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Mal-Umbra's Inner Sanctum


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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A false world composed entirely of profane shadowy imitations of reality, contained within Mal-Umbra's own intangible being. Sometimes taking the form of a twisted replica of the surrounding terrain, other times an artificial construct of Mal-Umbra's own design, or perhaps a horrifying organic pit of tentacles. Being a fickle construct of will, nothing within is a permanent fixture, forming, folding away, or redesigning itself as seen fit.

In quiet times when not "entertaining guests", one particular form often taken is that of a single solemn looking mansion and it's grounds of colourless inky flowers. This space serving as the home for Henrietta, Mal-Umbra's pet. Outside of these grounds appears to be a somewhat blurred wider landscape, but this is merely illusion, since the limited worldspace soon wraps back in on itself the moment one attempts to leave it via direct means.
Re: Mal-Umbra's Inner Sanctum

Mal-Umbra's Inner Sanctum
Victory/Defeat Scene. (Transferring scene from Human-Kingdom thread to here.)

Mal-Umbra chuckles darkly. "Oh, do not worry about paying me, dear Lizzy. This is my gift to you both. I give it freely." he replies mockingly to Lizzy's attempt at defiance, knowing plainly what she had actually intended to say. "The fruits of our union shall empower us both. This is a, mutual, exchange."

As the demon speaks the tentacles working the girls in their aftermath, would gradually withdraw and eventually all slip out one by one. Their stained lengths proceeding to draw themselves upwards pressing against the girls bodies and following their curves, dragging channels of slime all the way upwards. One brushing up the side of Ilessia's cheek and forehead before departing, and another flicking past Lizzy's lips on it's way out, leaving a small smear between them that she had no way to get rid of. The strange unnatural smell of the purple goo was alien and hard to define. Somewhere between the sharp bitter sweet of alcohol, and also perhaps licorice of all things, yet with an profane oiliness that defied description.

With the tentacles removed, the girls would find themselves lacking support from beneath, now gripped largely only from the sides by the slick demon lengths that wrapped round them. As snugly as the tentacles gripped, they were far too lubricated to support the two women's weight, and thus Ilessia and Lizzy would find themselves slipping downward squeezing between their grasping bindings. Reaching a tipping point they suddenly slide free and drop the remaining short distance down into the murky purple pool beneath them. Landing waist deep with a squelch and a low goopy splash, they'd find the base of the pool to be comprised entirely of some moving mass of slithering dark tentacles. The living floor shifting as they land, the girls are unable to retain any kind of footing or balance, and soon topple over. Upon landing however they discover a bed of tentacles has risen part way to catch them, with Lizzy landing back first into the pool but supported so that she floats only a few inches deep. Her silvery white hair splayed out around her, floating stained upon the surface. Ilessia had simultaneously fallen and been pulled down by her partner in heroism, to land on top of Lizzy. Any attempts Ilessia might have made to find footing or push herself up off of Lizzy, would find the tentacles her hands and feet found beneath the murk, sinking away seemingly uninterested in bearing her weight, leaving only delicate Lizzy to support her. A few lazy tentacles roll up from beneath the surface and wrap over them across Ilessia's back, but without any strength. She wasn't being held down, but neither had she anywhere else to go, spare a dip in the pool.

Whilst the duo lay together trying to make heads or tails of their new position, one more tentacle would begin to rise between their thighs. This one, whilst unseen by the girls, was notably unique in how much unlike the others til now, it possessed a ribbed and bumped texture. Trickles of slime running down it's length between the bumpy nodules and dripping off the ends. "We have some time to share together yet, however, before you bear." Mal-Umbra comments distantly, as the special tendril leans against and rubs up firmly past each girls entrance in turn. The bumps pressing over their petals and flicking past their clitoris. Reversing in direction and repeating in a steady rhythm. The pleasure beginning to well up and course through them once again, building upon the pervading haze that weighed upon their senses, and amplified by the absurd amounts of tainted demonic fluids that now liberally coated and surrounded them.

Re: Mal-Umbra's Inner Sanctum

((Sorry for not responding. I've been feeling rather unmotivated lately.))

Ilessia shuddered as the tentacles pulled out of her and rubbed against her. She closed her eyes and nearly lost herself in the tentacle's scent, but was able to regain herself. She was about to move her arms and tell Lizzy of a plan she's been cooking up when she felt herself beginning to slip through the tentacles' grasps. "Brace yourself." She yelped as she started to fall. "Oof" was the only sound that came out of her mouth when she landed.

"Well. This isn't really much better from before." Ilessia was referring to her position in relation to Lizzy. Not that she was complaining. In fact, whether from the corruption or another factor, Ilessia was starting to feel a certain attraction towards Lizzy. As much as she liked being like this, the two of them needed a way out. She rested against Lizzy and tried to think of a way out of this place.

Ilessia was caught off-guard when she felt something prod against her entrance. "Ah! Hah..." She moaned out as the tentacle started moving against her. The haze in her mind that was in the process of breaking down started building back up. No. We've got to find a way out of here. But, this feels good and Lizzy actually looks cute. She was in no state to chide herself for thinking these thoughts. "Ah... it's good.. so good..."
Re: Mal-Umbra's Inner Sanctum

Lizzy couldn't really focus on the words that Mal was saying, though, threw all the pleasure she heard some of his words. Fruits of our union? Lizzy muttered out as she could feel the tentacles around her and Ilessia on hugging of her. They dragged themselves up her body, lathering her in their sweet smelly slime. Her senses were filled with their smell and touch, it was hard to think about anything else, although some part of Lizzy still survived the lust. It was horribly burdened currently, occupied with fighting off her own lust.

Soon enough threw her haze, she felt Ilessia and herself start to fall from the lack of tentacles! Uoof! Lizzy moaned as she hit the ground first, tentacles once again around her, just below her this time. Ughhh, Ilessia. Lizzy said as she felt Ilessia on top of her. Lizzy's own eyes looking up at her in slight confusion. She couldent really tell what all was going on. She was mentally exhausted, her own violation started before Ilessia's.

Lizzy's own petite frame was sprawled beneath Ilessia, her own silver hair floated around her and framed her face in the slime-ish water they were in. suddenly while she was laying in the water, she es a shock like sensation spread through her! A new tentacle was rubbing her petals! Ahhhh... Lizzy moaned as it kept moving, destroying any attempts that still sane Lizzy was making! She could only lay there and enjoy what was happening, stuck in her hazy state.
Re: Mal-Umbra's Inner Sanctum

[Note: Telepathic communication shown with < . . . > marks.]

"Indeed girl. After the flower, comes the fruit. Such is the nature of things." Mal-Umbra replies softly with a smug leering squint. "But do not worry yourself with such things for now. You should relax.~" Innumerable submerged tentacles massaging at her back, and curling along her sides. Slender ones sliding up to encircle and lovingly caress her sensitive breasts once more. Ilessia's weight pressing intimately against her naked body, and pushing her ever so slightly under the surface of the pool.

In response to Ilessia's comments, Mal-Umbra once again voices an amused low rumble, almost as if the world itself was emitting a deep subtle purr. Causing slight ripples to be seen on the pool, and low vibrations felt through everything. "You seem conflicted Ilessia. Something on your mind?" Whilst Ilessia might have more than one answer to that query come to mind, Mal-Umbra had intentions to nudge her in a particular direction. Before she might be able to answer she would feel a foreign presence encroaching upon her mind. The demons uninvited voice echoing within her own thoughts and blurring with her own. <"Why do you hesitate? Can't you see her waiting for you? Take her lips. Share what you are feeling. Make her feel good."> The later portion of these words having an unnaturally persuasive and commanding air that burrowed into her will and lingered against any attempts to dismiss. Suggestive imagery projected into her mind in accompaniment to the implanted Geas. Ilessia would see a mental image of Lizzy lying before her arms outstretched, gazing longingly, in need of saving. Flashing glimpses of brushing lips, and slender fingers seeking across soft skin. In intervals between the mental illusions, would also be the "real world" as the heroines currently knew it, where Ilessia looking down upon Lizzy would see only her pleasured face and misty eyes gazing back at her, with no where else to look. Under the attention of the nodular tentacle sliding across both their nethers, the girls would be moaning into each others faces, feeling and sharing the same breath.
Re: Mal-Umbra's Inner Sanctum

Ilessia continued on with her soft moans of pleasure. She didn't notice the rippling of the water when it happened. When Mal'Umbra spoke, part of her wanted to say "do I wanna rip out your eye or cut every last tentacle in here?" However, when the voice spoke to her in her head, Ilessia looked closely at Lizzy- at her face, her eyes, then her lips. Steeling herself, she leaned her head closer and planted her lips on Lizzy's in a deep, yet awkward kiss. She wasn't entirely certain she was doing this right, for she had never kissed a girl, or, for that matter, anyone, before. She never even considered if this was true passion, or if she was simply obeying a master.
Re: Mal-Umbra's Inner Sanctum

Lizzy was moaning right into Ilessia's face from the tentacles feeling her up. Her mind was all hazy, so she didn't even notice Ilessa's intentions before she felt the felt her lips be taken! Her eyes temporary widen and seem clearer for a moment at the unexpected act. Sure, when she was a kid she had innocently explored around, and kissed a few other, but she hasn't done anything like that since she was young! Following her instincts and lust, she could only inexpedience try to reciprocate the kiss. She broke the kiss sometimes to just let out a moan, as she was still being felt up and teased by tentacles!
Re: Mal-Umbra's Inner Sanctum

Floating in the background Mal-Umbra simply watched contently. Ilessia had overall proven more resilient than expected, her affections still awkward and restrained, but that would readily change in time. Lizzy meanwhile was delightfully delicate and malleable in her current state, yet seemed to possess a spark that Mal-Umbra was confident was in no genuine danger of being accidentally snuffed out. They could both endure more, even if their minds gave way temporarily. It was the difference between those that could withstand, embrace and be empowered by their corruption, and those semi-mindless broken dregs that wandered the fallen city outside.

Speaking of such however, Mal-Umbra would frown and wince slightly, unseen to his pre-occupied guests. Having felt an uncomfortable disturbance from outside his realm, he narrows his eye in quizzical suspicion. He had admittedly been paying only loose attention elsewhere, but had not expected this. Had his senses deceived him? He would have to investigate. The girls would be perfectly fine left soaking in each others company for a while.

"I think I shall take my leave temporarily, whilst you two stew and enjoy each others company. Don't go anywhere.~" The demon speaks, adding a mocking flair to the end. Then, like a tiny black hole or ink swirling down a drain, the orb spirals and disappears into itself. The realm and surroundings remain as prison like as ever however. In fact, it begins to shift. The turbid purple pool gurgles, and the tentacles that composed the "walls" of the pit take on a new lease of life and begin to move with new energy. The bed of tentacles that Lizzy and Ilessia lay on looses cohesion, both sinking and lifting unevenly, forcing the girls to try and find footing of some kind or sink. More pangs of unnatural sensitivity hitting them once more as both their crotches are momentarily submersed in the strange liquid. As the walls ripple, they begin to both reach in, and encroach closer. Leaning over from the top, the pit begins to close up blotting out the fake sky into a smaller and smaller circle above them. The reaching tendrils from the wall seeking out and sliding over their skin, and pulling at them from all directions. The girls could either cling onto each other to stand their ground, or be pulled apart to opposite sides of the narrowing sealed chamber. Either way, the encroaching mass of fleshy lengths sought more than just touching, and with the heroines powerless to resist it plunged back into their defiled holes for another round. Mercilessly setting up a rhythm of thrusting even more eager than the first time, and pouring waves of pleasure heightened by the corruptive fluids that had by now soaked into every inch of their bodies. Spurts of demonic juices already firing from the idle tentacles at the sides, and those rubbing over their skin. The cramped chamber engulfing them from all sides now, filled with obscene wet lewd noises and the sound of Lizzy and Ilessia's own ecstasy. Should they let their guard down, the tentacles wouldn't hesitate to slide a length past their lips and down their throats. Or alternatively, they could opt to keep their lips busy locked together instead. A telling throbbing would signal an impending mass ejaculation, as their precious places are erupted into. A thunderous orgasm forcing each heroine to involuntarily clamp down on the pumping tendrils, trapping more inside than even before. Bloated, exhausted, and wracked with irresistible lust and pleasure, the girls might start to wonder if it would ever end. If they'd ever escape, or if this was all they'd know from now on. The tentacles themselves, had no intention of giving a second reprieve, already throbbing yet again no more than a minute after their eruption. Ruthlessly convulsing thick streams of devilish seed with a pressure that pushed on their insides, to the point the girls could feel themselves stretching. Despite their cruel treatment, their drugged haze seemed to dull any pain, superseded by yet another looming orgasm about to roll over them.

And it didn't stop. There were no sarcastic quips or suggestions from their captor this time. Nor time to rest or recompose their thoughts. No daylight or reference to tell the time by. Just relentless undulating violation and assault upon the senses. Eventually, rising exhaustion would overcome them, and all would fade to black. Finally passing out under the burden of an orgasm.

What Lizzy and Ilessia dreamed about during this, if anything, only they would know. When they finally awoke however, they'd suffer the misfortune of finding themselves exactly where they blanked out. They were sore, but sane, although the powerful lust induced in them remained in the back of their minds. The tentacles had calmed down... mostly. One gently working the ass, but the rest merely cradling and slowly caressing. But most significantly, they would each notice how their bellies were both massively rounded and bloated, as if heavily pregnant. Their breasts also felt swollen, tight, and obscenely sensitive. Suddenly in the dim light, an unfortunately familiar glowing pink eye would emerge. "Ah, aren't we looking ripe now."

The sensation of something moving inside, and a sudden twinge at their cervix. Something was about to come out. It had started, they were giving birth.
Re: Mal-Umbra's Inner Sanctum

((May want to wrap this up soon- running out of steam for this.))

Ilessia was too enraptured in the moment to hear Mal'Umbra's words or notice his departure. Between moans, she alternated between kissing Lizzy's lips and her neck. She pulled away briefly to catch her breath, then pressed her lips to Lizzy's again. She kept a tighter grip on Lizzy when she felt herself slipping off the makeshift bed, hoping it will keep her from falling. When the tendrils started to rub against her skin, she shuddered at the minor pleasure. She clung onto Lizzy tightly to keep from being pulled away from her.

Upon being penetrated again, Ilessia moaned into the kiss. Stop... was the only remotely coherent thought to break through the growing haze. Whether the thought was addressing Ilessia or the appendages, Ilessia herself did not know. She realized what the tentacles were attempting and kept her lips locked with Lizzy's. After all, she preferred Lizzy's tongue in her mouth over some foreign object. She arched her back as the tentacle in her released its seed into her womb and she reached her own orgasm. Minutes later, she moaned out again as the tentacle released even more of its seed into her. She closed her eyes after her orgasm and quickly passed out.

When Ilessia awoke, she felt as though she was shaking. She assumed this was from a nightmare she had that night. At least, she initially thought it was last night. She had completely lost her track of time in the time she spent in this realm. She looked down at the nude Lizzy and the recent events returned to her. She shook her head at the memory of her kissing Lizzy. You were in a trance, she told herself. She noticed Lizzy's belly and its roundness. She then looked at her own belly and quickly started to panic. No... please, no. This can't be happening. When she felt something move around within her womb, her panic did not subside even a little.