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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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**EDIT** Say hello to some eye-devastating graphical mappity shit:
1 square = sq. yard. Hopefully not terrible - can you tell I don't know shit about architecture?

First Floor:

The second floor:

In general, the beige, orange, and yellow ones are free.
Also, in general, the rearmost squares are supposed to be closet space, but I was kinda lazy and didn't draw that in. '3' Cammy gets two squares (that's 2 square yards), but has more floorspace and a window with a view. Let's say the window isn't blocked by trees.

Uuuugh finally done, sorry for the several weeks worth of wait y'all. As a fair warning, this first section really doesn't have anything planned, so it'll probably be more enjoyable if you, like, you know, interact with your fellow maids, and shit.

As was mentioned, let's try not to get too heavy and srs.

Charsheets for the Master and Butler can be found in the charsheet thread... but they'll only hold info that's been revealed.

Ye miscellaneous setting info!

- Grail Manufacturing is a booming corporation founded by Bernard Jones some time in the 1950s. They're a big big producer of heavy machinery, but also are pioneers in the fields of robotics and cybernetics. The family is also a prominent name in the archaeological world.

- You've never met Harriet Jones (your mistress), but you've probably seen her on TV and been shown her picture and briefed on her in training or whatever.

- Probably forgot a buncha shit, by all means bug me if you want to know sommat else.

A road extends for a mile or three out of Cedar Pine, Iowa, heading southwest towards the border it shares with Illinois. There, the road splits; one continuing straight, the other branching off to the side, parallel - though you really can't tell the difference, surrounded on all sides as far as the eye can see by fields of one crop or another.

The sun is already up in the sky, though the morning is still a little dark. A little out of place in this rustic landscape, a black limousine takes the turn. There are four passengers in the back of it - one of them being a handsome, clean-shaven young man by the name of Domonic, dressed in a sharp black suit. His pale, silvery hair is worn neatly slicked back, the longest ends of his hair just touching the base of his neck. It, along with his vivid vermillion eyes and light skin, make it look as if he suffers from albinism - though he assures you, he doesn't. His smiles are warm, geniune, and frequent, and the instant you met him you had the impression that he was a very caring person.

Sharing seats with him in the overlong car are three young women. Cammy, Micra, and Rin are their names, and regardless of where they were before today, they are here now - out of thousands of applicants, only they were the vast means of Bernard Jones, head of Grail Manufacturing, to tend to the needs and of his grand-daughter and her new home.

A short drive down the road and the driver's destination becomes apparent, as the tips of trees soon rise out of the sea of grain. More tellingly, a huge roof can be seen behind them. The building's walls soon follow, poking out here and there behind the tops of the trees. It still looks bright and freshly painted, distinguishable from the early morning sky in it's much darker shade of rich navy blue.

The car comes up to a gate and stops for a moment. It is flanked on either side by a tall fence, black iron bars rising high out of a low, brick base. From where you are, you can see that this stretches far off to either side, and far inwards, as well - even for one of the richest men in the world, this estate is massive! And in such a strange location, right in the middle of the fields, far out of the city...

The car starts moving again, but it's still some drive to the mansion itself. The estate's grounds almost don't look like the reclaimed farmland that they really are, being full of regional transplanted flora, a few bare trails winding throughout. As you get closer to the mansion, the scenery gives way to the more traditional: manicured green lawns, rosebushes, hedges. The car pulls up just outside of the mansion, and Domonic ushers you all out, along with your luggage. The limo drives on, disappearing around a corner of the house.

From up close, your new residence looks even bigger than it did driving in. Immediately noticeable is the first floor's height - nearly twenty feet! - which is quite obvious by the house's windows, stretching up where a second floor would normally be.

As you admire take it in, Domonic walks up to a gate in a more normal, waist-height wrought iron fence.

"Ladies," Domonic says, eyes sparkling, "Welcome to Marshall Manor." He swings it open, bowing.

The patio beyond it is not quite as impressive as the rest had been... but then again, the building and its grounds were hard to beat. The ground was paved with smooth, gray stone. On the inside and out, the fence was lined with beds of flowers, ferns, and other small plants. A few small, clipped trees stood just outside the fence on the left and right, and though the majority of the patio was bare, a few benches sat on the edges, and a large, marble fountain dominated the side nearer the building.

It was a small step up from the courtyard onto the porch. Here, the entrance sits in an alcove of sorts, flanked on either side by rooms that protrude out, each clearly visible through wide, paned windows that stretch from the floor to ceiling. The one on the left looks to be a study, evidenced by several tables and desks, while the one on right looks to be more of a sitting room, a huge TV visible up on one wall.

A grin brightens Domonic's face as he cheerfully begins speaking. "Mistress Harriet should already be arriving at the airport - as you all know, she was in Connecticut until just a few hours ago, finishing up whatever she had left to do at the businesses' HQ. She has requested that we all refrain from entering the house until she arrive, and that we wait for her here. It shouldn't be very long, so let's just hang out here for a little while, okay?"

Some time later, the limousine heads back out, down the road it brought you in on - presumably heading back to the city, to pick up the Mistress.
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Cammy stepped up to the car and looked up to the awesomely large estate, left breathless and speechless at the sheer size of the place she would be working and living. Her golden yellow eyes wide and sparkly at the manor. As Domonic speaks to them, she courtesies to him in a polite and refined manner replying, "Thank you, Domonic." She said softly as she stepped through the iron gate into the impressive but not-nearly-as-awe-inspiring-as-the-mansion-itself patio. She would walk around the patio and peek inside to the windows of the rooms, taking in the study and sitting rooms, Wooooowwww....... What an amazing place...... I wonder if just the five of us will be able to tend to such a massive manor? She thought to herself as she would walk over to a nearby bench and sit down, pulling out her sketch pad and a graphite pencil before beginning to sketch her environment. She would occasionally look around the patio at the flora surrounding it, "Wow..... the patio sure is beautiful with all the flowers and trees around it..... It must be a lot of work to tend to it all." She thought out loud before returning to her sketch for a few moments more before looking up to Domonic and asking, "Uhm...... Excuse me, Domonic; but would you happen to have any idea on how long it will take for Mistress Harriet to arrive here?"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

The next to get down of the car was Micra, this girl had been watching her work partners and the handsome butler, they look suitable to work at her side and this could be enought to start a conversation with one of them. The pink haired maid looks like a young female of 15-16 years, some parts of her body were really grow for that age, like her breasts and figure, but for now these are reduced by her red maid outfit, Micra's legs move really slow and her skin looks silky and a little weird.

She soon follow the other maid example with a "thanks Mr Domonic", her ruby like eyes then turn to see the full place from her actual position and as her pink hair move with the hair, she scan every place that she can see, until someone else more get out of the car, trying to dont bother the drawer maid.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

The final girl to leave the limo, well... If you were standing on the other side you probably wouldn't see her over the roof. But then again the girl with the huge rack wasn't that much taller, so at least she wouldn't be staring up at everyone else this time. With that in mind she stepped out and looked back down the road, her silver hair hiding her face from view as she examined the road, the trees, the grounds, everything that she had just passed and stared at in complete and utter awe. "Wow..." Her head turned back around, and she stared at the mansion in much the same way, her silver eyes shining with excitement. "So big..." She started walking toward Domonic and past the gate, the size and majesty of the mansion grabbing her attention and leaving the not-quite-as-grand patio somewhat neglected.

For a few more moments she seemed a bit awestruck at everything around her, and as she walked around her hair and her dress bounced with every step she took. Her attention finally shifted to her immediate surroundings, and when she stopped to bend over and look at an orange lily anyone would notice that her dress and the flower looked very much the same. But she was still locked in her own little world, her head bopping from side to side while humming some random tune to herself.

But a moment later she turned her head to look for more pretty flowers and found Domonic by the gate. She let out a little eep and hurried over as quickly as she could, a worried expression on her face as she quickly bowed her head in apology. "Th-thank you, Mister Domonic!" Apparently she forgot her manners, and she realized a little too late that this was not the best way to start her service. "Rin is sorry! Very sorry! She will be more attentive next time!"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Hello Domonic."

The doors to the front of the house opened and revealed the golden haired, blue eyed woman dressed in a white maid's uniform. The first thing anyone would notice about her would be the black angel wings sticking out of her back.

"So these are the new maids." It was more a statement than a question, but there was no hint of disapproval in her voice. "I'm Mae."
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

With the door opening and another maid stepping out Rin turned her face toward the newcomer, and her glasses briefly flashed in the sun as she finally saw the woman with the wings greeting Domonic. Her eyes widened in surprise at seeing the girl, and in a moment any rebuke she was expecting from the butler was quickly forgotten. "Mister Domonic..." Her face turned back to the man, her glasses once again reflecting the light, only this time it managed to hide her eyes from anyone's view. "Is she..." A hint of awe was once again in her voice. "Could she be..." Her hands rose and joined together right in front of her chest as if she were ready to issue a small prayer. Her eyes quickly came into view, pure excitement twinkling in her innocent looking face just before...

"A Cosplayer?!"

She didn't even wait for a reaction let alone an answer, and she quickly bounced her way toward the woman in white with possibly the biggest smile in her entire life. She comes to a stop no more than three feet away, and once she's relatively still she offers the obviously veteran maid a respectful bow. "Hello!" When she came back up she was practically beaming at the black-winged angel. "Rin is Rin! She is very happy to meet you!"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

The winged girl looked down at the bespectacled girl and chuckled lightly, returning the bow. "Nice to meet you Rin. I do like dressing up. Perhaps we'll do that together soon."

When viewed up close, Mae's body was seemingly flawless. Simply gorgeous, with curves in all the right places. Her eyes, deep, blue, and penetrating, were vertiginous pools that a viewer could lose themselves in. Her lips were soft and slightly pouty. Her wavy hair cascaded in golden curls down to just beyond her shoulder blades. Delicate, slender fingers clasped one another gently. Milky white skin gave her an alluring, indoors-y look, but not to the point of looking unhealthy or unwholesome.

"What about you two?" She asked, addressing Micra and Cammy. "Are you two into cosplay?"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Domonic rolls his eyes at Rin, though none of the patience leaves his expression. "Don't worry, Rin," he says, "Harriet did say we're free 'till she gets here. Just remember to be more careful later - you know how volatile she can be."

The isolation of the mansion ensured that it remained quite peaceful, the only sounds coming the babbling water of the fountain, a few birds chirping, and the new Marshall staff themselves. A few minutes pass between their arrival and Cammy's asks her question. "Well," he replied, "She should be here soon, but she didn't tell me an exact time... Ah, there goes Nick to pick her up," he says, as the limousine rolls off into the distance.

With little else to do, he watched the car disappear into the distance, away from the mansion. With his back turned, the voice from behind catches Domonic by surprise! Before he can even reply, Rin is already at it. Once her little introduction to the winged maid was over, though, he made his way over to the two of them.

"Hello, Mae. This is the trainee I told you about," he started... but a trace of confusion was evident on his face. "I wasn't told you'd be here when we arrived... I thought you'd be with Harriet?"

By now, the sun has taken it's full position in the morning sky. The lingering gloom of the night is gone, and everything is brightly lit under it's golden radiance, and the early morning chill has been banished, replaced with a fresh-feeling heat. There are a few clouds in the sky, but they're pretty far off, and you can tell it's going to be a hot day.
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

The little mald stop her scan in all the place and the humanoids when the dark winged girl appear, it was really a great surprise to heard how the living creature named Rin choiced the more common answer, like if the strange creatures in this world only exist in the tales, maybe will be dangerous to said to anyone about her true identity and Micra decide to try to act as a normal girl, something that will be a little hard, as her creator add to her a limitated quantity of info of how should act a human, maybe if he would had added other kind of info of female personality; instead of only doujins, animes, mangas and porn... examples.

Turn into their friends is a priority to have a suitable home for our mistress. From her archives she download a personality that could mix with her own and create one that matched the likes of her partners and just in time the winged girl end her talk with Rin and tried to create a new one with Micra and the drawer maid. Taking the word and making a little curtsy the pnk haired maid said with a little smile Its a pleasure to meet all of you. My name is Micra and will be a honor serve this house.

Then she get close the two maids, not before put her hands behind her playfully and when she reach the place, her vermillion eyes look directly to Rin and smiling said So, do you like the cosplay Miss Rin? I had never tried it, maybe Miss Mae and you could teach me, we could get a lot of fun
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Uhm........... I never tried before, Miss Mae. I like anime, manga and comics. But I've never tried cosplaying before. Though you look very interesting......." Cammy said curiously, looking over the golden haired maid intently, taking all of her features and appearance into memory, before analyzing the silver haired and pink haired maids looks as well. I wonder....... Mae has wings..... So I don't think she's completely human...... I wonder if there's anything interesting about Rin and Micra as well? She said before flipping her sketch of the house in her sketch book over and quickly doing some rough sketches of the three maids and Domonic. Once she was finished she closed her book and tucked it behind her back before courtesy-ing slightly to the new maids, "I'm happy to meet you. My name is Camilia Hart, But you can call me Cammy. I hope we will all be able to get along and be good friends while we're here working for Big Sis- Erm, I mean, Mistress Harriet." She saids blushing at her little slip of tongue, it was still hard or her to address the mistress as Mistress Harriet, rather then Big Sister.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Dress up? Her? Thinking back on it Rin never really remembered trying to cosplay, not unless you count the uniform she was currently wearing. But she didn't have much time to ponder how cute she would look in a sailor suit (Squee!) before Domonic approached. At being introduced as the trainee he had mentioned Rin beamed once again, a smile lighting her face at what she took to be the greatest of praise.

A little bit later the other two new maids approached and introduced themselves, the pink-haired girl with the red dress simply called Micra while the big-boobed one shortened her full name down to Cammy. When Micra asked whether Rin like to play dress up as well she slowly became more nervous, and her hands started fidgeting while she started to speak. "Well, uh... Rin never really tried cosplay before, but..." Her hands quickly rose as fists until they stopped just under her chin, and that pure wonder she held came back in force. "But she is sure she would look AWESOME!"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae shrugged and then crossed her arms over her chest. "I would of course prefer to be with Mistress Harriet, but she told me to stay here and wait for all of you to arrive. She assured me at great length that she wouldn't be getting into any dangerous situations while away. I didn't believe her, but once she gave me a direct order..."

Mae shrugged again and let the statement trail off to draw it's own conclusions. She turned her attention back to the maids. smiling at Rin's enthusiasm with the cosplay issue. The pink haired Micra seemed to be quite chipper as well, which was good. Nice to see enthusiasm in the extra help.

When Cammy commented on her being 'very interesting,' Mae fluttered her wings a bit. "I guess you mean these? Mistress says I can keep them out when on the estate grounds. They're sort of my birth right. Heehee~

"So... Big Sis, eh?" She peered at Cammy closely. "Are you related to the Mistress?"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Of course, you are very cute Miss Rin, all should fit you perfect. Said Micra smiling and letting free a little giggle, but before continue the talk, the other two reveal some secrets, making that Micra turn to them, it looks like Kammy have a relation family/blood with their Mistress and the wingel girl maybe had lived many years in the mansion, so the little pink haired girl get closer and focus her senses on them
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

If it could happen a gigantic question mark would be suspended over the maid in the orange dress, but since it can't everyone would just have to settle for a rather puzzled expression peeking out behind Rin's glasses as her head cocked a little to the side. That couldn't have happened...right? It's not like people actually HAVE wings. It had to be some kind of trick, like some kind of clever use of strings or maybe even animatronics. Those quick little flaps were just Mae showing off! Those things couldn't be real! Haha, Rin, quit thinking crazy thoughts!


But why did that flutter seem so natural?

Ah, stop it! Happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts...
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Her wings are... Micra was a little confused even when this could be a trick, but this could also be helpfull to prepare all in case that someone discover her identity, so she turn to Rin and understand that the human could be very confused by all this and decide to calm her a little Its a great Angel outfit soo real, but should be more great to have a Guardian in the mansion, right Miss Rin? We could live more safe with a supernatural good being protecting our back.

Then the loli maid moved more close to the other two maids and as to the drawer maid Can i see your sketch book? i will love to see it, if that dont bother you and also can i ask about your relation with our Mistress ?
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae was unsure what the younger looking maid meant by saying she was wearing an "Angel Outfit." If anything, Mae was wearing a maid's outfit, but it would be rude to correct Micra in front of the others, so she kept silent. No need to embarrass the little one.

Come to think of it, both Micra and Rin seemed a bit young. She supposed they were both just late bloomers, but it was difficult to really tell, because Mae had been created with the perfect visage that she currently bore. She'd look like this forever, or until she was Unmade, although she supposed some magical or infernal mischief could alter her, but she preferred not to think about such things happening.

She waited to see what Cammy would say in response. Mistress Harriet had not let on one way or another whether she possessed any siblings, but then again, the Mistress seemed to prefer keeping many things to herself. It was in Harriet's nature to be private and secretive. But that didn't stop Mae from peeping over her shoulder from time to time. Harriet seemed flustered by it at first, but eventually understood that it was nearly impossible to keep secrets from a guardian angel.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Domonic claps his hands, his face beaming with happiness. "It's so good to see that you all get along so well!" He exclaims.

"Yes, it's a lovely pair of wings, isn't it?" He continues. "Mistress Harriet actually does like to cosplay every now and then. She dresses us up sometimes, too... won't she be excited when she finds out you're all so enthusiastic about it!"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Oh," Mae fluttered her wings a bit more for Domonic. "Thank you for saying so, Domonic. You're too kind."

Hmm, so Harriet was into cosplay? The angel had known that the mistress had many costumes, but so far, Harriet hadn't asked Mae to dress up in anything too fancy. Maybe that would change now that there were more maids about. Mae was happy to dress up however Harriet asked. She owed the mistress a great debt, and cosplaying was not a difficult chore at all.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

With nothing else to do, the idle chat continues for a while, the sun coming down bright and hot. Eventually the conversation dries up, and you all get ready for the Mistresses' arrival, which Domonic assures you will be soon.


One hour later...

You and your fellows maids have been standing out here since sunrise, and you still haven't seen or heard the Mistress or her black limousine! The sun's been beating down on you... the plush greenery surrounding you and the gushing fountain help deal with the heat, somewhat, but you are nevertheless quite hot, which isn't helped at all by your fancy maid outfit.

Domonic - who's spent the whole time close to Rin, keeping an eye on her out of the corner of his eye - seems worried. Besides Rin, he splits his attention between the estate's gate, far off in the distance, and the other new maids, whom he periodically glances at, biting his lip - obviously concerned what kind of toll the heat is taking on them.

Rin, unusually, seems much less sweaty than the rest of the girls, though the sun is beating down on her just as hard as the rest of you. And come to mention it, Domonic looks as if he's not bothered by the heat at all - not the least bit of sweat, despite being covered up head to toe in his black suit. It strange, but very obvious to any of the girls that approach him - the temperature seems to drop several degrees in his immediate vicinity!

Meanwhile, Mae, Micra, Cammy, and Rin...

(Feel free to answer still, Tenta - I just sorta uhh need to move this along some.)
Emphasis on some aaa
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae begins to fan herself. The sun's glare affected her in this mortal guise more than she would like to admit. Angels did not really look like humans in their celestial forms. Neither did demons. But when they walked among the mortals, it was best to look like something that the humans could readily accept. Humans thought angels were beautiful exemplars of themselves with cute swan or eagle's wings on their backs. In the last century, a fascination with black angel wings also had caught on in the collective psyche. So that was why Mae appeared to them as she did. The black wings were a trademark of her own choir, the angels of death. It helped humans associate them with their role as heavenly reapers. Somewhere off to her left in dimensional space, Mae's scythe waited to be plucked into the physical realm should she ever need to defend Harriet or sever someone's mortal coil.

Beads of sweat began to glisten on her brow.

"Shame we can't cosplay into some bikinis right now and just sunbathe while waiting for Mistress Harriet," Mae said, eyeing Domonic, who was the only one not sweating. "Wouldn't you like that, Domonic?" Mae teased him coyly. The Angel was not sure what Domonic's deal was. The Mistress had access to amazing wealth and technology. The butler could be many amazing things, she supposed, but she couldn't be sure.