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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Good luck. Not to rip on doctors or anything, but the human body is a pretty complex and crazy thing. Sometimes they don't know exactly what's going on too. I've had a few of those kinds of diagnoses over the years.

Also good luck towards it actually being a superpower too ;)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So you've always been blind in that eye... but you've been able to partially see through it the whole time. Which is it? And what do you mean by partially seeing with it? Can you make out light intensity? Color? Contrast?

I'm guessing you can always compare what you're seeing with the bad eye to what you're seeing with the good one. How much are you seeing through the tumor?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Ok, so everything turned out to be quite interesting.

Before anything, thanks OAMP for that, I thought the same thing too :) .
And Blue, I could see through the eye as a huge blurr most of the time, I can make up what's what kind of (if I concentrate enough), and the colours are another story.

The results of the tests say that my eye is completely blind; nothing new, but the interesting bit is how it said that my 5 senses (touch, smell, hear, etc.) are very developed.

After asking the doctor what that meant, he said that both my brain and knowledge of the environment AND my other (healthy) eye gave me the illusion of not being blind of that eye.

To put it simply, my brain and other senses make instinctively a 360º, 3 dimensional image of what the world around me looks like. So basically I see and at the same time I don't. This is mainly the reason why I don't see when I don't concentrate while looking through the weird eye.

Don't know if disappointed for not having superpowers or glad to be okay :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So you're almost like Daredevil, except your other senses aren't as good and you can still see out of one eye. I think I would opt for the only being half blind myself rather than full on Daredevil.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Sounds like good news. :) The brain is such an amazing thing.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

They are actually awesome news, thanks! :D
Truly the brain is a very interesting and mysterious thing, but I don't want to give myself extra credit to the fact that I have that thing, I didn't decide for it to be like that anyway.

I also like the fact of not being fully blind, it would suck quite a lot, and that superpower ain't good anyway (imo)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm leaving for Poland in 30min, cya guys in 2 weeks or something.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Bai Aurani, be careful on your trip.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Safe travels Aurani! Have fun on your travel and time in Poland!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Have fun Aurani! If you're still reading this, try to get to the Wieliczka underground salt mine sometime in your trip. I heard it's so amazing. I've always wanted to see it if I ever got to go to Poland.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Be careful and have fun :)

In unrelated news, my a/c is out. My house feels like a furnace, but I borrowed a wall unit for the bedroom, so I didn't get heat stroke last night.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

big news deserves a new post.

I failed my internship. Bad habits of mine have risen up to bite me in the ass.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

No... what happened?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

like I said, bad habits. I'd really rather not go into detail.

This isn't the end though. Gonna get a job, hopefully as an assistant at a vet clinic. Then try the internship again in a year.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I nearly burn down the lab today.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Shit happens. Just last wednesday the argon over pressure on my setup caused a boiling flask, which was mounted upside down on something else, to suddenly fly through the fume hood. I tried to catch it and barely failed. Luckily nothing happened, however I am always afraid to accidentally mutilate my right hand for a second time.

So what did you do exactly? You do know that you should only smoke inside the fume hood, right?
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wow, i also work in a lab. It makes me wonder how many of us have that kind of work :D

Anyway, im glad than nothing bad happened to you or your insatalations, fullmetal.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I used to do a bit of lab work...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I used to do a bit of lab work...

...But then I took an arrow to the-

Yeah I know, not necessary. Fortunately I don't smoke Obsidious, so thankfully it wasn't for something as irresponsible as that :rolleyes:
It's nice seeing a fellow laboritoire worker around the forums! :D What kind of lab do you work in plmnko?

What happened in the lab was that I was doing my own project of nanomachine research, and left the nano thingies in a test tube ready to be heated up in the oven. Right when I was about to put them in, I heard a screaching noise coming out of the oven, and when I looked I found a SPOON in it. That oven works like a microwave, but cannot be switched off unless you unplug it, which is a pain in the ass to, as the plug is right behind a stand full of tools and machinery.

As I was moving everything about trying to switch it off, lightning started coming out of the oven, and after the third mini-lightning, it fucking EXPLODED. It wasn't a big explosion luckily, but enough to push me off my balance, and as there was no flammable chemicals around I was able to put the fire away quickly enough for it not to burn the whole lab.

I don't know who left that spoon there, but fuck that person and fuck his/her spoon, I had to explain too much shit to my boss after all of that. Luckily my boss is a very compressive guy who understood the situation very nicely, so I wasn't fired. yay~

Oh and by the way, I'll be gone for about a week to this 'tropical' island to do some research of the wildlife over there, but it's mostly an excuse from my co-workers to take some (very needed) vacations :D