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Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat


User #69
Nov 12, 2008
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Out of Character and general chat thread referring mainly to Maiko's game.

At the moment, the following seems to be the best times for everyone:
Me: 3pm UTC - 2am UTC
Tiff: 1pm UTC - 6am UTC
Tass: 5pm UTC - whenever
Shrike: 10pm UTC - ? (This session: 5pm UTC. I think. Could I get a bit of clarification?)
MAF: Whenever - Whenever
Spider: 3pm UTC - 11pm UTC

So it currently it seems like 5pm UTC to 11pm UTC, which is six hours. Now, six hours is a bit of a while, how long are people willing to play for?
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

K, so here's logs.

Zurui meets Nyktan part 1
RJ: Zurui would be walking through the market as the various patrons called out to make sales for their goods. The hustle and bustle of the townspeople going about their business while largely leaving Zurui be for the moment. Slaves were often sent shopping, or so one would imagine, so she was capable of that. However, during what would have been a normal shopping day, the chaos of daily business was suddenly interrupted by an even more unexpected chaos as a man came rushing out from a cafe, looking rather irritated. "Where'd he go!? Someone find and skin that feline creature!" the man demanded, his face red with rage. Meanwhile, Zurui would perhaps be the only one to witness a shape crawling over the structure of the man's cafe, a feline tail just disappearing out of sight over the roof.

Shrike: The kitsune strode along slowly, a passive smile on her face as she wound through the crowds. despite her status, she suffered little in the way of disturbance as she went. Her silken dress and the finely crafted collar around her neck marked her as a rather expensive slave, one who's owner might frown on those who damage the property. That certainly didn't halt the looks though, but she didn't notice those much, anymore. Such was her state when the shopkeeper burst out of his shop, braying for blood, by the sound of it. Zurui caught sight of a tail flicking over the edge of the shop itself, glancing up briefly before glancing back down, stepping out of the way as the shopkeep ran off down the street, hunting for the cause of his ire. Deciding that she was both curious enough and had the time to spare, she changed course, heading down the aleyway beside the shop, glancing at the roofs to find where the figure on teh shop had gone.

RJ: She went around the alley, stepping through a location not often traveled it seemed, and the reason for that soon become evident as she found herself at a dead end. Her footsteps were soft, and perhaps the object of her curiosity expected something heavier. A catfolk with beautiful black hair and triangular black feline ears with a straight and thin black tail was in the midst of digging through his bag. The articles he pulled out of the bag were of interest. A woman's hat, a silky red kimono in comparison to the black robes he currently wore, and chest pads. "A shame... I wanted to stay longer, she was a nice woman." he hummed quietly to himself, his voice sounding like a song of a prince separated from his beloved. It was as if his voice carried the beauty of music with it, which quickly labeled him as a bard of sorts. "Hunt for the 'man' who soiled your daughter, barbarian~ You'll not find him." Nyktan chuckled, before he began to slip his robes off to get changed into his disguise.

Shrike: Zurui smiled softly as she listened, coming to a stop perhaps ten feet away as she considered how best to continue. His voice seeme dlilting, musical in quality. A singer, or perhaps an actor in one of the plays performed around town. She pondered finding a line of verse to surprise him with, but he was starting to change already, and she didn't have one in mind yet, so she simply cleared her throat instead, adjusting the shawl hanging off the reddish fur of her shoulders. "Gotten into a hint of trouble, hmm?" She asked softly, watching his reaction. She stood still, not making any threatening moves, and apart from the pouch of coins held loosely in one of her hands, she didn't seem to be carrying anything. Of course, if he was worried about weapons, she did have that foxlike face full of teeth...

RJ: It was very brief, and easy to miss. He was startled, but didn't move asides from whipping his head back enough to glance back at the intruder with one of his violet eyes. After looking at her a moment, he would smile and draw his robe back up. "Oh? So you noticed? How meddlesome of a normal girl like yourself to come and investigate the shenanigans of a cat..." That was what he said, but subtle movements betrayed other thoughts. He seemed to come to appreciate how quiet she was rather quickly. He was a cat backed into a corner, and despite her best efforts, he was clearly reaching a hand into his bag and grabbing something large while trying to make it seem like a casual movement of body. A bead of sweat went down the side of his face for Zurui to see. He was nervous.

Shrike: "I was simply curious." She answered, tilting her head a bit as she caught sight of his hand ducking into the bag, noting the shift in the pack that indicated he was grabbing something large and shifting about. Her eyes widened when she realized it was probably a weapon, ducking her head slightly, a hint of apology entering her tone. "I saw the shopkeep running south, if he kept the same speed, he's at least a block away by now." She explained softly.

RJ: "... Oh?" he hummed. "Well, isn't that something?" he said thoughtfully. "Thank you, I appreciate your help, though... You had absolutely no reason to help me." He stated simply, he seemed to be watching her eyes as well, and seemed even more bothered that his every movement was witnessed. "... Indeed, I am in trouble. I intend to flee."

Shrike: The kitsune met his gaze evenly, her snout still pointed downwards She seemed docile enough, but her eyes did seem sharp, watching him intently. "How did you anger him? It wasn't something criminal, I hope?" She asked softly. Her hand sshifted again, metting in front of her around her coin pouch, perhaps a little protectively.

RJ: "Well, when fathers and husbands consider their women territory, I suppose I've a habit of treading on forbidden grounds." He admitted, before shrugging and drawing what he was holding out of his bag. He held not exactly a weapon, but a Lute in his hand. It seemed made of rather sturdy stuff, so it could easily survive being used as a weapon. He put his fingers to the strings, and smiled. "I apologize, I know love is a woman's most precious thing, but I must borrow it for a moment, for my own comfort." He said selfishly, before playing a quick melody on his lute, and humming a serene tune that made her heartbeat quicken. (Nyan-man is using Charm Person on Zurui: DC 16)

Shrike: Zurui's eyes widened a little as he drew the lute, calming quickly when she saw it was an instrument. She recognized the tune he playes, a small smile creeping onto her features as she hummed along, the small evidence of stiffness in her posture disappearing.

RJ: "It worked..." he sighed with relief, before finishing the short tune. Stepping closer, he walked straight up to Zurui and put his hand on her cheek, gently encouraging her to look at him. "... Such a dangerous face. If I didn't take you seriously, it may have been you who charmed me." He said, complimenting her beauty. "Tell me, love... Was it simple curiosity that made you corner me in this hallway?"

Shrike: Zurui smiled at the compliment, blushing under her soft fur and leaning into his hand slightly. "It was." She answered slowly, seeming to be grasping as something to say afterwards. "I'm sorry, I don't know your title. What should I call you?"

RJ: "My name is Nyktan. I see you had no ill intentions after all, my apologies for stealing your heart. Despite my ill reputation, I do not mistake magical love with consent. I will not harm you... Unless you truly wish for me to~" he cooed, before stealing a kiss from her. Gathering his bag, he seemed to decide that simply changing outfits was enough. Wearing a red kimono with black designs of flowers, he took his bag and strode up to Zurui, taking her arm around his own. "You must have been doing something before I so rudely distracted you. Shall I make it up to you and help?" he offered.

Shrike: Zurui accepted the kiss eagerly, pressing against him and making it last seconds longer than he had originally planned. She stayed put as he changed, dropping her gaze again to give him a modicum of privacy, answering again once he had slipped his arm around hers. "Ah, yes, I was buying supplies for my Lord's household." She explained, pausing a moment before continuing. "I think... You could likely pass for a servant in that guise. I could lead you into the servant's quarters, if you wish to hide there a while. I must make the purchases first, however."

RJ: "Oh? So you are a slave?" He said thoughtfully. "Hmm..." an idea crossed his mind, before he grinned. "Yes, I would like that." he nodded pleasantly, before helping her with her shopping, and following with her to her Lord's home. During the shopping, Nyktan wasn't keeping track of the time... When they reached the Lord's manner, he looked up to the sky... over an hour had passed. Fear struck him like lightning. If Zurui wanted to do something ill to Nyktan, she had her chance.

RJ: (Effects of Charm Person wore off)

Shrike: Zurui nodded, raising a hand to trace a few lines of the elaborate collar around her neck. She smiled when he accepted her aid, leading him out of the alley and back onto the streets. She purchased from three or four different stores, mostly food items, and a few replacement tools from the look of them, rakes and such that had the tendency to wear out. Once they neared the manor, which was as elaborate and impressive as the bard had seen, she slipped her arm out from his, taking a pace to the side, and making him share the load if he wasn't already. "Keep your head bowed, your breathing steady, and follow at my pace." She offered. Nyktan knew the spells effects had already passed, but for the time being, she seemed to be continuing to aid him. There was a pair of guards at the walled gate, the doors hanging open. Nobody halted them as they passed, Zurui leading him around the outside of the building to the servant's quarters in the back, her pace slow and even.

RJ: Nyktan simply did as he was instructed. It didn't end just with that, but at least he might have been able to run away from where he was. Instead, he was being brought deeper into enemy territory. He swallowed a lump in his throat, and kept his head low. "W-why...?" he whispered after they were out of earshot. He didn't even need to whisper, but he was just being careful.

RJ: Speaking from experience, the last girl he kissed who was under his charm bludgeoned him over the head with a club... Before revealing her sexual sadistic nature. That was quite a night.

Shrike: "Why what?" She asked back, leading him into the kitchen area. it was still too early for the kitchen to be in full swing, but the kitsune busied herself, unpacking the things she had brought and sorting them, directing Nyktan in putting a few of the things away himself while they spoke.

RJ: "Aren't you angry? I toyed with your emotions." He reasoned, while helping to put things away perhaps too high for her to reach using his feline ability to climb higher.

Shrike: Zurui shook her head once, pulling a knife from a nearby block and deftly chopping some vegetables, putting them on a plate as the catman put the last of the things away, nodding him towards one of the exit doors, leading the way again with the plate in hand. "You were doing what you thought was best. No harm was caused, and you still need aid. Would you do any different, in my position?" She asked. The hall they entered was unremarkable, likely still part of the sevants section, given the grandoise nature of the place he had seen outside. a moment later she opened a door for him, leading to a simple bedroom, mostly bare space with a few cushions about, and a small futon in the far corner.

RJ: "Perhaps not... No, I suppose you're right." he said with a returning smile. "Is this your room?" he inquired curiously.

Shrike: "When the Lord doesn't require me, yes." She answered, kneeling on one of the cushions and placing the plate on the floor. "Please, eat. The Lord is out, he's gone to meet with the conquerors from the West, we don't expect him back for several more days. You're free to stay here for two or three of those, but if he arrives early to find I'm hiding a visitor, it will not be pleasant."

RJ: "Oh, thank you very much for the meal." he said, giving her a respectful bow and eating with the grace of a noble, mostly so as not to make a mess. "... I've been thinking. Since you're helping me, that means I owe a debt to you. I am not a man that likes owing debts... Tell me though... Do you like being here?"

Shrike: Zurui dipped her head in answer to his bow, taking a few peices of vegetable herself and munching on them slowly. "I'm not sure I know what you mean. My place is here, is that not enough?" She asked, motioning for him to have a cushion as well.

RJ: He took the cushion gracefully. "Is that it? You're fine with that?" he inquired. "You helped me, so is there nothing I can do for you?"

Shrike: She nodded. "I am content here. You dont need to hold yourself to any perceived debt, I certainly won't." She answered, resting her hands in her lap. "Is there anything else you may need during your stay? I can't offer a blanket promise, but I will do what I can while you're a guest here."

Shrike: Mamono Force: He took the cushion gracefully. "Is that it? You're fine with that?" he inquired. "You helped me, so is there nothing I can do for you?"

Shrike: Shrike7: She nodded. "I am content here. You dont need to hold yourself to any perceived debt, I certainly won't." She answered, resting her hands in her lap. "Is there anything else you may need during your stay? I can't offer a blanket promise, but I will do what I can while you're a guest here."

RJ: Nyktan let out a bit of a hum in thought. "My reasoning to come here wasn't exactly for shelter. I suppose after realizing you were a slave, I thought you were suffering. But there's nothing I can do, it seems." he said distantly. "I do insist on my debt though. Mingling with you, that man passed right by us, possibly suspecting us to be a couple. I'd like to do something before I leave... And I must leave soon."

Shrike: Zurui frowned at that, thinkng hard. "I... I'm not sure. I don't really want for anything." She said slowly, a hand raising to run along the underside of her snout. "Perhaps... Could you teach me to sing, perhaps? I already know some, but I don't feel I'm very good, yet."

RJ: "Is that your request?" Nyktan inquired, his expression suddenly cold. "After I grant your request... I won't owe you anything." he announced. When he thought about it, it would be much easier to brace oneself for the inevitible, and with her wishing for this kind of life... Well, it's not like Nyktan didn't think about freeing her, he even tried to hint at it. However, this girl seemed intent on serving someone else, that's just who she was... Thoughtfully eating the last bite of his food, he decided. "After I grant your request, and I leave, we will never see each other again. So... Even though I think you're a person better than most in this world, and a rather sexy woman at that..." he admired her fine fur. "I don't want to become friends with you."

Shrike: Zurui nodded at his question, staying silent until he was finished. Her expression remained impassive for the most part, but he could tell she was crestfallen at the prospect of never seeing him again. "Thank you, you're incredibly handsome yourself. You don't owe me anything now, but since you insist... Yes, this is my request. although, please, stay here at least one night. I have rather enjoyed your company, I don't wish for it to end so soon." She asked, bowing slightly from her seated position.

RJ: He took a deep breath. He would have to see this through. He planned to leave that night, because even if a single night passed, he knew he would try to make love to her. It was undeniable, in his nature. He wanted everything to avoid doing that, because he already learned what happens when you make love to a woman you actually have feelings for. Those feelings develop, and root themselves deep in your heart and are damn near impossible to purge while they torment you every night... Though perhaps the reason most why he didn't want to get close to her, was that they were one in the same. He served his audience with whatever they desired, as does she to her patrons... And they're both rather good at it, so what he feared most is discovering who was better. When she made the request, he wished she truly hadn't. "Thank you... I suppose I will stay after all." he decided, unable to refuse.

Shrike: She smiled widely, probably the most sincere expression he had seen from her yet. "Thank you. How do we start, then? Would you like to hear me first?" She asked, shifting on her cushion slightly, adopting a more proper posture.

RJ: Nyktan felt ashamed. He was so wrapped up in his predator's instinct that her inquiry about how they should start was amounting to the lamb presenting itself on a plate to the wolf. He felt embarrassed for being wrong. "I'll teach you my favorite melody. It's a song that my mother taught me, and she told me to sing it to the one I loved, and they will share my feelings. I've only ever sang this melody once... And there's no magic behind it. I once misused it on a girl who took my fancy... Only to find that I was only attracted to her. I didn't really know what love was... When you find someone you love, sing them this song." he instructed her, before he put down his lyre... And used only his voice. There were no lyrics, just the sound of his voice. The way he sung, it was like he was inviting her to do her best to sing along. Hearing the melody was enough to make one's face flush, and their heart flutter. The pure serenity behind the music felt more powerful than any magic, able to touch with a person's heart and truly affect them... But there was something clearly wrong. His song would sound like such a personal melody, and yet that melody was not meant for her. It was meant for him.

RJ: Rather than make Zurui fall in love with him, the song reached out from his voice and went back to the source. His love wasn't reaching out to anyone.

Shrike: The kitsune sat stunned for a moment, listening to the bard's voice for a long moment before haltingly joining along. Her own voice was thin and clear, trying to match his in harmony. At the same time, her soul wept just hearing it, He sounded so alone, almost vulnerable, if she didn't know any better. Eventually, she changed her own tune slightly, keeping in pace with his, but trying to weave her own tone around and through his, blending them together as best she could.

RJ: She was correct. It was a lonely tune, but it was not one that cried for attention or love. Her own music would reach out, though it would mingle with his own in an odd way. Not to say her tune was worse or better, but it was like a different song entirely. She'd slowly understand it as they sung together. Nyktan sang as if he was on the center stage. The audience was there, completely separate from him, and he sang alone. His song pushed away any desire to truly join with his melody. Twas as if he preferred to be alone, and yet... The true element it was missing was love. The saying behind songs becoming more beautiful when they are sung to the one you love is quite true, so it was clear that Nyktan had no one to sing to that he cared for. There was no music of love lost or love desired. Rather, it was awkward. It was as if he simply didn't understand love itself, and truly desired to... That's what his melody was both waiting for and dreading. The appearance of a voice that knew love, that could drown his away. It feared losing the only thing it had, a simple audience. Being praised and appreciated was enough.

Shrike: Zurui sang along for a few moments longer, her attempts at finding a place to compliment his music slowly meeting with failure. Realizing finally that it wasn't a failure on her part, she simply sat back, enjoying his own rendition with rapt attention until he was finished. "That was wonderful, thank you." She said softly when he was done, bowing her head to him again. "I hope to be as good as you myself, one day."

RJ: Despite singing the song so well, Nyktan seemed hardly happy when the song was over. He took a quick sip of his drink that hinted at how upset he was. "That won't be hard," he nearly snapped. "Somehow... Hearing you sing that song for what it was intended for... I wonder if it would kill me."

Shrike: Zurui slumped slightly. nodding. "I understand." She said softly, smoothly standing and striding over to him. Standing behind him, she put her hands on his shoulders, slowly starting to massage them. "Thank you, Nyktan." Her hand sworked slowly but well, soothing the knots from his shoulders and neck.

RJ: "Are you showing me pity, Zurui?" he inquired. It was honestly embarrassing to be doted on after passing on one's motherly melody because the son couldn't put it to use. "Hehehe... I might cry," he said with a joking tone, and a hint of truth.

Shrike: "Neither is my intention. I'm merely ensuring my guest is comfortable, is all." She answered, both hands drifitng to one shoulder, rolling it in a short motion, aligning the joint. She repeated it with the other side, then started working down his back, her deft hands working smoothly.

RJ: Nyktan let out a sigh, and let her have easier access to his back. As she massaged him, Nyktan felt as if this was karma coming back to haunt him. None of those girls had wanted a bard coming into their lives unexpected, just as Nyktan didn't really want Zurui following him into that alleyway. He supposed this was their vengeance, as he couldn't help but become more and more taken with Zurui. Leaving tomorrow already... Sounded like an agony of sorts... Maybe a few more days? Perhaps until that lord shows up... At that thought, he laughed a little. "You are a wicked woman." he stated towards Zurui. "You remind me so much of myself that it's making me furious... Rather... You're like what I wished to be... I envy you."

Shrike: Her hands paused for a breath, continuing on slowly. "I don't think we're all that different, really." She answered, her own thoughts mirroring his own. "You make it your business to entertain people, to make them happy, much like me. The circumstances are shades different, but that's just on the surface. I have never heard of anyone saying they wished to be me, however, thank you." She urged him up momentarily, guiding him over to the futon and laying him facedown, so she could massage him more effectively. "Though, i have to ask... If i remind you so much, what is so wicked about us?" She asked as she leaned down, resting on his thighs, just below where they met his hips, her fingers firmly starting on his lower back, sliding along his spine and urging the muscles back into shape.

RJ: Escorted, Nyktan gave up as he found himself completely wrapped up in her pace. For all his life, it was always him stepping out to entertain. Every tavern he sat in, and every stage he stood upon while he was treated miserably by the oppressors... He received nothing in return. Mere coin was dropped in front of him to survive with... And Nyktan would go on to tell Zurui everything he was thinking thus far. All of his inner thoughts, he poured out, and it was truly a relief. He'd go on... "I'd long since forgotten what it was like to be truly loved. My mother was the only one who I truly felt that warmth from. Even with all those women... It was all carnal desire... I didn't care for them, and they not for me... The moment I grow old and my voice becomes raspy... I will fade from this world. That is all I am, a voice and a pretty face. I have nothing else... So I cannot even say that I sing to make my audience happy. I'm just doing it so they will look at me. I just want to feel like I exist... That is why I am wicked. I do not have a heart, you see. And a heart is a bard's most valuable instrument... And... The reason I see you wicked... Is because you are like me in the way we toy with others emotions even without knowing it..."
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Zurui meets Nyktan part 2

RJ: "Can't you see?" he asked, turning his face around to look at her. He made good on his announcement, as tears stained his face and the pillow below. "We will never see each other again, and yet you have the power to make me feel like this... It's so miserable."

RJ: "Like seeing the most beautiful thing in the world... And being told that it will shatter before your eyes in due time..."

Shrike: Zurui listened intently, her hands never stopping. "When I was small, I was told some very wise words. 'Live with the moment.' The woman who told me that was almost seventy years old, and still demanded the attention of Lords and rich men, even at her tender age. She taught me to be content with myself, to take all of life with grace and serenity. Most things will not end as we wish, but if we strive to enjoy what we have, we will find that we don't care quite so much. Relax, enjoy the time we have together. There is little else we can do." She said softly. "Nobody who can sing like you have can be wicked, heartless. You may not see it, but you are a wonderful, generous being, trust me."

RJ: Nyktan went silent... It was a tragedy that this would come to an end, and yet... Nyktan decided he could give her suggestion a try... Maybe just once, to see if he liked it... So, he'd turn around so that his front was facing her. His face was red, and his body language was suggestive. "I want to embrace you," he stated, his violet eyes unwavering. "It is both my dream and my nightmare to hear my mother's melody as it was meant to be sung... One day... I feel that if it's you, then you will learn the proper way to sing it when you have love... If I can make one request, it would be to let me hear that song." His hand reached out and took her own. His palms were sweating, and his hand trembling just from imagining it. "Even if I grow old and die... I can be satisfied knowing my mother's song didn't go to waste." He said with a said smile, tears forming in his eyes.

Shrike: Her own face was soft and sensitive, nodding solomly as she sat atop him, leaning forward and placing herself on his chest, her hands wrapping around his sides comfortably. She was warm and soft, light enough in his grip that he had no trouble breathing even with her weight on his chest. "I swear. It will be sung properly one day. If I cannot do so myself, then I will teach it to another. It is a beautiful thing, I would hate to see it gone from this world. And if I ever find the one to sing it to myself, I will do what I can to share it with you." She said, giving him a slight squeeze. "This I promise, Nyktan."

RJ: Nyktan didn't smile nor frown at her. She made the promise of being the woman who would destroy him. He jealousy guarded that memory of his mother's song until the day of her passing. It was only meant for him for so long, and it was the greatest key to understanding love that he had. He wondered why he sang that song for her. It came as instinct... Though perhaps... He realized he would never sing it properly... Even if the song crushed his spirit, he wanted to hear it again. Even if his audience left him, and his voice destroyed from his sobs of grief. He'd gladly pass from this world, feeling as if his music would be carried by one who was more suited to sing it. "Thank you," he said simply, before hooking his fingers through her own in an embrace of hands, and smiling up at her.

Shrike: Zurui smiled back down at him, not understanding his inner thoughts, believing she had made him happy, for the time at least. She settled down against his chest again, breathing softly, comfortable with him. "See? We don't know about tomorrow, bu tthis moment is wonderful, is it not?"

RJ: Nyktan embraced her by her sides, smiling at her, while she'd feel his heartbeat quicken. "I don't even want to think about tomorrow... Or the days after... I just... Want to make love to you." he chuckled. Fat chance of that, after crying in front of a woman, she'd hardly think him a man.

Shrike: Zurui's only answer for a long moment was in the flick of her tongue, sliding out to play along the underside of his chin. "And how would you like to, hmm?" She askeed finally, passion in her tone, in her eyes as she looked up at him.

And then smut
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Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Zurui and HEE(inside joke) meets Nyktan

<Zurui> Zurui lead the way into the small roadside tavern. This far from the city, the pair relaxed their practiced face they showed the majority of people, but she still went out of her way for the most part, holding the door open for the larger man following her. Glancing around, she spotted an empty table and started picking her way through the half-full room ~

<Zurui> towards it. They had plans to stop here for the night, but it was early yet, and some food they didn't have to make on the road would be nice.

<Tassadar003> Robern grumbled inwardly to himself at the culture of this country. It grated badly at his sense of dignity, letting Zurui open doors and the like for him, the gentlemanly aspects of his home culture somewhat at odds with how he needed to act. >>

<Tassadar003> Still, there was nothing for it, and thus he allowed his slave to hold the door open and walked in, needing to duck his head slightly to enter the half-full tavern. He let her pick the table as well, not particularly caring where they sat, and then waited for her to join him before pondering getting a drink and something to eat.

<@Mamono> Nyktan was the reason they heard music when they entered the tavern. While it wasn't bad music, it would quickly become clear that it wasn't meant for them. A man was off in the crowd they couldn't see clearly asides from making out black hair and a pair of cat ears. >>

<@Mamono> He was singing to a table that composed of two girls and a man, and was rather focused on the girls. When the crowd would clear for a moment, it would be clear that the man didn't like the cat's presence, while the cat himself was either oblivious or inconsiderate. >>

<@Mamono> When his song reached a high string, the girls looked pleased at him, before the cat made to kiss one of their hands, just as the man rose from his chair. "Alright, that's it!" the man shouted, disturbing the environment of the tavern, before sounds of glass shattering was heard, >>

<@Mamono> as the man pushed Nyktan up against the bar. "Who do you think you are, creature!?" the man inquired angrily. "That's my daughter yer tryin' to rut!" he growled. "Is that so...?" The feline bard replied. "May I have your blessing to make love to your daughter?" the Bard asked with mirth. >>

<@Mamono> Then the man rose his fist, clearly aiming to abuse Nyktan.

<Tassadar003> Robern's attention shifted as he heard shouting, having been largely ignoring the foreign music initially. He watched the spectacle carefully, lest it devolve into something that might spread, and his expression would shift into a scowl at the word "creature," >>

<Tassadar003> but for the moment, Robern would remain seated and watch. The beastman's nonsensical and insulting answer would have gotten him beaten back where Robern was from just as surely as it seemed about to here, so he made no move to affect the situation one way or another.

<Zurui> Zurui settled into her seat, sitting across from Robern. She leaned around to view the rising commotion, frowning a bit when she caught sight of the hair and ears of the offending bard. "I'll go and get us something to eat." She offered quickly, leaning forward to get Robern's coinpurse, from his offered hand or belt, she was in a hurry all of a sudden. >>

<Zurui> Making her way over to the bar, she put a hand on the man's upraised arm, drawing his attention. "Ser, please. Let him come sit with us." She said, nodding her head back towards Robern, who was no doubt frowning by now. "He won't bother you or yours any longer, I swear." She added quickly.

<@Mamono> The man would look over to Robern after looking at Zurui, a drunk rage on his face while holding the catfolk by his loose robe. "Is this yours!?" he shouted at Robern.

<@Mamono> He also gestured at the catfolk, to indicate who he was talking about.

<Tassadar003> Robern handed over his coin pouch without complaint or comment, having grown to know that Zurui was more trustworthy with his money than he was. He still watched the kitsune go, however, holding the edges of a smile as he watched her... Wait, where was she going? >>

<Tassadar003> The woman went straight for the distressed cat man, who looked about to receive a justly deserved whooping, and was for a moment confused as he watched her intervene. She'd never done anything like this before, not as long as he'd known her. And then the drunk man displayed remarkable perception, picking him out from across the bar in what seemed to be a drunken rage. >>

<Tassadar003> "She is," he called back tiredly, and saved himself the trouble of having to do it later by rising to his feet. "The cat's not, but I suspect that the little shit isn't worth your time. If a whooping could fix that one's manners, I suspect they'd have been fixed by now."

<Zurui> The kitsune's eyes widened when the man turned to Robern and started yelling across the tavern at him. The barbarian answered back and she flushed slightly. "Please, he won't bother you or yours again.Let him go, we'll keep him away." She promised.

<@Mamono> "If he ain't belongin' to you... Then tell yer fuckin' dog to mind her own business!" the man said, shoving Zurui off before looking back to Nyktan, who strung a single chord of his lute. Magic resonated in the air, before the man's raised fist hung in the air, >>

<@Mamono> before slowly lowering as he picked Nyktan off the bar and began to brush him off. "I'm terribly sorry..." the man said. "Not a problem, sir." Nyktan said with a smile. "Back to your tables, enjoy yourselves." >>

<@Mamono> Nyktan announced, before picking up a tune that was meant for everyone this time, as he approached Robern and Zurui.

<Tassadar003> Robern scowled and let out a mental sigh at the man's response, but then his expression hardened as he pushed Zurui aside. He was about to move over when the gripped cat strung his instrument, and suddenly the drunk man froze and turned compliant. >>

<Zurui> Zurui gasped a bit as the man lashed out, ducking most of the shove, and wound up taking a half-spin and a few steps away instead of being sent tumbling. "Thank you, Ser." She offered the man after he had set the bard down, waving the catman over towards their table before placing her attention on the bartender, ordering food and drink for Robern and herself>

<Tassadar003> His reactions afterwards immediately confirmed Robern's thoughts, that the cat had used some sort of dark sorcerery on the drunkard, and the barbarian's eyes narrowed. Still, he simply sat back down and awaited them.

<Zurui> Placing the food down, she bowed a bit as she made introductions. "Ser Robern Helmarch of the West, Nykarn the Bard." She said loudly enough to be heard over the bustle of the tavernfolk returning to their previous activities.

<@Mamono> "Nyktan," he corrected her. "But I understand your confusion. I haven't made quite enough of a name for myself for people to recognize me clearly." the bard said, before looking to a seat at their table, "May I?" he inquired, looking to Robern, and winking at Zurui.

<Tassadar003> "You may," Robern grunted simply, not particularly liking the idea but also not caring enough to end up in an argument with Zurui over it later. He could put up with the obnoxious bard for a bit.

<Zurui> The woman passed the coinpurse back to Robern before taking her own seat again, looking mildly scorned. "I'm sorry. I met him a few months before you and I met, I couldn't simply sit back. He has a good heart, if somewhat misplaced some days." She explained, keeping her eyes on her food as she started to eat slowly.

<Tassadar003> "Nothing to be sorry for," Robern grunted noncommitally as he started at his own meal, not having nearly the reserve that the kitsune had when eating. His eyes were on Nyktan, however, and after a moment he swallowed a mouthful and said; "You met Zurui here, then? Where?"

<@Mamono> "We met...?" Nyktan inquired. His face went from that casual smile to something of a frown. He didn't look excited to meet an old acquaintance given his record of leaving towns with angry people behind, but when 'that' name was mentioned... >>

<@Mamono> "Zurui...!?" he gasped. "You're free?" he inquired, though still looked to her collar. A slave's actions didn't match up with what her apparent master allowed her to do. "Goodness, I haven't seen you since you were a slave in that estate. How has life been treating you, dear?" >>

<@Mamono> He asked with a smile. "And who is your grumpy looking friend? No offense, sir." he chuckled.

<Zurui> "Not... As such..." She answered slowly, glancing over at the barbarian for a moment before continuing. "Ser Robern owns me now.Things are different, though. You asked me last we met if I was happy. I was content then, but I am truly happy now."

<@Mamono> Nyktan went silent, and took on a serious expression. The matter of her continuance of a slave seemed to be what caused that silence. His eyes looked to his lute as he continued to play a serene music, jumbling words through his head in order to choose one.... >>

<@Mamono> "My song?" was the question he chose to ask.

<Zurui> Zurui glanced up at him, offering a wry smile. "Not perfect yet. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten."

<@Mamono> "After all this time... Honestly, are you slacking off?" he asked, but still sighed with relief. "Well, in a little under an hour now, I likely have to leave. That angry drunk will wake from my spell in that time. Terribly sorry to cut our reunion short."

<Zurui> The woman nodded softly, chuckling. "Please try not to find those girls again. I kind of put us in his sights as well, should you try and get away again. It was nice to see you again."

<Tassadar003> "You won't need to worry about him," Robern stated simply, before returning to his meal. He had watched the exchange between the two without comment, and only chose to speak up then. "Though I would opt to be less.... Impolite... In the future, were I you," he added, giving Nyktan an irritable look.

<@Mamono> "I was thinking the same thing. The latter to be specific," he said, looking back at the table he caused trouble at, to find one of the girls noticing him looking, and not looking too displeased at all to be looking back at him. "Robern... Do you have a dream?" he inquired. >>

<@Mamono> "If you do, how far would you be willing to go to get it? I think being impolite is fine if you're persuing the reason you continue to live."

<@Mamono> (Nyktan indicated his 'to the latter' towards Zurui's gesture of it being nice to see him again)

<Tassadar003> "Being beaten to death by an angry drunk is a good way to never realize a dream," Robern remarked dryly in return. After another mouthful of food he added; "Particularly if it could have been avoided with a wiser choice of words."

<@Mamono> "I was in no danger. But it's wonderful that you're worried about me," Nyktan winked at Robern. "If you want, you could protect me~"

<Zurui> Now it was the Kitsune's time to stay quiet. Though at last last bit, she shot a look towards teh bard, giving him a warning look.

<Tassadar003> "Maybe not from him, specifically. And if you're unwilling to heed my advice, then you need not. Don't blame me when your tricks fail and someone splits your skull open for a bad jest though," he stated simply. >>

<Tassadar003> "I don't plan on making it a habit of protecting folk from their own foolishness," he added somewhat coldly, though then he continued in a more even voice; "You are welcome at this table for as long as you wish, so long as you don't do some foolishness to rescind that welcome. Far as I'm concerned, that's all your relationship to Zurui here buys you."

<@Mamono> "And here I was thinking you and I could become friends, Robern. Not off to a great start, are we?" he said, before acquiring a drink from one of the bar maids, and flirting with her as well, giving her bottom a pinch. "Ordinarily, I don't like using connections to buy anything." >>

<@Mamono> "So how about I 'buy' with my music? I'm sure one of my tunes would appeal to your... Polite nature~"

<Tassadar003> Robert's response, incited somewhat by the catfolk's flirtations with the barmaid and his grope, was simple and flat; "That title is earned, not lightly given." Sighing, he took another bite of his meal, swallowed, and added; "You needn't buy anything from me, bard. If you want to ply your craft, be my guest. Just keep your sorcery out of it."

<Zurui> Zurui's gaze stayed at her food, lifting to look at Robern as Nyktan offered music. Thankfully, the man had her thoughts already in mind, so she didn't have to say anything, simply reaching with a foot under the table to slide along his leg reassuringly.

<@Mamono> "Is there something wrong with the magic in my music?" he asked. "Why... What if it made your blood boil with courage, and your heart race with the glory of battle? And I would appreciate it if you referred to me by name, Robern."

<Tassadar003> "I suspect you've the wits to understand what I meant," Robern replied simply, though there was no further distaste in his tone. "If you've got the talents to be of use, then I don't need to tell you to make proper use of them.... Nyktan. We don't seem to need them right now, however, and I've had my fill of blood and battle for a while after the war."

<@Mamono> "Make use, eh? It sounds as if you've accepted me while still maintaining that cold attitude. Interesting." Nyktan hummed. "I'll just accept the fact that you wanted a friend. Nice to meet you, Robern." Nyktan smiled, winking at Robern before holding out his hand for a handshake.

<Tassadar003> Robern didn't hesitated to take said handshake, maintaining a fairly crushing grip on Nyktan's hand for a moment before releasing him. "Whatever you'd prefer," he stated mildly, "So long as you act with a bit more sense than you displayed back there, we should get along well enough."

<@Mamono> "I act reckless indeed when I'm the only one at stake. But rest assured Robern, I won't bring you into my problems."

<@Mamono> He said as he shook his hand following the rough handshake.

<Tassadar003> "Good enough for me!"

<Zurui> Zurui managed a smile, everything seeming to be going as well as expected. She had nothing to say, and so remained silent, but her smile told enough, still slowly picking at her food, eating slowly and daintily.

<@Mamono> Nyktan took a drink of what was brought to him by the barmaid, who didn't seem too sore about him molesting her, though she looked ready to slap his hand away should he try again, so he didn't and simply accepted his drink.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Ah great, thanks. That'll help a lot.

I've done up a few bios on some patrons for you guys to start out working for. If I could get a vote on which one you'd like to start with, that'd be great.

These are some patrons for your characters to, at least initially, work for and get quests from. Really, this is just a starting point, once the game gets going, you're free to continue working for them or go off and do something else.

The format is as follows:
Name- (The Patron's name, along with any titles)
Race: (What race, and if necessary, ethnicity of the patron. This is mostly fluff, but it can affect how some people perceive the patron and, by proxy, the group)
Affiliation: (What affiliations, if any, the patron has. These can help build support networks, giving you an 'in' with those groups, or they can cause problems, if you run into rival or otherwise opposed groups)
Goals: (In general, what kind of goals the patron has, that the party would be working towards. Again, at least initially)
Location: (Where the patron's base of operations is at)

Then a bit of background and information.

Race: Human (Easterner)
Affiliation: Neutral
Goals: Peace, Knowledge, Protection
Location: Rockside (Original name: Ishi-ka, or Rockhome), a small village on the road between the Imperial Capitol and the mining town of Fall's Reach. Named for the rocky hillside it's built against.

Known only as Mister Fumei, he is the owner of one of the last remaining Eastern style tea houses in the Empire. Although the tea house has a name (Sojourn's End), everyone who knows of it refers to it simply as 'Mister Fumei's tea house'. Fumei himself is old. Very old. It's said that he built the tea house after a long pilgramage, over seven hundred years ago. Fumei laughs this off, saying that it was his ancestor that built it back then, and that it has remained in the family since then. Even so, it's not hard to see why some people might think he actually is over seven hundred years old; Fumei is a small, wizened man, with a long white beard and tired looking eyes. He is still very active, however, personally serving his customers alongside his younger employees, and it doesn't look like age will slow him down any time soon, though he does insist he's feeling his years.

The tea house is built around a central courtyard with a tree looking almost as old as Fumei himself at its center. The courtyard doubles as a garden and guests are invited to relax in it. A small pond is home to a few koi and a family of turtles.
The lower, ground level of the tea house is the serving area, along with the kitchen. Upstairs, there are a few rooms that Fumei rents out to travelers or others in need of a bed for a few nights, as well as Fumei's own bedroom and office.

Recently, Fumei has been asking adventuresome looking guests questions about their travel plans and goals. When asked, he doesn't hide that he's looking for a few brave souls to help him with a few problems. Rats in the cellar, he insists.

Madame Rouge-
Race: Human (Westerner)
Affilitaion: Neutral
Goals: Protection, Profits, Pleasure
Location: Blackhill (Original name: Kuroka, roughly, Black Hill), a small, but quickly growing mining town off the beaten path, though that path is quickly getting beaten into shape. Blackhill gets its name from the coal found in its hills. Not as valuable as gold, but still creating a small boom.

Madame Rouge, real name Theresa Spence, is a brothel owner currently setting up an establishment in Blackhill, to cater to the influx of miners and the inevitable others that will follow them. The Madame is an unusual character in the Empire, because, even though she is a Westerner, she has taken the time to learn to fluently speak the Eastern language with almost no detectable accent. She also observes some Eastern customs, and is one of the few business people to treat Easterners, human or beastfolk, with respect in their dealings.

She's relatively young, or appears to be, at around mid-thirties. Her name comes from her red hair, and penchant for dressing in reds. Though starting to show a few signs of age, Theresa is still a very alluring woman who takes pride in her appearance, always making sure she's looking her best whenever she expects to meet anyone else. In her prior businesses, she's even taken some clients herself.

Though she states that her reason for coming to Blackhill is because she wanted a change in scenery and because she saw opportunity here, those in the know are aware that she used to be a member of the Silken Sash, a very influential slaving guild, but had recently broken ties with them. It's suspected by some that she came to Blackhill to lay low for a bit and keep from giving them a reason to come after her.

Madame Rouge has recently been putting up posters around the small town asking for able-bodied and 'adaptable' persons to assist her with a few matters, with a fair bit of money being offered for the services.

The Great Itsunen-
Race: Giant
Affiliation: Bandits, Highwaymen, and Dance Troupes
Goals: Wine, Women, Song
Location: Wherever fine wines are sold

The Great Itsunen, is, in fact, a fabrication. A local legend in the rural parts of the Empire, of a giant of a man who harasses Western caravans and distributes the money to the Easterners in exchange for wine and general merriment. It's mostly told as a joke about the Westerners, with The Great Itsunen being something of a clownish figure, making the losses on his account causing the Westerners to look even more foolish.

His name comes from an enigmatic parchment found over the lock of a chest, where only the name 'Great Itsunen' were scrawled, and needed to be copied down in order to open the chest. (In other words, I had to fill in a captcha once, with Great Itsunen being the words. Thought it was an awesome name for a comical bandit character and was waiting for a chance to use it.)

The Black Shaft-
Race: Unknown
Affiliation: Bandits
Goals: Trade Disruption, Rebellion, Anti-Westernism
Location: The forests along the trade-routes between the Imperial Capitol and the gold mines in the southern mountains.

Probably the source of the myth of The Great Itsunen, the Black Shaft has made no secret his hate of the Westerners. Caravans carrying gold to the capitol or supplies to the mining towns are his targets. He has gathered a band of brigands that follow him, and aid him in his endeavors. His calling card, and the source of his name, is the black-shafted arrow that he leaves at the caravans he hits.

Though he hates Westerners, the Black Shaft is said to forgive individuals who prove that they share his convictions that the Eastern lands should be returned to the Easterners. Because of that, his band is filled with people of all races and ethnicities.

No one knows where the Black Shaft makes his camp, indeed, it's likely mobile, but everyone knows that traveling along the trade routes with laden wagons makes it rather easy to find him, though not in the way most want to.

Vorunkl of Krakmount, son of Urgot the Terrible-

Race: Half-Orc
Affiliation: The Vigil
Goals: Justice, Vengence, Law
Location: The Vigil's head office in the Imperial Capitol.

Vorunkl is the son of the great Orc warchief, Urgot the Terrible (who rightfully earned his title), and an unknown human woman. Growing up in the slums of a large western city, Vorunkl had to fight every day just to survive, and he inevitably got good at it. Unlike most half-orcs in the slums, and definitely unlike his father, Vorunkl had a sense of justice. He would pick fights with thugs who would extort those weaker than them. He would burn drug shipments. He would do anything to protect the weak and defenseless of his slum.
Ultimately, he started getting followers, and while he didn't see himself as a leader figure, he eventually took up the mantle and named his new gang, the Vigil. They quickly grew from being vigilantes, to actually being endorsed by the city's watch, who were hobbled by bureaucracy and budget cuts. The Vigil steadily grew until it had grown too big for once city. Vorunkl left a few of his lieutenants in charge and moved on with a small group to another city that needed help. In a few years, most of the major cities in the west had a Vigil chapter.
However, trouble started to hit them. Without explanation, Vigil members started going missing. Vorunkl tried to find out who was responsible, but just as he felt he was closing in on his suspects, the occupation of the Empire began, and he found his suspects having followed the army east. Without hesitation, Vorunkl followed.

Now, the Half-orc still searches for the organization that he's convinced has been targeting the Vigil, while also still working hard at maintaining order and law wherever he goes. He doesn't have any particular prejudice against the Easterners, but in his eye, the occupation of the Empire is a lawful one, and the laws of the land are the laws, which everyone must follow. His foes are those that exploit the weakened Easterners, as well as those who attack Western trade shipments.

Having come east with little preparation, Vorunkl is trying to build up the Vigil's presence here and has sent calls out for anyone interested in aiding him.

Yukiko, Eight-tailed-
Race: Kitsune
Affiliation: Beastfolk Rebels
Goals: Freedom for Easterners, Driving Westerners out of the Empire
Location: Shine to Niru-rui, somewhere in the forested foothills of the Dragon Wing mountains.

Yukiko is currently the only known eight-tailed kitsune in the world. While still one short of the mythical nine, she still wields great powers, and commands even greater respect. While not the founder of the Beastfolk rebellion, Yukiko quickly rose to prominence for her innate magical ability and her talent for leading.

Yukiko leads the rebellion from an ancient shrine to the spirit of the Dragon Wing mountains, lost to antiquity until it was rediscovered by the fleeing beastfolk during the demon invasion. The shrine sheltered them then, and has since become a rallying point for the rebels. Its location is unknown to those outside of the rebellion, but anyone dedicated enough to join them will be found by the rebels and brought before Yukiko.

Yukiko has a great antipathy to Westerners, for obvious reasons, but if one shows that they truly wish to aid the rebellion, they are given a chance to prove themselves. Otherwise, Yukiko accepts all Easterners into her fold, knowing that they'd need an army to drive the Westerners out.

Race: Tengu
Affiliation: Tengu spy network
Goals: Profits, Information gathering
Location: The Tengu quarter of the Imperial Capitol

All other information is property of the Tengu spy network.

Riker Dalmott, the Blackhearted-
Race: Human (Westerner)
Affiliation: The Silken Sash
Goals: Slavery, Power, Money
Location: The Silken Sash safeouse in Hopefalls (Original name: Nijikawa, or Rainbow River), a dreary town on the banks of a river running down from the sourthern mountains. Once a very small village, it has been taken over by the Silken Sash and now serves as their headquarters.

Riker earned his epithet by being one of the most ruthless and cruel slavers in the Silken Sash. It seems like his greatest joy comes from seeing the light of hope die in a slave's eyes. Thoroughly evil, his rise through the ranks of the slaving guild was unsurprising.

After suffering a leg injury while chasing down a slave, Riker found himself stuck in Hopefalls for a while while his leg healed. Bored, he's sent out calls for mercenaries who want to get a few kicks out of tracking down runaway slaves.
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Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Madame Rouge, Fumei, or the Vigil would be the only ones that Robern (and therefore most likely Zurui unless Shrike decides otherwise) would ever willingly associate with. Of those, he would most likely go for the Vigil.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

As far as end times go, I'm good for well more than anyone will be willing to play. on days where i work the next day, my soft cutoff point will be somewhere around 4AM EDT, plenty of time.

Fumei, Madam Rouge for sure. Vigil because Robern would, and... maybe Black Shaft, or Yukiko, were he not around. the latter two dun really matter i figure, but an insight into the character, at least.

EDIT: And Pecks-at-Shadows, of course
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Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Being a sociable (and somewhat neutral) fellow, Nyktan wouldn't mind associating with any of the above, except Riker for obvious reasons.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Those hours will be difficult for me to do consistently, being smack in the middle of the day all day, and I would almost always have to cut out for a while between 10 and 11pm UTC. It would probably work better for me around the areas of midnight-6am, depending on my schedule (which is changing all the time because fucking temp agencies).

How would people feel about those hours perhaps on Fridays? This getting moved to day shift thing has me all messed up as far as scheduling is concerned.

Also, Rissiki would support Fumei, Madame Rouge, or Vorunkl. She would be very reluctant to associate herself with open rebels, and isn't looking to rebel herself. Of course, she'd sooner pour acid in Riker's eyes than do anything to help him, so there's that.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

For times for this Sunday, 5pm UTC seems like the earliest most people can start, is that right?

Shrike, you're busy on alternating Sundays, right? So that means that for the weeks you're busy you're not available at all, while on other weeks your earliest would be 10pm UTC? Or 5pm? I was a little confused on that point.

If we want to talk about Fridays, my times are between 10pm UTC - Whenever I get too tired.

How are other people's times for Fridays?
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

For fridays, that's right after a hellish Thursday. That's a day where I might not be present for a gathering because I'm passed out all tired and stuff.

I personally don't mind if Tiff would have to cut out for short times. It's not like I don't have other things I could be doing.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Oh, and how open would people be to the possibility of having the game on alternating Sundays to match Shrike's availability? I'd actually kind of like that anyway, since it would give me a day every other week to myself, and would probably give me time to come up with better stuff for the game.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Starting at 2200 UTC would mean 1:00 for me. Technically doable since I don't have anything on saturday that I'd need to wake up early for, but I don't know how late I would stay awake since I usually need to wake up before 8:00 in fridays. As for playing in alternating weeks, I wouldn't mind too much, I suppose.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

For times for this Sunday, 5pm UTC seems like the earliest most people can start, is that right?

Shrike, you're busy on alternating Sundays, right? So that means that for the weeks you're busy you're not available at all, while on other weeks your earliest would be 10pm UTC? Or 5pm? I was a little confused on that point.

If we want to talk about Fridays, my times are between 10pm UTC - Whenever I get too tired.

How are other people's times for Fridays?

okay, let's break this down:

i work mornings. the actual days i work change every week, but it's always morning shifts.

the earliest i can -guarantee- (I'm off early sometimes.) that i'll be around on days I work is 7pm-8pm EDT. i am then good until 4am EDT if i work the next day, and about the same if i don't, that's close to passout time anyways.

the days I don't work, i tend to get up around 1pm EDT, but if we schedule something, i can get up earlier, about 11am EDT. same deal for end times those days, so on days off i have a window of about 16+ hours to game in.

so this works out to my evenings effectively being always free. the only exception to this is every other sunday, when I LARP. i may or may not work any given Sunday currently, but if we set the schedule in stone here, I can ask for sundays off, or trade shifts to be here.

Does that cover everything?
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

"Boss, can I get sundays off? Something came up... I'm gonna be doing erotic role play with pathfinder... That's fine? Thanks."
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

my kitchen manager takes time off to go to MtG tournaments, if I tell him I have a pathfinder game starting up, he'd understand :p
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Okay, so the times that everyone seems to be available at are between 5pm and 10pm UTC (If I'm wrong about this, please yell at me to let me know (but not too loudly please)) on alternating Sundays. Now, I was thinking of making it a four hour game session, so what would people prefer: 6-10 or 5-9?

Also, it looks like Fumei, Madame Rouge, and Vorunkl are the main choices for patrons. Could people PM what they'd prefer, in order of preference? I'd like to know in advance of the game, so that I'll have some time to do a bit of writing.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

i'd prefer the later of the two times, but if that's a bit too late for spider, or anything else like that, then i can do the earlier time, no problem.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Either of those times works for me, both on Sunday or on Friday.