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'Main Cavern' Character Sign In


Apr 12, 2009
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Feel free to whip up new characters to play in the 'Main Cavern' thread! Both those who are lurking and those who are involved in GM-led threads are welcome!

1) Fill out a character sheet before playing your character in the thread.
2) You may make as many character sheets as you like. :D
3) You may create a character of any species known to Madrigal to play in the free-form thread -- but no hybrids! At the moment, you'll only be able to enter the GM-led game with a human character, so you will have to leave any elemental/dragon/demon/daemon characters you've whipped up in the freeform section.
4) Do not post for another player-character's words or actions without first consulting them! Preferably, leave their actions and words them -- this is an RP, after all!

Gender: (Male or Female)

Experience Points: 0 (you may gain the occasional XP here, though you won't yet be able to spend it on anything!)
Inventory: (Blank for now)
Fetishes: (See the bottom of the stats thread for specifics, or list your own -- for now this is more a reference for other players)

(Not yet!)

Age: (18 or over!)


Other Info: (Elaborate on appearance, fetishes, history, etc. here if you like)
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Re: 'Main Cavern' Character Sign In

Name: Irene

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Inventory, Stats and so on - ignored for now.

Fetishes: Submissive, Bondage (guess which), Oral (giving), Quadrupeds

Age: 19

Build: slim, quite delicate

Height: around 1,70 metres

Hair: bronze, reaching the girl's neck

Skin: white

Eyes: blue

Personality: Irene is, well, screwed up. She has a short temper and a bit of an attitude. Also, she tends to be brutally honest and while she is capable of restraining herself, she tends to speak before she thinks. Carefree, careless, and uncaring, often acts on a whim. She's also a bit unstable emotionally - that's why she prefers to be alone. When cornered by someone stronger than her, she tends to break down and give up, making her a submissive type. Slightly perverted, interested in demons and similiar creatures.

Other info: Irene dislikes talking about her life - it wasn't an easy one. She became a slave early in her life, and was constantly bullied. Altough she had a fairly strong mind, it was slowly warped, turning her into the girl she's right now. She tends to forget things easily - Irene doesn't want to remember her past, but repressing the memories affected her ability to remember other things, and her lack of care doesn't help.
Re: 'Main Cavern' Character Sign In

Name: Tillias Ritter
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Experience Points: 0
Inventory: /
Fetishes: Heterosexual, Dragons, Bipeds

Age: 19
Build: Slender, almost thin.
Height: 5'11"
Hair: Honey Blond
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Steel Grey

Tillias is almost unbearably curious, always searching for knowledge. Dragons especially fascinate the young man because of their great strength, and he secretly hopes that one of them knows a cure for his mysterious disease.

Other Info:
Tillias has always been weak physically. Nobody knows how he survived his first few years, and even later he didn't gain much weight, always being too thin for his height. More often than not Tillias would stay inside, reading the strange books that his mother gathered from Goddess knows where. Maybe it was because of them that one day armed men stormed into their house and captured the young man.
Re: 'Main Cavern' Character Sign In

(Good stuff, guys! Feel free to post in the Main Cavern whenever you like, you don't need to wait on permission or anything, there!)
Re: 'Main Cavern' Character Sign In

Name: Vaniolle
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Experience Points: 0
Inventory: blank!
Fetishes: Quadrupeds, Demons

(Not yet!)

Age: 27
Build: Athletic
Height: 193cm
Hair: Black
Skin: Rosy
Eyes: Brown

Personality: Vaniolle is watchful, but after over a year in the Burrows she knows her way around pretty well, and is far more comfortable here than when she arrived. She keeps herself strong and fit, and though she used to be perfectly happy somewhere in the middle of the slave pecking order, in the Burrows she's made more of an effort to stand out. After all, there are no Masters here that aren't self-made; she has no one she has to answer to. She no longer tries to avoid notice like she used to as a slave outside. She definitely looks out for herself but once her own needs are met, she shares instead of hordes, and has developed an enjoyment of lending a hand now and then to the underdogs of the Burrow... as long as she doesn't end up among them, of course.

Other Info: Van is a bred slave, second-generation, who has only known the caverns all her life. She was trained in part as a pleasure slave, and came to the Burrow very used to treating sex in a pragmatic fashion, and so adapted quickly and, with a few exceptions, has enjoyed her time here.
Re: 'Main Cavern' Character Sign In

Name: Mithral
Gender: Female
Race: Demonoid ((Actually more part-dragon, but demon will work I guess :p))

Experience Points: 0
Inventory: (Blank)
Fetishes: Bondage, Tentacles, Rape, Tailsex (All recieving)

(Not yet!)

Age: 23
Build: Light and Agile
Height: 6'2"
Hair: Silvery White
Skin: Sliver and Gold scales
Eyes: One Saphire, one Ruby. When she is in heat, they both are Red

Complete Appearence: Mithral is a dragongirl of the far east, a half-and-half with a body of a female human, with silvery scales on most of her body. Gold scales appear from her nether reigon to the area around her mouth. She has strait horns with two extra points coming out, large ears, golden claws, and a long tail ending in a furry fluff. Like her hair, the rest of the fur on her body- pubic hair, some tuffs on her elbows and heels, and her tail fur- are silvery-white. The left eye is crimson, the right eye is saphire blue.

Personality: Mithral is usually shown as a playful but shy sorta character. She's naturally curious due to her nature, and has had some acidents where she has embarressed herself before- a key one was eating a half a tub of Mint Ice Cream in about a minute. She does have her mean streaks though. In another roleplay, when an assassin tried to kill her husband, she litterally used her tail as a whip to injure the assassin, who had been tied up.

((Re-editing btw))
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Re: 'Main Cavern' Character Sign In

Name: Saul
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Experience Points: 0
Inventory: Stuff. + one mandolin. (Burrows equivalent.)
Fetishes: Heterosexual.

Age: 21
Build: Average
Height: 6'1"
Hair: Black, worn long
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Brown

Personality: Saul is, for the most part, quietly cheerful and friendly. He's helpful when asked, and always careful to not give offense. To those who know him closest, however, he is more of a pessmist about life. He resents being enslaved, but recognizes, after nearly a year in the Burrows, that there is little chance of changing that fact.

Other Info: Saul was raised by his father, who taught him the art of music. Saul's father, while not widely known, was famed in and around his home region as a master craftsman and musician; it seems that Saul has inherited his father's musical talents, but no more than a basic affinity for woodcraftsmanship. His musical talents are not unrecognized within certain circles in the Burrows.
Re: 'Main Cavern' Character Sign In

((and a lurker posts!))

Name: Vina
Gender: Female
Race: Human

Experience Points: 0
Inventory: Empty
Fetishes: Submissive, Bondage, (being bound), Sensualist.

(Not yet!)

Age: 23
Build: Slim athletic
Height: 5ft 5”
Hair: Long red hair dropping to the bottom of her shoulders.
Skin: Smooth soft and moisturised, with a very light tan.
Eyes: Brown


Vina is a fiery passionate red head who often made her voice heard, often biting off more than she could chew, she had a long term relationship for three years before the relationship fell apart, often running through woods and playing sports, she found one of her greatest fetishes to be being tied up came from a little spring trap in the woods which left her dangling upside down by her foot, her boyfriend found it amusing to tie up her other limbs spreading her out upside down hanging about a foot off the ground, while he found it funny she found it exhilarating.

She feels outclassed by the other races intimidated a little, she can be transfixed and convinced through well spoken conversations with a soft tongue, alternatively if they have the advantage she may well feel that all hope is lost and hope for the best outcome of a bad situation.
She doesn’t tend to think situations through and sometimes rushing in ahead often getting her in trouble. It usually takes ten or fifteen minutes before she gives things second thoughts.

She was exploring a cave in her free time climbing from rock to rock jumping over gaps and making her way around when she was attacked her capture wasn’t a smooth simple hand over she was beaten down and gang raped by three dark deamons, within minutes she was left weaping and bound as they violated her and dragged her off, since being a slave she has learned to obey those who own her, but still voices her opinion loudly, she has always enjoyed the before and after play of sex with gentle caressing cuddling and pillow talk.
Re: 'Main Cavern' Character Sign In

Name: Thereus
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Experience Points: /
Inventory: /
Fetishes: Heterosexual, Sensualist


Age: 29
Build: Athletic and muscular
Height: 6'
Hair: Black
Skin: Tanned
Eyes: Dark green

Thereus is not much of a diplomat and tends to solve problems with his fists. Or, if he is REALLY angry, with a piece of rock to the skull. During his stay in the Burrows he has tried to learn to control his anger, with mixed success.
This is not to say that Thereus is a constantly snarling berserker, quite the opposite. Generally he gets along with almost everybody and is especially fond of all kinds of womanfolk. In bed he tends to be surprisingly tender - unless the lady demands otherwise of course!
Life as a slave doesn't appear too bad to Thereus now, even though he would take the first chance to get out of the Burrows. His quick temper and laid-back attitude have led him to align with the Fire Cavern. If things get out of hand Thereus is quick to step in.

Other Info:
Thereus was a soldier, a fighting man since the day he could lift a shield. He could always be found at the very front, bashing in the skulls of his Lord's enemies with his trusted mace. Over the years he gained a reputation above and beyond the battlefield. People treated him like a hero.

In turn, Thereus treated his General's neglected wife like a queen in bed.

When the cuckolded husband found out he faced a dilemma. He couldn't just kill Thereus - his troops would be demoralised beyond repair, and he would quickly lose support for the war with the commoners.
So the General hatched a much more devious plan. One morning Thereus' tent was found with a slashed canvas; Footsteps lead away from them and the hero of war was nowhere to be found. Quickly the message spread that the enemy has kidnapped Thereus - which was not that far from the truth, of course.