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Maid RPG signup/OOC thread

Re: Maid RPG

Alright this time for Real, taking my old char and just doing the extra rolls and such.
Name: Jessara
Maid Types: Cool/Sexy

Affection: 1
Skill: 4
Cunning: 4
Luck: 1
Will: 3

Stress/Spirit: 0/30
Stress Explosion: Rampage

Favor: 2

Maid Colours:
Clothes: Green
Eye: Brown
Hair: Light Blue

Special Qualities:
Perversion: Nymphomaniac

Maid Roots:

Maid Power:

Maid Weapon:
Frying Pan

Complex: (If used)
Big butt

a little Aloof Jessa is one of the older maids in the house, she started out at a young age and was well treated by the master, as such she is incredibly protective of him, to the point of not trusting other maids from making advances on him, not because she wants him, but because she's worried the "silly little maids" might hurt him.

She can be cunning and mean spirited around the other girls, but only wants them to be the best for her master. She is skilled and talented at her work in addition to her her ways which keeps her in his good books. Deep down she yearns for sex, something she has never come to terms with, she suppresses these feeling within her for the sake of her job and image.

Physically she is a Taller beauty, voluptuous in figure (something she has never been satisfied with) with her long light blue hair pulled back into a bun on her head. Her uniform is simple and clean, always kept in order.

If possible I will be trying for the Head Maid position (pg 48). It seems to fit the character I am building
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Re: Maid RPG

Name: Zehasael (sometimes Zeha-chan)
Maid Types: Heroine/Heroine

Athletics: 2
Affection: 2
Skill: 2
Cunning: 1
Luck: 0
Will: 5

Stress/Spirit: 0/50
Stress Explosion: Alcohol/Drugs

Favour: 4

Maid Colours:
Clothes: Green
Eyes: Sky
Hair: Red

Special Qualities:
Membership* (Shadow Clan)

Maid Roots: Bridal Training

Maid Weapon: Psychic Powers

Maid Power: Absolute Maid

Complex (if used):
Different Physiology (tail)


Zehasael began her life as a minor demon under a minor demon lord, her days filled with mediocre and menial tasks. She was amoungst the most insignificant demons that actually had will of their own, and she hated it. She resented her demonic lord and her petty useless existence and as many demons do in such a situation, began to plot her rise in power.

Her plans came to fruition. She managed to trap the demon above her and had him helpless before her, weakened and unable to fight back. It was now that she gloated, about her own pitiful existence, how this was for not trusting her with more important tasks and the price he paid for treating her so poorly. Now he would pay the ultimate price, and she would assume his place, one step up on the ladder. Just as she went to deliver the final blow and ascend properly, she was summoned into the mortal world.

She found herself called to a secret society of occultists, The Brotherhood of The Dispensation, who thought themselves except and above the laws of society and god. She, a minor demon, had been called to serve their leader as a bride, pet and servant. Her reaction to this could only be described as furious, although she was eventually subdued. They tried many things to get her co-operative, but after months of delicate negotiation, they at last found the only thing that worked. Their final resort, sending her back to hell. Equipped with the knowledge that by now, her former lord would have recovered and likely eagerly awaited the chance to repay her treachery she came to the conclusion that anything was better than the fate that awaited her.

Even so, she resented this order for calling upon her when they did and did her best to walk a delicate tightrope between being as big an inconvenience to them through 'accidents' and feigned incompetence as she could manage without being banished back to hell. Eventually, in frustration, she was sent off to serve as a maid for a new master, in the hopes she would refine herself into something more suited to their needs.

Both her ties to this organisation and her heritage not known to her new household, she finds this to be an improvement on her situation and is content to play along. Keeping the master happy would ensure she was not returned to the Brotherhood, at least for now. Warned that failure here would result in her banishment, she didn't have much in the way of options; her best plan was to try to arrange things so that she would not be returned to the Brotherhood.
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Re: Maid RPG

Here is my maid character for what will be Incubus' mansion. (That's right, there will be two mansions with two masters... so we can get a handle on this crowd.)

Elaina, Age 19

Athletics 4
Affection 1
Skill 2
Cunning 2
Luck 1
Will 3

Maid Type:

Favor: 2
Spirit: 30
Stress: 0

Maid Colors:
Uniform - Cream
Eyes - Cream
Hair - Navy

Special Qualities:

Maid Roots: Distant Relative

Stress Explosion: Alcohol/Drugs

Maid Weapon: Metal Claws

Maid Power (Atheletics) Ultimate Retort - may blow someone off completely with the use of a clever comeback (GM's Discretion). May make this impossible to defend against by taking 2 Stress.

Physical Complex: Scars (On her back.)

Background: Elaina is the only daughter of Lord Tyrol Whitefield, Lord Protector of the Eastern Marches. Her homeland is a border state that with another empire whom is currently in a constant state of war with her own. As such, battles are frequently fought there and everyone, even noble daughters like Elaina are taught to fight. Still, it was against her father's wishes and without his knowledge that Elaina joined the army in secret for a march to attack an invading army and push them out of her homeland. When their plan failed, Elaina was captured. The enemy General, a man named Bagot, recognized Elaina as the lord's daughter and had her publicly whipped in an effort to bolster his men's morale while hurting that of the natives. Fortunately, a relief force led by her Father had followed after her and quickly rescued her before Bagot could devise even more heinous methods to degrade her. Angry at Elaina's foolishness and stunned by her wish to go into battle again, the Lord sent Elaina away to live with her sickly, distant cousin. There she would be weened off of her adventursome ways by serving as her cousin's maid. She would not be allowed to use her family's name, and is listed as Elaina Smyth on officially drawn up documents. All effort to conceal her whereabouts has been made to prevent her ever falling into the hands of General Bagot or any other enemy ever again.

Description: Elaina's hair is cropped short, enough that she is sometimes mistaken for a boy at a distance. She is athetlically framed and has a distancing, aloof smile. She really is quite easygoing, and fun to get along with. It takes a lot to get her angry.
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Re: Maid RPG

Backstory to come soon. If any choice is given, I'll go to Blue's mansion

Shiina, age 20

Athletics 3
Affection 2
Skill 1
Cunning 3
Luck 2
Will 1

Maid Type:
Sexy Lolita

Favor: 4
Spirit: 10
Stress: 0

Maid Colors:
Uniform - Orange
Eyes - Purple
Hair - Golden

Special Qualities:
Hairstyle (Curly)
Injury (eye)

Maid Roots: Loyalty

Stress Explosion: Seclusion

Maid Weapon: Western Sword (rapier)

Maid Power (Cunning): Instant Restraint

Complex: Looks Younger
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Re: Maid RPG

I won't be able to get a sheet out till sunday or so, as I'm workin all day and dont bother to take my laptop with me. This weekend I'm heading to a local anime con in my state for two days. I might try to take it with me to my hotel and get things going when I'm done for the day. But just in case....
Re: Maid RPG

As a note, players need to contact blue or myself to generate their characters so that we can supervise the process, manage the rerolls etc.

And skullman, I'm gonna ask you to redo your character via one of us. It's all just a little suspicious to me.
Re: Maid RPG

The Master of Blueslime's Game:

Yukimura Gomon
Age 26
Qualtities: Bishonen (attractive to both genders) and Sadist
Power Source: Political Power and Assets
Stress Explosion: Food Binge
Favored Maid Type: Pure

Eyes: Indigo
Hair: Sky Blue

Athletics 1
Affection 1
Skill 2
Cunning 2
Luck 2
Will 2

Background: Master Gomon is the son of a wealthy political family in the mercantile nation of Attam. He has led a life of privilege and knows little of the world beyond the walls of his estate, besides what he can read in books. For those who did not grow up in his household, he can seem very aloof and unnerving. He is known to be a very attractive, if effeminate man, and is fond of teasing the maid staff. Some whisper that he does more than tease maids... but no maid who leaves his service has willingly spoken about this. Gomon is of age to be married now for political reasons, and his family are keeping him safe at their chateaux retreat until a suitable bride of good breeding can be found as a match for him. In the mean time, he is free to live a life of relative luxury in his palatial estate. But he does get bored... and he has his own thoughts on what qualifies as entertainment. *evil chuckle*

There will be an NPC butler in the Chateaux Azure...

Fade, The Veteran Shadow Clan Butler, apparent age: early 30s

Athletics 4
Affection 2
Skill 5
Cunning 5
Luck 2
Will 7

Butler Powers:
Super Evasion - May take 1d6 Stress to avoid any attack.
Meat Shield

Butler Qualities:
Shadow Clan - Member of a secret organization that has existed for centuries
Attractive - One or more of the maids finds you attractive, if a little unapproachable because of your position.

Butler Weapons:
Hand to Hand (Striking)
Beam Attack

Butler Uniform: Light Grey
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Black

Also, this is just to announce that there will be two mansions with two sets of maids. One will be run by me, the other by Incubus. Mine will feature an aristocratic male master with attractive features and a taste for sadism. Inky's will feature a teenage female master who is a bit sickly and needs a lot of caring after. The two mansions will exist in the same world, and there probably will be an arranged cross-over at some point, but they will start out as independent games. So, you must state your preference for which house (whose game) you wish your Maid to be in.

We want an even spread, so there is no guarantee that you will get your preference, but both GMs will take it strongly into our considerations. Please let us know either here or via PM. Thank you!

*chibi slimegirl maid bows respectfully and wanders off*
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Re: Maid RPG

Hrmm... tough choice. Never mind what was here before, I'm withholding my choice until I see more information.
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Re: Maid RPG

Hmm... i will rollthe dice three times.

Ok, i choice the guy mansion
Re: Maid RPG

Depends on perspective gms preferred or required posting speed. If j end up playing I'll TRY my best to update fairly frequent and would prefer one who is lenient/allows leeway.
Re: Maid RPG

I'll note, my Mansion has an NPC head maid, so anyone who wants to contend for that position will have to deal with her first. Also, as far as backgrounds go, with my opening scenario all the PCs will be joining the household for the first time, the only existing maid there will be the aforementioned NPC head maid.

To give some more details on my master, she is indeed quite sickly, as well as being rather difficult to please, and has a strong tendency towards being reclusive.
Re: Maid RPG

Karoka was discovered as an orphan on the steps of the family mansion. She was brought up as a maid in the family, her training turning her into a neat freak. Her silver hair and green eyes a startling combination, especially when she found herself out as a magical girl of sorts. It was certainly some sort of inborn trait in her, and it was likely no one would ever know why, considering she was an orphan. Her name was on a small piece of paper with her, the only explanation given whatsoever about her. She seems to be quite good at finding her way around the mansion, although some might say she's just lucky. She might also say she's lucky, but she might just be changing the odds a little without realizing it. Of course, although she enjoys being a maid as it's given her a chance to do something, and is grateful for her life, she's tired all the time and doesn't really want to work, she'd much rather nap. But of course, it has to be all clean before she can.

Name: Karoka Hijime
Age: 18
Maid Type: Sexy/Lolita

Maid Colors
Uniform: Yellow
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Green

Athletics 2
Affection 3
Skill 2
Cunning 2
Luck 5 - Maid Power: Teleport
Will 2

Stress/Spirit: 0/20
-Stress Explosion: Stealing
Favor: 6

Special Qualities
Neat Freak
Magical Girl

Maid Roots: Orphan

Maid Weapon: Staff

Maid Complex: Sleepy
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Re: Maid RPG

As a note, players need to contact blue or myself to generate their characters so that we can supervise the process, manage the rerolls etc.

And skullman, I'm gonna ask you to redo your character via one of us. It's all just a little suspicious to me.

NO problem, it was series of amazing rolls, I wont lie
Re: Maid RPG

I just gave Skullman his first stat line via PM, he got four 3's, a 2 and a 1.

I doubt he'll have a "weak" maid. so don't worry too much about the redo.

For my players, you will also be meeting your Master for the first time. If your maid root was Loyalty then it's loyalty out of respect for the Master's family. If it's orphan, then you were brought up in the Master's extended family's household and are being transferred over to him now. I'm sure there will be ways to make other such backgrounds fit. In my mansion, there will be no head maid NPC. That position is up for grabs amongst the PCs. There will be a Butler NPC.

The mansion is a secluded palatial estate. It has two unique qualities, both of which can be discovered during play.
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Re: Maid RPG

What do you plan on having the start time set as blue/inky?
Re: Maid RPG

Eager to start asap. Most people have their maids in. Hopefully tomorrow or the day after?
Re: Maid RPG

I'll be joining Blue's mansion. Rerolled my character under his supervision, going to be replacing Leah probably when I wake up. Kinda abruptly ended my work when I got a virus. *glares at Incubus* I'm not clicking on any of your links anymore...
Re: Maid RPG

Here's mine. Rolled with Inc help. Just raw stats/rolls for now. Still figuring out the details and actual substance of the character. Will update latter.

Maid Types: Boyish, Lolita

Athletics: 3
Affection: 2
Skill: 2
Cunning: 1
Luck: 3
Will: 3

Stress/Spirit: 0/30
Stress Explosion: Prayer

Favour: 4

Maid Colours:
Clothes: Vermillion
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Siilver

Special Qualities:

Tragic Love* (Seperations)
Criminal Tendencies* (Otaku)

Maid Roots:
Self Punishment

Maid Weapon:

Maid Power:
Iron Wall

Complex (if used):


So far no preference over mansion choice I think, so I'll leave it open to help others get their preferred home.
Re: Maid RPG

Alright, my rerolled maid is thus:
Name: Inoue Kasumi
Age: 25
Maid Types: Sexy/Pure

Athletics: 2
Affection: 5
Skill: 3
Cunning: 1
Luck: 2
Will: 1

Stress/Spirit: 0/10
Stress Explosion: Shopping

Favor: 10

Maid Colours:
Clothes: Grey
Eye: Sky Blue
Hair: Metalic (silver)

Special Qualities:
Tragic Love: Former Prostitute
Dark Past: Amnesiac

Maid Roots:
Self Punishment

Maid Power:
Cooked with Love

Maid Weapons:

Naive Virgin

(Recorded interview for Inoue Kasumi)
"Thank you for giving me a chance. Uhm, yes, I really do want to become a maid."
"Wh-why? Well, I... I lost my memory."
"No... all I know is my name. I do sometimes get flashes of memory, but they're gone as soon as I try to focus on them. I just know that, whatever I did before, I... I want to stay forgotten. Working as a maid, I thought was a good way to do that."
"No no! I'll do whatever the master asks of me, I promise. I'm a pretty good cook. Maybe I was a chef before?"
"Oh sorry. Uhm, yes, whatever he asks."
"Really?! Thank you! I'll be here tomorrow morning. Thank you, thank you!"
(End interview recording)
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Re: Maid RPG

Here's mine, I'll play Blues mansion unless his is already full. Backstory tbd.

Name: Ayeka Hirokisha

Athletics: 2
Affection: 2
Skill: 2
Cunning: 2
Luck: 3
Will: 2

Maid Types:
Boyish + 1 Ath, - 1 Skill
Cool +1 Skill, - 1 Affection

Uniform: Silver
Eyes: Orange
Hair: Pink

Special Quality Choices

Trauma (Saw Parent(s) Die): You've witnessed the death of one or both parents.
Absurd (Fairy): You are one of the Fae folk. (Feel free to choose your own type.)

Maid Roots: Business - you became a maid for the money, and that's about it.

Stress Explosion: Prayer - you escape through constant prayer, praying for protection.

Maid Weapon: Internal Weapon - Tentacles.

Maid Power Escape, you can completely flee without taking any Stress.

Complex: Inexperienced with Love

Starting Favor: 6
Starting Spirit: 20

Growing up in the enchanted lands of Faery and born to noble parents, Ayeka had never had much in the way of responsibility. That was all set to change on the day of her eighteenth birthday, and change it did, but not in the expected way. One her 18th birthday, her homeland was invaded by a party of demons. Her parents and all of her friends had been murdered in front of her, but because she had just reached adulthood and thus hadn't yet fully developed her powers, Ayeka herself had instead been taken to the demons stronghold. There, she had been ravished daily, slowly but surely being corrupted into a demon herself. Her body swiftly changed, tentacles sprouting form her body and her eyes changing from their previous sky blue to a dark orange, but her mind remained intact. Despite the horrible lewd acts inflicted on her body, trough prayer to the spirits of her parents, Ayeka eventually managed to work up the will to escape her captors.

Gradually, her body began to heal, and eventually her extra appendages retreated into her body, though she found that she could call them up if she had to defend herself. Eventually, she'd overheard a woman talk about losing her job as a maid, and even though she had no experience of any kind with any sort of work, she figured that it was as good an idea as any in order to put food on the table. So, she arrived at her masters household, dressed in rags she'd scraped together over the few weeks since she'd freed herself from the demons, and presented herself to the butler to express interest in an open position. The man had turned her away thoughtlessly, but as she'd argued with the man, not a hint of desperation in her voice despite her clearly dire circumstances, the master had come upon her. Intrigued by her fey nature as evidenced by her pixy-like wings, he'd agreed to hire her on as a maid. The contract was swiftly drawn up, and she'd agreed to it without hesitation, agreeing to serve as a maid as best she could, and in exchange getting room and board, as well as a decent amount of money for herself. So long as she did her job, of course.
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