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Madrigal OOC Chatter

Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Not as many posts as I'd have liked to reply to today, but sleep is calling. I'll be back tomorrow! XD If any of you guys are getting bored with what's going on, just poke me -- this is the first time that I've GM'd a game like this relatively successfully ('relatively' because it hasn't been going on very long yet -- only time will tell if it's really successful!) so my pacing may not be up to snuff just yet. I don't mind pokings and suggestions if you see 'em!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I only have one thing to say.


Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Well, it's three on one. Hopefully. Unless the demoness has some friends in the crowd as well.
THEN I'm screwed.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Dude, the first hit your character takes from that girl will be a fatality.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

There is no way this woman can deal 20 points damage in one blow.
There's not, right?
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

XD Now that you said that, you know she's going to roll a natural 20.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Yep. Plus, Rule's character should have some kind of penalty, to make things realistic. He's weak, after all.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I'd say his painfully low body stat would cover that!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Cross_grave, you can do that. :p You brought it up... I was just going to quietly let this evolve into some happy accident but now I think I'm going to see what happens with an actual fight. >:D
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Well, I knew they were going to make up and make out in no time. Tillias, however, only sees his friend getting beaten up.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Well, this gives me a chance to test out the HP system a little. XD I don't really have much in place for knockouts or specific alterations to stats, but if they need 'em, I'll add them in.

(Still working on the 'gasm-modifiers. It's just... so boring compared to writing for you guys. "I don't care what I'll get if I roll a die at this point in time for this thing, just get to the prons, self, geez!" etc.)
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Cross_grave, you can do that. :p You brought it up... I was just going to quietly let this evolve into some happy accident but now I think I'm going to see what happens with an actual fight. >:D

Give me a modded thread and I might consider it. My services ain't cheap.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

XD I'm tempted, though I'm starting to feel the burn of four (and a half) already... I feel bad for only dropping one post per person yesterday! I know that Kattunge doesn't want to mod anything, though if any of you are curious about it, I might consider a co-GM (as in, to make however many threads you're comfortable with and to run those solo, while I keep mine, and we could keep in tune via PM's with various ideas and stuff!) just to open the ranks a little.
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

In case you don't realise - "Uchuh" is a soundword for coughing.
In case you don't realise - I use "soundword" because the real one is way too complicated.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Are we talking about 'onomatopoeia' or a different one? XD

(Heeeey, I spelled that properly in one go! Wooh! Brains of steel!)
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Yes. Yes we are talking about omo. . . omni. . .
I don't even know how to SAY it.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

XD I'm tempted, though I'm starting to feel the burn of four (and a half) already... I feel bad for only dropping one post per person yesterday! I know that Kattunge doesn't want to mod anything, though if any of you are curious about it, I might consider a co-GM (as in, to make however many threads you're comfortable with and to run those solo, while I keep mine, and we could keep in tune via PM's with various ideas and stuff!) just to open the ranks a little.

I might help you, depending. It all hinges on if activity in Ascalion picks up once people reach Monolith which marks an end to simple random wandering (Although they can still wander if they wish).
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

"ON-oh-MAH-toh-PEE/PAY-ah" I believe, though some fancy english profs use "ON-oh-MAH-toh-POH-AY-ah"... or at least mine did! I can't remember if E.E. Cummings used it in his work or if that was just concrete poetry.

Re: Pheonix: I have a feeling that once the wandering phase is over, the characters will probably pick up pretty quick. XD I imagine the pacing will be more interactive by that point so they'll hook the players attention? In any case, lemme know what you think afterwards. :) I'm still willing to hear from others, though I'd want to limit the amount of mods to a few (two... maybe three tops.) I can't imagine that THAT many players would want to sign up, but it might open up opportunities to play second characters for those who simply have that much time on their hands. XD