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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

we tried to get a urine sample while the dog was on her back and she... squeezed. ;_;
Re: Member Announcements Thread

we tried to get a urine sample while the dog was on her back and she... squeezed. ;_;

...Squeezed. Never heard that word used like that before. Just lame it out, like it's Street Fighter X Tekken.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

It's okay Chibi. I've been squirted by quite a few babies when changing them. Granted a baby and a dog are quite a bit different but it all boils down to pretty much the same thing.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Survived another trek to Boston. Rolled in about an hour past the scheduled time last night, panicked at the thought of leaving something on the train, fell asleep, woke up and thought it was 10 at night, fell asleep again, woke up, went to work to get my schedule, unpacked, got together with the cuddlebuddy, and have to join the real world again tomorrow. Don't feel like it, but gotta pay that hotel bill somehow, heheheh.

Will put a pic up once I get things downloaded from the new camera.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I may be dropping off of the site for a time. Just started a new job, this is the first opportunity I've had in days to read anything let alone post. And I'm not normally all that active to begin with.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, good luck with it, Newbie. Just remember to drop in from time to time to let us know that you're still alive. Promise not to burn the place down while you're gone.
Re: Member Announcements Thread


A certain asshole at my workplace decided to copy my whole 7 days long experiment and introduce it in front of the whole damn crew as if it was his own. And, of course, it was my turn right after HIM and everyone blamed ME of copying his work. It took me a whole week of sleepless nights, just to be taken away and dissolve in thin air in just an instant.

Oh, but I got my revenge. His locker is filled to the brim with transparent special super-glue. Whatever touches it will be completely stuck there for about half an hour before it dissolves, or is melted down.


(you can tell I'm mad for all the capital lock)
Re: Member Announcements Thread


A certain asshole at my workplace decided to copy my whole 7 days long experiment and introduce it in front of the whole damn crew as if it was his own. And, of course, it was my turn right after HIM and everyone blamed ME of copying his work. It took me a whole week of sleepless nights, just to be taken away and dissolve in thin air in just an instant.

Oh, but I got my revenge. His locker is filled to the brim with transparent special super-glue. Whatever touches it will be completely stuck there for about half an hour before it dissolves, or is melted down.


(you can tell I'm mad for all the capital lock)

Please tell me you told the teacher. I'm sure you got more proof then he does of the research you've done and everything, right?

Also, dat revenge... well fuck.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Also, that's something more for the hate or rant thread than the members announcement thread.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh yes Lurker I told him about everything and showed him all of the proof needed after the presentation. He said that it was okay and that there was nothing to worry about, and also that it would be dealt with. But it never is, that guy did the same with about another three co-workers and nothing was done, so I decided to teach him a little lesson. (wow I sound cruel)

And yes I know that it could have gone to those other threads SirOni, it's just that I was so mad that I put this in the first 'talkie' thread that I saw, and wanted to, "announce" my rage, to put it simply. :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Just thought I'd wish a happy father's day to any dads out there on the forum. :)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I gotta take a step back from the forum. I'll still Rp but... The opinions of some people horrify me.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Dont let the minority sour your opinion of us.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Are you talking about the childish comments in the news thread the other day?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

You can say I'm still new around here, but I'll say it anyway. You'll be missed Chibi! May your time of lurkage (if you can call it that) not last for too long, and hopefully you'll be seen commenting again soon. :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Nunu and the chat made me feel better. I'll be poking around here still. I love most of you guys. Though with works and all my time is limited anyway
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, had another "Crap, I'm an adult now" milestone today. Went shopping for a new mattress and box spring with the cuddlebuddy. Found one, purchased it, and it's being delivered tomorrow (which resulted in a furious cleaning of the bedroom.)

One of the amusing things (also, Kismet?) is that the first name of the salesgirl that was helping us was my street name.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, apparently I have superpowers.

I have been blind my whole life on one eye due to a tumor stuck in the optic nerve, and if taken off my whole eye would fall off too. The part of the superpowers is because I've been able to partially see through it the whole time, and in my last annual check-up (yesterday) the doctor said:

It is completely impossible for a human being to see with an eye which is in such conditions. Your optic nerve is being completely pierced and blocked 24 hours a day, it is just not possible.

I'm getting another revision tomorrow, hopefully they'll tell me what the hell is going on.