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Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

i am scheduled to work, so if all goes well, I'll be 2-3 hours late, then there the rest of the day. family plans are on the saturday, thankfully.

As for character plans, if Zurui finds out Nadane Rouge is in town, she‘ll be paying a visit, for sure. Should be plenty of stuff to do from there.
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Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

My family plans also fall on Saturday due to reasons and they'll be a little closer to home. I'll only be going to Connecticut instead of New Jersey. But basically, I'll be home on Sunday for the game. Not sure if my family will be going to sunday mass, but I'll figure that out when it comes.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

So, unless she hears about Madame Rouge, Zurui will, I suppose, be sticking with Robern who will be doing... ?

Nyktan will be searching for bananas for purposes best left to the imagination.

Fu will be visiting the arcanist's guild and possibly getting into the drug dealing business.

Anyone else got an idea for what their character will be doing in the city? It's the largest city in the Eastern Empire, so nearly anything you can think of that's appropriate should be fine.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Rissiki will probably brew potions of various kinds to sell, and also some to give away to her fellow nezumi in town.

Also, people who are not completely unconscious likely hear some squeaking during the night that sounds suspiciously like Rissiki having somewhat painful sex. :v
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Robern would be looking for work or otherwise lounging around, since yon dude who promised them work wouldn't be there yet. He might check Western sources unless they hear about the Madame and Zurui expresses some interest.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Hmm. Well I figure Lyna might stick with Robern and Zurui if they don't mind. If they do, she'll maybe see if any of her order is in the city and see if she can't get news from them. She isn't too interested in whatever madness Nyktan gets into unless he gives her a reason to stick with him (Maybe keep him out of trouble), would have no idea what is going on with Fu and isn't all that interested in making and selling potions. So yeah...a couple of options for Lyna.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Nyktan will be playing music around town and flirting with it's inhabitants (even if they're still starving and looking fugly. He flirts by habit and for fun, and also to get his listeners to like him.)
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

All well and good. If you want someone to keep ya from getting beat up, Lyna's your gal. But if he's fine on his own, then he'll stick with the happy couple.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

If any of the party are willing, Nyktan would welcome them towards making together.

All they'd have to do is play the basic instruments in the back while he plays the complicated parts.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Server's up, early of course. Log in when you're able to. I may be gone out to get some food.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

So, minor addition to my earlier time frame: Given the holiday, my family may either be going out to eat (like sit down at a restaurant) or we'll just be ordering out. Now the only think I know is that it'll be later in the day, most likely after 3PM EST. So either I'll be out for a couple hours eating, or I'll be out just picking food up and it'll take me like...a half hour or an hour at the latest. Hopefully they'll decide to go later when the session is winding down. I have informed them of the game though, so maybe that'll influence things.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Added a list of named NPCs you've met so far, that I can remember, to the character sheet thread.
(And one or two you haven't met yet, but will soon)
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Was game tomorrow? Because if it is, I might be late or not show up at all. I might have work.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

I think at this point we'll just cancel tomorrow. Things are pretty stressful for me right now, and Tass and Shrike will both be late. And there's some between session things to get done as well.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

I have this coming sunday off, but there's a staff meeting i have to go to. Shouldn't take too long, but it's like, right in the middle of our usual gametime.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

"You've got the day off, but you still have to come in to work."

Well, it's up to you if you want to shop up to the game and leave part way through, or just wait until you get back. Or whatever else works for you.

Kind of inconvenient as there was going to be some talking between Zurui, Robern and Madame Rouge... Maybe we can do that part tomorrow, if possible? If not, no big worry, we'll figure something out.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

i should be free the rest of tonight. i know it's horribly inconvenient, but there's been talk of the meeting rescheduling, at least. In either case, I will probably be around before and after for game itself, so as not to be gone for too long overall.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Don't mean to be annoying, but was my bit finished or was there more to it? If there was, I could do it anytime before tomorrow or before the game. Focus on Shrike first given the time table, but I thought I'd ask anyway.