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Maiko's Game - Between Sessions


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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This'll be for any play-by-posting stuff or other information that happens between sessions.
---After Session 1---
The remaining, ordinary rats were rounded up by Rissiki and put into a cage that Fumei produced. He said that they would be taken out into the woods and released, then thanked the group for their assistance, giving them their pay as well as telling them that they could spend as much time at the tea house as they desired, within reason, of course.

If the corpse was mentioned, Fumei would nod sadly. "You aren't the first people I've asked to assist me. The rats prevented me from collecting the body. I'll make sure he receives a proper burial."

If the strange ratling was mentioned, Fumei would frown in thought. "There was a nezumi who tried to steal from my customers. He disappeared after I caught him, but I had thought he had fled the town. His state is most disturbing." The old man seems to know more, but isn't revealing it. A diplomacy check might get him to reveal more.

After settling into their rooms, each with an eastern style sleeping mat (Zurui and Robern's has two, if they need the extra), and the usual furnishings. There is a single bath, so people will need to take turns (or go in together). The water is heated by stones, which are heated in a smoldering fire pit nearby.

During the stay (which I'm currently unsure as to how long that will be), you have free room and board. Nyktan can perform for money, if he wants. Use the normal table under the Perform skill for how much you bring in per day. The obnoxious westerner is also staying at the tea house, at great expense you find out from overhearing, and several times openly leers at Zurui, regardless of what form she is in.

In the town, the other inns and taverns are all closed up for the winter. There's a general trader where you can get most miscellaneous gear worth 50gp and less. Ammunition is available too, but weapons and armor, as well as alchemical stuff is less available.

Any inter-character interactions you want do can be done here. I think that, based on how many days seem to pass in those interactions, that'll determine how many days until the events of the next session take place. Also, yes, Nyktan, you can retry your diplomacy rolls each night to try to bed the serving girls.

Also, if you'd like to do diplomacy rolls to try to find new adventure leads, that's fine as well.

Can post rolls here using invisible castle or some other dice roller.

Ah, also, the day after your grand adventure into the cellar, a new person arrives at the tea house. A woman knight. Aust can do introductions here.
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Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Alrighty, let's see here.

check to reveal what Fumei knows of the nekumi. She'll appeal to his sense of honour. Robern was bitten, they need to know to watch out for any strange reactions that may arise.

She'll politely accept the offer of a second sleeping mat, but if anyone checks the room, the two mats are simply up against each other to make a wider bed.

If Robern and Nyktan allow it, she'll join him for the performances, and for an even share of the earnings. All her earnings go to Robern to provide for the both of them, of course.

As for the westerner, Zurui will effectively ignore the leering. He's far from the first to do so, she's used to it. If Robern wishes to make something of it, that's his decision.

Someone else can diplomize for more leads, I don't see a reason for her to go looking herself.

EDIT: The bath, right! chances are they'll bathe with just the two of them, and one can only hope the door locks, to keep out peeping tom(cat)s. XD
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

At Zurui's prodding, Fumei reveals more of what he knows. "I've heard of changes like that taking over others elsewhere. Mostly rumours, but, well, now we have at least one confirmed case. I'm not sure how or why it occurs, but I'll be looking into it. If any of you find any information out, I'd be very eager to hear it." He pauses. "It's thought that it might be transmitted through bites. If it managed to bite any of you, we should make sure it doesn't take hold.

As for Roburn's bite, for three days, there's no visible effect, though where the wound was has a dark bruse. On the third day, that's when stuff happens. Roburn needs to do a Fortitude save. If Rissiki (or anyone else) succeeds at a DC 11 heal check, he'll get a +4 bonus on that save (which is also DC 11). If he fails, he takes 1 Dexterity damage and 3 Constitution damage. He needs to make two consecutive saves to shake the disease. Rissiki can identify the disease without a roll as being Filth Fever.

(Dice roll for the disease in the event of a failed save: ))

Also, no locks on doors, unfortunately (or fortunately, for some).
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Rissiki will treat ye small rats with UTTER TENDERNESS as she cages them and will be very interested in seeing to it that they are released in the proper manner. She will also offer to help perform the burial rites for the fallen adventurer; while neither trained in the art formally nor a practitioner of the religious beliefs in question she deals with death quite often as a traveling doctor, and has sought out this sort of knowledge so that she can give proper respect to the dead and their kin.

She’s quite disturbed by the fact that the crazed individual that had attacked them was once a nezumi like her. She doesn’t quite believe it; she had heard of creatures like that existing before, but never ones who had once been simple ratfolk. It makes sense, though, given the journal they found… it seemed to be written in her own native tongue, and though it was badly damaged and gnawed on she could still make a fair deal of it out. It was suspicious, very suspicious… Had the person eaten something that did this? Or taken a potion? Who was this robed man it spoke of? A westerner, it seemed… It made Rissiki wonder about this other fellow they had fought the rats with, at least a little. She would try to ask Fumei discreetly at some point if he had seen the man before.

The pay is rather quite incredible, far more than Rissiki had expected from old man Fumei. She almost considered giving it back and taking much less… but there were some things she needed to buy in light of the coming weather, so she accepted it in the end. Luckily there were some merchants in town, and they were carrying some pretty important items; winter boots fitted for a nezumi’s long footpaws. She would also buy some more season-appropriate clothing to exchange for her tattered and beaten summerwear.

Rissiki keeps a careful eye on Robern and his leg wound, which despite her best efforts seems to have picked up an infection. She does her best to play nurse, displaying tenderness in her bedside manner and in the care she gives, as well as a stubborn thoroughness; she has seen too many people die to allow herself to be careless.

She will also attempt to the strange potion they found in the rats’ den.

The nezumi is glad of having what to her is an incredibly luxurious room, and the bath is exquisite. She tries to be considerate with the time she takes up in it, but washing the grime and grease from her fur feels quite good.

Of course, if circumstances converge just right she may be sorely tempted to peep on either Zurui and Robern (either in bed or in the bath) or Nyktan and the maids, though mostly Zurui and Robern. As she observes them over time she can’t help but be just a tad jealous of the kitsune.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Results of Rissiki's rolls: The heal check passes and gives Robern a +4 bonus on his next save against the disease. That puts his total save at +9, making it possible for him to fail this save only on a natural 1.
The alchemy check identifies the potion as one of Resist Energy (Electricity) 10. Market price is 300gp (rolled fairly highly on the random item table). Since it's not explicitly stated in the potion's description, the effect will last for 30 minutes. This'll be updated in the loot thread.

Also anyone peeping would probably want to do a stealth check, while conversely, anyone getting peeped on, should probably do a perception check against that stealth check.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Nyktan will be hesitant at first, but would accept Zurui into performing with him. Despite likely popular opinion, he won't make any suggestive moves upon her and will treat her only as a friend. Then, the following day, Nyktan would try to get to know the maids once more.

If successful, he'll once again try to engage in a happy giggle snuggle fest with yon maids, which can either be played out somewhere, possibly in another thread, or just be skipped over if Maiko dun wanna write it for some reason. If they take a liking to him, he will introduce them to his new comrades, giving praises to each. Lang Fu is master of lullabies, Zurui is a benevolent and skilled maiden, Rissiki is a blessed healer and saver of lives, and Robern is Nyktan's best friend and companion. He will add that Robern is a little shy of how much he cares for Nyktan, and doesn't like showing it in public.

Nyktan won't care if Rissiki peeks on them, and he won't, despite popular opinion, peek on Robern and Zurui. He'll perform on off days, aiming to put on a . Putting forth his best efforts, he would string his lute and likely please the crowd greatly.

Despite the (hopeful) success of his performance, he will remain unsatisfied that his patrons were merely pleased. He aims to be a much better Bard than that, not to mention Zurui stole her own share of the thunder by his side. That stupid sexy fox's stupid sexy voice!
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Fu will spend most of his time inside, save for when he needs to go out to get supplies. When he does go out, he'll have the hood of his cloak covering his head to avoid attracting attention to his more unusual features. If the supplies can be found, he'll use some of the spare time making scrolls in his room(spellcraft DC to make a first level scroll is 6(5+caster level) which he automatically makes even with the -4 from restricted school). He'll also try to make friends with Rissiki since forbidden knowledge and such.

Scrolls being made(as far down the list as there's time):
First day: Summon Monster 1, expedious retreat
Second day: mage armor, comprehend languages
Third day: enlarge person, feather fall
Fourth day onwards: Any rissiki wants to learn and is willing to cover the expenses for/any rissiki would be willing to teach Fu(assuming it's even possible to make scrolls co-operatively).
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

(Robern's succeeds! Here's the if I'm allowed to make that too. Also, against ye leering man to throttle him from raging Robern ends poorly.)

Robern, after noticing ye bruise, will bring it to Sofia's attention and accept her assistance without complaint. He will (hesitantly) allow Zurui to perform with Nyktan, and so long as ye perverted westerner doesn't make anything of it will only occasionally glare at him for his leering. In the interim he would help Fumei in dealing with the body and the hole in the wall as a manual laborer, and would also go off to the general store and buy himself a hooded lantern and some oil for it. (Base price of 7 gp, he'd try to get a waterproof one for an extra 5 gp if they're available though. Waiting to add it to ye inventory for confirmation on that. The oil is 1 sp per bottle, and he'll buy 3 for a theoretical cost of 3 sp.)

Most of ye other stuff has been pretty well covered by other people, and in the down time while being treated for ye disease Robern would probably be training outside when the weather permitted it, and sticking around indoors and intermittently doing "things" with Zurui. They didn't have any particular destination in mind as far as I can tell, so there's no hurry for them to get anywhere. I guess he'd keep his ear to the ground, but he's and a westerner to boot, so the townspeople probably don't give him anything to go on. Also, for the purposes of ye performance earnings and quest reward, just write 'em on Zurui's sheet for now, I have taken too many levels in laziness to try and try and remember how much was for each of them to maintain ooc fairness.

Edit: Also, Robern would ask who Fu is after ye expedition into the rat lair. Might as well get introductions out of the way, and that can be done in character if you'd prefer.
Double Edit: Nevermind! That apparently already happened.
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Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Okay, a few days, but here's some updates.
Going to treat Zurui's first roll as aiding Nyktan's, so that puts his roll up to 31, which nets . Her second roll I'm treating as a separate performance, which brings in If split between them evenly, that's 7gp, 9sp, and 5cp for the two of them.

Robern, with Sophia's help, kicks the infection without any ill effect.

Nyktan smoothtalks one of the maids into spending the night with him. During their pillowtalk afterwards (Assuming he doesn't just roll over and go to sleep), she mentions that the trappers that frequented the tea house had said that they had seen something that looked like it might have been a stray demon. Even move than twenty years after the invasion, demons could still be found hiding out in the wilderness. If this is brought to the attention of Fumei, he will offer a payment for the capture or confirmed kill of the demon, or of confirmation that there is no demon. (Job hook: Get!)
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Fuck you Filth Fever.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

And so Nyktan made hot cat sex with the maid (the details of said smut I suppose we are skipping over, sad face).

Obtaining this information, Nyktan would thank the maid and proceed to kiss and molest her in thanks before providing massages and tea and then tucking the sexy bitch into bed and becoming the big spoon.

Then he would indeed report what he heard to Master Fumei, as well as his comrades. He would leave the part where he banged the maid out of his report, naturally, but it would be more than obvious as he would show greater deals of affection towards her in public.

After getting a job for the entire group, Nyktan would stand before the group, and before he'd tell them the details, he would approach and say,

Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"Yes? You want something?" Robern said, turning to Nyktan. He'd been having lunch, Sofia and Zurui being there with him, and possibly Fu depending on how he'd opted to interact with Robern up to that point and his personal desires.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"First, I want to say that you are looking quite well this morning, all of you. But what I'm truly here for is to share the details of this job offer I received from our own Master Fumei. We shall be paid to investigate the possible existence of a demon sighted by the trappers who frequent this tea house. Whether it exists or does not, we shall still receive payment, but we must make certain that it is not around to bother Fumei's patrons you see. If it does exist, we must capture it for Fumei so that the jolly old fellow can rest easy that his beloved patrons aren't in danger. Do I have your interest?" Nyktan inquired, looking at the group.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"Capture a demon?" Robern replied sceptically, "How does one even go about doing such? And why not simply kill it?"
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

GM interjection: Fumei needs only confirmation that the demon is dead, for example, a head, or something less gruesome if it presents itself. If it's captured, that's fine too. You'll get paid the same.

And MAF, I suppose we could do some specifics either here (I'd rather not to keep clutter down) or through PMs or some other means. Maybe over maptools or some IM method. I'd probably prefer one of those later options.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"Good point, Robern. I would suppose it would be just as well if it was dead, given the context of our mission." Nyktan nodded.

(Whichever works best for you, Maiko, but there won't be any spilt milk if you don't want to do it. )
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"If we're in a position to do so, we shouldn't suffer a demon in these parts. It can only cause more issues to the good people around here." Zurui added, speaking up from the chair beside Robern.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

So, at this point, you could just run out all full of energy and valour, but all you know is that a demon was spotted in the forest. And there's a lot of forest around Rockside.

The trappers are daily patrons at the tea house, and are available for questioning. They were the ones that spotted it in the first place. I'll assume you're doing that...

When asked, the trappers, a brother and sister, both westerners, will relate the following:
The brother starts off. "We had collected our third trap, the third empty one that night." The sister jumps in to mention, "The last few weeks, there's been almost no game in the traps, it's strange." The brother nods and continues. "So we had just collected the third trap, when Shalla," He motions to his sister. "noticed that the forest sounds had stopped. It was dark, but we had our lanterns out. We both saw it about the same time, a huge creature, nearly as tall as the trees, with huge claws, rushed at us." Shalla speaks up again. "We're not helpless out there, but a demon like that, we're no match for it." The brother nods and finishes off their talk. "If you can get rid of it, we'll add a reward on to Fumei's; it's probably been responsible for scaring off the game and making trapping difficult."

The duo give you directions to get to their traps, but warn you that it can still be a bit hard to find the way, if you're unfamiliar with the woods. They have set up some trail markers, a few stones set in specific shapes, but with the snows, they might be hard to find as well, so it will require a bit of wilderness skill to make it to the traps. But, that's all they have to give you in ways of directions.

You can ask some of the other villagers during the day, or tea house patrons at night, for any additional information they may have. The cloaked tengu isn't seen again, but the miner is also a nightly visitor and the obnoxious westerner is there, if you can stand to talk to him.

Also, since I didn't mention it before, you've got three days of downtime. So at the time of the next session, Robern will still technically have the Filth Fever, but won't be taking any penalties from it.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"It rushed at you and you lived to tell the tale?" Nyktan blinked. "Did it spare you, or can you run really fast?"
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"It rushed at you and you lived to tell the tale?" Nyktan blinked. "Did it spare you, or can you run really fast?"

"We just ran." The brother repeated. "We didn't look back until we were out of the woods, and by then it must have given up the chase."
Shalla spoke up next. "It was pretty big, at least seven feet tall, and pretty wide, and the trees in that area were pretty dense, so they probably slowed it down and allowed us to escape."