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Lyn's Quest (Archer)


Dec 6, 2009
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Lyn had traveled for several hours after leaving Isfrallas and had finally managed to arrive at the outskirts of a massive complex that she assumed had to be the place where the mayor told her the mosters had taken the city's women. She could see several monsters outside of the gates even as she heard the cpatives' pleas to be released and screams. On the outside there appeared to be a few women that were made out of slime, two bee like women and and two warrior women with large swords. The first building was of moderate size and seemed to be made of mostly earth, rocks, vines, and moss. The Bees and the warriors left to other buisness leaving only the three slime women left at the gate.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

"These are monsters? When they asked me for help I expected something more.......scary." Lyn shrugs to herself and readies her staff rushing foward to attack the slimes. "This will make for a very entertaining tale for my brothers." She smiles heart pounding in excitement for her first real battle against an opponent.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn rushes in to attack the slimes swinging her staff towards the slime in the middle.
Slime 1
Total:3 (unlucky roll for slime 1)
Calculating Damage: 2+2= 4 damage

The Slimegirl caught totally unprepaired takes the full blow of Lyn's staff splattering into several smaller clunks before reforming a small puddle-blob and scuttering away as her cohorts decide to swarm up on Lyn.

Slime 2

The second slime trips over her own goo and lands face first at Lyn's feet.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

"Well I was wondering if blunt weapons would even hurt slime, I guess they do." Lyn twirls her staff and tries to bring it down onto the slime who tripped next to her. "HAAAAAAAA!"
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Slime girl 2
Prone (unable to defend)
Critical Hit! x2 damage
8 damage

The prone slime girl explodes to into several even tinier pieces then her ally and soon scuttles off to join her as the last remaining slime goes to attack Lyn.
Slime girl 2
Damage: 1
The last slime manages to graze Lyns cheek as she just barely manages to avoid its slime whip, leaving a light scar on her left cheek.

Lyn's Fight goes up to 2/10
Lyn's Dodge goes up to 1/10
Lyn takes 1 damage going down to 3hp
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

"It's dishonorable for me to fight a single opponent with such an advantage. Even if you are monsters." Lyn plants her staff in the ground and slides her feet apart. "Let's see how you compare to my hands..."

(Lyn disarms herself lowering attack by 2 and allows the slime to take the first turn)
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

The slimewoman rears her slime whip back again and makes an attempt to smack Lyn's perk tits.

Slimegirl 3
Total:15 (Critical Success!)

Lyn easily manages to catch the slime whip as it heads towards her bosom, grappling the slime.

Lyn's Dodge goes up to 2/10 (Double gain for Crit roll)

You now have the slime grappled and the opportunity to take a free strike.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn holds onto the whip surprised she can get a grip on the slime, before yanking the monster towards her and trying to lock her arms behind her. "You cannot defeat me. I will give you the opportunity to flee. The elder monks say that I should avoid unessicary battles. If you can even understand me."
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

The Slime attempts to remove itself from Lyn's grasp, hoping to use it's slippery nature to its afvantage.
Slimegirl 3

The Slime is unable to free itself for now. "I'm sorry miss intruder, our master wont allow that." She saids.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn struggles to hold onto the slimey girl. "Who is your master? What is going on here?" She shifts her grip to an arm around her neck and one around her waist hoping to hold on better.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

"Eep! I already said more then I should have! I'll die if I spill anymore then I already have!" She yells out in panic as she realizes her mistake incresing her struggles to escape.
Slimegirl 3

It's futile the slime is stuck in Lyn's grip for now.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

"I see.....my teachings tell me it would be wrong to kill a helpless foe...." She releases the slime and turns to her staff. "Let me pass and I shall not harm you. I am sorry for the fate of your sisters." Lyn turns her back to the girl.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

"I must leave this place or the others will find out and destroy me. Here, this is the key to the gate, but this is only one part of massive compound. There will be much greater creatures in there then me, so traversing any further in there will be to face death or made in a sex slave. Farewell hero." And with that the Slimegirl scurries off into the wilderness.

Lyyn's grapple went up to 2/10
Sen received the Gate Key
Sen earned 1XP
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn sighs relieved that the slime gave up and unlocks the gate, giving her staff a quick twirl and running inside hoping to make up lost time from wrestling with the slime.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

As Lyn makes her way into the building she sees to her right is a door, though she does not know if it is locked or not. To her left is a long hallway with what might be a door hidden by the poor light at the end. On the opposite side of the hallway, down the hall to her left, the wall opens into a chamber. Unfortunately, the poor lighting and the angle keep Sen from being able to see much of the inside area from here.

Go through the door on the right?
Go down the hallway?
Go towards the chamber?

OOC: You may want to start keeping your character sheet updated from now on. And I apologize for not implementing this at the beginning but me and Phoenix have decided that at the beginning all new characters have 50XP to put in skills at the start. So you can do that at the end of your next post, also you will want to add that to your current character sheet.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

"Hmm...if I start a fight in the hallway it may alert other monsters..." Lyn tries the door to her right, going in if it's unlocked or trying to pick it with her hairpin if it is locked.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

The door creaks open and Lyn sees a large 4x3 room with dirty sandstone tiles. As the door creaks open announcing her arrival she is met by a group of three orcs. "Hmmm, what do we have here? A fresh young newbie to feast on?" The pig woman asks. "Yes, cute little one, come here and play with us." The second chimes in. "We promise not to hurt you if you cooperate." The last adds in as they begin to converge onto Lyn's location."
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

Lyn calmly shuts the door behind her. "Hmm I think you'll be less cooperative than the guards outside but a much better challenge. You have my word that none of my blows will be fatal..." She crouches one hand to her side the other holding her staff behind her back. "Simply let me pass and none of you need be harmed." Lyn prepares to swing at the very first orc to make a threatening move towards her.

(I was really tempted to have her believe they meant no harm just to see what they had in store for her heh.)
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Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

"Oink! Sorry little intruder we cant do that. But we promise to be gentle and make you feel good if you give in and cooperate." She saids as she and her comrades continue to advance on her location with a lustful hungry look in their eyes.
Re: Lyn's Quest (Archer)

"I'm afraid giving in is against my teachings....however if you truely mean not to harm me I cannot fight you...." Lyn glances between the three getting closer getting confused momentarily as two instincts conflict in her mind, reminding herself only to attack if they draw weapons or make threatening motions.