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Madrigal OOC Chatter


Apr 12, 2009
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If you have any questions, suggestions, demands or bribes, post them here! :p
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

First question for those who are interested (or anyone who stumbles upon this, actually!)

What kinds of daemons would you like to see skittering around the Burrows? They can look like just about anything, including tentacle monsters and slime-girls (or... guys... or whatever. XD) as they're a sort of default random group. They can be as mundane as neko-looking humanoids, or, you know, furries, etc. Usually each daemon is a little different from the last.

Let me know if there are any traits or preferences that you'd like to see!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Aaaand lastly, I'll take the first three sheets to come my way. :D Game's open, folks! Please either PM me or drop questions in this thread if you want clarification on anything!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Second question: would you guys like to see a 'squicks' section to counter the 'fetishes' section, where when a character encounters a certain thing, it's more difficult to climax? XD It might also be useful for me as a GM to avoid placing you, as a player, in an awkward situation. I'd be open to hearing specific squicks as well, via PM or posted here, before you get set up, if there is anything that you'd rather avoid.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I'm open to just about anything but guro, vore, and scat/watersports. I don't like watching people get tortured for pleasure, vore (even if it isn't lethal) is just a bit odd, and scat/watersports is a bit gross for me.

Edit: Also, my sheet is done.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Ahh, I just saw the update, sweet. ^_^ Sorry to be cranky, I just didn't want a bunch of people to spam with blank sheets and then someone who was spending time to finish one might refresh and get the shaft! (Not that that seems to be a problem -- there's still one space left. X3)

I'm generally in the same vein of squicks as you, on the OOC level, so you (and anybody else) probably won't run into that sort of thing unless it's specifically asked for, or the character seems intent upon it.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

"Squicks" as a mechanic might actually be out of place in this game. Probably easier to just tell you what we don't like.

As far as what kinds of daemons are around... I kinda like small, swarmy, things, such as the bugs from Fear of the Dark...
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Ooh, that'd be really cool, actually! Thanks for the suggestion! :D

Unless everyone else wants to add it into the mechanics, I'll just keep it semi OOC and try to avoid tossing your characters into situations that you're not interested in. :)
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Squicks IC could work! In the opposite vein of fetishes, it could be things that make it so it takes longer for your character to get off... I think that could be interesting, especially in a setting with such species diversity!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Ha ha, I can always do such a thing for Enhuvin specifically, if you'd like. I'm already generating ideas for you... this is the benefit of knowing someone ahead of time when RPing with them. XD D'oh!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Hee hee, naww. X3 Unless I think of something he really doesn't like, it's not a big deal -- just an interesting bit of stats for extra complexity!

Actually on that note, I can't blame you for leaving it out. More effort!

...and now I'm intrigued to see what you come up with for him. >D
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Well, just let me know. Extra complexity isn't REALLY what I'm going for, but if it'd make the game play more entertaining, then it's a possibility.

You'll figure out when something clicks. XD I think it already has.

On a side note, if any of you really don't like the way that your scenes are going, toss me a PM (polite is preferred!) and I'll see about switching things up. I won't try to pull any stunts where suddenly your character is getting gang-banged (unless you were hoping for that kind of thing :D) or has otherwise fallen into a situation where you feel like you can't get out and you don't want to play anymore, but if things are looking that way, just communicate with me. I don't bite (too much!) On the other hand, if you just don't want to play anymore because you've gotten busy or aren't interested in the story, and we can't come to a compromise, please let me know so that I can open the character apps to allow someone who is interested in signing on.

I know it may be a little premature to post pleas like this, considering it just opened, but I try to be sensitive to other players wants and sometimes get a little oversensitive to 'em, so if you're having a bad day and are griping at me over MSN, for example, that you don't like this, this and that about the game, I take it to heart. In other words, if you're unhappy, put it to me straight instead of beating around the bush. Thanks for trudging through this public service announcement!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Oh jeez. XD Pheonix is lucky she has a high pleasure max; it looks like she's gonna need it!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

No level of pleasure max can withstand the mighty tentacle monster boss! :eek: All will come before her! Him... whatever!

Anyways, I'm done for the night! Need to catch some z's (and by that I mean sleep, not zombies. XD) so that I can be coherent for tomorrow! Thanks, Kattunge and Pheonix, for keeping me occupied WAY past my bed-time, and highly enjoying myself, too! :p

+1 XP for Phe' and Enhuvin each for sticking it out, yo! (Don't worry, RK and Xivvix, I'll find a reason to drop an XP on you guys soon, too. ^_^)
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter


And all I had to do was stay up till nearly 3am roleplaying lots of sex. X3 Awesome.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Arghno! I'm too late ;_;
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I will send you a PM specifically if anybody else decides to drop out, Rule! :x
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I'm interested as well. If you don't mind, I'd like to participate... If someone else drops, that is.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I'll have to make a list. X3 For sure!

...And I'll have to see how this goes over the next week or so. I'm not making any promises, but if I'm feeling like I can handle another player or players, I will let you two know first.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Question: do we spend xp at any time or only under certain circumstances?