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Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Rissiki is suspicious of this Fu character who seems interested in getting to know her somewhat. He’s a fellow practitioner of magic, at least, and he seems willing to help her learn spells at some point. Of course, he would want something in return… She wasn’t able to make scrolls herself, but perhaps with his help she could teach him a little something as well. She, of course, won’t be open about the fact that she’s a witch; as far as he’s concerned she’s a fellow wizard, she hopes. In any case, she agrees in principal to the exchange of information.

Ye ratgirl spends much of her time in her room or in the lobby area drinking tea and generally avoiding the obnoxious westerner, though she does take the time to converse with Sir Robern, Zurui, and Nyktan from time to time. She prepares no spells so that she doesn’t have to perform the cost… She will also brew 3 Cure Light Wounds potions, 2 Remove Sickness potions, and 4 Acid at a cost of 145 gold and like 18 hours over the three days. If the two don’t mind she would probably sit in on a performance by Zurui and Nyktan as well.

When told of the demon, she would note that she had, indeed, noticed that animals seemed to have made themselves scarce in the surrounding area while she had been traveling, moreso than usual, though only near Rockside. Also that any demon should be killed, as capturing such a dangerous creature would probably be much more trouble than it was worth.
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Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"So... What now?" Robern would grumble quietly as he looked over their group of prisoners, though his question was obviously directed at his assorted companions. "We've chipped away at their numbers a bit, but there are still probably more than we can take on in an earnest battle, even with how sloppy they fight." Eying the men they had bound, the barbarian would muse aloud; "Perhaps we could try to question them a bit more, hrm? Maybe find out more about their employer and try to confirm their numbers more reliably. Maybe some could do that, while others go to scout their position again. They didn't come after us during the night, so maybe they've cleared out or buttoned up for a more long term engagement?"
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"It's likely they still think that there's a large force waiting for them," Nyktan replied. "They think they're the ones at a disadvantage."
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

“I believe they do. We might be able to convince them we‘re a delegation, here to talk. Convince the guards that it isn‘t worth staying, and deal with the entire problem that way.“ Zurui said, piping up from her place at Robern‘s side. “if they‘re terrified at our numbers, the simple offer to let them leave may be enough.“
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"Maybe... But what happens if they refuse?" Robern mused outwardly, "we would have played our bluff and they would find out that it's a bluff." He carefully spoke to keep the bound men from being able to hear him, turning away and moving several paces until only his companions would be privy to their conversation. "I doubt we can afford to leave them in these woods, but it doesn't seem necessary to kill them all if we can avoid it. I am all for demanding their surrender, but we must consider what we'll do should they refuse."
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"What if we ask them to surrender with cover and a readily available escape route beside us?" Nyktan offered. "If they refuse... We could run, you know? That's usually my solution anyway. Flee if things look ugly, live on to play another day."
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

The armored woman stepped forward to present her opinion on the matter at hand. "For once, I feel Nyktan is correct. Having an escape plan would be a good first step. Having an easy escape route helps the the rest of the plan flow all the smoother. And we might have to consider splitting our team. Half act as the delegation, half go as guards to watch our prisoners. That way, we at least have some measure of insurance. Maybe even present one of them during the negotiations. Show them we're not fooling around and we're a serious threat. The guards wouldn't attack us if they knew one of their comrades lives was in danger. Give us the leverage we need. Mind you, I'm just throwing that out there. I could lead the delegation, given my order specializes in such matters.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"Unless they shoot the prisoner, followed by you," Robern suggested darkly, "remember that these are bandits we're dealing with, even if they are on hire to a specific man for another purpose. Still, if we are to do this, I will abide by it. I would ask that I be the one to watch over the prisoners, and that it be nearby in case they act as I fear they might."
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Nyktan glanced off to the side, scratching his nose. "Somehow, I do not feel that this group of hired hands will care much for one another, as Robern claims." Much like our own group, Nyktan would subtly murmur.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"They aren't bandits by trade, just people on hard times." Zurui objected, frowning. "That said, making sure we have a way out makes sense. I'm sure we could have the discussions we 'demand' without entering too far into the camp."
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"I am... not certain sticking our heads into their camp would be wise." Lang Fu would object softly. "Even if the bandits would be willing to negotiate, I don't think I'd like to face this conjurer while he is surrounded by minions. Getting chased across the forest by demons and men alike isn't good for my temper."
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

After Session 5 - Battle at the Mine Camp
After finishing up with the guards, whether you leave them alive and let them go, or decide to take them back to town when you finish, or just decide to kill them all, the group heads into the mine...

With the guard captain telling you that the summoner's office was the first passage to the right, the group easily finds it, but long before even entering, they can smell the burning of something. Inside the office was a wooden table, ablaze, with what looked like books and papers piled onto the burning desk. There was a wooden chest nearby that looked like it had been set on fire as well, but was of rather sturdy construction, and so, survived with only surface burns.

After putting the fire out, most of the books and papers were destroyed beyond readability, but there were a few scraps that survived.

"...ns off to the west towar..." "...00 pounds of auri...zite dust emptied into th..." "...y scouts report that the...as been corrupted as expected. Any further gold is profit now."

The chest has a sturdy looking iron lock on it, and attempts to open the chest prove that it is indeed locked closed. (I believe Zurui is capable of picking locks. I can assume she takes 20 on it if you'd like)

Exploring the rest of the cave, the first major find is the large pit that was mentioned. Shining light down, the group can see a fast flowing underground river flowing beneath them. Next to the pit, there were three empty wooden crates with a few flecks of what looked like gold dust on their bottoms.

Further exploration reveals that some of the passages aren't entirely stable. Down one path, Robern was nearly buried as the roof collapsed. At the end of another, Nyktan almost fell through the floor as it gave way. Whether with the help of the others or not, he was able to avoid falling into another part of the river.

At the back of the cave, after a bit of searching, the group finds a small passage that isn't lit by torches. Beyond it is a large, open ravine. The river was flowing fast at the bottom of it and there were only small ledges that required some careful jumping to negotiate. Once through the ravine, however, the group finds another exit to the cave. From outside this back door was concealed by a covering of branches and leaves, but the camouflage was recently removed.

There was no sign of the summoner in the mine at all.

Dealing with the guards, once the charm spell wears off on the captain, he still honours his surrender, though he does mutter about "Damn mind mages." You now need to figure out what you're doing with them and the other prisoners you have.


Loot from the dead guards: 9 Masterwork longswords, 9 chain shirts sized for medium sized people, 9 longbows, 83 arrows, and a total of 67gp. The living guards each have a masterwork longsword, a chain shirt, a longbow, and somewhere between 5 and 10 arrows and a handful of gold coins. The captain has a masterwork longsword, a suit of medium sized scale mail, a heavy wooden shield, and a bit more gold than the other guards.

Loot from the guards' kit bags in their tents, assuming Nyktan didn't abscond with it all: A total of 132gp, twenty one sets of cold weather gear, waterskins, rations for a few days, and other boring belongings. The captain's bag is in the large tent and has 42gp in it, and a clay bottle with a cork stopper. If asked, the captain says it's a ball of light, about as bright as a torch, that will last for about an hour and follow the person who opens the bottle. However, it's only usable once. (Value: 25gp)

Inside the chest, assuming Zurui takes 20 on opening it: A rolled up scroll in a case, a set of fancy men's clothing, and a cloth bag with two large gold nuggets in it worth 300gp in total, and a simple map of the area, showing a lake to the west of the mine that has a large red circle around it.
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Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

After fighting mightily against the naughty vines, Nyktan and Lyna emerge on the other side of them. The area here was covered in soft grass and led down to the edge of the lake. The lake looked quiet and serene, an oasis of summer in the middle of the winter.

As the two approached the shore, they saw a ghostly figure appear above the lake. The figure was hazy and indistinct, but humanoid.

Thank you for the toys! A voice, almost sounding more like blowing wind, could be heard by the two near the lake. But you've got so much more. Just put them in the lake and I'll add them to my collection. The voice didn't appear to be speaking sylvan, or either of the two regional languages, but rather, both Lyna and Nyktan could understand it.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"May I inquire as to with who I am speaking?" Nyktan asked.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"Yes. I think we both would like to know whose been taking our stuff. Would you indulge us, honored spirit?" Lyna was more then a little beside herself. She tried so hard to get through to spirit, that seeing it act so casually was more then a little upsetting. And now it wanted more?
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Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Nyktan put a hand to Lyna's shoulder as if to encourage her to back off. "Forgive my friend, but we are indeed here to help you. Or at the very least, we're on your side by default. I'm sure we can be friends?"
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Lyna took a few deep breaths as Nyktan placed his hand on her shoulder, calming her down a good bit. Yes, she was frustrated, but she had no reason to get mad at something that could peel away their equipment at will. "Forgive my rudeness, honored spirit. It's been a very trying time for us and we only seek to help. I pray my words haven't offended you."Lyna was trying her best to be as polite as possible, knowing she was treading on thin ice.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Nyktan nodded, before looking straight at the spirit, but not with an expression nor stance that held any assumption of equality. He didn't want the spirit's possible sense of power to feel threatened. That might make it harder to speak to her. If anything, that was to come later. "Milady, if it isn't too much to ask about, were you brought forth here by an individual performing a ritual?" he inquired, while making a knowledge check about the spirit and it's possible reasons for being here. (I unno what kind of check I should make.)
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Why, I'm... Well, you'd probably call me a place spirit. What I call myself doesn't really matter. The spirit seemed to be disinterested in that question. And you don't really need your things, right? You can live with out them. If you just drop your toys into the lake, we'd be great friends!

The spirit seemed to look around, before flipping back over itself in the air to look at Lyna and Nyktan again. It was hard to tell if it was male or female, and the voice they were hearing was, likewise, indistinguishable from either masculine or feminine. Oh, I've always been here, silly. It replied to Nyktan.

(Knowledge(Nature) deals with Fey, so I rolled that. Dice roll: 14+9=23.
Nyktan knows that some places, especially in the east, are home to so-called 'place spirits' that reside there and generally protect the areas from harm. They can be fickle, but he's never heard of one having any desire for material objects. Usually an angry spirit could be placated by a shaman (aka: druid or some other nature-aligned caster *hint*witch*hint*) performing a small ritual or a sacrifice of some object relevant to the spirit's domain as an offering. He can tell that the spirit is not acting at all normal, however, even for an angered spirit.)