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Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Lyna was a little taken aback by the spirits further insistence on them removing their gear and placing it in the lake. Just what was going on with this spirit that would make it act like this? This whole situation, at least for the cavalier, was hard to read. But she at least had to address one thing before she did anything else. "May I speak to my friend for a moment? It won't take long." If Lyna was allowed to do so, she would pull Nyktan aside for a moment and speak in a softer tone. "What should we do? Should we follow it's requests? I'd rather not lose all my equipment to this spirit. But I'd rather not give it a reason to be mad at us."
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

"I have no plan at all to give up my things to this spirit." Nyktan replied. "It's not acting like the kind of spirit it says it is..." he said, before thinking for a moment. "I feel we need Rissiki's talents. She may be able to better interact with this spirit... But we need to get her a clear path first."

With that, Nyktan turned to the spirit. "Actually, could you do me a favor?" he inquired. "There is someone in my company whom I'd like for you to meet, but your vines block her way. Could you allow the ratfolk woman to approach you without fear of your vines? She may be able to please you much better than I." He stated. He'd have to hold off on attempting to get his and Lyna's things back until the spirit looked a bit less greedy, possibly after Rissiki performs a ritual to please the spirit.

"And if I make ask, why did you rob us of our belongings? Are you angry and wish for satisfaction? What could we do for you to return my instrument, which is my livelihood?"
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Lyna sighed in relief, almost glad to be agreeing with the bard for a change instead of chastising him. "Good. I had no intention either. Much like your instrument, my gear is important too. But what do you mean it isn't acting like it's suppose to? Maybe this is the result of the ritual?" She could only guess at this point, given her limited knowledge of spirits. But Nyktan had an idea and she was not going to say anything in opposition as Rissiki may have a better understanding of this creature.

Lyna allowed Nyktan to speak to the spirit, letting him plead their case to the spirit in allowing Rissiki to pass through unmolested. She couldn't guess how Rissiki would have handled the mess they had to wade through. But then Nyktan posed a legitimate question to the spirit and Lyna could hold herself no longer. "I too am a little curious as to why you felt the need to...borrow our things. No offense, but trying to remove my armor was unkind."
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Nyktan, after returning to Fumei with the others, refused the 100 GP reward, which Robern likely takes himself to spend it on Nyktan.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

Going to put these here, the dreams from the cave, including Robern's.

During her watch, Lyna fought to keep from drifing off, but was unable to keep from closing her eyes. As she slept, she drempt of her earlier years, spent as a prostitute in one of the poorer districts of the coastal city she grew up in. It wasn't pleasant; most of her 'clients' were sailors or labourers and always seemed more interested in fucking her and paying her, some even neglected the second part of that. There wasn't much she could do about it though, they were stronger, bigger and simply held more power over her. Her dream shifted, though, and she remembered one particular encounter (or was she remembering or just dreaming of something? She couldn't tell). It was a wandering bard who had purchased her services that day. Unlike the brutish sailors and dock workers, he seemed more interested in her as a person, instead of just a sex object. For the first time, she found herself enjoying her 'job'. But she realized something else as well: she had power over this man. Whether straddling him, or with her mouth around his cock, he was under her control. As she knelt before Nyktan, sucking gently on his disk, she realized she didn't need her armor or sword to be strong.
As Lyna slowly woke up, she felt something warm in her mouth. Blinking to full wakefullness, she realized she actually was giving the feline bard a blowjob! And that she was completely naked too (so was Nyktan for that matter)! Worse still, everyone else (except Robern) was awake and looking at her too!

Nyktan drempt of one of his many escapades involving his performance, a couple of adoring and beautiful fans, and their jealous and not-at-all attractive husbands. It wasn't his fault that one had a broken nose and was missing teeth while the other looked like he had headbutted a porcupine. Still, they were strong and drove him out of the bar, though he was able to take the money he had earned at least. Given how well the performance had been, he felt he deserved a reward. He decided to go to a local brothel to spend some of his earnings on someone who would at least pretend to appreciate him. As he entered the whore's room, he thought she looked somewhat familiar, but couldn't place her face. After some time, he was honestly surprised by her, unlike most prostitutes who seemed only into it for the money, she seemed actually interested in making it enjoyable for them both. He had been in enough women's beds to know when a woman was faking an orgasm, but all of the ones she had were geniune.
As he sat in the bed he found himself back in the cave, only this time he was alone. There was no sign of his companions. The fire was still burning low, but now, instead of red and orange flames, it was burning blue and violet, casting purple shadows on the cave wall. The woman who had led him here was standing on the opposite side of the fire, facing away from him. Closer now, and without blinding snow and wind, he could tell she was wearing a traditional eastern kimono, white with small purple flowers. "This is the most help I can give you." The woman said, Nyktan recognizing the voice that had led him back to his companions after he had run away from some guards back at the mine. "Please, if you want to save this world, and yourself, from the coming storm, go to the village in the east. Curing the sickness there will be one step towards ensuring this world is not swallowed into darkness." She paused, sounding a bit worried. "I'm afraid that guiding you here has taken too much out of me. I won't be able to help any more for some time. Please be careful." As the woman turned to face Nyktan, she faded from sight before he could see her face. As she faded, so did the blue flames, returning to their normal red. His companions were visible now too. He quickly became aware of two things, first, that he had apparently taken his clothes off in the night, and second, that something warm and rather plesant was around his manhood. Looking down, he saw Lyna bobbing her head, still looking as if she were half asleep. She quickly woke up though, looking as surprised as he was at her actions.

Zurui's dream was full of dark shadows and a feeling of being chased. Whenever she looked over her shoulder, she saw an angry red creature with great wings just behind her. As she ran, she caught glimpses of her companions, torn to ribbons by the creature chasing her. Finally she felt herself falter, tripping and falling. Her persuer was upon her in an instant, claws tearing the thin clothes from her body before roughly grabbing her waist. The intrusion was sudden and painful, but something inside of her told her this was normal for her, that this was how it was supposed to be. As the creature raped her, she heard herself calling out Robern's name, begging for help. The creature spun her over, onto her back and she was looking up at it. A firey red dragon tattoo blazed on the creature's chest and she realized that this creature was her beloved. The monsterous Robern continued to violate Zurui until she felt him peak and spill his seed into her, like so many times before. As she recovered, she saw the creature that was her Robern raise a claw before driving it towards her chest.
Zurui woke, feeling more than just the chill of the winter. Robern was sleeping peacefully beside her. An odd sound caught her attention though, and she looked over to see Lyna, naked and on her knees, giving Nyktan a blowjob.

As usual, Rissiki was left mostly to herself as she slept. In her dream, she was standing in utter blackness. Her familiar sat in front of her, but as she approached it, it seemed to get bigger until she realized that it had simply been far away and was always this size, its head nearly reaching her shoulders. Knowing what she needed to do, she got on all fours and let the now-giant feline mount her. As it painfully started to mate with her, she became aware that the blackness was receeding. She was in the middle of the cave, next to the fire, being taken by her cat in front of her companions who looked on. At first she thought their looks were ones of contempt, but as the show went on, she realized they were looks of envy. The scene shifted, she was still being taken by her cat, but now her companions were all involved with some related activity. Lyna was laying under her horse as it pushed into her. Nyktan was across from her being taken by a large wolf from behind. Fu was trapped in a web as a spider pushed its ovipositor into him. Zurui was now a normal fox and Robern was fucking her. As the sounds of bestial fornicating filled the cave, Rissiki slowly woke.
She had bundled her blanket up and was curled around it. She heard some odd sounds and looked up to see a naked, kneeling Lyna servicing Nyktan with her mouth.

Lang Fu:
As Fu drifted off, his thoughts went back to his time with his mentor, teaching him the magical arts. One day he was being taught to control a demon from the shadowlands, near to where he was born, and supposedly, one of the creatures that may have sired him. The demon was a Seducer, a shadow demon who lured men with promises of carnel pleasure. It was rumoured that it was a Seducer that gave birth to the first fetchlings. This one had onyx black skin that seemed to shine in the light of the candles. Her body was perfectly porportioned. The fact that she had shadowy wings didn't really enter into it. As Fu started to go through the ritual to bind her, the Seducer stepped forward, over the binding circle until she was in front of him. He knew he should be alarmed, but as she guided him back onto his bed, he found he couldn't bring himself to resist. The demon removed his robes, the claws on her hands gently scratching him. As she straddled him, her form shifted to be that of Lyna. The woman smiled down at him as she positioned herself over his now-hard length and lowered herself on it. She turned around to ride him reverse-cowgirl style, and Fu noticed the tattoo of a lily on her behind. She continued to ride him until he felt himself cumming inside of her.
Fu's eyes blinked open. The dream had been so real it almost felt as though it had actually happened. His eyes were drawn to a sound coming from near the campfire, where a naked Lyna was kneeling before Nyktan, the catfolk's cock deep in her mouth. From where he was laying, he noticed that, even out of his dream, Lyna had the same tattoo on her butt as he had seen in his dream.

Robern slept rather soundly, with Zurui laying close to him. His dream was an odd one. Rather than leaving the western army, he had decided to stay. He was made wealthy by the occupation as captain of the capitol's guard. One day on leave he decided to visit one of the more well known brothels in the city, the Midnight Butterfly. Given his station, he was station, he was quickly invited to one of the private rooms by the owner of the establishment, a red haired, beautiful, if older human woman, a westerner who introduced herself as Madame Rouge. She said she would send him her best girl. This turned out to be a beautiful kitsune, one of the native species of the east. She introduced herself as Zurui, and wore a simple, but elegant collar, and after slipping out of her thin robe, nothing else. After expertly making love to Robern, the kitsune smiled warmly at the human. She seemed so unlike the whores of the west, who seemed either only interested in the money, or the sex. Zurui treated him to some excellent tea once they had concluded. When he inquired about purchasing her, she smiled sweetly, but told him her place was here. Robern couldn't accept that, he had to have her. After talking to the Madame, who still insisted that Zurui was not for sale, Robern returned to his post, seething. Using his connections, he forced the Madame, by blackmail (she was trying to hide her half-elven heritage, seemingly to such a degree that she would do anything to keep it hidden), to sell Zurui to him. The kitsune was scared of the large man, and wouldn't return his affections the same way she had before. Ultimately, he forced himself upon her. Night after night, he would take her. Finally, he got tired of her and sold her to a man with a false leg in exchange for a beer; she was now a broken shell, of no use to him.

He woke feeling sore, as he often felt after a battle rage. The rest of the group was breaking camp and getting ready to set out. He noticed Lyna blushing, and avoiding the gaze of Nyktan for the most part. Zurui was also acting slightly odd, looking at Robern, as though he meant to harm her, every now and then.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

(So. Who's listening and who's making noise? Thin walls and whatnot. We might be making perception checks against each other.)
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Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

If Nyktan hears it, he hears it.

He already expects Robern to plunder Zurui's cave while they're in there, so he wouldn't listen in expecting to learn something he didn't already know.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

you calling Zurui cavernous?! *slaps around*
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions

I'm just going by the horse condoms I saw, maam.
Re: Maiko's Game - Between Sessions


Like they'd bother with condoms.