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Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

After leaving the others, Siphon had started checking rooms on his own, wanting a clear battle path for if and when he fought any unwelcome guests. As he came to one larger room overlooking a court yard, he paused. There, in the middle of the room was the one device he had hoped to find, it had to be it. Power hummed from it, and it clearly was drawing from a large power source nearby. It didn't take him long to find the source, though when he did every plan he had went out the window.

There, tucked away in a small containment field outside the window, was a self contained black hole. Which meant he had to find a way of shutting the device down without letting the thing loose. Cursing in his native language he started to work.

Some time had passed, he wasn't sure how much, when the idea hit him. Utilizing knowledge he'd been given almost a century ago, he began working the controls on the containment device, and soon enough the field, and singularity vanished. The field however didn't die immediately, instead it wavered and flickered. Then, with a sudden flash that could be seen throughout the entire complex, it died completely. There would be a slight sense of disorentation amongst everything in the field's range for just a fraction of an instant as reality caught up with them once more.

This done, Siphon used his newfound strength to shove the device off the side of the castle, destroying it for good.

Elsewhere in the castle, if Harrell had the time, his senses would suddenly alert him that the dragon was again in the area, and for a moment seemed to be heading right for them. Then suddenly as the flash occurred, it sharply veered off. It would take him a moment to realize where it was heading, and when he did, it was already too late to even consider a warning, not that it would have done much good. The dragon Siphon had called Fregion was now literally on top of Siphon's own spiritual reading, which could only mean one thing. Dragon was about to meet and clash with Vampire.

Smiling to himself, Siphon turned and nearly had his head torn off as Fregion came flying in like a bat out of hell. Slamming himself to the ground the wrong way, he went over the railing with the dragon in pursuit. Landing on his feet with a snarl, he whipped up as the dragon landed.

"You son of a bitch, there you are."

Fregion sneered back as it spoke in a deep tone.

"You... How dare you challenge my new domain insignificant Alveran. You will rot in the everlasting flames of my wrath! You are no match for my power."

Popping his neck slightly, Siphon smiled toothily back at the Dragon.

"That was the old me Fregion. Now though, I'd say things have changed quite a bit."

Sneering again, the dragon spoke again.

"Is that so? Fine, show me your power then!"

Snarling once more as the transformation took, changing him once more, Siphon replied.

"With pleasure you asshole. Let's finish this!"

No more words would be spoken as Siphon lunged into battle, claw meeting claw as the two ancient enemies engaged in what would be their final battle, one way or another.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Leaping from the stairs Emily chases after the demons alongside everyone else, flames beginning to form on the young girls hands. While the demons had a headstart both Sho's and Ian's powers prove effective in slowing them down; Ian managing to yank the furthest one away from the group causing the rest of the demons to run straight into their comrade and fall over him, and Sho makes it so they can't get back on their feet. Unfortunately the three demons that had left to go patrol the area were not too far from the door, and upon hearing the chaos inside the tower they entered it once more though they were surprised to see the attacking students. One of the three break from the group to send out an alert while the remaining two rush to the aid of their group.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Al takes off after the escaping demons with the others, charging up a fireball in each hand as he went. Upon seeing the pile of up demons, he prepares to launch a blast at them - but stops upon seeing the lone demon trying to flee. Ignoring the others for the moment but conscious of the two non-incapacitated reinforcements, Al continues running after the escapee, hurling each of his fireballs after it as he does so.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Leaping from the bottom of the stairs Ellisia closes on the nearest demon, and drawing her blade from sub storage mid leap, brings it down hard on the grey creatures shoulder blade. Seeing Al intending to deal with the runner, she quickly places herself between the two it had departed from and attempts to force them away from his path. She'd yet to see these creatures offensive potential, but putting trust in her skills and the armour hidden beneath her top, she moved in this fight with unwavering confidence. The first to enter her swords reach would likely find itself missing a hand before those claws could be of any threat.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan was behind the rest of the group when the assault started, still hesitating to enter combat. He saw the runner separate from his group and tried to shout a warning, but others seemed to notice it faster. With Al in pursuit and Ellisia covering him, he didn't have much to do. Emily and the rest would take care of the ones on the ground. With a sigh, he ran towards the two Ellisia was fighting with, hoping he could at least distract them when necessary... Though he could probably score a few hits or maybe even a kill if those things weren't careful.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Sho seems to be concentrating on keeping the three original demons in place for Emily, that taking up most of her concentration at the moment. Ian, on the other hand, has a bit more freedom, and as long as he can see the one that's trying to run away, he can try and snag it, keeping it in place until Al can catch up to it. Provided the male mage has things well in hand, he'll put his attention on guarding Ellisa and Jon's backs, harrying the demons as they tried to attack, flinging any errant bits of rubble into them, the like. He trusts the others to take the creatures out, but a little help never hurts.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

As the demon exits through the door Ian manages to snag the creature by the ankle causing it to lose balance and violently slam against the floor. Before it could get back up and call out for help Al's fireballs hit the demon, both searing off large portions of the creature. Now dead, what remains of the demons body quickly breaks down into a puddle of black, inky goo.

Ellisia would quickly find out that her blade passes through the demons body like a hot knife through butter. The attack, if meant to only wound, cleanly cuts through the creature severing its body in two. Much like Al's demon this one's body breaks down into a black liquid mess as its life is quickly extinguished. Unfortunately the second demon, seeing what happened to his comrade, attempts to run out of the range of Ellisia. Seeing Jonathan heading towards him the demon lunges at the boy, its claws ready to tear at his face.

Seeing the others jumping into combat agains the new arrivals a grin stretches across Emily's face as she's left to the original three. Once in range of the closest one Emily leaps forward, her hands outstretched as she grabs onto the demons face. Planting her feet firmly on the creatures chest Emily unleashes a blast of heat straight into the ash beast. It screams out in pain momentarily before it begins to crumple away and turn to ash. Seeing their comrade so easily destroyed the two remaining demons rush past the young girl and towards the two remaining humans not fighting, hoping they can at least take them down before they're murdered.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Reaching the bottom of the stairs Grace only gets a short look at the combat, but for the most part witnesses her pals easily wiping the floor with these creatures. Noting a small way she might be able to help, the two ashen beasts breaking towards Ian and Sho, would suddenly find that plan denied to them as a colourful physical barrier flashes up in their path and blocking off their targets. Now effectively trapped up against an unexpected wall, Ellisia rounds on the pair, intending on dispatching the remaining few in as little time and fuss as necessary.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan winced as he saw the demon lunge at him. However, it was not an expression of fear, not the grimace of someone who expected great pain in his nearest future. His expression, while clearly signaling "this is gonna suck" did not indicate that he believed that he was in danger. The reason became clear when instead of tearing through the boy's flesh, the monster's claws sank into moving darkness, the force of the blow dissipating through the shapeshifter's liquid body. He quickly began to wrap around the demon, particularly it's upper body. Anyone who watched would have noticed a strange shift of mass in the darkling's body, assuming they could see through completely black liquid. Jonathan was aware he had to finish the creature off himself, thus he decided to solidify a part of himself into a blade. His mastery of the solid state was poor, and thus he was capable only of forming something akin to glass. However, even a glass blade could be lethal when it sliced through your throat. With that in mind, the darkling turned a part of himself into something resembling an axe, then brought it down on the demon's throat while he still had it in his grasp.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

The demons bounce against the wall that suddenly appears in front of them, and stumbling backwards they have no time to dodge Ellisia's attack. Cut straight through the middle the demons let out a howl before their bodies disintegrate, puddles of black liquid form where the creatures once stood.

The demon gurgles for a moment as Jonathan slashes its throat, its fingers clawing helplessly as its body breaks down. With the last demon finished off the room grows eerily quiet once more, the only sign of a battle are the puddles of black on the floor. Then, suddenly without warning Jonathan would feel a sickness take hold of his body; the urge to violently expel the contents of his stomach would wash over him as the young darkling becomes disoriented, most likely affecting his control over his transformation. The area's where the demon had scratched Jon would begin to burn, a searing pain passing through his body as whatever was on the demons claws worked its demonic magic on him, threatening to completely overpower the darkling.

Then almost as fast as it took hold of him the curse passes. Possibly due to Jonathans peculiar body or perhaps simply because it wasn't meant to disable the target for long, who knew? What the young darkling would know however is that he wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of the ashen beasts claws again.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Disgusted by the creature and it's demise, and yet somewhat elated by the fact that it was dead, Jonathan returned to his human form post-haste. As he watched the thing break down and realized that yes, he was the one responsible for ending it's existence, he suddenly felt that something was horribly wrong. The place where the ghoul's claws touched him suddenly felt as if it was on fire, and spikes of agony quickly began to propagate through his entire body. The darkling suddenly felt an urge to throw up, but his body, still running a little low after losing precious mass, did not allow him to waste calories. Normally, he'd simply transform his insides to avoid spilling the contents, but in his current state, what would have been a simple change turned into a torture. His body rapidly shifted between human and dark forms, rending itself apart and instantly recovering - those who watched him would be greeted with a sight of Jonathan falling to his knees as he lost control of his powers, rapidly degenerating into a volatile, shapeless blow that couldn't settle down on a single shape, violently shifting and turning around.

And just as suddenly as it began, it was over. The darkling recovered, back in human form, kneeling on the ground and using his hands to support himself. For a moment, he could hear anything except himself as he gasped, his breaths irregular and desperate. After a moment, he finally realized that he was no longer in pain, and even though his face was locked in an expression of pure horror, the shock began to abate. Taking a deep breath to calm himself down, Jonathan slowly got up, his mind booting up and trying to understand what just happened. Staring at the remains of the monster he killed, he realized what happened. It's claws were imbued with some kind of curse, and even though it was short-lived, it caused extreme pain and disoriented him badly. The latter wouldn't be so bad for anyone else, but for a being like him, who constantly balanced on a thin line separating two incompatible natures, being suddenly unable to firmly decide where you're standing was very, very bad. And when the two went for each other's throats... The darkling shuddered, still staring at the puddle in silence. Could he end up like the guy he just killed?
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

With the battle over as quick as it started, Ellisia naturally moves over to the door and checks for any signs of further alert or incoming enemy, given pause slightly as she notices Jonathan's uncertain state. Grace runs over to the pained darkling as if to catch or support him, but falters as his shape rapidly deteriorates and she can't find a solid spot to support him by. Whether it would do any good, also being a point of doubt. "Shit! Jonathan... uh..." she begins, but cutting off lost for what else could be done or said as she crouches next to the alien black puddle. Ellisia remaining on guard at the door, and making a glance in Harrel's direction, but receiving little more than a clueless shrug from the spirit sensitive. Harrel's senses remaining no more informative regarding Jonathan's state than those of anyone else in the room.

As the darkling finally begins to reform, Grace relaxes just a bit. "Hey, jeez, are you... ok? She hated that line, but couldn't help it. "What was that?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan twitched when he registered that Grace was close and asking him a question, turning his gaze towards her. For a moment, he seemed uncertain and scared, but he seemed to calm down after noticing her concern. He was still a bit shaken and uncertain, thinking how to respond. 'Oh, I'm fine, just had a moment of pure PAIN and AGONY and I thought that I'd die.' He nearly said that out loud, but on second thought, he realized it'd be a stupid thing to do. Still, if he was capable of being so callous about his experience, it meant that he was ok... For now. Letting out a sigh, he allowed himself to visibly relax. "I'm... Better now." He once again glanced at the remains of the demon he felled. "Those things... Their claws. Some kind of poison... Or maybe a curse. I didn't ingest any substance, so I'd wager it's the latter. Whatever you people do, don't let them cut you." Sharing his opinion on the reason why he suffered was a good idea. It's better if they know. Altough he hoped he wouldn't have to explain what exactly happened to him. It was a very nasty reminder of something he nearly forgot about... Something he took for granted.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Though Grace couldn't tell the exact words going through his mind, somehow she pretty much knew the answer she got was the polite version and shows a brief nervous smile reflecting it. "The claws? I thought you'd have been safe from that, but uh..." evidently not, "Do you want any drink or food again? We've still got some left. Or darkness even? I realised a moment ago, I could actually block out the light from a small space if that would help in some way." She offers, simply throwing it out there. Jonathan came across as human in every way, right up until the repeated times he would melt right before everyone's eyes. Grace was still finding it a little difficult to know how to react each time.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan shook his head. "Physical attacks don't work... This was something else. Something foul." He glanced at Grace. She seemed to be somewhat nervous... Well, who wouldn't be. The darkling was aware of the fact that he was close to being nightmare fuel at times. If his assumption was correct, then as his abilities matured, it'd only get worse. "I don't need anything to eat..." He wasn't sure whether he'd be able to force himself to do so. "But some shadow... That'd help." Altough for the sake of convenience he called himself a darkling, he was aware of the fact that for the moment, his human self was actually dominant. The darker parts of his nature haven't fully matured. He could feel it at times, though, when sufficiently agitated. Something dormant, deep within. Right now, he barely knew how to transform and utilize one form efficiently. His power would develop one day, though. When that happened... What would he end up becoming? He didn't want to find out so soon. If Grace could grant him a moment of respite, he could get around to calming the darker part of his psyche. He already had a suspicion that it was influencing him more than he suspected. This trip seemed to confirm that theory so far. The tentacle that Emily mentioned, the fact that whatever feelings of revulsion or horror seemed to die out quickly after being voiced... Faster than usual, at least. At the very moment, the only fear he still felt was fear of dying like those... Wretches...
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Emily had been examining the puddles of muck the demons had left behind before Jonathan had collapsed in pain. Hearing Grace call out the young girl swings around to face them, her hands instinctively flaring up, though at the sight of Jon doubled over in pain the flames die down.

"What the hell happened?" Emily says quickly as she rushes up to the two of them, clueless to the fact that the young darkling had been hit by some kind of curse.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"We don't seem to have been detected, so we've got a moment, but we can't stay too long. Go ahead." Ellisia quickly adds looking back from her check outside, and then remaining on watch whilst Grace worked.

Grace nods and stands back preparing to cast, "Alright. I've been practising this one lately. I'm getting good at it." then raising her hands and silently mouthing a dozen unreadable words at a rapid rate. The corner of the room that Jonathan inhabited begins to quickly darken, a notable sharp divide between the light and dark forming, like a pane of darkened glass. Any keen eyed observers might briefly notice a few shadowy arcane glyphs tracing their way across the effect, though as the corner grew darker and darker soon all there was to see was an eerie corner of perfect darkness. From Jonathan's perspective the area outside the barrier would also have darkened totally, as the barrier prevents any light from outside reach his resting space.

"There. I think that's good. There's none getting in right?"
Jonathan would hear the mage speak from just where she'd been standing. Grace stopping to examine her featureless black barrier, seemingly able to see something when she looked at it that the others could not.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"It's perfect. Thanks." Jonathan felt at ease once darkness enveloped him. His dark side began to subside as well, content to be in a familiar enviroment. In a few moments, it'd be back to normal, under his complete control. The darkling sat down, musing over the last phrase. Control. It came naturally to him, like breathing. It was no suprise, considering his power was physically a part of him - without the instinct to wield it, he wouldn't even notice it's existence. However... It was immature. Underdeveloped. Delicate. He learned how to transform, yes, but he didn't understand his ability. And while control came naturally to him, it was by no means absolute. He was aware of that - doing some things required extra effort from him, but given how malleable his form was, it could only be an issue of control. This, however, was the first time he actually lost it like that. In the future, he'd have to exercise greater care. With a sigh, he stood up. It took him a moment to go over all this, and he actually felt better after the short stop. "Alright, I'm good to go."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Watching Jon had been painful, to say the least, even if it were sympathetic pains from seeing what the darkling had been forced through. Sho let out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding when his form finally settled and he seemed, at least physically, to be all right again. With Grace tending to him, there was no need to hover as well, unless he somehow lashed out at her, but he seemed fine. The corner that she conjured up for him was definitely interesting and made her wonder if, should they be taking the boat back, Grace wouldn't be able to do the same for Emily and the water. If they were taking the boat back...

Ian, for the most part, kept his attention around them, much like Ellisia was, partly at not wanting to watch Jon's spasm and the other, because, well, something sneaking up on them during that would be bad. His attention is caught when Grace offers the other young man food, but goes back to being a sentry when he declines. Once Jon's ready to go, he shifts the bag on his shoulders once again, letting the others head down first, to keep his place mostly in the middle and the rear. The sooner they picked their way through the castle's corridors, the better.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Righto." Grace chirps back, dispelling the barrier but remembering to let it fade slowly so not to suddenly blind the guy. She'd done that to herself once before whilst experimenting, and was certain someone like Jon wouldn't appreciate it any more than she had. "Well I'm ready when you are." said to the rest of the party.

(I've lost track of the options available at this point.)