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Main Cavern


Apr 12, 2009
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Located somewhere between the individual caverns that house various groups, the Main Cavern is large and well-lit, sconces bearing magical light shedding illumination so that there are few shadows here. The walls are draped with geometrically patterned tapestries, the floor is polished, furnished with cushions and couches for humanoids, and larger loungers for dragons and demons. The back of the cavern contains more secluded areas -- curtains fence off rooms chiseled out of the high walls.

There are many different people here of all species and subspecies, all shapes and sizes. The place seems like a good one for socializing, perhaps as a neutral ground.

((This is an open thread for characters to interact in, free of GM moderation. Feel free to use it however you'd like -- just don't go killing one another! Use of this thread may count towards the occasional extra experience point gain: you may nominate another player by sending the GM a PM, or receive one directly from the GM if she sees something worth the gain.))
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Re: Main Cavern

Irene walked into the main cavern, muttering something under her breath. She had been thrown into the Burrow a few moments ago. Suprisingly, she didn't encounter anyone - of course, she wasn't aware that newcomers often encountered company. Her landing, however, was quite rough. Upon entering the cavern, she didn't draw much attention to her - something that made her feel a bit better. She sat on a couch somewhere near the corner of the room, still muttering. She was visibly annoyed. "If I get thrown like that again, someone is going to die."
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Re: Main Cavern

As Tillias is dropped into the Burrows he lands on all fours. A cloud of dust throws him into a fit of coughs that lasts for several long moments. "Yeah, screw you too", he yells up at the door in between coughs. With a grimace he clutches his bare, bony chest, already hurting from the strain. "This is going to be swell. . ." He slowly gets up and staggers along the wall, leaning against it now and then to take a breath.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene kept sitting on the couch, casting curious glances at people. Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of a figure leaning against the wall in one of the side tunnels. That person didn't really look too promising: he (or she, Irene couldn't tell) seemed to be very thin and bony. 'Some sort of weakling, apparently...'
Re: Main Cavern

As Tillias slowly makes his way down the path he can hear pieces of conversation. "New blood, eh? Doesn't look like much." "Wanna take a bet? I say a week." "Nah, he's way too skinny. Nobody's gonna bother doing him in." "Looks like he's going to drop any moment by himself, really."
Tillias would very much like to raise his head and stare at the voices, but right now he needs all his power just to move forward. Unknowingly he staggers directly into Irene's direction.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene noticed that the figure was walking in her direction. Now that he entered the main cavern, she could take a closer look. The newcomer wasn't impressive at all - actually, the sight was rather pitiful. Irene began to look in another direction. 'Ignore him, and he might go away...'
Re: Main Cavern

The couch that Irene sits on suddenly pops up right before Tillias - unsurprisingly, as he had his head lowered the entire time. "Not another step", he murmurs and drops forward. . . landing head-first in Irene's lap.
After a long moment of awkward silence Tillias turns his body around and stares up into Irene's face. ". . . Hi."
Re: Main Cavern

Irene slowly turns her head to look at Tillias - and her stare isn't a friendly one. If looks could burn, Tillias would be a pile of dust. Somehow, she managed to resist the urge to smash the kid into the ground - people stared at her, after all. Irene spoke quietly to the man on her lap. "You have three seconds to remove your head from my lap... Otherwise, you'll have to remove it from your ass."
Re: Main Cavern

"No can do, Mylady. . ." Tillias tries to raise his head, but all he manages are a few inches before he collapses back down, exhaling through his teeth. "Just need a minute to catch my breath, I swear. . . Maybe two", he says with a meek smile. A few strands of his honey blonde hair are plastered to his face. With a little more meat on his bones the young man could be quite good looking.
Re: Main Cavern

A smile appeared on Irene's face. It wasn't a friendly smile, nor a smile that would inspire confidence. It wasn't the most intimidating grin ever either. More horrible grins were seen, but usually on a sort of grinner that walks on four legs, eats large animals and spends his night on looking for victims he can grin at. "Say... What's your name? I'll find someone who can put it on your grave..."
Re: Main Cavern

Tillias snorts. "You can sweet talk all you want, Mylady. Doesn't change the fact that it's impossible for me to move right now. One moment and I'm off again to collapse into the lap of somebody nicer. But since you asked", he adds, drawing a deep breath as if just the talking is exhausting. "My name's Tillias. What about you?"
Re: Main Cavern

"Irene." The girl sighed. "And I wasn't really joking about burying you... You're pretty much half-dead." Her tone of voice wasn't friendly. It suggested that she tolerated Tillias out of necessity. "And stop calling me Mylady, scarecrow."
Re: Main Cavern

"I agree. Your behavior is not really lady-like anyway. . . Or very lady-like now that I think about it." Tillias gives a short laugh that quickly devolves into a coughing fit.
"Don't - uchuh - don't underestimate me. Just need a place to rest and a good night's sleep and I'll be as fresh as morning dew."
Re: Main Cavern

Irene gave Tillias a criticizing look. "I'd say that you'll be a fresh corpse." Altough she tried not to make this apparent, she took the boy's remark about her behaviour as a compliment. 'Lady-like... What kind of ladies was he talking about? I wonder...'
Re: Main Cavern

"I already look half dead", Tillias grins. "I figure nobody's gonna bother with the other half. . . Well", he adds while slowly sitting up. "Thanks for letting me borrow your lap." With careful movements he plants his feet on the ground and gets up.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene shook her head. "Whatever. Next time, try to land on the couch, not on the people. I doubt you can take more than one hit." Irene tried to think about the situation. She was a slave, he most likely was a slave too, and other people seemed to be the same. What good could someone as weak as him do?
Re: Main Cavern

Tillias laughs. "When I'm rested I run like the wind. But true, I'll try not to fall onto anybody soon." He raises his hand. "Maybe we'll run into each other again. Not literally, I mean."
Re: Main Cavern

Irene sighed and also raised her hand, waving it in a "goodbye" kind of way. "Try not to end as demon fodder." She began to wonder... What kind of screwed up place was this? She just got thrown in, and she already met someone strange...
Re: Main Cavern

Tillias tilts the raises hand in a "goodbye" gesture. "Your Gods be with you", he answers as he turns and slowly walks down the spiraling path in well-measured steps, now and then pausing to draw a deep breath.
Re: Main Cavern

Coming up along the path at an entirely unhurried pace, as if she was merely taking a stroll through a lovely garden, was Vaniolle. She was a human woman, athletically built and rosy-skinned, her black hair pulled back in a loose ponytail at the nape of her neck. She looked to be in her late twenties, maybe getting on towards thirty, and she walked with the authority of familiarity, though she still seemed to keep a watchful eye on the hall around her under that easy posture.

Following the spiral upwards, she almost walked right past Tillias, but paused and did a double-take; frowned, and turned her path towards the sickly young man instead. "You look like a demon rolled over you," she told him. "Do you need a healer?"