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Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Zurui and Robern have a lunch to go to, possibly for QUESTS and possibly for just chat. Others can easily be focused on instead tomorrow, but I should be around, probably.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Nyktan has still not gotten laid. Other than that I suppose I have no other significance.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

I was planning on doing everything at the Dragon Inn on Sunday, so that would include Robern and Zurui talking with Madame Rouge, Lyna showing up (yah, her stuff's finished for now), and Fu's 'date' with Adria. I've done some things with Tiff on the side and Rissiki is now a day ahead of everyone else, so it's unlikely she'll be making an appearance on Sunday. As for Nyktan, I haven't really been in a smut writing mood lately, so going to have to assume it happens 'off screen'. Whether Nyktan meets up with the others at the Dragon Inn is up to you RJ.

And that reminds me that there's still a little bit to do with Fu at the Arcanist's guild, but considering all that's happened, it'll be very short as I've already achieved what I needed to there with Adria.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Server's up and running.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Okay, so this Sunday I've got a family gathering to be at, unfortunately, around the same time as the game is supposed to start. It may be possible to postpone it, but I'm not exactly sure how late it will run.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Oh yeah, forgot we still had those individual sessions. No point in having a session with everyone together if everyone's not together.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

I should be around the entire time, so just gimme a prod if we do wind up starting, I should be able to pop in whenever.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

So my cousin came down with a strep infection. Plans are off for Sunday, so regular game time.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Server's up.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

This sunday being father‘s day, it‘s all hands on deck at work. I will try to show up to game as soon. As. I can, but it‘s a safer bet to assume that i‘ll be missing out this weekend.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

And that family thing I mentioned a few weeks back seems to be happening this Sunday anyway. Could probably be back 2-3 hours after our usual start, or we could just put it off this week.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Shrike has become William Shatner. Also, if we're gonna be sans a GM and missing a person, it might be better to cancel, but it's really up to you maiko. Do you think you'll be up to game after your family thing?
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

I swear to god, i am going to murder the next peprsn that makes fun of my inability to afford phonerepair. >.<
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Well, checked with family and it looks like we'll be done before the game time, so assume it's still on this week. Tass will be running Zurui for the fight I take it?
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

So... it sucks, but something just came up that requires me to be out of town tomorrow. Sorry I couldn't provide any information beforehand, I just learned about this.
Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Re: Maiko's Game - Out of Character and General Chat

Okay, I should be all clear for game tomorrow. had to give a shift away, but oh well, i have too many of those anyways. XD