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Main Cavern

Re: Main Cavern

A curse leaves the soldier's lips as he brings his arm down and grabs Irene's leg - just in time. An inch more and her toes would have crushed his manhood.
Thereus free arm reaches out to sling around Irene's other leg and bring her to the ground.
Re: Main Cavern

In her anger, Irene didn't anticipate such outcome, and landed on her back as she tried to kick with her other foot - and failed. She realized that while the man kept holding her legs, she was in a very bad situation. "Well? What now?"
Re: Main Cavern

"Now?" Thereus grins, pleased over his victory. "Hmmm, the bread can wait for a bit. . . Maybe I should enjoy my spoils of war first?" The hand that previously held Irene's leg starts slowly roaming it instead, making it pretty clear what he means!
Re: Main Cavern

Irene grinned in a way that suggested he should be careful with his spoils - they might bite back. She decided to relax and wait for the right moment - at least, that what she thought to herself. Most likely, the girl wouldn't mind another round this day...
Re: Main Cavern

Thereus grin changes to a cheeky smile as he gets up - and throws Irene over his one shoulder while the sack goes over his other. The few onlookers make disappointed noises as the large guy heads for one of the unoccupied nooks.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene was suprised by the fact that she was suddenly picked up and thrown over the man's shoulder. 'What the Hell is this guy?' The fact that she was carried like a sack annoyed her. "Is that how you treat a girl?"
Re: Main Cavern

A laugh sends tremors through Thereus' body. "It's how I treat a woman that challenges me to a fight and loses." A soft slap on her backside with the arm wrapped around her emphasizes his point.
They reach one of the nooks undisturbed. The only item in there is a big, sturdy bed, decorated with all kinds of pillows. The large man leans down and puts Irene back on her feet.
Re: Main Cavern

The slap was embarrasing, and Irene was close to planning violent revenge. However, her plans changed when she was put on her feet instead of being thrown onto the bed. "Uh... Thanks." She took a look around the room. "I see that you like to be comfortable."
Re: Main Cavern

Thereus chuckles as he puts down the sack. "If you're fighting day in day out, you try to get as much out of your breaks as possible. And when you're lucky enough to have a woman. . . Well, you're going to try and keep her. Anyway-" The last part is muffled as the former soldier pulls his shirt up and over his head before tossing it into a corner. His body as well is decorated with several scars and shows the fitness of a man used to a lot of physical activity.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene walked slowly towards the man, visibly relaxing. "So you used to be a warrior?" She was impressed by the sight - she's never met a man who could prove that he fought in a real battle. She smiled, this time in a more friendly way. She stopped a mere step from the former soldier. "Well, you don't complain about the change of lifestyle... So I guess this is a fun place."
Re: Main Cavern

Thereus nods. "I sure was - and in some sense still am. I'm making sure that the guys and girls in the Fire Cavern don't tear each other to pieces. Other than that?" He reaches out and pulls Irene against his body. "There are a few ways to keep yourself busy", the soldier murmurs as he slowly lowers his face towards hers.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene purred and raised her face, giving the former soldier a small kiss. "Your flaming friends have to be ver active." She put her arms around Thereus. Perhaps she could tease him a little...
Re: Main Cavern

A smile plays around Thereus' lips as Irene kisses him. "You have no idea. You don't get a moment of quiet in there if you actually have to look after somebody. . ."
As Irene wraps her arms around him Thereus takes that as an invitation. His hands wander down to her buttocks and grab them. A sound of appreciation leaves his lips.
Re: Main Cavern

Thereus' action was a bold one - well, one could expect that from a warrior. Irene let him do what he wanted, and began to caress his chest with her hands. Her lips moved along his neck, leaving a mark here and there.
Re: Main Cavern

Thereus' hands don't stay on her behind for long. Slowly they wander upwards again. Irene can feel small weals and scars on his hands as they wander along her back, slowly pushing up her shirt.
"Mmm, lift your arms dear."
Re: Main Cavern

Irene stopped playing for a moment and raised her arms. "Perhaps I should have followed your example." The man's arms, altough scarred, were gentle and gave the girl a pleasant feeling.
Re: Main Cavern

Thereus is too occupied to answer. First he pulls Irene's shirt off and casts it into the other corner of the room, then he slowly lets his hands roam along his partner's ribs to her front. Another appreciating sound leaves Thereus' lips as he palms her breasts with just a bit of force. Not enough to hurt her, of course.
Normally the lithe ones are not Thereus type - he prefers his ladies with a bit of meat - but right now he's not discriminating.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene was beginning to enjoy herself a bit more - and she was feeling the first signs of that. When the former soldier grabbed her chest, she gasped quietly - the sensation wasn't unpleasant, though. Irene got a bit closer to the man and began to rub his chest, her hands slowly moving downwards, towards a more sensitive area. She raised her head slightly, inviting the man to kiss her.
Re: Main Cavern

Thereus gladly takes that invitation, placing his lips on Irene's in a sensual kiss. "Mmm, don't you want to at least know my name", he murmurs against her lips. Not that anonymous sex is that uncommon in the Burrows, but Thereus likes to at least have SOME aspect of personality to remember her by.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene smirked. "My name's Irene. And yours?" Well, in the whole mess of a situation she got herself into, she didn't really have time to think about asking for a name. She just... Went with the flow of her emotions, as usual. The girl continued to use her arms and lips to please the man. However, one of her hands went down and grabbed Tereus' buttock for a second - Irene wanted to see his reaction.