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RPG Maker Marionette Fantasy

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Re: Marionette Fantasy

Hey Everybody, sorry for the lack of updates and overall lack of attention. I recently moved from North Dakota to California and basically haven't had any real free time on my hand. neither before, during nor after the moving process.
so anyways, I'm looking for a job and what not and probably wont have much time to dedicate to translating the game until afterwards.
last I left off though, I do believe I was about half way done with Shurma the desert place.
Re: Marionette Fantasy

This is one I discovered late, and damn I wish this one got a finished translation. This is the one with a concept I loved - forcing the "marionette" to do WHATEVER I wanted her to do. The power...the utter depravity...it was amazing.

I understand if no one is continuing this, but maybe if we really want this we should get some tools and do it? What do I need - RGP Toolset, a translation program (I've seen them posted) and some time and motivation. Not looked into what's involved quite yet...

Oh - adding one question - creator's blessing for a translation? Copyrights/etc.?

so, to start translating, you'd need RPG Maker VX. the program used to make the game. then you need a translating program, and of course the ability to decipher the glib glob that comes out. if you just copy and past it straight over, it comes out reading like dookey. it sounds easy enough I know, but a lot of time you get to a sentence and its impression just leaves you looking at it... for hours... trying to figure out what its trying to say. and really, thats the most time consuming part.
you're more than welcome to try your hand at translating. I'd recommend getting a little practice in before releasing anything though. I look at some of the first games I've tried translating, and a lot of them sound like poop.
Re: Marionette Fantasy

Can you post what you have so far and point us in the direction of your autotranslator?
Believe it or not, I did some paid translation work in the past, but it involved Spanish and French, you know, languages I actually speak...
Although, I shall not be so easily disuaded.
I might pick up where you left off, if you post it and don't want to gouge out your eyeballs upon reading it.
P.S: Also, a quick 'where exactly is the text on RPG MAKER'. I've never used it before. Looks easy enough, but I fear messing with the scripting and how to play with machine translations. You getter a better sense of what's going on by seeing it play which is how, I surmise, you operate.
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Re: Marionette Fantasy

Alright, here it is. its not as much of the 3rd village as I thought I had did, but oh well. sorry I couldn't finish it, but you know, life stuff and things happen.
if anyone wants to take over, go right ahead. just, you know, do a good job at it.

Re: Marionette Fantasy

Hey at least you tried. And we have something instead of nothing. Your work is appreciated! Thank you! :)
Re: Marionette Fantasy

Could anybody post a decryption key (I can't find it)?

you shouldn't need a decryption key. you should just be able to open the link and download the translation.
about where to get the full game, you're on your own :p
Re: Marionette Fantasy

hey somehow the first city is so wrong... here are some bugs i found so far

1st. the graveyard: you cant go inside although it should work.
2nd. the waterfall at the beginning: you cant go there so she can drink water or get wet.
3rd. the city cave: you cant walk on the water like before. (the deadend one)
Re: Marionette Fantasy

hey somehow the first city is so wrong... here are some bugs i found so far

1st. the graveyard: you cant go inside although it should work.
2nd. the waterfall at the beginning: you cant go there so she can drink water or get wet.
3rd. the city cave: you cant walk on the water like before. (the deadend one)

Those are not bugs.
1. It's not intended for you to be able to enter the graveyard
2. Not quite sure what you're talking about here, but I haven't found any evidence that you ever could.
3. This was a new feature that the first translator (X-Calibar) implemented himself. It was never in the original game. (Un)fortunately, all other translation attempts have since been using the original JP version. As nice as his improvements were, they created numerous bugs in the rest of the game. You're likely confusing some elements of the modded version with the original.

On another note, I made my own attempt at translating a bit of this title several months back. Although I'd been hoping to complete it, I've realized my machine-translator deciphering skills are not quite as good as I had hoped, and my time has become pretty limited. So, I figured I might as well post what I've done now in case anyone might be interested. This translation goes up to the beginning of the port city. Do note that the accuracy likely isn't the best and there is probably a typo every now and then, but I do believe it is at least somewhat passable.

Also, excuse the lack of a hyperlink. 15 post limit and whatnot.
Re: Marionette Fantasy

the very first translator added those things they arent in the real game and were taken out because people didnt want the authors original work to be changed without their permission
Re: Marionette Fantasy

How do you progress through the cave north of the third town? I get attacked by rats every step I take.

Edit: Total revision of my question: what do you do upon reaching the fourth town? And how do you deal with the cave mentioned above?
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Re: Marionette Fantasy

Too bad the translation was abandoned, a really like the premise of this game, (and her complaining :D), so the dialogue actually adds a lot :D

Does anyone know of a way to edit the rpgmaker files without rpgmaker? Or better yet, isn’t there somebody more capable than me at hacking japanese dialogue? :D
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Re: Marionette Fantasy

I really really hope someone picks this project up, this game is just too good to be left untranslated.
Re: Marionette Fantasy

Can anyone tell me how to get the last stone after defeating the pirates? Who gives it to you at the port town?
Re: Marionette Fantasy

This includes all the work previously done by Rrezz, plus some additional translations I made those last 2 weeks. Compressed in RAR5.
As it's my first post, I can't post links. Replace [dot] by a dot in the url below.
Any feedback is welcome.

mega [dot] co [dot] nz/#!clYCERpB!zOXzSjEdz4bFVdcCha_VDaajiVH67_MS7IqVBgeav2w

Have fun!
Re: Marionette Fantasy

Is it now fully translated or? Just what did you translate?
Re: Marionette Fantasy

That's the content of a readme.txt file I added in the archive:


- Translate the actor names
- Translate the class names
- Translate the skills
- Translate the weapons
- Translate the troops
- Translate the states
- Translate the spell effects
- Some proofreading

In Kurt
- Translate the sex scene in the Kurt's bathroom
- Translate the dialog occurring when Maria leaves Kurt via the left exit (search for Chibi)
- Translate some variables and flags
- Translate most of the text of the roads to Serah (formerly known as Cellar)

In Kurt's Forest
- Translate some variables and flags

- Partial translation of the sex scene in the mountain road
- Partial translation of Shiloh

Former Changes
Courtesy of Rrezz

The battle on the mountain road is partially translated, the city of Shiloh is (very very) partially translated, and the road to Serrah is partially translated.

I plan to make regular (WIP) updates, if everything goes well. But before that, a feedback telling if I'm in the right direction would be useful, so I know if I should keep working on that and thus pay for a license, as I'm currently using the trial version of VX.
Re: Marionette Fantasy

I can't help you with that unfortunately. I don't play games until everything is translated/finished since I don't want to ruin the whole experience. Hence the reason I never play beta and alpha releases for games on patreon. I never understood how people can enjoy the game when its finished after playing the same thing over and over again.

Hopefully you find someone that can give you back some feedback ^_^
Re: Marionette Fantasy

I can understand that: having to stop playing at mid-game is super frustrating... Thanks anyway for your kind words!
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