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ACT Vore Loli Ryona [Lycoris] 異形の箱庭


Demon Girl
Jul 23, 2012
Reputation score
Garden of Grotesque (Igyou no hakoniwa), 異形の箱庭, Lycoris

Develop site -Doesn't see much use now, better off with their twitter or enty

Description provided by super_slicer

Short isometric survival horror. Health and stamina can be restored by resting at the cost of hunger, or by sleeping in a bed which also allows you to save the game. Food restores your hunger bar, the red vial restores your health. Several status effects are present; bleeding which can be cured by using the white box with a red cross, poison which can be cured by using the blue and white pill, and weakness which I have no idea how to cure. Most minor enemies are easily dealt with by using the iron pipe, if they're in the... getting ready to pounce animation you should wait out of range till after they've pounced since it will interrupt your attacks. When using a gun holding V will bring an aiming reticle which you can use the arrow keys to aim with. Getting hit while aiming will sometimes screw up, leaving you in aiming stance but unable to move the reticle so you'll end up wasting a bullet. The reticle resets each time you shoot so rapid fire on anything that's not right in front of you is impossible. A note on sprinting; when you get too close to an enemy you'll enter "move like an idiot mode" and won't be able to sprint because reasons. Most of the game is easily navigable, and follows the survival horror formula: conserve ammo where you can, search around for items to unlock things, unload as much ammo as you can into bosses and attempt to progress the story, but once you get to the underground portion the map gets a little screwy and there are apparently multiple endings based on your actions.

As for H-content; All enemies have a grapple attack of some sort which you can struggle out of, if you don't it will progress to H-content. Purple slugs, green slimes, dogs and flies have rape grapples. Scientests, slicers ( purple monsters) and the big black guy have ryona grapples. The rest are vore. Of note, only scientists and green slimes have game over scenes one is birthing the other is rape, at the time of writing this. I couldn't progress any further into the game because the guide's a bit outdated and I can't kill the red thing in the aquarium.

Story: A girl wakes up in an island facility full of monsters that has seemingly been abandoned. She needs to escape. The conversations are all in JAP so I couldn't glean any more than that.

Z- the Action key
X- (standing still) kick/ (moving) sprint
C- Rest
V- pistol , Hold V+X for reload, V+Z check ammo, V+C to change weapon, V+Arrow keys to aim
D-Zoom in/out
A + Left or Right Arrow - select item
A + Down Arrow - use item
Arrow keys - movement

complete save for v.1.0.1
Walkthrough by OfficerTJHooker
OfficerTJHooker said:
- Note: v 1.1.1 outdates the guide a bit, everything's good up till step 20
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Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

Ooh this looks interesting. Do you happen to know the password?

EDIT: nvm. The password is ryona
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

Password is 'ryona'.

And, from now on, I'm going to assume that every download link for that site requires 'ryona' as its password.
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

Password is 'ryona'.

And, from now on, I'm going to assume that every download link for that site requires 'ryona' as its password.

I think the developers from the fc2 are cooperate or they come from the same social community like ulmf?

What the 'Ryona' mean? women? :confused:
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

I don't remember what the term 'ryona' meant exactly,I think it had something to do with violence, sometimes not necessarily the sexual kind, but I'm sure someone could explain it better than I could, it definitively does not mean woman. that would be onna. As in, Yuki-onna(Snow Woman). Go ahead and slap me if I'm wrong.

At any rate, an interesting find.
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

Controlls after toying around
Z- the Action key
X- (standing still) kick/ running
C- Not a clue talk to your self i guess
V- pistole (only 10 rounds) refill by going back to your own room and talking/ selecting the second option
A-Zoom in/out

once i find out abit more ill post them here
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

Definition of Ryona:

Ryona (リョナ), is a Japanese term for a sexual complex where a female character is, usually sexually, attacked or tortured by either a man or another female character(s). The term "ryona" comes from "ryonanī" (リョナニー), a portmanteau of "ryōki" (猟奇, "Seeking the bizarre") and "onanī" (オナニー, masturbation).

Ryona as a fetish revolves around a victim, almost exclusively a humanoid female, being physically assaulted or psychologically abused by an offender. It differs from sadism in that it is a voyeuristic fantasy fetish with focus towards fictional characters from video games, anime, comics, TV and movies that include battering, abusing or otherwise killing women. Characters from movies and TV series represented by live actresses are becoming more common as less stigmatism is attached to violence being inflicted to women in media. Because the fetish is so broad it often incorporates other, more common, fetishes such as humiliation, rape, and BDSM depending on the preference of the individual. Often the victim is any combination of physically fit, well trained, or strong of will as many find ryona more appealing the greater the gap between the victim and offender's usual power.

In case the victim is male it is often labeled as gyaku-ryona (逆リョナ). Fairl popular among females, and even some males especially when the assailant is a female.

When ryona is taken to the point of lasting physical harm resulting in bleeding or death, it is generally referred to as guro (グロ). This came from the word gore, so seeing guts, inner entrails or organs and parts is expected.

Ryona is also sometimes tied to Vore or Vorarephilia depending on the context. Vore (捕食) is usually associated with creatures that swallow victims (mainly females) whole.

Another form of ryona is Onna Zako (女ザコ, "female cannon-fodder"), which generally means 'weaker' generic female enemies or 'cannon-fodder'. This can be doing the attacking and the receiving as well.
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

What the 'Ryona' mean? women? :confused:

This is taken from Ryonani.com

Ryona (リョナ), is a Japanese term for a sexual complex where a female character is, usually sexually, attacked or tortured by either a man or another female character(s). The term "ryona" comes from "ryonanī" (リョナニー), a portmanteau of "ryōki" (猟奇, "Seeking the bizarre") and "onanī" (オナニー, masturbation).

Ryona as a fetish revolves around a victim, almost exclusively a humanoid female, being physically assaulted or psychologically abused by an offender. It differs from sadism in that it is a voyeuristic fantasy fetish with focus towards fictional characters from video games, anime, comics, TV and movies that include battering, abusing or otherwise killing women. Characters from movies and TV series represented by live actresses are becoming more common as less stigmatism is attached to violence being inflicted to women in media. Because the fetish is so broad it often incorporates other, more common, fetishes such as humiliation, rape, and BDSM depending on the preference of the individual. Often the victim is any combination of physically fit, well trained, or strong of will as many find ryona more appealing the greater the gap between the victim and offender's usual power.

In case the victim is male it is often labeled as gyaku-ryona (逆リョナ). Fairl popular among females, and even some males especially when the assailant is a female.

When ryona is taken to the point of lasting physical harm resulting in bleeding or death, it is generally referred to as guro (グロ). This came from the word gore, so seeing guts, inner entrails or organs and parts is expected.

Ryona is also sometimes tied to Vore or Vorarephilia depending on the context. Vore (捕食) is usually associated with creatures that swallow victims (mainly females) whole.

Another form of ryona is Onna Zako (女ザコ, "female cannon-fodder"), which generally means 'weaker' generic female enemies or 'cannon-fodder'. This can be doing the attacking and the receiving as well.

As for the game here, I'd have to say the death animation are more of ryona material than H. Not sure if there's going to be guro, but if there is, then I'm sterring clear from it. A bit of ryona, I can stomach.

EDIT: People keep beating me to these posts, lol
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

1. null
2. null
3. null
4. shown percent% of stamina

This part I might be able to help with at least:
The first one is health, when this runs out, you die.
The second one I think was linked to your stamina, the lower it goes, the slower your stamina regenerates.
The third one is hunger. This one is very important, since you use it to regenerate the others by resting. When it gets too low, you can't rest and have to find something to eat to refill it.

You can save the game by sleeping in the bed in the starting cell.

So far the game only seems to be as far as getting the gun WITHOUT the debug character in your cell, but it looks unfinished, as the scene where you are supposed to use it just bugs out for me when I actually have the gun.
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

This part I might be able to help with at least:
The first one is health, when this runs out, you die.
The second one I think was linked to your stamina, the lower it goes, the slower your stamina regenerates.
The third one is hunger. This one is very important, since you use it to regenerate the others by resting. When it gets too low, you can't rest and have to find something to eat to refill it.

You can save the game by sleeping in the bed in the starting cell.

So far the game only seems to be as far as getting the gun WITHOUT the debug character in your cell, but it looks unfinished, as the scene where you are supposed to use it just bugs out for me when I actually have the gun.

Actually, you can still kill the tentacle monster even if it bugs out. In fact the bug made things a bit easier for you. After that you go back to the dude in the control room, speak to him about stuff and it'll go TO BE CONTINUED. You can still roam around getting raped by various slugs and stuff after it though.

Oh yeah, the bmp files in the folder had green slimes in it. Anyone find those yet? All I ever see in the island are blue slugs and that fucking panther thing that wants to eat my character's face.
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

how do you kill the tentacle monster in the elevator? i couldnt shoot it with the gun, is there something im supposed to do before i engage it?
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

Actually, you can still kill the tentacle monster even if it bugs out.

Hmm, I never got the non-debug gun to work so I figured that scene was broken, so I didn't bother testing it much with the debug gun. I'll have to look into it some more.

The slimes are probably not finished yet. I saw pictures of them in one of the newer blog posts, so they might be coming in next.

Game overs I've found so far:
1. Get six or so eggs laid in you, starts a scene where they all hatch at once.
2. Well, that annoying panther thing, of course. It seems it only does the rape animations while you still have health left, after it just mauls you.
3. That big guy that bursts through the wall, crushes you with a bearhug. Might have other animations.
4. Before the scene with the big guy you can lower the blast doors you use to shut him in. If you stand under them when they close you get your spine crushed.
5. Elevator tentacle monster. Get dragged all the way in and it swallows you.
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

how do you kill the tentacle monster in the elevator? i couldnt shoot it with the gun, is there something im supposed to do before i engage it?

I dunno, I just shot the thing to death. The little flying bugger things were in the way, but somehow I had enough bullets to hit the monster and kill it. All I did was hold the fire button for as long as possible, then when the reticle that pops up stops moving, I release the button. That's it. Granted, you might need a few retries because the bug things like to block your shots.

EDIT: Oh, the debug-fairy gives you a gun too? That might have been what I was using then. I was using it mainly for the Hunger status to go back to full or something. I never knew it gave you a gun or something.
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

All I did was hold the fire button for as long as possible, then when the reticle that pops up stops moving, I release the button.

Under "Extra" in the main menu there is a sort of mini game to test out how the gun works. I think this is how the proper gun is supposed to act, since it only fires one bullet at a time, rather than a burst.
Anyway, when you hold down V you can move the little targeting reticle around to aim. As the minigame shows you don't really have to (or always have time to) put it over what you want to shoot, just in the right direction.

I also forgot to mention that getting eggs laid in you disables the rest mechanic. Instead you lie down and have to press X repeatedly to force one out until you are rid of them all.

EDIT: Now I see why things weren't working as I expected with the gun. I forgot to get the guy in the security room to teach me how to use the bloody thing!
I must've only tried the first option after getting the gun last time.
Oh, and I found another game over. Try not following his instructions on proper weapons safety to find it.
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Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

Oh, and I found another game over. Try not following his instructions on proper weapons safety to find it.

Sounds painful. Incredibly painful.
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

Sounds painful. Incredibly painful.

Oh, it's not that dramatic. He just says "Woah, don't point at people!" when showing you how to use it, and I remembered seeing a sprite of him with a gun, so I took a shot at him.
Then he showed me you really shouldn't point loaded weapons at people. Your finger might slip. Three times. Ow.
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Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

Hmm, I never got the non-debug gun to work so I figured that scene was broken, so I didn't bother testing it much with the debug gun. I'll have to look into it some more.

The slimes are probably not finished yet. I saw pictures of them in one of the newer blog posts, so they might be coming in next.

Game overs I've found so far:
1. Get six or so eggs laid in you, starts a scene where they all hatch at once.
2. Well, that annoying panther thing, of course. It seems it only does the rape animations while you still have health left, after it just mauls you.
3. That big guy that bursts through the wall, crushes you with a bearhug. Might have other animations.
4. Before the scene with the big guy you can lower the blast doors you use to shut him in. If you stand under them when they close you get your spine crushed.
5. Elevator tentacle monster. Get dragged all the way in and it swallows you.

Where's the big guy?

Also, how to defeat the elevator monster? after it drag me, I can't do anything at all while being dragged...
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

Great find, this game looks pretty awesome so far.

Does anyone else hope that she finds some (blasphemous, I know) clothes eventually? Don't get me wrong, it's hot and all when she's running around naked, but the whole 'perma-nude' cheapens the experience. Some kind of clothing damage reflected on her sprite would be fantastic.

Oh, and if anyone's interested, the title of the game is 'Grotesque Garden'. The Kanji they use for garden refers to one of those miniature landscape things that are usually found within homes. Hell if I know what that's supposed to imply, though... the game creeps me out enough already.
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Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

Where's the big guy?

Also, how to defeat the elevator monster? after it drag me, I can't do anything at all while being dragged...

In the room with the elevator monster you need to go through the door on the left across a bridge and talk to a guy in a control room. Then continuing left go down a couple floors from this control room and find a key and a gun. Go back and talk to the guy to have him teach you how to fire. Then you will be able to fire your weapon at the monster.
Re: 異形の箱庭 (H ACT)

In the room with the elevator monster you need to go through the door on the left across a bridge and talk to a guy in a control room. Then continuing left go down a couple floors from this control room and find a key and a gun. Go back and talk to the guy to have him teach you how to fire. Then you will be able to fire your weapon at the monster.

How to get into that door? The door with the elevator monster is locked... :(