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Lust (Maple)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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It was an evening that Maple would not soon forget. The spring trees were shimmering with life, basking in the glory of the sun, and the beautiful flowers and roses were starting to bloom happily in the warm, shining sun. With little a care in the world, all of this life, and happiness was stored away on a rather isolate part of the island, where nothing, and by all literal means, nothing happened.

It was this that likely drove a rather young, 19 year old virgin girl to the edge. Her hormones were acting up, but her village was so calm, that marriages and relationships were more organized by parents than anything else. And like many who share her tale of her experience, she held no love for the boy she was asked to marry. He was kind, sweet, and a hard worker; a living image of his father, to be sure. But, Maple was no ordinary girl, which was something even she was oblivious to. For, one day, she would discover her true destiny, and the reason behind the feeling of ostracism from her village, following her lust for adventure... As well as her other 'lusts'

On a random spur, Maple had decided she was going to explore, to go on an adventure like the men and women mentioned in the stories, who came to the island she was born on in search of wealth, land, and not to mention adventure.

Taking a small hunting knife used by her father, as well as a pack containing food, a rolled up sleeping bed, as well as other items one would be expected to carry, Maple prepared herself as best she could with childish glee, no doubt, her heart likely beating with anticipation, eager to live the life of an adventurer, even if only for a day. And it was on this day, she decided, that she was going to do just that.

Walking to the village border, Maple told the town watch that she was going to be collecting more mushrooms because she'd gotten bored. The middle aged man looked up at the sky with concern, "Are you sure, Red?" he asked her, "Night's almost here, and I don't need to tell you those stories about monsters snatching people up at night, do I?"

An acknowledgment, followed with persistence was all she needed to use to persuade the laid back man. And with many steps, each one seeming more intense than the last, Maple set out on her adventure. Walking steadily through the forest path, afraid, even now to stray from it, until, as if coming forth as a sign of misfortune, a heavy rain blocked the sky light, and obstructed what was supposed to be a beautiful day.

Stepping quickly to search for shelter from the rain, seeking anything, Maple suddenly found that she lost her footing near the edge of a small landing, not 10 feet off the ground, and fell down, off the path. And as if to add insult to injury, Maple slid even more, down the slope of the mountain, taking many twists and turns, until she had lost all sense of direction. And in the following moments, the ground evened out enough to allow her to stop her decent, and get back to her footing, the rain offering a gift through the curse as the pure waters falling from the sky cleaned her bonnet, and coat of the mud to some degree.

But now, panic would flood Maple's mind; she had gone off from the path! And worse, she lost her way, with little clue as to how she'd get back on the path! Her clothes were soaked, and a positive attitude right now would be a difficult one to uphold, until the sounds of a cave, one she'd come to recognize with her experience in the wilderness, greeted her.

It was an odd cave, with a rather large opening. Images of paranoia, those of monsters living in caves such as this flooded her mind, and how mother, father, and even her grandmother warned her about monster dens, and that she should never enter anything that even looks remotely like one... But, the fact is, she is liable to become sick if she remains in the rain. A small cough was starting, and it would only make her adventure even worse if she spent it sick... On the other hand, if there ARE monsters within the cave... What would she do if they caught her? Or worse, what would THEY do if they caught her?

She would make her decision, standing in the rain, to either enter the cave, or pass it, with each choice having their own ups and downs...
Re: Lust (Maple)

Maple had been happy and optimistic about this entire thing, a bright smile had been on her face when she left her little village to seek adventure and to escape her boring run of the mill routine. Her pleasant attitude didn't last very long though, as it seemed that in only moments things went from great to not so great. After sliding down the muddy slope and getting wet and dirty she felt dazed and even a little confused, and the rain was starting to make her feel sick. Her lips now formed a frown and she almost felt panicked. The girl had to take a few deep breaths to calm herself, she knew freaking out was the worst thing to do in a situation like this. Once she got her bearings she quickly learned what her options were and what the risks to both were. She didn't want to get sick, she simply could not get sick on an adventure! Then again, the only visible shelter was a strange looking cave, and even she hesitated to go into such a place. Getting sick was better then getting snatched by a monster.

Her caramel eyes went back and forth between the cave entrance and the path away from it; ' I can't stay out here! I'm already starting to feel bad... I'm done for if I catch a cold while lost in the woods! ' Maple feared going into a cave, after all the story's she heard about them being rocky monster infested dens, however she felt far more worried about getting sick out here, alone with nobody but herself. ' I've looked in a few caves near the village before and nothing was in them... I'm sure this place will be empty. ' the brown haired girl began thinking to herself in an attempt to convince herself that no danger awaited her in the cave. In truth, she'd only poked her head in for a moment but hadn't actually dared to venture all the way in, to the very end of the cave. ' Ill just stay until the rain stops, then ill leave... ' she decided.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Maple hurried to the inside the cave, wanting to get inside and away from the cold rain. Once inside the first thing she would try to do is take off her wet red hood, leaving it somewhere to dry, and roll her sleeping bed out so she had something to lay down on. As she did of of this she would try and stay as quiet as a mouse. As much as she tried to convince herself against the idea, she still felt that something might be in the cave and wanted to stay quiet.
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Re: Lust (Maple)

Stepping inside the cave, Maple was force to go a little deeper than she would have liked, in order to escape the puddles of water, and the rain coming inside from the windy weather. The area around her was dark, and cold. The cavern walls were wet with mossy mildew, and the very air she breathed seemed damp with moisture.

No matter if she hung them up, the disappointing fact was that they'd not get completely dry anytime soon... And worse, in this weather, her parents would go berserk with worry for her welfare...

Within the cave, she was reminded of another piece of vital information, firewood!

Even with the damp air, Maple was confident she possessed the skill to light some wood with the cave's moss, and a little of her self taught magic, which was not very powerful, since Maple knew no incantations of the magical language. But, for her age, and lack of knowledge, her spells were powerful enough to do what she needed to do.

However... While the comfort of a fire would certainly make her adventure much more pleasant, anything in the cave would likely learn of her presence, that is, IF her presence currently was still a secret...
Re: Lust (Maple)

After setting her little roll up bed out on the cave floor and putting her treasured hood out to dry Maple quickly realized two things as she sat on the little mattress. The first being she might still get a little sick from being in this cold, wet, damp cave, and the second being that her hood was certainly not going to dry out like this. " I need a camp fire..." she quietly mumbled to herself while looking at the cave floor. She began thinking about her family's fire place that was built into the house so very long ago. It always gave her family's home so much warmth and comfort. When she was a little girl she always loved curling up in front of it with a cozy blanket and hearing one of her elders tell story's. These nostalgic memory's were already making the girl feel home sick. They also made her desire to start a small fire significantly grow.

" There is no way I'm laying down in here and freezing my butt off until the rain stops. I'm building a camp fire right now. " she said, her quite voice filled with determination. Maple realized that a fire would easily let anything in this cave know she was here, however she simply refused to rest like this. She wanted to be warm and get dried. She also wanted her hood ready to be worn by the time the rain storm stopped. Besides, didn't fire usually scare wild animals and other things away? Maybe a fire would keep any monsters in the cave away from her. Whilst that was likely not how things worked Maple told herself that and forced herself to believe it.

Getting up from the bed Maple began searching the cave for things she could burn. Twigs, leafs, anything she could find. She would even try to use some of the moss growing in the cave. Once she got a good pile of burnable material together she'd try using her little self taught fire spell to get the fire going. If her plan works, she would lay down on her roll up mattress and warm up by her first fire.
Re: Lust (Maple)

Setting the fire up went by with relative ease. There were various roots from trees growing out from the soft spots of soil along the cave formation, the arm-thick chunks of wood slicing neatly as Maple concentrated on razor sharp winds, and cast a minor spell at the roots. Though not slicing them completely before the spell broke it's already weak influence, the rest of the root was cut off when Maple drew her knife, and did the rest of the work via manual labor.

Gathering the materials together in a heap of moss and wood, the need for flint and stone was cast aside, as Maple would concentrate on another magic. Her eyes closed, and she directly pointed a finger at the heap, while focusing on a mental image of a beautiful flame, casting no light on the void of darkness surrounding it, and dancing to the wind that was pushing the waves of heat. The fire then suddenly shot forth a spark, right as Maple felt an intense heat at her fingers, as well as the resulting wave of warmth after.

Her eyes opened, and witnessed that her spell had done it's task with success. The wood was lit, and the warmth from the fire, already causing her to feel dry. Although, the rain outside did not appear to have intent on stopping anytime soon. That, and her clothes were just as wet as her hood. They needed to dry as well. Although it was embarrassing, Maple was comforted by knowing that there was no one to see her nude, and assisted by the knowledge that sickness would overcome her anyway if she slept in wet clothes for the night.

With patience, Maple was only entertained by the fire before her. The windy cave giving the fire various displays of visual, and somehow alluring entertainment. Combined with the white noise of the rain outside echoing through the cave, Maple slowly found her eyes getting ready to close shut. Sleep, her mind did desire, but it might bother her to end the day of adventure so poorly. But no matter what her thoughts, the sleeping bag under her rump felt comfortable, and the temptation to just crawl into the wrap of cloth, and continue to watch the fire became too great, and soon Maple found herself fast asleep...


A few hours later

The rain had stopped, and there was nary a moon in the sky to give the world light. The cave was shrouded in darkness, it's own way of telling it's inhabitants that it was time to wake, and hunt for food...

Both the darkness, a time of the month only occurring once, and the scent of a young girl, conveniently close by, was what woke her. Though her eyes did not open, the girl's soft sounds of sleep echoing through the cave told her exactly where her food laid quietly in wait.

A devilish grin spread over her face. It was quite a treat to have her food be so close. And with the barely mature girl asleep, and completely oblivious to the world around her, it would be almost too easy to take advantage of her. The girl might even think it a dream, and accept what was happening to her... Perhaps even offer her flesh more, until she was sucked dry into an eternal sleep.

But, after staring, mentally of course, at the morsel, she decided she gave enough thanks to the invisible forces of fate for this treat, and that it was time to truly appreciate it.

Hanging upside down, with her wings folded around her naked body, and her shaggy, dark hair hanging down like vines, the bat woman silently spread her wings, and swooped down from the root she took shelter on, her claws loosening the grip they had, allowing her to glide through the cave, before landing right next to the girl, who was sleeping soundly within some kind of blanket.

Listening with her advanced senses, she discovered that the girl had taken off her clothes. This caused the werebat to blush. Her meal not only was practically 'brought' to her, but was prepared as well!

Her sadistic passion rushed through her mind and heart, causing her pulse to beat at an insanely rapid rate. Driven by this feeling, she knelt down, gripping the side of the sleeping bag with the claw on her wing, gently, slowly, and intently peeling it off of the sleeping girl.

The girl stirred slightly once the covers were off, and the bat couldn't help but lift her hair from her face with a wing so she could see the virgin girl with her own, light sensitive eyes. And beholding the beautiful curves of human flesh before her, her mouth drooled with anticipation, saliva mixed with the non-lethal venom from her teeth coursing down her chin, before she licked, and gathered it all up into her mouth, grinning after she did so.

Then, with a deep breath, the werebat leaned forward, slowly, so as not to disturb her too early. And she opened her mouth, pulling her lips back to reveal her fangs intent on slipping into the girl's flesh, getting ever closer to the girl's neck... Closer, and closer, until she could nearly taste the young girl's flesh on her breath...


Amidst a sea of silent dreams, one suddenly stood out among the others.

Maple, during her rest, suddenly felt a pinch at her neck, followed by what seemed to be lips, kissing, and suckling on her flesh. A strange wave of warmth, and sexual tension came from where she was bitten. Though, Maple's mind did not give any sudden alarm, since, along with a powerful aphrodisiac, the werebat's venom was also similar to a tranquilizer, just strong, and weak enough to dull the victims senses into making them think they're having a dream, while they have no clue that they're being raped...

Maple's eyes slowly opened, though they were dull, and weak, under the assumption that she was experiencing a dream, and she witnessed the werebat on her neck, her dazed conscious telling her that she was having a wet dream, and what she was experiencing was a dream of a lover, female, oddly, kissing her on the neck compassionately, while what seemed to be her love's wing was wrapped around her...

(GM reminder: Maple is under the effects of an aphrodisiac, and a mind numbing poison which is used to make the werebat's rape victims think they're dreaming so they won't fight back.

An appropriate response would be for Maple to give consent to the sex, and another would be for Maple to think she's restrained, since the venom limits her nervous system activity to her limbs, and that she's being raped.)
Re: Lust (Maple)

" It worked, yes! " she said with excitement. Her magic spell had given her the fire she wanted, now she could sleep in warmth, and her hood could dry. Thinking about clothing in general she began feeling just how wet her outfit was. It needed to be set out to dry as well. Getting naked in this cave was certainly something Maple felt uncomfortable with, however she knew being in these wet clothing would do her harm. She would likely wake up with a fever, her throat dry and her nose runny. That would seriously hinder her for tomorrow, and force her to find her way back home. She wouldn't make it out here while sick. Since there was nobody around, as far as she knew, Maple decided that getting undressed and sleeping that way couldn't possibly harm her right? She quickly peeled her clothing off, placing in near the warmth of the fire. Now that her fire was up and going and her wet clothing was set out to dry Maple's naked self went and curled into her warm bed, going into a deep and peaceful slumber.

She remained fast asleep and unaware of anything, until she suddenly felt a small pain in her neck followed by a strange, sensual sensation go throughout her body.

Weak pants passed through the virgin girls lips as her face flustered up a bright red color. Her eyes slowly opened up, half way, to see that she was in a beautiful woman's embrace, being kissed by said woman on the neck. The girl let a whimper out as she was touched, already feeling a moist sensation where her flower was and her nipples were erected. Her heart was also racing with sudden excitement. The girl was horny, to say the least. She was easily fooled into thinking this was just a natural dream, a sex one. In truth, this wasn't Maple's first experience with a wet dream. It had happened a few times before, with nameless faceless people. This one was so much different though. " A... Woman..? " Maple sudden said in confusion. She did not understand why a woman was here instead of a man, like the rest of her previous imaginary encounters. Whatever the reason the girl went along with it, letting out soft moans as she tried to embraced her lover, weakly trying to wrap one of her arms around her. She found it difficult to do so, she felt restricted by something. It was equally as difficult to move her right hand down to her nether regions to touch herself, like she normally did. She attempted to do so, both wrapping her left arm around her love like the wings were wrapped around her, and bring her right hand down to her pussy so she could begin fingering herself." Feels good..." she said with a aroused moan, referring to the way she was being kissed.
Re: Lust (Maple)

With Maple happily lost within her land of dreams, the werebat found it easy to take advantage of the young virgin. Rolling her gently on her back, the bat woman barely had to try to part Maple's legs open, since the girl was already getting horny, leaving Maple laying on her back, with her legs parted like a whore in desperate need of a sexual release. And even fingering herself, Maple might consider it fortunate that she never broke her hymen, the thin layer of skin over the hole of her pussy that marked her as a virgin.

After finishing with drawing blood from Maple's neck, replacing the liquid in her veins with the werebat's 'wet dream' venom, Maple's 'fantasy lover' slowly moved down so that she was facing Maple's heaving chest. The werebat gave the dozy girl's erect nipples a few licks of her tongue, before sealing her blood sucking lips on Maple's juicy round globes, sucking, and pulling on the nipple within her mouth. While the claw on her wing went to the other breast, gripping Maple's other nipple erection, pulling, and squeezing that with nothing but passionate lust for the poor, victimized girl...
Re: Lust (Maple)

She kept her free arm around the woman, or at least tried to, as she was put onto her back. When her lover sealed it's lips around her nipple and began to pull and suck Maple began crying out in bliss. Her fingers began to pick up their speed, going in and out of her soaking wet sex with more vigor and passion then before. It all felt so good to her, her mind and body didn't ever want it to stop. Even when she felt her other erected nipple she found pleasure in it, even though it actually hurt a little. All these combined feeling along with the foul venom coursing through her veins were starting to take their toll, a feeling was starting to build up inside the girl. It felt like that in only moments she'd give off a sexual release.
Re: Lust (Maple)

The werebat smiled with delight at Maple's rather enthusiastic display, making mental comments on just how dirty the girl's mind was, compared to how innocent she acted when she first entered her cave. Posing as just a cute, lost girl, barely old enough to be called a woman. When in fact, as was revealed by her indecent fingering of her own slit, the young brunette was more than ready to be fucked. And, driven by her passion, the werebat felt hungry for another suckle of blood. After giving Maple's petite breast one last lick, she sealed her lips over the flesh, encompassing her nipple, and the skin around it, before sinking her fangs past the soft skin, drawing more blood, while still replacing it with more of the venom, the 'vampiric kiss' itself, and the shock from being bitten again, likely sending Maple over the edge of climax...
Re: Lust (Maple)

Maple continued ramming her fingers in and out of her slit, pleasuring herself while luckily not breaking the only thing that marked her as a virgin. Wet organic sounds could be heard among her moans and cry's of pleasure. The girl was completely lost in a sexual bliss, mostly thanks to the venom now coursing through her veins. She would of lasted a minute or two longer, however the moment she felt the fangs sink into her somewhat small breast she let a primal scream out as she pushed her fingers deep inside her flower, pressing as hard as she could against her sweet spot, the one her fingers had been brushing against. She orgasms, coating her fingers in girl cum. After the greatest release she ever had Maple lays there panting, her fingers staying in place and her free arms still wrapped around her lover. " Ah... I... I love you..." the poor girl suddenly mumbled out to the monster in between her pants, thinking of it as something that actually cared for and loved her thanks to the venom that had been pumped into her.
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Re: Lust (Maple)

The werebat gave a lewd chuckle at Maple's delusional declaration of love. Taking her lips off of Maple's rosebud nipples, she leaned up to plant a kiss on her, sealing her vampiric lips with Maple's in a mocking lover's kiss, while grinding her thigh against her crotch, removing Maple arm and hand out of the way once she found that the girl had left it there. But instead of setting her arm down, the werebat held Maple's arm up high in the air, until their kiss was finished, when she brought the girl's wrist to her mouth, sinking her fangs in yet again, and drawing even more blood.

This only lasted for a moment, before the werebat set Maple's arm down as intended, and crawled down, lower and lower down Maple's body, placing short bites randomly along her body, until she was at level with the delusional village girl's pussy. There, the werebat wasted no time, sealing her lips around Maple's clit, seemingly kissing it as she pulled on it before releasing it, a smacking noise occurring each time her clit was toyed with in this way.
Re: Lust (Maple)

As their lips sealed Maple pressed into it, kissing the monster back with passion. She hummed with joy as she felt her hand leave and get replaced by the monsters thigh, loving it when it started to rub against her pussy. These sounds of joy only increased in volume as the werebat's fangs sunk into her again, possibly giving off the impression that the young girl was a bit of a masochist. As the kiss ended as the werebat made her way down to Maple's neither regions, the girl letting cry's out at each bite, she could only watch helplessly.

When the monster sealed her lips over her clitoris Maple let a shout of pleasure out, tears forming in her eyes as her nub of flesh was sucked on. The girl loved it, and began adding to her own pleasure by grabbing her breasts and grouping them. She'd continue playing with them as her body was continuously used.
Re: Lust (Maple)

Twirling her tongue around the sensitive clit, before resuming sucking, and licking the sensitive nub, the werebat played with Maple's womanhood for what seemed to her like forever, and yet a small moment at the same time, before another orgasm ripped through her, the speed of her second climax resulting from her subconscious, high libido. Maple's whole body tensed up, and her legs clenched around her dream lover's head, spraying the bat girl's face with Maple's cum juices, which the bat proceeded to lick as much she could, off of her face.

As Maple collapsed from having 'two' orgasms in a row, something that hardly occurred in any of her wet dreams, rest was something that was not immediately granted. She felt her sexual nerves tense, focusing around two parts of her crotch that felt pinched, while the werebat sank her teeth in yet again, sealing her lips around Maple's pussy, and forcing the girl to suffer even more sexual torture, so that she could feast on more of the innocent girl's blood.

Drawing her fangs from Maple, the werebat began to realize she had just about spent her meal. Maple's skin was starting to pale, and she seemed to be a lot less conscious than before, all as a result from blood loss, thanks to the parasitic bat preying upon both her body, and her dreams. The werebat picked her head up with a sly grin on her face, one of satisfaction, as she crawled back up to be face-to-face with her, Maple was quickly falling back into her deep sleep. The werebat placed one final kiss on her lips before she passed out, a way of saying, 'thanks for the meal,' before covering Maple's naked body back under the covers, and disappearing in the blink of an eye within the dark cave...

That next day; Noon

Groggy, and cold, Maple awoke with a droopy mood. She felt worn, weak, and for some reason felt very, very cold. Cold right down to the bone, accompanied by an awful feeling of lightheadedness. As her senses slowly came back, as they usually did each morning, she began to recall the crazy dream she had experienced, right about when she felt various damp spots on her bed covers...

Whether she dismissed it, or fancied the thought of sex with a woman, and a monster woman at that, the sight of her naked stomach would shock her, as she suddenly found herself staring at various bite marks all over her body, as if at least a dozen of vampires all took a bite of her at once. Then, noticing the position of the bite marks, especially the mark that still throbbed at her crotch, a troubling revelation overcame her; The dream she had, was no dream at all! She shamelessly had sex with some kind of creature who lived in the caves! And she let it consume her blood, and take advantage of her in every embarrassing way!
Re: Lust (Maple)

( Yes, finally got around to updating this! )

Letting a low groan out Maple's eyes slowly open as she awakens, feeling groggy and lightheaded with a small rumble coming from her stomach. Slowly rising up and sitting on her butt. Her dull orbs graced around the cave, spotting her clothing and backpack near what use to be a warm camp fire. As she sits and stairs blankly her memory's of the night before, how she had camped out here during the storm, begin to return. But why did she feel so awful? Her hands slowly began to explore her naked body, suddenly finding various sore bite marks on her. She gasps at the sudden discovery of the marks, especially the throbbing one around her woman hood. " Oh my god..." she cries out in remembrance of the events last night, now aware that they were not dreams! She covers her face in embarrassment as she lets a few sobs out. She had actually been raped! Even worse she had gone with it, happily letting herself get abused by that vampire monster! She had moaned out like a common whore while she shamelessly touched herself. She had even told the thing she loved it...

Tears streaming from her eyes and down her cheeks she suddenly stands up and walks over to her clothing. The girl felt weak, however she was getting dressed and leaving this cave right this second, her possessions in tow. Along the way she'd tear open her backpack and eat whatever food she had brought with her to try and get some of her strength back.

Aside from the shame and embarrassment from what she had done the night before Maple like an idiot. This idea of hers had not only caused this to happen to her but had likely caused a bunch of heart ache and worry from her poor family. They All must be worried sick about her. The girl wanted to go home now, to see them. To promise them she'd never do something this stupid ever again. To feel her grandmothers warm embrace again. Maple was well aware of how far from home she had gone but that wouldn't stop her from trying to go back. She'd try and make her way back to where she had slipped down from and work her way from there.
Re: Lust (Maple)

Sometime after she awoke, and after the horrible realization of last night passed, as she was quickly getting dressed, and preparing her gear to leave the cave as soon as possible, she had a skin chilling feeling that something was watching her. And when she finally departed the monster's home, a feminine whisper called out to her before she left the cave for good,

"Come back soon, little girl~" she chuckled.

Maple's condition slowly improved over time. The warmth of the sun giving heat to her cold skin helped calm her beating, distressed heart, until she reached the slope she descended from during the rain, having dried during the morning, granting Maple the ability to climb it without repeating her previous mistake, and allowing her to return home by means of following the road. And once she did ascend the treacherous slope, finding the road, she discovered a large amount of tracks which completely covered the road, as if a great number of people passed by recently... And seemed to have been traveling to her home.

A thought came, but quickly passed, these tracks could not have been made by a search party, looking for Maple. The tracks were too heavy, suggesting that they were wearing armor. Either that, or weights on their legs, although that would be extremely uncomfortable for traveling, to be sure. But before she might've analyzed the tracks further, sounds of many footsteps were heard approaching from the distance, traveling along the road. And from the sounds of it, they were in a hurry...
Re: Lust (Maple)

Maple shivers when she hears the whisper, a gasp passing her lips as she hears the voice of her tormentor. She promptly runs out of the cave and away from the monster. As long as she had a choice in the matter she wouldn't be returning any time soon. After her short hike from the cave and up the dirty slope she was already starting to feel better. The warmth of the sun and food from her pack had done a notable amount of good for her." Wh-what in gods name..? " she stammers when she reached the old dirt road. All these large tracks, these deep imprinted tracks, who could of made them? She hadn't ever seen anything like it before, not once during all the time she had spent outside her village. A nervous feeling began to go throughout her as her heart began to race, her head darted back and forth trying to spot something. She doesn't see anything, however hearing the sounds of footsteps pushed over the edge to the point of panicking.

Maple pulls her red hood up on her head as she looks off in the distance, the direction her village was in. In an instance she bolts, running as fast as her scout like legs could take her, down the road to her home and away from the sounds of footsteps, as if trying to reach her home before they caught up to her.
Re: Lust (Maple)

Although the approaching strangers were in a hurry, they weren't moving at a hustle, and so, Maple's attempt to leave them behind, and get far away as soon as possible was easily accomplished. However, she made a mistake, wanting to run as fast as her legs would carry her, while in such a poor state of health. The lack of blood flowing through her body quickly made her feel light headed as her body demanded more oxygen, stars soon appearing en mass within her vision, blinding her almost completely.

And it was likely a good thing that her condition slowed her down, since her home was right around a bend of the road, where two strange men who were dressed in odd, skin tight suits, with menacing looking helmets on their heads, were guarding the main gates of her home. Maple herself managed to be in a position where she could see them, but not the other way round. And a closer inspection revealed that there were many more of these strange looking soldiers walking about, patrolling her hometown, seeming to gather in concentration near her own house, where her she and father live...
Re: Lust (Maple)

Maple quietly groans in agony as she nearly passes out from her little sprint. Breathing deeply she slowly came back to her senses and looked out at her village. Her heart thumped as she got a glimpse at what was actually happening at her home town. Strange, alien men were there. The sight of them all sent a chill through her spine as she wondered just who they were and what their purpose in her little village was. Why so many of them were gathered at her home. It was like they were vikings, come to pillage and kill. " I... What should I do..? " the girl quietly murmurs to herself before clasping her hands together and thinking of her family; ' Please, please be ok...' she prays.

With a fast beating heart and a light head Maple began thinking of just what she should do now. Obviously running out and making her presence known was a bad idea. Maple she could sneak away from the main entrance and slip into a part of town that wasn't being patrolled. From there she could work her way to her house and see what was happening there. The girl felt weak and frightened, but she didn't want to just run out into the wilderness where more monsters lurked! She had to at least try and get to someone she knew without being spotted. If that wasn't possible then she'd find a place to hide until the strange men went away.

Steadily, Maple began sneaking around the perimeter of the town, using whatever she could as cover and doing her beast not to be seen or heard. It was a lot like when she was a little girl sneaking downstairs during Christmas eve to see whatever possible gifts might be awaiting her... Just far more frightening and possibly dangerous.
Re: Lust (Maple)

Making her way around town was a slow, steady process. Guards were not only in the town, but in the surrounding forest as well, searching thoroughly for something, or someone, who's identity was revealed, as Maple couldn't help but overhear a conversation from a pair of guards walking through the leaves and the grass.

"Been a while, and still no sign of the kid." one of the men in armor said.

"Maybe she ran away from home? Ha, ha, ha," the other laughed.

"She'll be back eventually, then we can head back to HQ, get a bite to eat, and maybe a piece of ass to!" the man said heartily, "Wonder if this kid we're lookin' for is hot?" he chuckled, "Maybe we'll get to fuck her if we find her first?" the lecherous man said with hope.

The other man joined his friend's laughter, nodding his head, "Yeah, let's hurry up, the little bitch has gotta be around somewhere." he said, before the two men picked up their feet, and finally continued on their patrol, out of Maple's way, allowing her to fall from the tree she'd been hiding in, landing on both her feet gracefully, and silently, before she continued to her home, to see if her mother and father were alright.

Keeping a crouched position, Maple would keep out of sight of her home's windows, since it was doubtlessly filled with those seemingly evil soldiers. She crept along the back of her house, where no guards were walking around, before finding a window looking into the living room of her home, and peaking inside, trying not to make any sudden moves, in order to keep her presence hidden. And inside, Maple's beautiful mother and handsome father were standing nearly with their backs to the wall, surrounded by the troops who seemed to have taken over the village, while one soldier, without a helmet, seemed to be questioning them...

The soldier appeared to be a leadership figure of sorts. His hair was as brown as Maple's own, slicked back, and cut short to reveal a moderately handsome face. He seemed irritated, as he was walking to and fro inside the house, with his arms folded. "So, let me get this straight, you have absolutely no idea where your own daughter is?" he questioned them.

Her father responded in a loud, rushed voice, "I told you, she disappeared last night! We don't know where she is!" he insisted, "Why won't you just leave us alone!? My daughter has nothing to do with you people!"

The soldier sighed, putting a hand to his forehead, "A girl who can summon forth magic without chanting, and without any formal education has everything to do with the Magi. You think your daughter's gift would go unnoticed? Especially in an isolated town like this?" The man removed his hand from his face, returning it to the fold across his chest, and not looking too happy about Maple's parent's lack of cooperation, "Just let us educate her in the ways of magic. Then, in a few years, your daughter can come back, maybe show off a trick or two-I don't care," he told them, before leaning towards them in a threatening way, "But if you just keep pissing me off, then I guess we can't leave empty handed, can we?" he told them with suggestion, his eyes turning to look at Maple's mother, who recoiled from the man's gaze in disgust.

Her father growled, boldly stepping forwards at the man, while the guards seemed ready to kill Maple's father on the spot as he pointed a finger at the soldier, "Don't you dare touch my wife! We've already told you everything we know~"

The soldier suddenly launched his fist at Maple's father, slamming against his face, and knocking him to the floor, "All you've told me was a bunch of bullshit and excuses!" He made a quick gesture at his men, "Take the bitch, we'll use her as bait for the daughter." he commanded them, which they seemed happy to oblige as they approached Maple's retreating mother, hands reaching out for her as she screamed for them to stop, fighting until she was overwhelmed, the men grabbing whatever they could, even her long, brown hair, before 'grabbing' a bit more, feeling up on her body, and squeezing her breasts.

"I wonder if her daughter has nice tits like this," one soldier chuckled.

"We're gonna have fun with you, bitch," another soldier told her with a sinister laugh.
Re: Lust (Maple)

As she gracefully slipped down from the tree she found herself shaking her head as she looked away from the two men, " Barbarians..." Maple whispered in disgust, feeling horrified that such vile men were in her beautiful home. The beautiful chirping birds and lush green grass along with all the other lovely things about nature, so far away from all of the evils in the world. It felt terrible seeing this wonderful piece of the world now full of crude and outright foul soldiers who were now searching for someone, likely someone she knew or even herself. She hoped, prayed, that these men were not looking for her, though it was unlikely another one of her neighbors had gone missing. And as she continued to work her way to her house, she felt nothing but dread, her little heart pounding as ever muscle felt tense. These men had to be looking for her, there was no doubt in her mind. Even worse they wanted to touch her, the very thought made her sick to her stomach.

What Maple saw next was likely the most painful and traumatic thing she had ever seen. She could only watch through the little window in sheer pain and terror as she saw her parents interrogated and abused. She could only quietly gasp in pure horror as her father, the man she always looked to for protection and safety, was punched before her very eyes. She trembled as she felt her eyes starting to moisten, puffing up slightly from being so upset and scared. " Daddy..." she whispered out longingly, wishing there was something she could do to help him.

Maple's breaking point was when they started touching her mother, actually molesting her! Treating her like some sort of sex object. With tears pouring down her cheeks she had reached the point where she couldn't take it any more. She couldn't just sit back in hiding as her father was beaten and her mother was raped! Not even for a second did she believe these people would treat her with care or would ever let her leave whatever headquarters they operated at, nor did she know what they planned to even do to her, however anything was better then having known that while her father was manhandled and her mom raped while she had just sat back in hiding like a coward. Being raped by these ogres was far less worse then the shame of leaving her town to their mercy.

" Stop! " Maple yelled out as she flung the window open with every ounce of her strength, using her acrobatic ability's to quickly climb in and face her family's tormentors. " I swear they didn't know where I was, I left without telling them!" she cried out, telling the truth. If uninterrupted the girl would take her childish red hood off and turn to face the man without a helmet, speaking directly seeing how he was the leader of this gang. " Ill do whatever you want, just please stop hurting them! " she piratically begged, hoping they had some shred of decency in them.