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Man for Hire (Orland)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Orland was aboard a small ship, he was sailing inland towards the infamous island that sailors say claim the lives of men. Only a few men were aboard the craft with him, and they were under an agreement that once they left Orland on the island, they would set sail back for the mainland, and return two months later.

Eventually, the small craft neared the shore. The captain ordered the men to hoist anchor, and place a ramp down, leading to the beach. Once that had been done, the captain turned to Orland, "Alright, this is where you get off my boat," he said coldly, "And god save you, since I'm not even sure I shall make it back to the mainland. I can already feel this wretched islands curse crawling up my spine."
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu's trip to the island had been a very quite trip. The few men on the boat save for the captain seemed ready to gut him and toss the body over broad. Another soul lost to that damned island.... or at least that would be their story if you had their way. Luckly for him the trip from the mainland took no more then a day or two given the wind.

As the craft neared the shore he watched the sailors movements making sure one didn't act on his want to be rid of him. Hearing the captain's order, Orlandu rose to his feet, checking his person.

Sword, knife, water canister and coin pouch... He felt like something was missing but knew he wasn't.

As he walked to the ramp he heard the captain remark.

"God works in odd ways does he not." Orlandu answered as he walked down the ramp. Once on the sand he toss the coin pouch to the captain.

"Four hundred. Four times what I offer to get here. Get me back to the mainland in two months you'll get another four."
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The captain grunted at Orland, "If we even make it back..." he said grimly, before walking to the middle of the ship, and shouting orders to set sail immediately. The anchor came up, and the board was being taken back aboard the ship, and soon the ship started moving, moving away from the beach, leaving Orland where he stood...

There was a patch of open woods in front of him, being the only real way to go, asides from to his left or right, which only held sand as far as the eye could see.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu watched as the boat slowly sailed away from the shore. With a shake for his head he turned to the woods... Now wondering what in the hell had he really gotten himself in too?

"To late to turn back now...." He said to himself. He reset the lock holding his sword in place. Setting it so it's pummel rested close to his right hand and the covered blade close to his left. He started to walk in to the woods already starting to make a list of what he would need to find to make the two month mark.

Fresh water, food, some type of shelter. Looked like his life was going to be really fun for a while.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

With little else to do besides explore, Orland took his time, looking for things that might meet his desires, until he saw something very different, or rather, someone. Orland saw a lone, dark skinned woman, with a tail, pointy ears, and a vicious looking attitude to boot. She hadn't noticed him yet, and Orland hide all but one opportunity to hide before that changed. Near him, were bushes to take cover in, rocks to hide behind, and even trees fat enough to conceal his body, allowing him to peak out and watch her movements...
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu could only shake his head as he wondered the forest. With nothing having been found yet, he started to try thinking up back up plan. Lost in his thoughts, Orlandu almost walk into the open letting the woman see him. The look to her, seemed liked an animal hunting something or someone. He took his time walking to one of the larger rocks, taking time to step lightly avoiding twigs or any dead leafs.

Once behind the rock he chose not to peak around the rock but to trust his ears. Then he drew his knife slowly.

Never get caught without a weapon in hand... One of his rules he had made. One of many he felt he would need to keep in mind.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Knife in hand, Orland didn't hear a single thing... Not a footstep, or even a breath of air taken into one's lungs... Before it was too late. Suddenly, a whole assortment of women looking just like the one from before appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, all pointing arrows at him from their bows directly at him.

All of the women, about a little over half a dozen strong, said nothing as they pointed their weaponry at him. They appeared to be waiting for his response, ready to let an arrow fly at a moment's notice...
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu waited... Time it self seemed to be paused around him. Nothing seemed to be alive around him as he wait trying to hear the woman movements. That was his first mistake. If it was just the two of them, like he thought, then birds and bugs should have been making some type of noise.

His eyes snapped open to the sight that part of him knew was waiting him. Women all with arrows drawn and aimed at him.

I can fight.... and more then likely die or give up. He thought to himself. The numbers game played a big factor in his thinking. But then another part of him told him damn the odds.

He slides the knife back to it's sheath and changes stance in to a combat stance as he held the pummel of his sword.

"They who dare.... Win." He said under his breath.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

As soon as his hand grabbed the hilt of his sword, their arrows were already flying at him. The only thing was, they weren't aimed at his body. Each of the arrows were aimed with masterful precision, as they cut the straps that held all of his gear together. Orland soon found that all his gear was falling off his body, and even his sword was robbed of him when an arrow bounced against his hand, cutting it, and making him jolt back in pain, dropping it to the ground.

Naked, except for the clothes on his body, Orland was soon approached by all of the woman who surrounded him. They put away all of their bows, and now had large broad swords in their hands, all holding them as if they didn't weigh anywhere near what Orland knew they did, and pointing them at him, letting the man know he'd lost this fight ever since he walked right into their trap...
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu tried to let lose his blade but the first arrow lunched had been aimed at his sword hand. The pain shocked his hand as the blade flew and clanging against the ground. He heard the fall of his water canister and knife after the sword. Their skill with the bow was unmatched as far as he cared... but it wouldn't stop it.

He dropped to a knee grabbing the hilt and pulling the blade just a inch free of it's sheath. He only stopped once he felt the present of the women about him with weapons drawn. His grip loosened on the hilt as he looked up at the one standing in front of him. The look on her face.... The look she gave him angered him greatly. Part of him just wanted to draw his sword and and take her out at the leg but he knew is he every tried something like that, He'd end up a pin cushion. Letting go of the hilt entirely now he stood looking the woman in the eye. He was not going to back in this glare at least.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

"Hands in the air..." the woman told Orland, who was staring back at him. The others moved about, surrounding Orland, to make sure if he did try anything, he'd lose an arm or two. The women weren't fools, there was no doubt about that, as they still considered him a threat even after his weapons were gone, waiting for his full surrender...
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu slowly raised his arms in to the aim leaving his hands open. Fighting back now would only mean his death. He at least knew when to bide his time right now. He would get a chance to get away... he would just need to wait for the chance to come to him. The only thing he questioned was would he still be able to take his chance if... when it came.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

All of the women smiled at Orland, their faces all seeming to carry an odd feeling that made Orland feel on edge, in one extent or another. One of the women behind him walked up, taking his hands, and folding them behind his back. He felt her take a length of rope, and tie it around his wrists, holding them together.

The next thing he knew, Orland found the woman pushing him back violently, knocking him down to the ground, so that he fell on his rear. One of the dark skinned women knelt down, and placed her hands on his pants, pulling them down, and leaving his lower parts exposed. All of the tribal women around him chuckled as he was exposed, enjoying seeing the man in such a degrading state. The woman behind him, who bound his hands leaned in, and gave him a lick that trailed along the base of his neck, and up to his cheek, before giving his ear a slightly painful bite, chuckling as she did so.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The smiles he saw sent a chill down his spine. Something about the smiles.... wore just wrong... there was no other way to put it. As he felt his hands being bound behind him... the feeling only got worse.

Orlandu tried to get a quick head count of the women to at least know how many wore around him. However, his count was cut off as he was shoved to the ground on his ass. Before he could get any word of protest, one of them had removed his pants.

What the hell! Orlandu thought before hearing the women laughing a bit. His eyes seemed to become a dark shade of red out of pure anger at this point. Then he felt the woman behind faintly lick his neck up the side of his face followed with a bite.

A gasp exited his lips but it didn't give any hints if he had enjoy it or not. At least he hoped it had not. One if his few quirks... that he wished to keep to himself.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The purple haired, dark skinned, pointy eared woman who pulled down his pants chuckled at him, as she reached over, and took his cock in her hand, slowly stroking it, before leaning down, and taking the head into her mouth, sucking on it with great force, pulling on it with her mouth, while circling her tongue around the tip.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Still trying to get an idea of what was really happening to him. He must of bashed his head or something... there couldn't be anyway what was happening was really happening. His thinking was cut off as he felt someone grabbing his member.

Orlandu's eyes snapped open to see the purple hair woman as the one who had brought him back to reality. As she pumped it for the short time she do, it came to life. He had snapped his eyes shut again but felt her take his member in her mouth. Even with it only being the tip he felt pleasure he had never felt before. He bit down hard on his inner lip trying to counter this feeling this...woman was giving him.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The woman sucked him off in that way until Orland's member was stiff, and throbbing with excitement. She gave his cock one final lick along the base, before pulling her head back, and adjusting herself over him, lining her slit just over his cock, before slamming down, taking his whole cock inside her in an instant. She let out a loud moan of pleasure as she took his whole cock in, all the way to the hilt, her tight folds squeezing his cock greatly.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The only thing keep Orlandu from making any sound was the pain from biring his lip but even with that as the woman worked him over, he was tempted to just enjoy the moment. The thought had been cut off by the fresh taste in his mouth.

But the taste only held his mind for a few seconds at most. He felt ever more pleasure then before so he opened his eyes. What he saw he half knew was coming. Orland saw the same purple haired woman taking him deep in to her... and he final let out a small moan of pleasure

" It...it feels.... good..." He said softly in a nearly silent voice.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

The woman chuckles at Orland seductively, giving him a confident grin, "Have you never felt a woman before?" she asked, grinding her hips a little, bending his cock around inside her.
Re: Man for Hire (Orland)

Orlandu at this point could not think straight at this point due to the pleasure the tribeswoman was allowing him to feel. Normally he would have thought out an answer out before saying a thing or giving any type of body language... but answered with a simple nod after the question left her lips. The feeling over powering his thinking...

Shutting his eyes seemed causing him to feel the everything even more. As she toyed with his member he felt every last inch of her as she did so. His moans coming more freely from his lips then before and slightly louder.