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Mad God's Key

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Re: Age of Worms

"I'll third that explanation." Ashnod says with a sigh, sheathing his weapons and trying to look innocent as possible. "If ya need to confirm us, I'm sure anyone in tha tavern would be happy to tell ya we were there when the robbery began, and took tha initiative to stop it."
Re: Age of Worms

Krys, who'd been hanging back, just taking in the whole exchange, perked up at the mention of the gang leader, though kept quiet about the whole affair, at least until the guard arrived. Since the group seemed to be backing up one-another's stories, and the guard themselves didn't look to be disbelieving them at this point, there was no need to chime in. Of course, there was something about the thieves' story that perked her interest.

"According to them, though," she states, pushing herself up a little, though not moving much more than that, thanks to the arrows, "the shop had already been broken into. If something's missing, I have a feeling you're not going to find it on them."
Re: Age of Worms

Teren sat and listened to the others give their accounts, then shrugged. "I think they understand that we weren't there at the robbery - or if they don't, they won't believe us anyways," he said. "These two meatheads probably don't have anything, the female was right about that. They're not the ones who caused the mess, either, I'd be willing to bet. All these two managed to do was cause a raucous and draw our attention to the shop - and to me, if anything these two says can be trusted, it sounds like someone else put them in the wrong place at the wrong time."
Re: Age of Worms

The captain of the guard patrol listens closely to the story, carefully watching each in turn as they explain what happened, with a stoic look. As the last of the explanations comes, "Lower you weapons men, and arrest those two miscreants," he says pointing to the thugs, Marek and Flegon. "I've had a run in with these two before, and have no reason to doubt your stories. Goodman Theldrat how much was taken from your store?"

At this question Theldrat looks slightly cautious before answering, "It's the oddest thing nothing appears to be missing at all, and not much damge at all. These good-hearted folk must have arrived in just the nick of time."

"Sir, they had nothing on them, except for this bag of gold." One of the guards interupts, while handing the captain a bag.

The captain looks in the bag, and with a smile on his face. Tosses the bag and it's contents to the heroes, "Here you go a reward for a good deed, if any of you ever need any help from the guard just mention the name, Sir Greydan Mauresbane, and you should bypass some of the problems in our fair city. Good day to you all." With that he and the guards move out with their prisoners down the street.

(Party has gained 24 gold, and 2 daggers.)
Re: Age of Worms

After watching the guards leave, divy out the gold (5 chars, 24 gold, so 4 gold, 80 silver each) and take one of the daggers and put it in my boot. "Any of you want this?" while holding out the other dagger.

"Now what anyway?"

(gonna have to amend the char sheets now, do you want to do it dmronny, or would you like to leave it up to us?)
Re: Age of Worms

((Go ahead and do it yourselves on your sheets as long as you all agree. Almost forgot you all got 60XP each, too.))
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Re: Age of Worms

"Nah. Daggers don' suit me too well." He says taking his share of the money. "Well, prehapse we should pay the Green Daggers a visit sometime soon. Or maybe tha' Irontusk fella." he suggests, looking at the rest. "Maybe we can stop this kinda crap for good."
Re: Age of Worms

(Keeping the spare dagger offer open. C'mon, post damn you!)

"Well, if you're going to try to take down a gang, I'm more than willing to help you, mister Ashnod. Am I saying that right? Anyway, I'm between jobs right now, and they're sure to have a good amount of loot stashed somewhere, and getting rid of them will make everyone in the cities life a little easier. Anyone else in?" as I glance at the other three.
Re: Age of Worms

"Thanks, but I don't need the knife." Mellisa says, takeing her share of the money. "If you lot want to check out those dagger people, I'm game. The various gods and/or goddesses know I'm not doing much else at the moment."
Re: Age of Worms

"Actually, if I could see those, or, well, that," Krys states, motioning to one of the daggers, since it seems the one fellow has decided to keep one for himself. (Looking for what you told me about, Ronny.) "And I can get some use out of this, too." Since no one else seems to want to lay claim to the second dagger, she'll keep it, also not having any problem with a share of the take.

Her green eyes flick around the group. "And, if you're thinking of looking for the Daggers, I might be able to point you in the right direction, provided what I've heard is true. Never can tell with groups like that."
Re: Age of Worms

Then you notice the shopkeeper, Theldrat motioning for the group from the front of his shop. With a nervous look on his face, "Perhaps you would be willing to help me with a problem that may involve those thieves you're talking about. Best not to talk about it in front of prying ears though." He adds as he continues to motion you towards his shop.

((The daggers are indeed as you suspect))
Re: Age of Worms

((Then the daggers may be even more useful.))

"Any additional information would probably be useful." She tucks the dagger away, sheath and all, though she seems to take care to make sure it's fairly well concealed for now. She moves to join the merchant, curious as to what he has to say and suspecting the crime isn't as open and shut as he wanted the guards to believe.
Re: Age of Worms

Teren rolled his eyes. Thief catching, not exactly the type of thing a druid would normally deign to do. Still, it might prove at least vaguely interesting, and if he could stop this lot from killing a bunch of evildoers on principle, well, he was all for it. He silently followed the merchant, keeping his ears open for any information that might prove useful.
Re: Age of Worms

(Sorry, was thinking in 100s. You're right, it is 8. Oh hell, what did I just put in my shoe?)

I follow the merchant to listen to what he has to say.
Re: Age of Worms

(Probably a dagger that is green?)

Mellisa followed the Merchant inside. Any paying job was a good job.....and maybe she could prevent a few deaths too.
Re: Age of Worms

As the last of the party enters the shop. Theldrat says, "I don't mean to seem so cautious about all this, but I didn't want to cause undue alarm to the guards for something so trivial. I recently inherited this shop from my father along with a key, this key is a valuable family heirloom. It also appears to be the only thing that was taken. Since you're planning on looking into the thieves guild from what I heard would you be willing to return the key to me if you find it. I would be willing to reward you if you did. I'm not the richest man in town, but I have been fairly succesful lately and could offer you a hundred gold for the key's return. So what do you say, will you help me?"
Re: Age of Worms

"Sure. If we find the key, we'll see about returning it to you. We probably wouldn't have anything else to do with it." I say, but I intend to keep my options open when or if we find that key. I glance at Krystiana, trying to signal my thoughts with my body language.
Re: Age of Worms

((God bless the fetch and carry quests...And yes, it's a dagger with a green scabbard. No worries, Tas.))

Krys arches a brow as he mentions the key being the only thing taken, glancing around the shop to see how torn up the place really is. "Then whoever broke in must have been looking for that. Though I've never heard of a key being an heirloom. What's it to?" It's a very innocent, very natural, very probing question. "Ah, and what's it look like?" She smiles, sort of moving the conversation along, so it, again, seems perfectly natural. "Wouldn't want to bring you the wrong one." Like Craig, she's definitely interested in it, but hiding it out in the open.
Re: Age of Worms

Teren decided to keep his mouth shut for now - anything that he'd have said had already been said. Would he return the key upon finding it? Well, that all depended on the benefits it would bring him if he kept it.
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