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Main Cavern

Re: Main Cavern

Still feeling smug, the demon asked in the same, soothing tone, "want more?" His other tail had unwrapped from her, though he hadn't done anything with it yet, he allowed it to curl idly over her body. Vaniolle could feel his cock pressed between her back and his stomach, throbbing in want of its own.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene sighed. "I know, I know. That's not the first time I did something like that. I just can't stop. Old habits die hard, I guess." She shook her head, visibly displeased. She remembered a few moments from her life she'd rather forget.

Saul nodded. "That they do." He thought for a moment, then shook his head, as if to himself. "Well, I'm going to be off. I wish you the best of luck." With that, and a nod, he left the room and re-entered the hallway, heading for his own sleeping cavern.

((I'm going to be out of the thread for a while, waiting until around a night's worth of time has passed in here. Or something like that.))
Re: Main Cavern

((On a side-note, you guys can skip forward to any time; even though the thread's marked 'main cavern', you don't have to be in the same place as everyone else, either. Once I'm done with Spith posting to Vaniolle, I'm going to have him fade out and see if I can't find another character to drop in here. XD Not that I'm done with the slimebag, but I feel like he's got a limited range to play with!))
Re: Main Cavern

Saul nodded. "That they do." He thought for a moment, then shook his head, as if to himself. "Well, I'm going to be off. I wish you the best of luck." With that, and a nod, he left the room and re-entered the hallway, heading for his own sleeping cavern.

((I'm going to be out of the thread for a while, waiting until around a night's worth of time has passed in here. Or something like that.))

"Goodbye." Irene sighed when the man left the room. She wasn't really tired or hungry. In fact, she was feeling quite restless. She decided to go back to the main cavern, trying to find a companion - Irene wouldn't admit that to herself, though.
Re: Main Cavern

Up the path comes Thereus, a sack slung over his shoulder. He's been sent to deliver some items to a cave further up the spiraling tunnel. The trip has been long, and a sheen of sweat makes his bare arms gleam in the magical light. His dark green eyes seem to stare into the distance as he takes his time to reach his destination.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene walked the path to the cavern, eventually reaching her destination. When she took a look around, she noticed Thereus. He moved quite slow, but his powerful body and precise movements made him an impressive sight. Curious, the girl began to follow him.
Re: Main Cavern

It doesn't take long for Thereus' battle-hardened instincts to pick up somebody following him. With a sigh he pulls the sack over his shoulder and puts it to the ground with a thud - whatever is in there can't be to fragile.
As he turns he comes face to face with Irene. His features soften a bit, and the initially harsh tone quickly fades. "Can I help you?"
Re: Main Cavern

Irene stopped suddenly. The man's action suprised her, and it took her a moment to regain composure. "Uh... I'm kinda new here, and I don't know this place well... I figured that by following you, I could learn something..."
Re: Main Cavern

A little smirk shows on the rugged and scarred, yet somehow good-looking face of Thereus. "What, you want to learn how to carry a sack?" A broad hand reaches up and wipes the sweat off his forehead. Truth be told the break is more than welcome.
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Re: Main Cavern

Irene held her breath for a moment, then sighed.'Oh, for the love of...' The girl smiled and tried to remain nice. "Maybe... May I ask, where were you going?"
Re: Main Cavern

Thereus grunts and opens the sack. As he leans the opening towards her she can see several big loafs of bread. "I'm fulfilling our part of a few trades." He tilts his head as he checks Irene out more thoroughly. "I'd ask you to tag along, but it's going to be a long trip."
Re: Main Cavern

Irene gave Thereus a rebellious look. "What? Are you saying that I can't walk a long distance?" She crossed her arms. "I'm stronger than I look, you know."
Re: Main Cavern

A grin shows up on the face of the former soldier. He picks up the sack again, but doesn't sling it over his shoulder yet. "What, are you challenging me to a fight?" He looks her up and down. "I could wrestle you to the ground in a minute. . . If that is what you want."
Re: Main Cavern

Irene growled. "Yeah, right. Keep telling yourself that." Irene adopted a challenging pose. She was a quite nimble girl, thanks to the way she was built. "You'd have to catch me first."
Re: Main Cavern

Thereus still smirks as he ties the sack closed tightly. "Okay, let me just- CATCH", he calls out as he lobs the sack towards Irene. In the same movement he already rushes forward, hands raises to grab the woman by her shoulders.

(Yes I am completely aware about the Irony that one character makes fun of violent mating rituals while the other promotes exactly that.)
Re: Main Cavern

Irene half-expected such a response. She dodged the sack by escaping to the side - however, the wall kinda limited her movement, forcing her to dive under Thereus' arm and roll behind his back. "Wasn't fair!"
Re: Main Cavern

Thereus grunts in surprise as the female ducks under his arms. Back in the days he fought grown men. . . but back in the days he also had a shield and a mace to work with.
He spins around and in the same movement lifts his leg, trying to sweep Irene's from under her feet.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene tripped and landed on the ground, but managed to roll away and push herself up. "You have to be faster than that to keep up!"
Re: Main Cavern

Thereus raises his arms again and grins. "What, are you going to hop and roll around? Is that how you fight - not at all? What a let down." Of course he tries to provoke Irene into an attack. Let her come to him, and when she does. . .
Re: Main Cavern

Thereus managed to provoke Irene successfully. However, convincing a girl to lunge at him and send a kick to his jewels most likely wasn't the outcome he suspected.