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Maze of Hagghaquur - Chat game (WIP)

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The old thread for this is gone for some reason (this has been dormant for years, so I don't care much), but I recently decided to dust this off and give it another try. Also it was in dire need of a rework, and I need something to occupy my mind with.

Revamp monster table to adapt to new system

Maze Of Hagghaquur - Rule 34's Chatgame


It's been a long day for you, and in the evening you are more than thankful for falling into your bed. Only that this time you don't stop at the matress. You just keep on falling. . . and falling. . . into deepest blackness, and then beyond. You're falling so long you lose consciousness.
As you awake you find yourself in a... place, its shape and form not immediately apparent to you as if it was shifting into form right before your eyes. Sounds of animals and other, weirder creatures can be heard in the distance.



MoH is designed to be quick to play, based mostly on opposing d8 and d20 rolls. You find yourself in some manner of dungeon (which one, will be decided by the dice), filled with monsters that are trying to either outright rape you or manipulate you into bending over. And the more they use you, the more they force you to orgasm, the more you can feel your sanity slipping away, replaced by something else entirely.
There is only one way to escape the dungeon: You must find four parts of a key, ancient pieces of jewelry hidden throughout the dungeon, and assemble them. Only then you will be allowed to leave. But beware, the keys are guarded by the most wicked monstrosities that this nightmare can conjure.


Your character has three attributes from which you choose one - your main attribute, which has a starting value of 2, the other two have a value of 1. This is meant to speed up the character creation process and allow for easier playing. Defeating a boss or other certain events can grant you additional attribute points.

Physique determines how well your character fights and how healthy she is. Each point of physique grants you 5 points of stamina (your health) and 2 Attack or in the case of monsters, 2 Grapple.
Agility is your only way of dodging a monster's grapple. Once it's got a hold of you, it will try to rape you. It also helps you sneaking by monsters and running from them. Each point in Agility grants you 2 Dodge points.
Mind helps you resisting the temptations of monsters. Furthermore it helps you in finding items and grants you perks. Each point in mind grants you one perk and two points Alertness.

You can rest in empty rooms to refill your stamina, but there is a chance that you will be interrupted by another monster. A different method of refill your health is to drink a potion, which can be found as loot.

When encountering a monster, you have only one chance to flee - in your very first round of fighting. As soon as you see the monster you can turn around and run. If it sees you it's too late. From that moment on it'll follow you. To escape a monster that has seen you, you will have to first beat its Physique with your Agility on a d8, then win a sneak roll.

Especially agile players may choose to sneak past a monster, pitting their Dodge against the monster's Alertness. This either enable them to pass a room undetected or to score a guaranteed hit on an enemy, turning the tides in their favour. Be aware though – some monsters may sneak up on YOU as well.

Escaping rape is a matter of strength and luck. Unless you have given in to a monster you can keep attacking it even while being raped. If you land a hit, there is a chance that the monster lets you go. You can also escape grapples directly, which gives you a higher chance of succeeding, but does not deal damage.

While some monster are simply going to grab and rape you, others will use a much more manipulative way of getting into your pants - Temptation. If you are successfully tempted your character reacts as if she has gained a level in corruption. This effect stacks: With every successful tempting your character gets more willing. Temptation lasts until either the monster is defeated or one of you orgasms.

Speaking of Orgasm, this will be handled by a d8 system. Each round of rape, a d8 will be rolled and added to your Excitement. If either you or your rapist's excitement hits 40, they orgasm and lose their next turn. When a monster orgasms, it additionally releases the player. This can prove to be the perfect chance for either escaping or finishing the creature off. As such, some players may choose to pleasure a monster in their turn, adding another 1d8 to their Excitement that round.

In a limited way, the character can counter-tempt monsters by offering oral. Your character will still suffer stamina damage when being face-fucked, but you don't gain pleasure and can not be impregnated. As you become more corrupted, your desire to keep monsters out of your pussy wanes, increasing the difficulty of this action. Also, non-sentient enemies will not react to this. If the player escapes the grapple, she will have to convince the monster to go for her mouth again.

Pregnancy is another negative effect you may have to face. If you managed to get yourself knocked up you can't move as fast and are an easier target for monsters – your agility lowers by 1 while you're pregnant. Furthermore, after you have given birth, your offspring will start following you. It will try to impregnate you again.


There are several degrees of corruption. In order to gain a level of corruption, you have to lose its numbers of times every time. This mean that you have to lose once in order to gain level one. After that, you have to lose two more times to gain level 2, then three more times to gain level 3 and so on. In order to be completely corrupted, you need to lose 21 times.

Level 0: No corruption. Your character reacts normally.
Level 1: Aroused. You suffer a -1 malus on resisting temptations.
Level 2: Horny. You suffer a -1 on resisting temptations. When first penetrated or when your corruption counter rises mid-rape, either because your stamina hits zero or you are tempted, a 1d8 for mind vs. 2 is rolled. If you fail this roll you give in to the rapist and are his plaything until either of you orgasm.
Level 3: Wet. You suffer a -2 on resisting temptations. When first penetrated or when your corruption counter rises mid-rape, either because your stamina hits zero or you are tempted, a 1d8 for mind vs. 4 is rolled. If you fail this roll you give in to the rapist and are his plaything until either of you orgasm.
Level 4: Sopping. You suffer a -2 on resisting temptations. When first penetrated or when your corruption counter rises mid-rape, either because your stamina hits zero or you are tempted, a 1d8 for mind vs. 6 is rolled. If you fail this roll you give in to the rapist and are his plaything until either of you orgasm.
Level 5: Craving: You suffer a -3 on resisting temptations. When first penetrated or when your corruption counter rises mid-rape, either because your stamina hits zero or you are tempted, a 1d8 for mind vs. 8 is rolled. If you fail this roll you give in to the rapist and are his plaything until either of you orgasm.
Level 6: Whore. Your character is completely corrupted and has turned into a plaything for the creatures of the dungeon. You have no hope of fighting back. Of course, this does not necessarily mean Game Over. . .


Untagged perks may be taken multiple times. Perks with the „limited“ tag may only be taken once, unless they are unlocked with „Exceptionally.“ Perks with the „creation“ tag may only be taken at creation and can't be picked later.

Greedy (Limited) – When failing to find loot, you may re-roll once per perk level.
Barren – 5 % chance per perk level to not become pregnant on a successful pregnancy roll.
Armed (Creation) – Start with a proper weapon.
Forceful – 5 % chance per perk level to deal +1 damage, added after all other multiplicators.
Silent – 5 % chance per perk level that a failed stealth check doesn't lead to detection.
Clothed (Creation) – Start with a proper set of clothing and a clothing sack.
Lucky (Limited) – Increases your critical success range by 1 per perk level.
Bloodthirsty – 5 % chance per perk level that other enemies flee when you kill one of them.
Limber – Increases likelihood to escape a grapple by 1 per perk level.
Experienced – Your max pleasure is increased by 5 per perk level.
Pretty (Limited) – Increases likelihood that monsters will accept your offer for oral sex by 1 per perk level.
Tight – 5 % chance per perk level that the enemy takes double pleasure.
Gifted (Limited) – Gain one attribute point per perk level.
Inconspicuous – 5 % chance per perk level for a rest-disturbing monster to pass you by.
Trained (Limited) – When missing with an attack, you have a 5 % chance to hit your opponent anyway.
Slippery – 5 % chance for the enemy to lose their turn if you escape a grapple.
Lucid (Limited) – Reroll the current room. This can only be used once for a portion of a dungeon per perk level.
Naughty (Limited) – 5 % chance per perk level for a loss to not count towards the corruption counter.
Exceptionally [perk] – Removes the limitation tag from a perk, allowing for upgrades to it later on. This does NOT grant an additional level to that perk by itself.
Enduring – 5 % chance PPL to not suffer stamina damage from rape. You will still take pleasure.

Every time you defeat a strong monster and gain a key piece, you rise a tier. With every tier, stronger monsters roam the dungeon. And even the guardians of your salvation become stronger – or rather, they reach their full potential.

Tier 1: 1d20 for monsters, Bosses receive -2 on primary stat. Starting tier.
Tier 2: 2d20 for monsters, Bosses receive -1 on primary stat.
Tier 3: 3d20 for monsters, Bosses reach full potential.
Tier 4: 4d20 for monsters.
Tier 5: 5d20 for monsters.

Character sheet​

No male characters, sorry. Either females or futanari. Your character wakes up wearing rags that are just enough to cover up, but nothing more.
- - -
Player name:
Character name:
Character description:
- - -
And that's it. PM me this sheet or put it in your profile, and I'll make sure to find a corner to squeeze you in.

Rolls in detail
Type of dungeon: 1d8
Type of room/number of enemies: 1d10, 1d6 on subtype
Type of enemy: 1d20 per tier
Attack/Grapple: d20, Attack vs. Dodge
Sneaking: d20, Dodge vs. Alertness
Tempting: d8, Mind (-corruption malus) vs. Mind
Disarm: d20, Attack vs. Dodge
Attacking in a grapple: 1d20 on successful hit, 16 or higher = escape
Escaping grapple: 1d20 on successful hit, 10 or higher = escape
Giving In: 1d8, Mind vs. 2/4/6/8
Resting: 1d8, interruption on 7, 8
Finding loot: d20, Mind vs. 15
Type of loot: 1d20, 1d4 on subtypes
Impregnation: 1d20, Attack vs. 15
Pregnancy: 1d20 rooms and rests until birth.
Child: 1d12 upon birth, every new room another d12. If the numbers are the same, the child appears.

Critical failures, successes and ties
On ANY tie, a 1d2 is rolled, with 1 indicating the player succeeds, while a 2 favors the monster.

Grapple Roll C. Success: 1 clothing damage in the same round. If no clothing, first round of rape in the same round, dealing pleasure to both.

Grapple Roll C. Failure: Automatic release from grapple.

Escape Roll C. Success: Automatic escape, enemy loses their turn.

Escape Roll C. Failure: You lose your next turn.

Attack Roll C. Success: +1 damage caused. If grappled, also gives escape chance like escape action.

Attack Roll C. Failure: Weapon dropped.

Defense Roll C. Success: If grappled, the next successful attack or escape attempt doesn't offer a chance at escape. Otherwise, the player is grappled.

Defense Roll C. Failure: Monster loses next turn.
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