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LustFire Artworks

Re: LustFire Artworks

So, quite a lot of things happened as I've been working on H-artworks.

I joined a Discord community created by HentaiWriter (Future Fragments) and also created a Picarto account! I streamed for a few days, and plan on doing more streams. It might even help me concentrate on finishing my works even faster!

Completed a commission yesterday, which was in all of the stream the past few days ago.

Re: LustFire Artworks

Hey, saw the thread update and I remembered something I was going to tell you when I read your posts about animation and Spine but got kind of busy and I forgot :rolleyes:

I also wanted to get into animation and had a hard time choosing how to go about it, Spine being one of my main options because I too mostly draw in raster format but conventional frame by frame seemed too time consuming. In the end I went for Anime Studio, now called Moho because in the latest version you can animate pretty much however you want (frame by frame, bones, warp, etc). You can also import your photoshop assets and rig them pretty much the same you can on Spine (at least I think so). But should you want to do so, you can also draw in vector and make animations like Flash and also using bones. In the end I chose to animate with vectors, I do understand the quality in the drawing itself it's not as good but in my opinion what you can make with them makes for better animation, and I'll leave the raster drawings for normal CGs. Also, probably helps with the size of files.

Anyway, I know you are striving more for graphic quality so you'll probably stick to photoshop, break in parts and rig them style but I thought that unless you reeeeeally wanted that extra support with GMS maybe Moho would be a better choice.
Re: LustFire Artworks

Hey, saw the thread update and I remembered something I was going to tell you when I read your posts about animation and Spine but got kind of busy and I forgot :rolleyes:

I also wanted to get into animation and had a hard time choosing how to go about it, Spine being one of my main options because I too mostly draw in raster format but conventional frame by frame seemed too time consuming. In the end I went for Anime Studio, now called Moho because in the latest version you can animate pretty much however you want (frame by frame, bones, warp, etc). You can also import your photoshop assets and rig them pretty much the same you can on Spine (at least I think so). But should you want to do so, you can also draw in vector and make animations like Flash and also using bones. In the end I chose to animate with vectors, I do understand the quality in the drawing itself it's not as good but in my opinion what you can make with them makes for better animation, and I'll leave the raster drawings for normal CGs. Also, probably helps with the size of files.

Anyway, I know you are striving more for graphic quality so you'll probably stick to photoshop, break in parts and rig them style but I thought that unless you reeeeeally wanted that extra support with GMS maybe Moho would be a better choice.

So far, Spine is working out for as much as I want in a CG animation. I got an animation in the works, which I am hopeful I finish in a few days. I think I'm gonna drop dead if I consider CG coloring this one. x.x

Re: LustFire Artworks

Looks awesome, looking forward to see that animated :D

Although there's something bugging me about her right foot... not sure what exactly. The heel? :confused:
Re: LustFire Artworks

Posted a sample of the animation I was working on. A better quality version is on Pixiv:

Re: LustFire Artworks

Her ass... bounces?
Holy boing, Batman!

I need to say, I love that attention to all small details that are not visible on first look. Makes it enjoyable every time I see it again and discover another small thing that I didn't saw earlier :D
Re: LustFire Artworks

A bit bigger breasts than I prefer, but have to say nice animation! Really coming along. :)
Re: LustFire Artworks

I know this is a silly post since it's been a while, but.. XD

Re: LustFire Artworks

I know this is a silly post since it's been a while, but.. XD


This confuses my dick... I don't know if it's more adorable or ero...
Why are you doing this to me? xD
Re: LustFire Artworks

*This is a copy-and-paste from my Patreon, but for anyone who's familiar with my art thread, this design has been taken from much of my old projects' artworks.

For the past few weeks, I've been searching for people who would be interested in my project. I'm still searching, but that doesn't mean I can't do anything for it! I am proud to announce that I am pre-producing for a game project! This is a concept art of my main character, which is heavily derived from my older project artworks.

My game design is an "erotic sidescroller". The gameplay will be developed with sprite animations. The H-content will take the skills of my CG artwork, CG animations, and sprite animations (if I cannot find a sprite animator to hire). The required H-content will be heavily demanding, because of the gameplay idea I have developed. Basically, expect a very deep gameplay that involves sex in-combat.

Concept art for major characters will come later, because I want to work on a sprite design for all characters. For the next few weeks, I want to make sprite animations for my main character, at least the basic movements if I cannot get to attack animations. My older projects were severely demanding, because I had to draw sprite animations for 4 directions. This time, however, since it's a sidescroller I can focus on 1 direction.

Also, don't forget to check out my Picarto! I will try to publicly display my progress until pre-production transitions to demo development.

Re: LustFire Artworks

Ooh, that could go pretty well. Games with sprites and side scroller/ACT usually do well if they're any good, and with your art... :3

Good luck with it! Are you looking for developers to help with coding, or financiers?
Re: LustFire Artworks

Good luck with your project. Be careful of people who claim to be ready to help but vanish after one slow and lazy project. I hear those guys are all over the place in the H-scene when it comes to group development, including the ones that get paid up front.
Re: LustFire Artworks

Ooh, that could go pretty well. Games with sprites and side scroller/ACT usually do well if they're any good, and with your art... :3

Good luck with it! Are you looking for developers to help with coding, or financiers?

I'm working on that. I contacted someone, but they have a hospital issue they need to deal with for a week. I'm no engine developer / coder so I will need to either find a long-term coder partner or know a couple basics of game-making myself. I prefer not to apply myself another significant role with what work I have already as an artist.

So, since I'm at the start of development, there will be a lot of things I have to solidify before I actually produce a whole set of my assets. Today, I worked on the main character's basic movement concept and am deciding my sprite resolution for my game. I first started with 230 px high, but I redone my sprite on 100 px after hearing some suggestions from my close friends. However, I'm going to experiment with both and I'm leaning toward seeing what kind of animations I can produce with my initial 230 px high resolution. I like to have my characters be expressive enough while maintaining a consistent anatomy.

Anyways, here's a rough work on the 100 px sprite. I'll post a couple other things on here and Patreon, but some of my works will only be view-able by subscribing Patrons from here on.


Although, I guess I can also show the messy in-game window "concept" I quickly did. xD It has the unfinished 230 px sprite, and at 1080p.

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Re: LustFire Artworks

Trust me when I say this:
Have any form of project management, some logical structure to follow so everything ties in properly. It may be weird at start, but oh boy, it helps a lot to not fall into chaos :D

But yeah, learning to code would take some time and it would definitely be faster to find someone, then decide the workflow.

230px does have more details (well, duh xD).

I do wish you the best with this project, we do need more good H-games from west :D
Re: LustFire Artworks

Considering how hard it is to find good sprite artist, this is pretty neat. Personally, I have half the game fully planned out -before- I even start, and the rest are just random ideas that get thrown in.

Though, don't get discouraged by not knowing extensive coding, I still don't know a lot about it either, hasn't stopped me. :p

The problem is for a partner you want someone that wont abandon the game project AND someone that can agree with a shared vision with you.. sadly those people are rare/hooked up with their own projects.
Re: LustFire Artworks

A couple days ago, I posted my development thread at the "Under Construction" section (http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=30752). Today, I finished a concept CG of one of the major characters I want to include in my story! She's also planned as the game's "traveling merchant", but what she sells will depend on the gameplay I create.


I think this'll be the last time I post artwork related to my project. Check out my development thread when it bumps up!
Re: LustFire Artworks

"Hello, stranger."

I wonder if her clothes are purchasable so you can left her with backpack only xD
Re: LustFire Artworks

I just came across your page and your art is incredible!
Re: LustFire Artworks

I spent almost the entire week on another Spine animation project. This time, I drew the Picarto mascot, Mimi! Apparently, I'm having trouble uploading this gif to Tumblr, so I'm linking the public Patreon post.
