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Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan blinked as he noticed the barrier slowly fade away. It gave him some time to get used to the light. It wasn't a matter of getting only his eyes used to it - his body had to adjust as well. Fortunately, this time he had no problems with that. Stretching a little (and letting a series of somewhat morbid cracks echo around the room), then rejoined the group. "So... Which way, again?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Well so long as you think you're okay," Emily replies, a hint of disbelief in her voice. "We have three options; the door by the stairs, the door those things came through or the bridge to the castle. One thing before we go though. These creatures, I'm not 100% sure, but this liquid they left behind seems to be ink."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Jonathan assured Emily. He was pretty damn sure that everyone wouldn't believe him, and was not suprised that the fire user voiced her opinion. However, when she mentioned what exactly was left of the creatures, the darkling approached the puddle left by the one he managed to fell. Intrigued, he examined it a little closer this time. "Hmm... So he managed to create a number of monsters in a short period of time. In a few days, he could have an army. Not good." Jonathan looked at the rest of the group. "Let's get moving. I'd suggest we stick to the route we already picked. No reason to change it now."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Seems about right, doesn't it? The gargoyles disolved into ink, too, and if he's using Isabella's sketchbook..." Sho sort of trails off, the rest not really needing spelled out. "I guess it makes me feel a little better, though, knowing we're not...killing real...things." Of course, said 'things' didn't seem to have the same hang-ups, she reminded herself.

"Ah suggest not goin' through whatevah door these ones were running for," Ian remarks. "If they were goin' for reinforcements, then that means there's reinforcements behind door numbah one. Othah than that, Ah'm for gettin' goin' as soon as possible."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Hopefully when we find the source we can put a stop to all of these creatures simultaneously." Ellisia then nodding in regard to Ian's observation. "And indeed. We'll take the other route then." She says stowing her sword once more and heading for the door.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Past the door lay the castle courtyard, which was probably once a grand and ornately designed recreational area though now it lay in ruins. Large chunks of stone and debris lay scattered on the floor, the cobbled path leading from the tower to the main path to the castle is chipped and caked in dirt, and what once was a fountain is now an indistinguishable hunk or stone, eroded by the weather during the past several hundred years.

the courtyard itself was eerily quiet, the only sounds that can be heard are the gentle whistle of the wind and the faint sounds of the demons outside the walls of the castle grounds. The castle itself is lit up, every so often shadows can be seen passing the many windows, though fortunately it seems as if no one is any the wiser to what had just happened in the watchtower. For now at least.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Looks like we've got a bit of cover in the rubble, aye?" Sho peers out the door, keeping her voice low, so it doesn't carry. She'll actually be one of the first ones outside, provided the way still looks clear, but she doesn't stray too far from the group. Out in the open, she trusts the others to keep an eye on the path while she, herself, keeps an eye on the open span above them, making sure nothing's going to soar overhead and accidentally catch sight of them or could potentially spot them from the windows.

Ian, himself, keeps to his usual place: the middle and back of the group. He's content to give Ellisia lead, keeping an eye on the casters and the way behind them. "Grace? Can ya keep a ward on the door? Somethin' that'll let us back through but maybe keep anyone from comin' out behind us? Or vice-versa if we have ta make a quick retreat?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan eyed the castle warily - approaching it like this was risky. Someone or something could spot them and raise all kinds of Hell. "Looks like no one noticed what happened in the tower... I hope our cover holds for a bit longer. Anybody got an idea how to get inside that thing?" The darkling stuck with the rest of the group, constantly glancing around and at the castle, body tense as he prepared himself to jump into action the moment they were spotted. They got lucky to get this far without being noticed, but he doubted that their luck would hold.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Yeah, sure. I've got some stuff prepared for spots like this." Grace says in reply to Ian, backsteping to crouch by the door. This time rummaging through her own small pack for a moment, before pulling out some kind of paper charm and placing it over the doors lock. She holds her palm over it for a few seconds, a faint yellow glow washing over it, and then passing as her spell is complete. "Okay, the door is sealed for as long as this note stays here. Also since it jams the lock as well, anyone on the inside won't be able to turn the handle. Makes it seem like it's locked you see." She says seeming happy with her little trick.

Ellisia acknowledges Grace, a barrier hidden inside a faux locked door was more subtle than one just waiting to get walked into at least. Then responding to Jonathan, though keeping her eyes on the surroundings as always, "Well we'll get as close to our goal as we can whilst it does last. Despite some obstacles we've done well overall. Let's see if we can keep it up." Ellisia says looking for the next route to take.

"These castles always have extra rear entrances and escape passages don't they? I bet if Jon could slide under one of those he could let us right in." Graces voice is heard again to offer from the back. "Saw it in a book. They used them during sieges and stuff."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Yeah." Jonathan nodded without looking at Grace. "That could work. Assuming the door itself isn't guarded or observed... Otherwise, we'll give our presence away." The darkling took another look at the castle. "The question is, where can we find another entrance? Anyone got ideas?" He frowned. If he remembered correctly, such passages were usually used to escape from a siege, or to keep a fortress supplied when other routes were cut off. In that case, the tunnels would usually lead outside the castle's walls. Then again... Not every castle had to have such installations, since they could be a security risk, and there was a chance that they were destroyed. This would make things hard for the group.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

The idea of crawling around in even more tunnels was not appealing to Sho, but if it meant them getting out of here, she'd suck it up. "Good thought, but let's stick with the original plan for now, retracing our steps. If we find somewhere that leads out, I'm all for finding us a shortcut, but we've got to get Isabella first and foremost."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"The only problem about going out is that barrier," Emily comments quietly as the group slowly and cautiously make their way closer to the castle. "We can't step out of it until Siphon's taken down whatever's generating it." As the group continue to move, sticking to the shadows cast by the wreckage in the courtyard they'd eventually spot a small door in the side of the structure, its position and the creepers around it possibly hiding it away from anyone who weren't looking for a sneaky entrance to the building.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Here's hoping he gets back to us soon on that. Or we at least get a clue that it's down so we can get the hell out of here as quick as we can."

Being a little closer to the front, she lets out a soft "Hey" and inclines her head toward the covered door, perhaps confirming to others that it's been spotted. "Think we ought to check that out?"

If they do examine the door, it's a matter of seeing how readily in use the thing seems to be. If the creepers seem undisturbed and the ground around it doesn't look used, it might be a good way to sneak in that no one would consider using.

"Where's a rogue when you need one? I could use someone with a find traps roll right about now," she mutters.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan eyed the door carefully, trying to spot any sign suggesting that the door was used recently. "You know... We don't really need a rogue." He muttered to Sho. "We just need someone who can tank those traps, assuming there are any." The darkling glanced at the rest of his group. "Should I sneak in and see what's inside? This might be our way in." The door looked pretty harmless to him, every step they took now was a gamble. Would they be discovered now or not?
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Hmm? How can rolling find traps?" Harrel quietly asks Shoni, evidently oblivious to the culture reference or it even being a joke. Ellisia meanwhile steps up to the door to inspect it briefly. "Looks good to me. Yeah, if you can slip in there and see if there's a way to open it from inside, this will be ideal."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Here goes..." Jonathan sighed as he began to melt into a black puddle, slithering over to the door and probing around for a crack before slipping a single tendril in. He intended to materialize an eye and take a good look at what's on the other side before continuing inside and returning to his human form. After that last battle, he could no longer assume that he could relax just because his enemy's weapon seemed harmless. There could be more monsters with cursed arms waiting inside.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Wouldn't be me," Sho tells Jon with a bit of a chuckle. "I'm a delicate little flower, I am." She grins a little bit, but the thought runs through her mind about how many of them could take a hit if it came down to it. Ellisia would likely be able to deflect an oncoming blow, Grace had her barriers, which might help, and Ian had a habit of snagging fists and weapons just before they hit. Jon, in his darkling form, could, but she wasn't too sure about his human. Harrel, Emily, and Al were a bit up in the air, though she leaned toward not. At least not a crippling blow. They could all likely take a punch, but anything serious and things could get hairy. She didn't want to think about that, and thankfully, Harrel was a good distraction.

"Never played Dungeons and Dragons or the like, Harrel? Bit of a geeky reference, I know, but now and again, I just can't help myself." She grins just a little bit.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Oh... a game reference?" Harrel answers, letting out a subdued laugh as he realises, "No, I've not heard of it. I've unfortunately not really had time for such things since coming here. So this thing is like... a fantasy persona game?" He continues, notably glancing to Ellisia at one point as if checking that he's not being frowned upon for the light distraction. Though she doesn't seem to mind, keeping her attention on the surroundings and the door. "I might have played similar things before. Can't help but feel we're in a very 'Dungeons & Dragons' situation right now eh?" He smiles, looking to the sky for a moment, hoping not to see said dragon for a while longer.

"D&D? I had a look at that once, but haven't ever played. It seemed like there was a lot of rules." Grace adds, having been casually listening to one side and deciding to poke into the conversation.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jon would find that the door, for the most part, lacks any kinds of cracks or splinters to snake in a protruding tendril, its better-than-expected condition probably a testament to the carpenters skill. However there is a big enough gap between the floor and door to slide under.

The room itself is quite small, only about five foot by six foot and appears to have been used as a kind of shed for the gardeners equipment. The shelves and tool handles have long since broken down, chunks and splinters littering the floor, while rusted husks of what were once gardening equipment lay scattered and abandoned. It would seem as if the room is a dead end, that is if there wasn't a small hole where several stones have been removed or worn away, a slight light pouring into the tiny room. From the hole several cracks can be seen, suggesting that with enough force the wall could be knocked down. Failing that it may possible to pull it down in a quieter fashion.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

After taking a good look, Jonathan began to move, sliding under the door. It seemed that they may have hit the jackpot. No one would expect an intrusion from such a place. The only problem was the wall, but perhaps they could work this out. After getting inside, he quickly changed back into his human form before turning his attention to the door. It still looked fairly decent, but whether it was unlocked or not was another matter. Either way, if he could open it, he would. If he couldn't, well... He could always let people know and watch them take it down.