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Meeka (Avatar99)

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Re: Meeka (Avatar99)

Meeka's feels her last hopes of freedom and strength fade as the waves of warmth overtake her body. her spastic flailing fails to free her, and by the time the slime reaches her waist and her womanhood, she quickly climaxes, falling on her back. Her arms fall limply above her head and are quickly secured to the ground by more slime that seems to be appearing out of the darkness. Fully pinned and still fuzzy from her orgasm, she puts up little ressistance as the slime begins to cover a large portion of her body. Everywhere it touches burns with pleasure.

The slime seems to dissolve away her cotton panties. When it reaches her breasts, it does the same with her bra. She closes her eyes, resigning herself to her fate. She feels the slime covering most of her body now, everything but her head. She feels like she is wrapped in a warm blanket, but the tingling from the slime pushes her over the edge again.

When she comes back to the real world, she realizes that the slime has advanced to cover her entire head, save for her nose. It clearly does not want to suffocate her, at least not yet. Then a new feeling; she feels something inside of her! The slime has begun to penetrate her and is throbbing not only in and out, but pulsating up and down, squeezing her inside and out. Before she cums she feels more slime pushing it's way into her ass and mouth, throat fucking her. Before she blacks out for good, she feels like her climax is never ending.

Submit Roll:
5 > 1 Therefore play continues.

Meeka wakes up in the hallway, not sure how much time has passed. She is naked and cold. She finds a note near her that reads:

I saved you once, will I again?
-Dr D

Sitting up, she is extremely sore, but feels rested, especially considering what just happened to her.

Meeka DEF: 4
Meeka CONST: 3

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Re: Meeka (Avatar99)

She wakes up with a gasp and jumps up. That would appear to have been a mistake as her head protests and she holds it tenderly. She looks around as the memories of her situation hits her and she blushes remembering how good the slime felt. She stands up and stretches looking around her surroundings for something to cover herself with.

Re: Meeka (Avatar99)

Meeka cautiously searches through the piles of random debris that fills the hallway. She pokes carefully, hoping not to find any more slime. After a few minutes of searching, she find a torn white tank top. Holding it up to her chest, she reasons that is a close fit and slips it on. She pulls it down and finds that the torn bottom only covers to her mid stomach. She is happy that it at least covers her breasts.

Meeka DEF: 4
Meeka CONST: 3

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