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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

In case someone happened to catch my bitching in the hate thread/shoutbox 2 days ago and wondered wtf that was about...

Just got back from the hospital, appendix removed, gnawing down painkillers like candy in order to walk straight.
No wonder Dr. House pops Codeine 24/7...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Visiting grandma for a week, so expect to see me around less. She's been sick lately, though, so might cut the visit short.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Going to Japan together with Gaun for 2 weeks.
[panic intensifies because oh god wtf am I doing]
Re: Member Announcements Thread

And I'm getting surgery. Just great... x.x
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Going to Japan together with Gaun for 2 weeks.
[panic intensifies because oh god wtf am I doing]

Re: Member Announcements Thread




Eh, it's cool for me. :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

As a consideration to the non-Cesspit regulars around here I deal with frequently, and consider worth the effort, here's a small warning:

Don't be surprised if I'm even more foul-tempered than usual over the next few days. It's been a shitty week so far for me, and there's no indication that the later part is going to be any better.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm going to be traveling for the next two weeks or so. Expect sporadic posts at best.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

I just found out that I'm moving back to Japan, probably in March 2017. I lived there for a few years, and I'm pretty excited about going back.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

After some investigation I've come to the conclusion that one of my case fans crapped itself. Posting will resume after I get a replacement.
Re: Member Announcements Thread


No more 12 hour days plus overtime on days off to make ends meet -sobbing- I'm so happy
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Just putting this out here ahead of time: On the 10th, I'll be going on a cruise to Stockholm. Will be there for some hours during 11th, then come back to Finland on 12th.

Not that I can see why they'd want to meet me, but if either of the resident swedes happen to be in or near Stockholm at that time, drop me a line and we can maybe figure something out. Will theoretically be on land for about 6 hours(and in practice quite likely significantly less than that), so there probably won't be too much time though.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Back from the cruise. Had fun time, the entertainment on board was really top notch. was my favourite, and did two brilliant shows. We also visited Stockholm, though I didn't meet either of the resident swedes.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well i think I'll probably become a regular again, at least in the shoutbox. My life was pretty hectic for the past few years. I moved out of my home state on basically a whim to halfway across the US. Things were harder here with the type of job i had, cost of living was alot higher, but i live with a girl i love and i recently got a nice paying job. The only real downside is i do about a 2 hour drive everyday, but i got used to that.

More then that just happened but I'm happier then I've ever been in my life and i realize i missed this place. I might join some rps again so i can be terrible at that again.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well i think I'll probably become a regular again, at least in the shoutbox. My life was pretty hectic for the past few years. I moved out of my home state on basically a whim to halfway across the US. Things were harder here with the type of job i had, cost of living was alot higher, but i live with a girl i love and i recently got a nice paying job. The only real downside is i do about a 2 hour drive everyday, but i got used to that.

More then that just happened but I'm happier then I've ever been in my life and i realize i missed this place. I might join some rps again so i can be terrible at that again.

Sounds like my life over the last two years!

I posted in the wrong thread, lmao, this is what happens when i have multiple tabs open.
You see nothing!
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

I don't know how to go about this without setting some people off. To them I advise they ignore this. This only pertains to those who have the patience to understand me.

First off, let me introduce you to how my mind works. How I conditioned it to work for well over 15 or so years. At my core, I am afraid of being judged directly. And I grew to know that the Internet will judge you no matter what you do. So I made up an "emotional planet" of sorts. I make up personas to better reflect myself without the danger of being directly influenced. It sometimes works. Sometimes it does not, but at least my direct self is safe.

One such "continent" is Lila. She is a small, shy little Robot that tries her best, and panics when something small happens. As such, I have come to shine my real problems through in such a way that it fits that description. Even if it is true, I tend to spell out all of my problems in mind. The drama in the Hate and Rep thread is unfortunately true. I have come toward tough times in my personal life. And Lila is a persona that would not allow me to suppress it.

Okay, now that I divulged my "planet" to you guys, and take it as you will, ridiculous or not, I have plans to no longer use Lila here. As it has proven to be a problem. To those who pla with me and ease my strains, my friends, in a few months or sooner, Lila will have a Wisdom Reset and forget to read the proper files, leaving this universe for another without any recollection of anyone here.

Again, this may sound ridiculous but I have in mind a more mature persona to use that really doesn't get into all that drama. She has barriers from problems I could keep from divulging to this forum. This means less what people call "attention-seeking" and moreso like... aloofness. Ryka is much more mellow than Lila.

To those that care and not think of me as some weirdo, thanks.