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Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Meridi awoke to the sensation of cool air against her bare skin. As she sat up, she quickly realized that where ever she was, it was most certainly not her own room. The walls were a grayish color, and were made of some sort of unknown material her mind couldn't register. In addition, her 'bed' was a heated stone slab of some kind, where she'd apparently been laid down and stripped of all of her clothing. Try as she might, she couldn't remember how she'd ended up here, or what she'd been doing prior to the last time she'd gotten out of bed. Clearly, she'd been drugged and taken somewhere, kidnapped, but the question was, by whom? For that matter, if she'd been kidnapped, why was she not bound by restraints of some kind?

Suddenly a hidden speaker turned on, even as her eyes laid sight on a longbow.

"Oh good, you're awake. Hello Meridi, and welcome to the Planet of Pleasure. Do try to relax and sit down as I explain just why you are here.

You've been brought here to provide entertainment for my friends and I, but don't you worry, you'll get to have fun doing it! You see, on this planet, you'll get to have lots of sex with pretty much anything you can think of. Succubi, other Elves, Sylvari, Arachne and all other creatures you probably have never dreamed about having sex with. Sounds like so much fun doesn't it? I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself, everyone always does after the initial shock of the first sexual encounter. Oh, but yes, you probably don't want sex with anything and everything, at least not yet you don't. That's where the entertainment for us comes in. You see, you have two choices in this matter. Either have sex, and put on a great show with your orgasms, or you can try to fight for your survival. Now as such, because I'm a generous host, I've granted you abilities that you may use almost anywhere on this world, and that are a permanent addition to you. Undoubtedly, you will try to fight, and you will ultimately fail at least on several occasions and be quite dominatingly, and hotly raped. It won't just be men though that you'll face, no you'll encounter other women who will be more than happy to have sex with you. In fact, you might even get to experience just exactly what a male of your species feels when they have sex with a tight woman like yourself. Ah, but the time for chat is over Meridi. Your game is about to begin. Fight well lovely girl, and you may earn the right to meet me in person. Try not to get broken and raped to defeat too quickly now. Ah, and don't think you can just sit there in that room forever. We put you in there, so we can, and will come for you if you don't leave soon. Enjoy yourself Meridi, I know we'll enjoy watching you!"

With that a door suddenly appeared, as a section of the wall in front of her slid upwards, revealing a set of stairs that led up, and presumably, outside.


1: Head on out to see what you're stuck in.

2: Test what he said, and see if anything will come for you if you refuse to leave the room.
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

Meridi awoke with a start, her eyes snapping open as she shifted upright, moved to a crouch and reached out for her weapon. Nothing made sense, the walls were some alien color, this place was not her home, everything seemed incredibly off. She didn't panic, showed no outward signs of turmoil even as her heart began to hammer wildly. Her panic gave way to awareness, the stone slab should have been frozen, and yet it was somehow warm? She tried to rationalize what happened. She'd been kidnapped, taken from her home, stripped and...now she was here. Whatever drugs they'd given her seemed to completely blank her mind, she did her best to remember, to think of home, to think of what could have led her here.

Surely they intended terrible things to happen to her, and it was going to be her pleasure showing them just how great a mistake that decision was. She eyed the longbow and moved to snatch it up immediately, presumably along with some quiver of arrows that was nearby. The longbow was slung over her shoulders, she was already looking for the door when the speaker came on.

Meridi, so they knew her name, Planet of Pleasure? Was this strange speaker one way? She tried to recognize the voice, was this merely a random attack?

The things it talked about caused her to tremble, a certain anger had set in, this was some sick game of theirs. As far as she considered it, there was no choice, she was simply going to have to survive whatever they threw at her, and track down who was responsible so that she could escape.

The abilities? She realized with a mild sense of wonder that strange techniques had filled her mind, things that seemed natural to her body and her muscles to preform. It seemed there were as sporting as they promised.

Ultimately fail huhn? She'd have to see. She had no intention of...succumbing to whatever disgusting game these people were trying to play with her.

"Don't worry, I had no intention of waiting around. Don't get too comfortable..."

She had no idea if they could hear her or not, but talking back had settled her nerves enough that she could settle her hammering heart and keep the tremble from her fingers in check.

"I'll see you soon," she promised coolly as she hurried towards the door that just appeared, she began to ascend the stairs, bow in hand. Were there others just like her? People she could find, perhaps team up with? Who knew what the future held, but first thing was first, she'd have to leave this room.

1: Head on out to see what you're stuck in.

She had no intention of handing her captors the upper hand.

So question about setting, is my character familiar with technology/weapons/monsters at all, or is she plucked from an otherwise mundane world. Or is that up to me?
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

Largely that all is up to you. Either way most of the NPC's will at least have some knowledge of certain technology, either due to having seen it before here, or from home. As for monsters, the encyclopedia for lack of a better term is active in her mind at all times, she just doesn't realize it until she encounters an enemy and suddenly knows things about it that she might not have before. Beyond that, how much of what you want her to know of certain run of the mill foes is up to you, such as the Arachne's for example. Some enemies like the Nelvoken she probably hasn't ever encountered before though. She may or may not know about the gateways, and their ability to go to other worlds, will leave that up to you.

Heading outside and up the small stairwell, Meridi stepped into view of nothing short of a completely alien world. To describe it to someone else would have left her with the dilemma of not knowing where to start.

The sky was a sort of pink like color, with thin, wispy orange colored clouds here and there in the sky above. The grass at her feet was completely red, as if it had been stained with the blood of an entire race. Her attention would go back to the sky, picking out two different suns, and at least ten moons visible in the daytime sky, despite the brilliance of the dual stars lighting up the sky. Off in the distance she could see a massive sparkling green ocean, one that seemed to be almost pure. The place was nothing short of breath taking, but it was also clearly not her own world. Where ever she was, she wasn't on her own planet anymore, which meant she'd somehow been transported to another world.

Drawn as she was to her surroundings though, she suddenly had the sensation she wasn't alone. Instinctively turning around, she might be rather surprised to see another completely nude female behind her, though something seemed off about her. It wasn't until the woman began to speak that Meridi realized what was wrong. She could see THROUGH her, as if the woman before her were some kind of ghost, or hologram.

"Hello, my name is Cassidy. I will attempt to help guide you through this forsaken place, in the hopes I can help you to survive and end this nightmare. Unfortunately, I am quite limited in how much I can help you, so much of what I can do for you is grant you information when the times are right. Along the way you will encounter a number of creatures, not all of them humanoid. All of them will try to rape you, and it's been my experience that they can't be reasoned with, so don't worry about holding back. The best advice I can give to you for now is not to hold back, use every skill, every trick you have at your disposal the best you can, and pray it's enough. I'm sorry I can't help you directly, however I think you can see why I can't. I hope to see you again soon. Please ... survive this and end this place."

As suddenly as she had been there, the woman, who'd had dark colored hair simply faded from existence, as if she'd never even been there. Still, despite the fact she'd been see through, Meridi wouldn't be able to shake the feeling she'd just talked to something, or someone still 'living' in some sense of the word. Whoever this woman was, she'd spoken in present tense, like she was still alive and her words had been in real time, not a recording. Which brought up the question. Was she a ghost or spirit? Or was she a completely alien species unfortunate enough to have been caught in all of this? Or, as the nagging portion of her brain asked, could she be one of her captor's minions, or even a hallucination?

None of these questions seemed to have a definitive answer, at least not yet.


1: Move Onward.

2: Stay for no apparent reason (chance to be caught)
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

Meridi took a short breathe, pausing as she took in the world that lay before her. It was so strange, so different. There was a strange beauty to it, with its pink strange sky and orange tinted clouds that drifted by. The grass bright red, as if painted by blood. Multiple moons, two stars which slowly seemed to orbit around the planet. A beautiful green ocean. This place was magnificent, and Meridi truly appreciated its natural beauty. But it was not her home, this was not the place she had been born and that chilled her. A pang of home sickness ripped through her, she would get home, at any cost.

She stepped lightly and feeling eyes on her back spun, an arrow pulled to the bow with natural grace. She had new abilities but then, using a bow had always come naturally to her. She notched an arrow and stared at the nude female. "Don't-" but something was off about her, like a ghost or spirit...

Hologram. The word was a foreign one, but somehow it came to mind. This thing was...a construct a digital construct of some kind. A representation of someone real, but she couldn't be sure that was true.

Cassidy. She would serve as the guide? "I wouldn't," she said quietly, as her 'guide' noted she did not need to hold back. She had little pity for whatever creatures had aligned themselves with her captor. "I see, any information you have for me is welcome, Cassidy. I am Meridi. I am glad to have met you," she said politely as the woman vanished. Such a strange place she was in, it felt like...a speaking with a long gone spirit of someone she'd never met.

She didn't trust her, not even a bit, but Meridi was not about to turn down a potential resource if she could help it.

Standing around accomplished nothing, eyes turned towards the distance she began to move swiftly. She was a target out in the open. She needed to find clothes, perhaps some allies, and most importantly, information.
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

Electing to move onward, Meridi soon found herself in a small forest. As she began picking her way through the trees ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Meridi: 6 vs. Trap???: 20

... Meridi failed to notice the telltale signs of a pitfall trap. One moment she was walking along, the next she was falling. She fell what seemed like only a few feet, and landed on something wet, slimy and fleshy feeling. Before
she could react to this, she suddenly felt her arms and legs get grabbed!

Wildly looking around, she realized she'd fallen into some kind of tentacle pit! Numerous tentacles had wound themselves around her arms and legs, and before she could react to this, she felt one thrust into her pussy, penetrating her effortlessly. It began to piston in and out of her, raping her, even as another tentacle claimed her ass, and when she involuntarilly yelped from the anal rape, one forced it's way into her mouth too!

Meridi suffers 35 Pleasure and gains 55 KP from her rape. She has 100 stamina left until she has an orgasm!


1: Try to break free (would she give up at any point? How long if so?)

2: Give in (how long for?)
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

The forests were a place of comfort for Meridi, they felt like home, places where the canopy of trees would disguise the alien horizon. God how she missed her home, how she wanted to be free of this strange place, even with it's strange beauty.

She let out a cry as her foot slipped out from under her. "N-no!" she cried, flailing as she tried to grab on ot the ledge, falling only a few feet but on her butt. "What the-" she didn't get far, as she moved to stand up as felt the slimy appendage slip and pull her back, forcing her down against. She pulled, struggling to get free as she shouted. "Let me go!" She couldn't help but feel revulsion as the slimy tentacles slide around her limbs binding her tight.

Everything, all her denial, had it been for naught? How had she been caught so easily!? By something so stupid too. She cursed her carelessness as she struggled against her binds.

She shivered as the tentacles worked their way into her clothes, writhing around her sex. She could feel a sudden heat flush through her body, making the hairs stand on end as it effortlessly slid into her. She was...aroused? The horror of this revelation barely had time to sink in as one of the tentacles slid into her ass. Pain gave way to a strange pressure but as she went to cry out in horror and revulsion both one of the ones slid into her mouth.

She twitched and struggled, trying to free a limb, wishing that she had a knife to cut herself free. With mounting horror she realized that her struggles only seemed to work with the creatures motions. Her body seemed to ignore any of her wishes, she was powerless to feel the rising tide of pleasure.

It didn't matter though, she'd let her body feel whatever it wanted! She continued to fight, to thrash against the tentacles to get free and would continue to do so as long as her body listened to her commands.
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Meridi: 11 vs. Tentacle Pit: 6

With a bit of effort, Meridi is able to tear herself free of the tentacles and climb her way out to freedom, the tentacles in the pit whipping around uselessly as they tried to locate her again. Eventually they seemed to give up, going dormant, and then vanished altogether ...

... Wait, no, they were still there, but they had camoflauged themselves and the hole somehow! It might occur to her that this was how she'd been tricked. An illusion of some kind designed to make it's prey think it was walking onto solid ground, when in reality they were quite literally walking into it's pit!


1: Move On.

2: Rest a Turn or otherwise linger (Chance to be caught).
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

Meridi flailed, letting out a soft cry as the tentacle pit soiled her with its disgusting motions. She reached for an arrow and slammed it into one of the tentacles, searching for a body of the thing. In the sudden flurry of motion she managed to catch one of the outcroppings in the pit and catching her balance for a moment sprung up, clawing her way out, scurrying away from the put as it lunged at her. She panted softly trying to regain her composure. Damnit, that thing...how many others had it hurt before her? She climbed to her feet and adjusted her clothes, moving towards where she knew the pit was.

She drew an arrow and fired, wondering if maybe she could put an end to this thing for good.

2 - Trying to kill it/lingering/resting for a moment
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

Meridi tries to shoot the trap, but discovers her arrows have absolutely no effect on it whatsoever! Worse still, while she was distracted with this, two enemies crept in behind her and began their attack!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 2 Demon Dog: Stamina: 160. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600. Weak vs. Fire.

Level 2 Humanoid Plant: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 40. HP: 600. Weak to Fire. Special Ability: Tentacle Bind (Physical)

Initiative Roll:

Meridi: 11 (Last)
Plant: 21 (1st)
Dog: 15 (2nd)

Attack Rolls:

Plant: 21 vs. Meridi: 9+3=12

Dog: 8 vs. Meridi: 3+3=6

Meridi realizes she's been found when suddenly tentacles grab her from behind, spinning her around to face some kind of humanoid plant! As the plant reels her in, the dog creeps in behind her and latches on to her as well, a thick cock dangling between it's legs as it tries to hump her!


1: Try to break free!

2: Double sex?

If she gives in, when, and for how long?
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

"Damnit, it's near indestructible," she complained stretching out to turn and resume her voyage. She let out a cry and tried to reach for an arrow to jam into the dog as it leapt on her and tried to hump her. What she wouldn't give for a sturdy set of clothes! The plant was a concern, but that damn dog was easily the most alarming.

She would try to break free with everything she had! Nothing less than the immediate threat of death or her own bodies betrayal and weakness would cause to give in and then for as long as it took to get her back to safety.
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

Escape Grapple Attempt (s):

Meridi: 21 vs. Dog: 7 & Plant: 19

Meridi breaks free!

Grapple Attempts:

Plant: 12 vs. Meridi: 11+3=14

Dog: 13 vs. Meridi: 7+3=10

Meridi dodges the plant, but the dog tackles her down!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Meridi: 3 vs. Dog: 5

Meridi can't break free!

The Plant waits.

Penetration Attempt:

Dog: 19 vs. Meridi: 3

Meridi can't stop the Dog from lining up and thrusting it's all too human like cock deeply into her pussy! In seconds it's happily pumping away inside of her, raping her! Meridi suffers 30 Pleasure and gains 50 KP. She has 70 Stamina left until she has an orgasm!

The Dog has 130 Stamina left.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Meridi: 7 vs. Dog: 27

Meridi can't escape the rape!

The Plant continues to wait.

Pleasure Roll:

Dog: 12 vs. Meridi: 16

Meridi avoids feeling any pleasure from the rape for now.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Meridi: 20 vs. Dog: 7

Meridi breaks free!

Grapple Attempts:

Plant: 13 vs. Meridi: 8+3=11

Dog: 1 vs. Meridi: 24+3=27

The Plant grabs Meridi again!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Meridi: 17 vs. Plant: 7

Meridi breaks free again.

Grapple Attempts:

Meridi counters both the Dog AND the Plant, dealing 400 damage to each, and leaving them both with 200 HP.


1: Kill the Dog.

2: Kill the Plant.

3: Try to run away from the fight.
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

Meridi shuddered, letting out a loud gasp as she grappled against the greature, eventually losing enough that the beast was able to both line up and thrust its member within her. Her body reacted, strangely, against her will as pleasure rocked her. Strange, was it an effect of her captors or...no! No! It had to be them it had to be that!

She redoubled her effort, lashing out, and striking at the dog to slay it! as the plant seemed like the less credible threat at the very moment and she'd managed what seemed like a rather potent blow against the more dangerous opponent. She had to deal with it before whatever strange feeling overtook her!
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

The Dog had to die, it was a simple decision.

Attack Rolls:

Meridi: 19, 14, 26 & 27 vs. Dog: 18, 23, 29 & 1.

Meridi lands two hits for 180 Damage, but it isn't enough to kill the dog! It has 20 HP left!

Grapple Attempts:

Dog: 1 vs. Meridia: 24+3=27

Plant: 20 vs. Meridi: 8+3=11

Meridi is grabbed by the Plant as it's tentacles extend out, grabbing hold of her after she dodges the dog!


1: Try to get free.

2: Tentacle Rape?
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

Meridi cursed loudly as she managed to woudn the dog, but it seemed still functional after her last blow, limbs wrapped tight by the vines of the plant she let out a cry. Damnit! That dog had to go, what could a plant truly do to her? She struggled and fought. [/b]Trying to get free.[/b]
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Meridi: 5 vs. Plant: 26

Meridi can't break free!

Penetration Attempt:

Plant: 24 vs. Meridi: 6

Meridi finds out just what the plant can do to her when suddenly it's vines move outward, penetrating all of her holes! First her pussy is stuffed with a cock like, fleshy tentacle, filling it perfectly. Another takes her ass, and a
third enters her mouth, completely filling her! In seconds they are thrusting into her, and pleasuring her! Meridi suffers 40 Pleasure and gains 100 KP from her sudden rape. She has 36 stamina left until she has her first orgasm on this planet!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Meridi: 15 vs. Plant: 17

Meridi can't break free, and realizes she's in trouble!

Skill Activation:

Plant: 22 vs. Meridi: 5

The Plant completely binds Meridi up, and she's helpless against what happens after that. She's raped, unable to resist the pleasure or move, and finally her young body just can't take any more of it. A powerful orgasm crashes through her, as her limbs turn to jello, spasmodic contractions of pure bliss and pleasure coursing through her. She continues to be thrust into even as she's caught in the throes of her orgasm, convulsing uncontrollably as she is dominated. Meridi suffers 40 Pleasure and an orgasm! She gains 90 KP from her rape, and has 131 Stamina left until her second orgasm. As her orgasm dies down, she can feel her adrenaline pumping, but for the moment she's still too tightly bound to do anything!

Meridi can't escape yet.

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 29 vs. Meridi: 6+10=16

Despite her adrenaline rush, and being able to resist, Meridi is unable to resist the sexual pleasure of being mercilessly raped non stop. She suffers 40 Pleasure and gains 40 KP. She has 91 Stamina left, but her foe is near it's own climax!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Meridi: 6+10=16 vs. Plant: 21

Meridi still can't break free!

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 26 vs. Meridi: 12+10=22

Meridi is raped again, and this time she can't stop the Plant from reaching it's own climax inside of her! Strange tasting liquid is pumped into her mouth at the same time she can feel a hot sticky liquid flooding both her ass, and her pussy! Meridi is completely filled with the spunk of the creature, but fortunately doesn't get impregnated. She suffers 40 Pleasure and gains 140 KP. She has 51 Stamina left.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Meridi: 25+10=35 vs. Plant: 30

Meridi finally breaks free!

Grapple Attempts:

Plant: 8 vs. Meridi: 24+10=34

Dog: 27 vs. Meridi: 19+10=29

Meridi dodges!


1: Kill the Dog!

2: Kill the Plant for nearly knocking you up!

3: Try to run away!

4: Decide sex isn't so bad and let them fuck you all they want!
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

She let out a cry, of surprise and pain expected as she was forcibly penetrated but she found it unexpectantly...unpainful? The distraction was enough to throw her off for a moment, but she quickly resumes her thrashing struggling to get an arm free, to rip the tentacles free of her.

She feels it, at first it's distant but its presence fills her with an eerie dread, an emptiness in her stomach of anticipation.

It...feels good? How could that possibly be? To enjoy something like this, with a creature like this it was unthinkable and yet it was happening. The sensation grew quick, body trembling with anticipation. She let out another cry as her orgasm surged through her body, eyes fluttering as her struggles ceased for a moment. She was senseless.

It didn't last long, she quickly regained herself and fought, but the plant stuck fast, kept holding tight. Damnit, damnit, not again, she thinks but it's beginning to feel hopeless as pleasure rapidly builds, sensitivity spiking.

She coughs as the creatures seed is poured into her, body shuddering in pleasure as it pumps deep within. Fury and embarrassment both fuel her next desperate struggle as she pulls herself free. She snatches her weapon and fires at the Dog, it's nearly finished and she isn't intent on fighting both of them at once!
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

Attack Rolls:

Meridi: 9+10=19, 8+10=18, 4+10=14 & 29+10=39 vs. Dog: 3 (Dead). Plant: 22, 15 & 9

Meridi kills the Dog, and lands one critical hit on the Plant for another 180 damage, leaving it with 20 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Plant: 12 vs. Meridi: 1+10=11

Once more the Plant grabs hold of Meridi!


1: Try to struggle free!

2: Let it rape you to another orgasm!
Re: Meridi Ioleth (Tyragor)

Meridi cursed as it grabbed hold of her. "Not again!" she swore as she tried to pull herself free and put the plant down for good.

Meridi: 27 vs. Plant: 6

Meridi kills the Plant, and gains 400 XP!

Loot Phase:

Plant: Map Piece!

Dog: Mana Potion

Meridi finds a potion her brain tells her will restore her MP, and what appears to be some kind of map. Moments later, Cassidy simply appears before her, a cautious smile on her face.

"You've found the first of many map pieces that will eventually, with any luck, lead you out of this place. Give me a moment, and I will show you how to read it so that you may move onward to the next area without encountering any further resistance. However know once you are in the next area, you will need to find another piece."

After a brief moment, Cassidy showed her some kind of revealing spell to use on the map, which Meridi took a few moments to perfect. Once she had, Cassidy guided her to the correct place, just to be on the safe side. True to her word, they encountered no foes, though as they walked, the ghostly woman, or whatever she was seemed ... worried. When they reached the outlier of the next area, a spot the map seemed to end on, she sighed.

"I'm afraid for now this is all I can do for you. Please ... be careful. The creatures here are stronger than that which you already faced. I wish ..."

She was cut off as suddenly a look of pure terror crossed her face, and she suddenly vanished. Meridi wasn't sure what had just happened, but it had to be big if it could terrify a ghost. Unless the woman wasn't a ghost, and she was in fact still alive, and had just been caught helping her. If that were true ... would she even see her supposed guide again?

As she moved through the new area, which had a few trees ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Meridi: 25 vs. Trap???: 18

... Meridi suddenly felt like something was off, and instinct took over as she suddenly lunged forward, diving forward, and narrowly missing being grabbed by a series of tentacles that suddenly had emerged from the tops of the trees! For a moment they flailed about, trying to locate her before suddenly withdrawing out of sight. Remembering how she'd been ambushed before, she took off, not wanting to face foes if whatever that thing was were still lurking about. To dodge a foe only to be caught by a trap ... would not be good.

Moving onward, she found herself face to face with two foes not five minutes later!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 3 Demonic Bug: Stamina: 145. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600. Weak vs. Cold Attacks.

Level 3 Virago: Stamina: 135. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600.

Initiative Roll:

Meridi: 21 (1st)
Virago: 1 (Last)
Bug: 12 (2nd)

Despite being taken off guard, Meridi has the chance to react first!


1: Attack (Which one)

2: Try to run away!

3: Other?