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MGI: The Game

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
That mock RPG image I spoke of in the other thread actually turned into a full battle with Grave, Kala, Demeter and Venice versus Persephone.


The game's small and short, and kinda crappy because I relied so heavily on RPG maker due to my lack of talent, but I hope you enjoy it.
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

Also, this game is VERY HARD if you don't read the crystal. It's still tough even if you did. I wanted it to simulate something suited to a true final battle, and since it's the Demon Lord of all things, I didn't intend for anyone starting out to win right from the start.

I was chewed out by Taki (much to my embarrassment) about the flaws in the game, mostly the difficulty, so I will must caution you again that this game is very hard. In light of that, I've made an easier version of the game that you should find much easier to complete and beat.

Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

First version was too difficult. Why am I not suprised?

Still, gonna check it out.
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

I'm feeling a mixture of sadness and pride upon being told that my game is crazy hard.

Proud because everyone is SHRINKING IN HELPLESSNESS against my preferred RPG difficulty,

and sad because no one enjoys it because of it's crazy-hardness.
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

It took me a few tries to get into the groove of it (with the hard version) but I found it a good fight overall. For a hard end game boss style of fight anyway.

Also, I'm so sorry Grave. You didn't make it in my first success q___q
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

I'll haunt you, you son of a bitch.
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

It took me a few tries to get into the groove of it (with the hard version) but I found it a good fight overall. For a hard end game boss style of fight anyway.

Thank you ;3;

I'll haunt you, you son of a bitch.

It's kay, Persephone would have spit him out once the heroes won, as well as all the other millions of things she ate.
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

After playing both through easy and hard versions of the game, I can't say I've noticed many differences between them, aside of the fact that the boss is slightly more annoying to deal with. It's not a bad game, quite challenging even, but nothing you can't handle if you know what you're doing. Sorry RJ... But I can't call it hard. Maybe I've played one jRPG too many in the past, or maybe I'm just a decent tactician, but clearing both versions on first try without using items doesn't allow me to call it difficult.
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

I thought my inspiration for this died when Taki burned me, but then you guys had to go and make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside (even though a failure at game design I might be).

In my down time for posting inspiration, I might make another one of these, and with a similar style, basically a "What if this part of MGI was played as a video game?" scenario. And I do have a few ideas with what to do, mostly with the tracks of the MGI Sountrack I've acquired, but if any of you enjoyed the little game and have a certain conflict you'd like to see RPG'ified, hit me up with suggestions; however, if you didn't enjoy the game, scream at me and throw tomatoes and "BOOOO" as loud as you can.
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

And then, RJ never posted again.
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

I've thankfully gotten ideas for posts after I did that. All post and no play makes RJ a dull harpy.
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

RPG-ifying a conflict from the RP, huh... Sounds tempting. I'm not entirely sure what I'd like to see immortalized as a minigame first, though.
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

Can also be past conflicts your character has experienced.
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

I beat the hardest version first try with no deaths. This can largely be attributed to that I have played both MGQ and another game that makes pretty heavy use of a rescue mechanic, so I was completely familiar with what to expect.

I wouldn't disregard Takimaru's opinions on the matter. Nor would I take them as burns (everybody has things that can be improved and that is usually achieved by listening to criticism). A few points that I feel could have made things a bit more clear for those without an innate familiarity to the mechanics used:

If you have something that you feel a character absolutely must read in order for the next section to make sense, it should probably be required before that next section opens up. Either stick the crystal in front of the portal or just have the dialogue begin as soon as the character loads in. In this case, since it is a scene consisting of new game -> final battle, should probably also slap a "skip" option on that.

Please do not throw the "yes" option for surrender at the top during a segment when people are likely to be mashing their enter key to get through the battle results and/or potentially not paying attention. I don't know that she actually would have accepted the surrender but I almost mashed directly through that and hit yes. Putting no at the top in segments where you expect mashing (for example, long tutorials when you're offering them the chance to listen again) prevents this possibility.

You should generally seek to make everything clear through in-game conveyance, instead of written instructions. Most RPG players will look through a character's set of skills and even try them out if they're in a situation where they're unfamiliar with what they might do. A simple line of dialogue from Persephone like "do you think your friends can rescue you from my embrace?" or something along those lines will spark the amount of thought necessary in an RPG player to go "all my characters have an ability called rescue, I'm going to do that!" If you feel that's not clear enough, you can ham-hand it with a simple "character is captured and needs to be rescued!" line.

The same can be said of her two special abilities. At first I just used evade against them both ('cause, uh, I skimmed the crystal and the dialogue regarding what exactly was happening). A simple line about how the characters needed to prepare themselves but guarding wouldn't do any good against yon eating special or how the characters need to prepare themselves but there was no way they would be able to dodge against the blast would be a decent enough way to handle it. In the end, the more you can convey that they need to use one ability to handle one thing and another to handle another without just out and out saying: "HEY, IF YOU DON'T USE EVADE HERE YOU'RE GONNA BE PART OF THE DEMON LORD'S STOMACH" the cleverer you make the player feel, which is always for the best.

Sorry, got a bit rambly there at the end. Just wanted to offer constructive criticism.
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

Yay, Haf played my game!

I saw those exact same issues you mentioned, with the exception of the surrender option, which is also an issue. I would have gone to make sure everything was fine and dandy, but I really rushed through the production of it, mostly because I thought the inspiration for the game was unhealthy, and even though I wanted to do it, it'd be lame. If I DO make another one of these, I'll try to actually make it polished (and hand it out to one or a few people for testing/feedback) instead of the rushed job this was.

It was my suspicion that, even without those issues, no one would really like the game. So I was actually thinking, as I threw this out, "Here, please hate this." And Taki actually gave me the reaction I wanted at first. If I do make another, it'll be much more polished, hopefully.
Re: CAN you defeat the Demon Lord Persephone?

Id enjoy the idea of RPGified RP segments, it would be interesting to see alternate outcomes etc. as well, but i guess i cant really say this because i dont actually have a thread yet.
Re: MGI: The Game

I've got an idea for what I'm gonna do next. It involves an unlucky male PC,
