn’t flinched once and simple raised her hands up.

Though the calm approach to her actions took her off-guard, Rapture did not shake. That is, until she saw the face of her new “friend”.

Feeling the sense of hostility slowly drifting away, the woman placed her hands down and said, “My name’s Copper. Are you planning on leaving here anytime soon?”
Re: Lurker Wars (Story Only)

Angel’s troops, though only a small fraction of the Ex-Lurker army, slowly pushed through the advancing defenses. Being in the front lines like a true soldier motivated the others to continue fighting. Before the battle had even started, he had sent scouts to send him enemy positions. When the report came back that all sides were being flanked, he decided not to spread his squads thin, trying to cover every side, but instead split them in half, covering opposite ends. By pushing forces into two opposite locations with impressive amounts of firepower, his guess was that his forces would eventually push through on either side fast enough to meet up with Squad 13.

What he didn’t count on was unexpected back up from former members.

He and his unit were the first ex-Lurkers to reach the Regulars, where he suddenly found himself shaking hands with Inquiry and Nunu happily, overjoyed to see that they were still alive. He took a glance at the shadow and shrugged, passing him off as another renegade Ex-Lurker who wanted to help. “What’re you guys doin’ here?”

“It feels like that we should probably ask you that instead, shouldn’t we?” Nunu remarked.

“We’re just here for backup,” Inquiry continued, “You, however, don’t have a single quarrel with the Lurkers, am I right?”

“They destroyed the districts, they’ve taken my comrades’ lives, they’ve forced us into hiding. I’m pretty sure I got a quarrel or two,” Angel replied, offended.

“Alright, I get it. What’s the situation for now?” AI asked.

“How should I know? I just got here! If anything, I should be asking you two that!”

“Well, we’re waiting for your guys to show up and push back the Lurkers. We’ve got two Regulars going up against some ugly little thing, and the rest are holding them off.”

“Alright. My guys are coming in from four directions: North, northeast, south west, and south. What they’re going to do is flow toward this area, clearing their paths of Lurkers. They’ll meet us here, and flow through the remaining areas with your guys." said Angel.

“So in other words,” Nunu commented. “It’s only a matter of time before we wrap all this up,”

Momiji resorted to throwing his empty clips at the enemies below as he look for a weapon. He had since emptied all his clips and was running out of options. Chibi has a couple arrows left, but they weren’t exactly used for killing.

“Well…” Mo began. “What now…?” his voice drifted off.

“I guess we wait here?” Chibi replied, unsure herself.

The sound of metal clattering came from next to Mo’s leg. He flipped out and quickly aimed his empty rifle at the direction it came from.

“Dude, I saw you. You don’t have ammo. Chill out and put that little thing away,” Obeliskos laughed.

“Dude!” Mo’ exclaimed. “Where the hell did you come from?!”

“Man, I've been through hell....so have you, it seems."
"Good to see ya again."

"Yeah, you too."

“Uh, boys?” Chibi interrupted, snapping her finger at them. “We’re at war, not a high school! Don’t blame me if you get your head shot off!”

Mo shifted a glance at Chibi, and said in a lower volume, “We’ll talk later. You got a weapon with you?”

“Why the hell do you think I had ammo to spare?”

“You robbed dead bodies?”

“Exactly,” Obe said, pulling a semi-hidden pistol. Momiji stared at it for a moment before asking, “Er… So what is it?”

“If you can stare at it for that long, can’t you read the label?” Obe rolled his eyes, disappointed. Moving in closer, Mo saw the letters “HK” and “MK 23” engraved into the barrel.

“So it’s… Heckler and Koch.. And it’s Mark 23... So it’s a HK Mark 23?”

“Ya’ did it, Mo! You learned how to read labels!”

“Hey now, you’re acting like Dark right now. Linemarvel rest his soul, but I don’t need a reincarnation making fun of me too,”

“Well it’s not like it’ll kill ya’ to be a little more observant, would it?”

“Well it’s not like the engravings are that notic-”

“Hey, you newlyweds! Wake up and smell the bullets!” Chibi snapped. She dragged the bladed part of her bow along the edge of the wall swiftly, a few seconds and a scream later, a thud was heard. “They’re coming for us now! I’m out of ammo, so I can only use this thing to cut their fingers! You guys are gonna have to take care of the shooting!”

Obeliskos grinned from ear to ear. It really had been a while for him since he had last fired a gun, so it was good to get the blood pumping again. Momiji glanced over at Obe, and smiled. This was bound to be fun. Looking at the numerous Lurkers climbing over the top, he began to fire.

Long before the Lurker War even began, Obeliskos and Momiji were feared for their teamwork and ability when working with one another. Both of them had amazing abilities alone, but together they could slaughter an entire army of lurkers, if given enough ammo. Their styles were alike but different , Obe’ being the more unique and smarter one, Momiji simply doing what he was taught. Together they might have been even better than the classic Chibi/D.A/Slash combo. However, their only weakness was that the two of them enjoyed being complete dumbasses. Instead of practicing, they would skip class and go drinking. Eventually, the two were separated by AI to restore order to the city. They weren't too happy about that, and always held a bit of a grudge afterward.

“… And after everybody went crazy over Aika dying, I sorta just ran around, keeping myself alive,” Obe’ explained, as he reloaded.

“Well now that nothing matters anymore, let’s start fucking around,”

“Now we’re talkin’. Alright, let’s jump off the building and slaughter these guys. You first, Mo‘!”

“Yea- Wait, what?”
Obe’ swiftly moved behind Momiji and kicked his back, sending him flying off the building.

“OBE‘! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Chibi shrieked. “MO‘! HANG ON! I’M COMING DOWN!” *

She looked frantically for a way to get to the bottom floor quickly, but the staircase was the only safe way. She bolted for the door and ran downstairs. Lurkers that were invading were quickly turned to paste as Chibi flailed her bladed bow around, skewering each and every one that dared to stand in front of her.

Meanwhile, Obe’ fell on his back, laughing. “Mo, that was awesome! I’m glad you caught on so quickly!”

Momiji’s hand gripped the ledge of the roof, pulling his body up. “Caught on to what?! You just kicked me off a building!”

Obe’ shook his head in disappointment and sighed. “Well the good news is we got Chibi to pretty much get rid of the rest of the Lurkers.”

Mo’ peered down and saw that Obe was completely correct. At the bottom floor, Chibi was tearing through everything, trying to find his body. An impaled body here, and slashed throat over there, but in the end, not a single Lurker was left in their area.

“I thought something was odd…” Copper whispered as she and Rapture crept through the Graveyard. “That door isn’t supposed to open. I was going to pick things up and took a shortcut through here when the door flew open and Lurkers started flying out.

Rapture slowly nodded, fiddling with her knife. The weight of it always seemed heavier when she had too many thoughts going on. She jabbed it into a gravestone, breaking right through the lusterless stone. Ripping it out, she anxiously whirled it in the air, as if trying to cut a pestering fly. Copper paused as she watched her gracefully swing her wrist fluidly. Eventually, the two stopped moving altogether, now crouching under graves.

“So the Lurkers came through that door?” Rapture said, turning to face Copper.

“Yeah… When they saw me, I got dragged into the door. All I remember after was me not being able to move, and all these people in the same position. Lurkers were spawning from the inside using some sort of machine.”

“What’d the inside look like?”

“It was almost pure darkness. All I could see was Lurkers marching and the dim lights of the machine. I don’t remember how, but someone cut my restraints after a while and told me to run to the door. That was when you found me.”

“But I found you because you just suddenly showed up on a radar,”

“I’m not sure what to say about that….” Copper thought for a moment, shifting positions. She slipped her hand into her pocket and pulled out a charred piece of machinery. “What about this?”

Rapture reached out and took the equipment and studied it for a moment. It was completely smooth, but looked as if it was burned in an intense fire. She continued to twist it, even playing with it between her fingers, until she finally shrugged. “I haven’t a clue what this is. But the most important thing is that we’re getting out of here.” Her head finally calmed as she reached for her Nagant. Giving Copper her pistol, she laid flat on her stomach and flipped the scope open. Peering through, there were only two Lurkers on patrol. Not too bad. If I can readjust fast enough, I might be able to take both out while they’re still trying to figure out what’s happening…

Holding her breath, Rapture aimed at the Lurker to the right ‘s heart. For a split second, she heard complete silence, as it always happened when she took a preemptive strike. Her finger twitched and a rifle bullet bursted out of the barrel. She paused to hear a pained scream and a drop to the ground. What she saw was a Lurker who dodged the bullet. Through the scope, she could see the Lurker grinning at her, as if scolding her for attempting to kill him.

The next instant, Rapture and Copper were sprinting through the graveyard, with two Elite Lurkers right on their tails. “What’s happening!? Why’re we running!?” Copper shouted to Rapture.

“They dodged a bullet! I don’t think I wanna stay and see what else they can do!” She panted, looking back to see they were inching closer.

The two Lurkers cunningly split apart to flank the two. Copper, holding Rapture’s pistol, immediately stopped sprinting and instinctively ducked, narrowly escaping a Lurker who was trying to clothesline her. She took two shots, and yet again, it moved erratically to dodge them. From two feet away, the Lurker leapt and landed extremely close to Copper, who was now ready to fight. She threw a left elbow uppercut to his chin and missed. The Elite Lurker realized this was turning into a fist fight, and so gave a swift side kick to her stomach. Taking the blow, Copper hammered at his knee with the gun handle, this time connecting. She coughed harshly, but shook it off as she proceed to grab the stunned Lurker’s leg and pull it even closer. She bobbed her head downward as the Lurker’s body shifted closer, then , dropping the leg, used both arms to strike at his chest and solar plexus. At a point blank range, a double fisted strike usually caused ruptures all over the body. However, the Lurker stumbled back, losing its breath.

Not giving it a chance to breathe, Copper immediately reached under her jeans and pulled out a seven inch dagger, decorated to resemble the deadly claws of a dragon. Holding the knife with the blade pointing downward, she spun around, whirling her arm, and stabbed the Lurker in the spine, instantly killing him.

Rapture had turned around and run back to the door she found Copper at when the Lurker tackled her. Landing on her stomach, she immediately kicked the Lurker in the back and got back up. The two got into their own stances and waited for the next move. Throwing a feint at it, the Lurker stepped back before leaping forward, in a jumping kick fashion. Rapture threw her hands to her face and blocked the blow, then immediately unsheathed her knife as she ran towards the recovering Lurker. In a smooth fashion, she sliced cleanly upwards, tearing right in half of the Lurker. She side kicked her enemy to the ground and stared down at it. She gave it a returning smirk from before, then leaned down to slit its throat.

The two relaxed on a grave head. Though they were able to easily dispose of the Lurkers, they realized it shouldn’t have taken them so long to kill them. Wiping the blood off her knife, Rapture began patting through her opponent’s body.

“Grenades… Flimsy knives…. Extra clips… A lighter…. Where are all their guns?”

She grabbed the body’s feet and stood up. She lifted the legs above her head and began shaking the body. After about two minutes, an egg fell out. Copper eyed it quizzically, then said, “Hey Rap’, what’s that?”

Rapture glanced down and grimaced. Looking around everywhere, she found an open spot, then punted the grenade as hard as possible. The explosive soared through the air, and exploded away from them. “RGH! Christ! I forgot how heavy they were!” Rapture groaned, clutching her foot. “Steel toe does NOT help with grenade-kicking!” She sighed and sat down to think for a moment.

Copper watched as Rapture sat, in the meantime, searching through her own opponent's body. She had much more luck, pulling out numerous glocks and even coming across the reliable Springfield Armory XD pistol. After wiping her own knife clean, she gathered the holsters on the body, and armed herself with two Glocks, her Springfield pistol, and the various pocket knives Rapture found. She watched as her companion struggled to get up and almost felt remorse. Deep down, though, she knew she had been through way worse.

“Hey Copper. I know it’s a bit much to ask, considering I just met you, but could I lean on you back to the base? I’ll give you the directions.”

Copper smiled and stuck her hand out, with Rapture taking it.

“Alright then. Let’s get out of here.”

Nunu slid its Dotanuki toward the ground as it sprinted towards the last couple Lurkers. In a spinning whirl, it finished off the rest. The Regulars and the five platoons of ex-Lurkers stood silent as Nunu sheathed its bloodied blade. The air had an uneasy tenseness as the ex-Lurkers waited for the Regulars to do something. Meanwhile, Squad 13 solemnly gathered to the center of the district, still ready for more fighting. In fifteen minutes of awkward silence, a flare was shot from a building and exploded brilliantly.

‘WE WON! HELL YEAH! WE FUCKIN’ WON! KISS MY ASS, LURKERS!!!” Momiji screamed at the top.


Immeidately, the ex-Lurkers cheered and thrusted their guns and blades to the air. The Regulars smiled approvingly at the two’s antics and quietly celebrated as well.

Finally, the Regulars calmed their new allies down and planned on what to do next.

“We can’t let them take this place. We have to start establishing forts around here. What we should be doing is building a base right here so they can’t reclaim it anymore.” Obe said to the gathered group.

“Well we have enough manpower to get materials for that, but what about the chatroom bar?” Momiji replied. “I don’t wanna lose that either.”

“Um…” Obe wasn’t sure if Momiji was being serious or not, and threw an arched eyebrow at him. “We can send people there too, y’know,”

“Er. Right.”

“If we can build a base here, then chances are they’re going to send more troops to attack,” Rule muttered.

“And since we’re looking to expand these bases, we’re going to eventually run out of troops to efficiently run these bases,” Slash branched off.

“If we even try to move troops elsewhere, there’s no telling how many casualties there’ll be. They aren’t trained like we are to handle so many attacks. “Inquiry continued.

“Hey, hey! I wasn’t say it was the perfect plan! I’m just saying that the best step we should take is build a base here for now. That way we ca-”

“Well maybe we can split Squad 13 to follow squads in my army,” Angel interrupted.

“Don’t ignore me, damn it!” Obe fumed. “Anyway, that way we can plan our next move here as well and so we don’t have to move as far when the next attack comes,”
“Right. And if we have the ex-Lurkers fall under command of a Regular, there’s much less of a chance of casualties.” Angel commented.

“The thing is,” the Shadow said from the back, “That means we lose the one thing that makes Squad 13 so powerful. Their cooperation with each other,”

“If each of them has to separate and go into individual squads, chances are nobody’s going to perform as well. Unlike myself or Ryu here, most of you are used to having a small team of elites, not a large group of grunts,” Nunu began. “So unless we’re all willing to go alone, then I doubt having us separate will work.”

The group stood silent as they thought about their answers. Slowly, each of them nodded.

“Alright then,” Momiji said. “Let’s start moving people out.”