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Mad God's Key

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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Ruby sorceress? Oh joy, we might be dealing with a lich," I say dryly. "Lord of Chance doesn't sound too bad though, kind of familiar actually..... maybe not." Having concluded that I'm unlikely to find anything on the walls, I keep watch on the door in case anything heard us and started following down here. I hold my morningstar loosely in my right hand, in case it's needed, but leave my sword sheathed since it seems likely that we're dealing with undead.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Actually we shouldn't need to worry too much as long as we don't disturb any tombs in here. Wee Jas and Norebo don't like their tombs desecrated." The unusually silent Xi Shu says suddenly.

"Though it does seem an unusual place for worshippers of Vecna to hide as he's hated by both of them."
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Maybe they be usin that as an excuse to hide here, since no one would think to look fer um in such a place?" Ashnod offers, switching to his warhammer. "I fer one dun intend on breaking anything tha doesn' attack me first!"
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"That sounds like a plan. If it's dead and up and walking around, that likely means someone else desecrated it first, so we're doing them a favor by putting it back down." She inclines her head at the comment about being hated. "Maybe you're right. Last place anyone might look. Or maybe there's something here that interests Vecna followers and they're counting on that hatred to keep them out."
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Jess wanders back from the area around the bleeding skull empty handed. "Alright, well I don't think there's anything here, we should keep going."
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Before you can begin moving again, Craig spots movement from the next room. What appears to be two fairly recently deceased humans in decayed leather armor wielding similar green-hilted daggers lurch into view.

(I4, I5. room A3. INIT: Craig, Jess, Krys, Xi Shu, DM, Xaren, Ashnod)

Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(K, didn't change much.)

I grip my morningstar in both hands, say "we've got company on the way," and walk calmly, slowly down the hall toward the zombies, stopping short and out of range of the zombies movement, and waiting for the others to react. Whack them if the rots get too close.
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(I4, I5. room A3 read over than up, coming towards you. INIT: Craig, Jess, Krys, Xi Shu, DM, Xaren, Ashnod)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((Do they happen to look like two recently deceased ARMORY thieves by any chance? And at least we know what happened to the Green Daggers.))

"Not good, not good." Krys' blade, already out, is held at the ready. Not as effective as Craig's thumper, but every little bit helps. "Can we move? Get them in a choke so they can only get at us one at a time?"

(For the time being, holding off on action until that gets resolved.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Yes very good these are the thieves you were lookin for. Though I'm confused about armory since it was a locksmith shop and library that were robbed, but oh well. You should be able to block them since they haven't got into the hallway yet, and the first floor is a little cramped. Not really sure what you guys exact position is since you were looking around in the corridor there.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Oh great, I hate undead." Jess says with a sigh as she takes her position just behind the front. "I can't do much here, its mostly up to you guys."
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Figures... I was expectin' skeletons and we got zombies." Ashnod sighs, switching back to his dwarvern axe, then following after Craig toward the zombies.

((If I can't do both, just switch weapons.))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Tch, should have rested and meditated before we came, my internal mana reserves are running low. Xaren thinks before gathering about a portion of what he has left into one finger to aim a small beam of frost blue energy at one of the undead.

(Ray of Frost)
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

As the zombies continue to lurch toward the group Craig readies his morningstar and moves to wait for the first attacker to draw within range.

Jess moves up behind Craig unable to do much with her dagger.

Krys draws her shortsword, and darting stabs the already damaged zombie though it doesn't seem to have any effect, before moving back and protecting the more fragile party members.

Xi Shu Lung moves to a position behind her and after reading from his ofuda he casts bless on the party. The two zombies move to within range of Craig, but just stand there dumbly. Two more zombies appear where the others were previously.

Craig takes a mighty swing at the nearest zombie with both hands connecting solidly with the zombies head. The gore from the blow splashing all over over him, unfortunately the zombie still stands.

Xaren moves up next to Xi Shu, but far enough from the zombies to avoid attacks and with his free hand aims a ray of frost at the zombie not engaged in melee, but the ray misses and strikes the wall instead.

Ashnod replaces his hammer with his axe, and prepares to enter the fray. (If you didn't sheathe and then draw a weapon you could have moved and attacked since it's a free action to draw a weapon while moving if you have a +1 BAB.)

(INIT: Craig, Jess, Krys, Xi Shu, DM, Xaren, Ashnod. I changed the scale to 1 square = 10 ft. The zombies are in the intersection square now since that made the most sense to me. That and it cuts off you're escape route, muahahaha.)
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(daggers are able to cause slashing damage, you just won't get your skirmish damage)

I know, but 1d3 damage with no str bonus? Meh, at least they're not skeletons :) )

Jess simply tosses a dagger at the nearest zombie not already being attacked, then draws another as she moves to make sure she's out of everybody's way.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Is that this turn or your next turn, Shrike.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Round 2, anything past ten feet and I start getting range penalties, si I waited for them to close first)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((That would just be me being confuse. Figured someone would correct me. I just wanted to know if they were the same thieves as we saw get carted off by the 'law'.))

"Weren't those guys alive when we last saw them?" Krys looks a little uneasy but she's not about to back down from the undead. Readying her blade, she'll try and whittle down the one Craig first attacked.

((If I can reach it *chuckles* I'll work on 'whittling' and 'finishing' damage to help free up the fighters. Also, protecting X-squared there is another priority. Don't want the zombies getting too close to them.))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Smash! Stomp! Crush!)

Ignoring the disgustingly fresh gore from the now not so familiar looking zombie, I halt the morningstars momentum, raise it above my head, and bring the weapon down on the damaged zombies head with as much force as I can muster.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Xaren gathers up some more of his internal mana reserve to fire off one more beam of cold energy. If this continues, I'll have to use my stick on them

(Ray of Frost)
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