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Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn managed to stand herself up and dust herself off as she looks around. She felt a little sore, but otherwise uninjured. She scanned the area, looking out for any sort of trap. Nothing caught her eye, so the obvious course of action was to investigate what had tripped her. She started to make her way back up the hill, scanning the ground more carefully now, looking out for any sort of trick and what had tripped her up in the first place.

Halfway up the hill she finds what tripped her up. A spot on the ground looks like it's got some sort of goo. She notices it now, it was a sort of dark blue green. It didn't stand out a whole lot, she only really noticed it since she was looking for it. She feels a bit better about getting stuck in it earlier. Leaning down to inspect it without touching it, she can't tell much. Just that it looks thick, like well...goo. A little discouraging. It didn't have any sort of smell, and she wasn't about to taste it or touch it again. Looking around though she found a few droplets that went off in a certain direction. Following them, they lead back down the hill, then up and around the side of one, through a short valley.

She took a few moments to consider the possibilities. Truthfully she didn't think she had too many, either follow the trail now, or wait for Mykal and follow it later. She could see some reason in waiting for the elder soldier, but she also felt that it wasn't really the best idea. From what the commander had told her, Mykal would basically be arriving to debrief her and receive the results. So that thought in place, Lynn decided she might as well follow it. She could stay stealthy and if she encountered anything, fall back and wait for support.

Of course, it was only about a minute of following the trail before it stopped. It went to the side of one of the steeper hills, disappearing partway up. It was upsetting, but she couldn't really just leave it there, more investigation was required. She started with the ground near the hill...finding it to be extremely loose. Digging the ground, she quickly revealed an entrance into the hill, it was a tunnel, leading downwards.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Wasting no time, Lynn scanned the surrounding area keeping here eyes open for any sort of trap or pitfall. If the bandits from yesterday proved anything, she couldn't be too careful about anything in this new land. When her search turned up nothing, she breathed a sigh of relief. Well, that was one mystery solved. She made a mental note to report to Mykal later. But her next job was more of a personal mission: Find out what tripped her. She was a proud soldier of her nation and she was not about to allow some rock or gopher hole trip her up. Wasting no time, she began her search

Her investigation this time yielded some unexpected results. She indeed found what tripped her up, but she was surprised at just what it was. A strange...goo of some kind that was a dark blue green color. Inspecting the strange substance, it was like nothing she hadn't seen before. But what interested her was that it trailed off from this location. Back down the hill, up another, around another and through a short valley.

Now was the time to weigh the option. She could investigate, but she was by herself and that could only lead to bad things. But she was told to investigate the area and report her findings to Mykal. This was as good a finding as she was going to get, but neglecting it could lead to trouble. With no real option, she decided to investigate the trail, switching to a sneaking stance so as to not alert any potential enemies.

Following the trail, she came to the side of a steep hill. The trail quickly ended, prompting a disappointing huff out of the young soldier. Well, nothing left to do now but search the surrounding area. Something about this didn't smell right. Wasting no time, she started searching near the hill, but was shocked to notice the ground was loose. Thinking this would be a big find, she began digging, finding a tunnel leading downwards. "What in gods name is this?" Was all she could say. She could wait for Mykal to investigate the tunnel together, but her natural curiosity was getting the better of her. She dug into her bag and pulled out a small white cloth and pulled the small dagger from her belt. She stabbed the cloth with the knife and placed the blade in the dirt next to the hole, making a makeshift flag of sorts. Hopefully, Mykal would be able to see that.

With all the preparation finished, she began climbing down the tunnel, hoping for the best.
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Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn starts to head down the tunnel, having no idea what she would find in the end. Regardless, it was probably important, and she felt herself tense up for a few moments. Something in the back of her head told her that this cave was going to be an important location. She didn't know if it was for better or for worse, only that it was important.

She tried to stay low, doing her best to try and sneak through the entrance, not wanting to be found by whoever it was that was down here. She passed by a crystal formation on the wall, which caught her eyes for more than a few moments. She had to blink, looking at the shimmering crystals. The tunnel had gotten dark at this point, and it was the crystals now that provided light. She felt energized by it almost, like seeing the sight had given her some resolve. It was a beautiful sight and she found herself wanting to come back to see it someday...perhaps when she wasn't on a mission.

She pressed forward, the tunnel eventually widened into what looked like a cavern. Crystals lit the entire cavern, though it was quite dim. Looking around the cavern the girl was unsure what to make of it. In the center appeared to be some sort of massive, old leaver. There were no visible exits aside from the entrance. And then her eyes caught on something at the edge of her vision. She focused on it but found it hard to. Whatever she was looking at appeared to be partially transparent, the light shimmered through it. It seemed like a large mass, maybe some sort of goop. It was rounded, stacked on the ground, it went about to her waist in height.

Stat Block
Lynn 7/5 FP 0/10 AP
?? ??/??
Kfs: 42
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

While this tunnel had initially been a surprised to the farm girl turned soldier, finally being in the cave made her feel...uneasy. Tense. Just what would this cave be doing here and what was it used for, if anything? Whatever the reason, she knew she'd have to examine the area as completely as possible. If she missed a think, there was a good chance it would come back to bite her later.

Keeping herself low, she pushed her way passed the entrance, hoping that nothing would find her. Last thing she needed as to be swamped by vermin or find out that this was just another bandit hideout. Anything but that. But her fears were temporarily put to rest when she found the sizable crystal formation. To say the formation was beautiful was an understatement. The light was overpower and she was hardly able to look at the formation for too long, but it thankfully provided light to the otherwise dark cave. Heck, even it's mere presence was enough to make her feel more...alive. Lynn had never had this much energy before! She would need to make note of this in her report later. Maybe even show some of the others. Who knows how useful it could be?

Lynn pushed forward, eventually making her way to a sizable cavern. Seemed this place was much bigger then she had originally though. Similar crystals to the one from before dotted the cavern and provided a dim, but decent enough light. At the center of the room, she noticed the old leaver. Now what in heavens name could that be for. Lynn began approaching the leaver before she caught something at the corner of her eye. Taking a minute to focus her eyes, she couldn't really make out just...what it was. Something was there, but it was transparent, making it really difficult to see. The light was thankfully helping her see it somewhat. It was a rather sizable mass of goop, maybe the same goop she found outside. It made it's way to about her waist and it was making her...uneasy. Spear in hand, she jabbed at the goo, hoping that it wasn't sentient.
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn makes a sharp jab at the ...thing, with her spear. To her surprise it jumps away, leaving her with a bit of lag as she's open. Thankfully she manages to get herself back into a defensive stance as it leaps towards her. She managed to deflect the blob with her shield, a loud clang ringing out. She was pushed back a few moments, surprised by the amount of force behind it. Although after it attacked it seemed to stay still, as if waiting.

Battle Block
Lynn 7/5 FP 0/10 AP
Slime 0/??
Kfs: 42
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Seemed her jab was little more then an annoyance for the slippery little goo pile as it jumps back. The surprise catches her off guard but she was able to reform her stance just as a mass of slime slams into her shield. Gods above, this thing meant business. The blow was strong enough to even push her back. Just what was this thing that it had this much force behind it's attack. However, she expected another counter attack from the slime, only to see it stay still, as if it was waiting for something. Lynn approached it, shield still up and spear pointed towards it. Maybe she could try...no that was crazy...but then again, crazier things have happened this week.

"Hello? Can you understand me? What are you? Are you hostile?" She knew her questions were silly, but she had to at least try. Better that she learn about it so that she can report it later. Also better to not make too much noise, lest she attract something bigger. Last thing she needed was to get dragged off by some monster to be used as food or worse, it's plaything. She shuddered slightly at the thought, before turning her attention back to the substance
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The slime responded to her question by wiggling a little. It seems that it was able to hear her words, perhaps it even understood them. Of course, it didn't seem like it could communicate back at all. So it just sort of wiggled. If she moved at all, it would move backwards, defensively. It waited a few moments before gesturing towards a passageway, which more light was coming from. It would then try and move towards it, slowly and carefully. If Lynn tried to follow it would wiggle in an agitated fashion. It apparently was going to fetch something, or someone, or some-whatever, and it wanted her to wait.

Lynn 7/5 FP 0/10 AP
Slime 0/??
Kfs: 42
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Lynn looked on rather confused as the slime wiggled and attempted to communicate with the rather confused rookie soldier. What in gods name was going on today? The last thing she honestly expected to find on this trip was a slime sentient enough to try and speak to her. But she made no effort to move towards it at first, given that the slime seemed more scared of her then she did of it. But then it did something strange: It was gesturing towards something and she noticed the light coming from that direction. A curious Lynn began taking a step forward before the slime wiggled angrily at her. The recruit jumped back and followed the creatures...orders...for now, waiting for it to return.
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Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

The slime disappeared from view around a corner. Lynn might have wondered if she should stay put, or perhaps try to flee before it could come back. She heard the sound if it returning after what only felt like a few minutes though. She also thought she saw some sort of light was approaching. Perhaps it was a person? She couldn't know. The light came closer, and soon she saw the slime peeking around the corner. It cautiously approached her. A few moments later something that she found harder to describe floated around the corner as well. It looked like it was a small collection of light, though perhaps it was some sort of gas, maybe a mini-fire? It was tough to tell.

It was unsettling, especially since it floated. It flickered, it was...examining her? She couldn't tell. She felt a shiver go down her back before hearing a voice. Was it speaking to her? It sounded like it was...telepathic?

"What is your name, human?"

Lynn 7/5 FP 0/10 AP
Slime 0/??
Kfs: 42
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

Watching the slime slip out of her sight, Lynn was tempted to give chase, out of sheer curiosity. Just where was that thing going? What was it doing? Was it rallying it's slimy legions to attack her and this was a rather elaborate trap. Of course, this might have just been Lynn's imagination running away on her. It had a habit of doing that. But then she saw a strange light came from around the corner and the slime cautiously approached her on it's return. This all seemed so bizarre. But then she saw something truly strange. Something she did not expect from her trip today. A small collection of lights floated before her, resembling a small fire or something like that. Due to her background, she couldn't guess what this really was.

She stood perfectly still as it flickered about, almost as if it was examining her. If nothing else, she was more then a little scared right now. And then she heard a voice, almost as if this...thing was speaking to her. With a bit of hesitation, the young recruit spoke up.

"L...Lynn Marshall. Recruit for the Jermalian Expeditionary Army. Colonial defense force. W...What are you exactly?"
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"I am a wisp." The strange creature seemed to pause after it said that, likely processing what Lynn had said. "I see. Lynn. Will you assist us. Humans have been enslaving many of our kind. What your kind have named 'monsters'. We are attempting to fight back against them, but they use strong magic which some of us cannot resist."

The strange thing kept speaking to her mind. It's ability to communicate seemed limited, as if it was having trouble forming the words to speak to her. It was perhaps not a very stable existence. Though it was likely that her head was too full of other thoughts to really ponder that.

Lynn 7/5 FP 0/10 AP
Kfs: 42
(5) Rest Kits
(9 Days) Trail Rations
(2) Armor Repair Kits
(2) Whetstones
Re: Lynn (Aust_Nailo)

"A...A wisp? I thought you were only a myth...I've never seen one up close before." Lynn was very curious and was tempted to try and touch the creature, but she saw that as a poor idea given how tense the situation was. No time to be playing around with idle curiosity. But then the creature began to explain his plight or more accurately, the plight of his kin. Seemed someone was taking monsters and enslaving them and that they had powerful magics on hand to stop the creatures. She wanted to help, but without knowing who she was dealing with or what sort of odds she faced, she was a little hesitant to respond.

"I would help if I could...but I'm just a lowly recruit. I've only been stationed here a little while and I've only seen actual combat once or twice. What could I possibly do to people that have powerful magics on their side? I'd have to use the whole army to make any real impact and no ones going to listen to me. Especially when I'm such a low rank." Now more then ever, she was reminded of just where she stood in the grand scheme of things. Low on the totem pole, barely able to make any headway in the world. She wanted to help, but just what could she do?