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Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Where the common people of Southern Sanctum sell their wares.
Re: Marketplace

Misha settled down in front of a weaver's booth and grinned from the exhilaration of the flight.
Re: Marketplace

Jess jogs up to her about two minutes later, a sheen of sweat on her face but nothing else to show the run she went through. "Alrighty then, Weaver's stall, so we want what, bedrolls here, maybe the tents, right?"
Re: Marketplace

Misha shrugged her shoulders, "I would assume so. Saul said you would know what to get..."
Re: Marketplace

Jess shrugs. "I do, but I usually don't bother with tents and stuff, so I dunno where to find them. I tend to travel with as little as possible, its kind of hard dragging around a lot when your only three feet tall. Do you figure everyone will want their own tent, or is it safe to put two or three in one?"
Re: Marketplace

"Oh, right." she blushed a little, "Alright then, I think... probably can fit you Orma and I into a tent, but the boys will have to get their own." She walked up to the weaving spidertaur lady and said, "Excuse me, we have need of five tents, and 6 bedrolls, with a few extra blankets"

The spidertaur smiled over at them, "Alright dears, I can bundle that up for you, do you have the money?"

Misha pulled out the purse, but also the permission slip, "We have to figure out what's making people sick..." she said softly, "Can you give us a discount?"

The spidertaur peered at the note and nodded, "Take them dear, I can do without the money for now." The spidertaur handed a large bundle to Misha, who took it, thanked the vendor, and turned to Jessica.

"Alright, where to next? And... i don't mean to pry, but is conjuring the only thing you can do? Saul did tell us to get to know one another."
Re: Marketplace

"Let's see, we should be able to get almost everything else we need at a general goods trader, and I have no qualms telling you about myself. I can't even conjure by myself." Jess takes a moment to amuse herself by watching Misha's reaction to that statement before continuing.

"I've been meaning to talk to someone about this, since Saul is the only one going that knows, and he can't help. I'm a reservoir, I have the font of magical power, but I have no way to release it on my own. About once a week I have to stop by one of the teacher's places after class so they can relieve the pressure, so to speak. You're a smart one, probably pay attention in class, I'm sure you know what happen's if a reservoir is left to build too long. I have an item that uses my strength to conjure the knives, but it doesn't take much to do that, so... Mind giving me a hand once we leave?" She gives a half worried smile, and waits for Misha's response while they're moving through the market.
Re: Marketplace

Misha grinned, "I'd be delighted to help you." she said honestly, "There's a point where that talent of yours will probably come in very handy." she mused, "If there's a way to find someone well versed enough in GenMagika, if you were to augemt their power enough to change the disease into a cure rather than what is it now..." she trailed off, "I think that's the way to do it!" She said excitedly, "That's why you were chosen to go with us! James figured you'd be able to help with this." She stopped in front of a general goods Merchant's shop and set her package down. Grinning delightedly she hugged the halfling, "By the Gods girl, you're going to be a hero."
Re: Marketplace

Jess shivers a bit at the mention of James, but lights up as Misha kept talking, jumping around and hugging her back. "That's awesome! Maybe going on this side of the trip isn't going to be as boring as I first thought! Thanks! Oh, we're here, lets see, we need flint and steel, backpacks, some cast iron cookware, some torches..." She walks in with Misha, still listing off stuff needed, though she starts from the beginning for the shop manager, then pulls out the slip and puts on an innocent face. "So do we get a discount for saving the world?"
Re: Marketplace

The merchant was a burly man with an open face and a mop of curly hair. He grinned at the halfling, "And what would a wee one like you be doin savin the world hm?" He chuckled and started pulling out all that she had asked for, "I know what you young ones are up too, and hopefully I'll still be here managing me store by the time ye find a way to fix this." he chuckled again, "Git on with ye then. I'm sure ye've more to get."

Misha was a little dumbfounded by his attistude but as they exited the store with their load she grimaced, "Think we may need some horses? I'm to fine boned, and too... light in my muscles to carry much. I have to be able to fly still..." she looked woried.
Re: Marketplace

Jess was in a good mood, and this didn't even phase her. "Guess we'd better, I can't carry too much either, maybe a packhorse or something... Isn't it weird that Saul sent the three foot Halfling and the kid with the hollow bones to go grab supplies? Ah well, where would we find something like that? I usually just walk, and most of the shopkeeps kinda chase me out normally, so i dont spend much time here. Alland there is one of the good ones, i got him once by selling him some daggers, gave him his money back after, but he thought it was hilarious."
Re: Marketplace

Misha chuckled, "Then i suppose we'd better get there, after you short one." she said hoping that Jess wasn't sensitive about her height.
Re: Marketplace

"Hey, that's Miss Short One, to you." Jess responds without missing a beat, lifting her chin and taking a regal posture as she walks down the pathway. "And what shall i refer to you by?" She says with a grin. "Come to think of it, I don't know much about you, which is weird, I usually pick up bits and pieces just by hanging around and listening. Talk to me, fair is fair!"
Re: Marketplace

Misha giggled, "Well i ran away from home. My mom didn't want me to come here so..." she shrugged, "There's not much to knwo about me, except that petrova isn't my real surname." She grinned, "Maybe I'll tell you later. But other than that I'm just sort of obscure. I tend to not make myself outstanding, cause I'm still trying to hide from my mother."
Re: Marketplace

"Afraid she'll come hunt you down eh? I just stopped worrying about it, and they just kinda kicked me out eventually. It was kind of hard getting here without overcharging myself and going pop, but I eventually made it across to the ocean to the Eastern Sanctum, but they didn't like me after the first week so I came here. Wonder if they remember me..." Jess ponders right as they wander past a stable. She does a double take a few step later and throws up her hands as if to display the entire stable.

"Aha! And here we are, I think It's your turn, oh great and wingie Misha!" Jess does a fancy bow at the new title, stepping aside so Misha can head in first.
Re: Marketplace

The selkie grits his teeth as he strides angrily towards the weaver. "Let. go. of. my. arm." He bites off each word, the veins in his forehead bulging slightly.

He arrives at the weaver's tent, scowling and thrusting the slip in the spidertaur's face. "We need tents. Quickly."
Re: Marketplace

The weaver sniffed at him, "The other students were much nicer..." she bundled up a package of 5 tents and accessories, and thrust them at him.

Cally, hurt by his admonition, tightened her grip and drug him over to the all purpose merchant shop.
Re: Marketplace

Before Servante could turn, or get pulled away, Servante would feel as if someone had smacked him across the upper rear part of his head. There'd be no sign of anyone there, however.
Re: Marketplace

Feeling the blow to his head, Servante whirls, his face twisting in anger. Seeing no one there, and knowing full well that none of his companions studied telekinetic magic, he scowls and surveys the other people roaming the marketplace.

With no perpetrator apparent, he snatches his arm back from Cally. He casts her a baleful gaze, stopping to let the rest of the group pass him before turning to follow.
Re: Marketplace

He wouldn't get very far before being struck will a rather vicious wedgie. A voice would also echo in his mind, clearly not any form of telepathy, either. "You're going to have problems being your usual asshole self for a while, now. Just remember this the next time you consider mouthing off to deity."