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Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]


Dec 9, 2008
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Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Appearance: Mia stands at about 5'1" in hieght, with her black, though strangely red tinted, hair going down to her shoulders. Her gray eyes can be seen as fairly striking especially since she appears to be more of Asian descent. Her leg muscles are fairly well built, as though she was a runner, and the muscles in her arm are somewhat built to, seeming as though she works out.
Bio: Mia comes from a middle class family in America. Since she was young she has had an active interest in martial arts after a childhood friend of hers introduced her to the dojo she went to. She gets angered fairly easily and doesn't trust men much since she thinks there all only after one thing, excluding the few male friends she does have of course.

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][100]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mia slowly wakes up in a damp and dark dungeon with just a raggy skirt and raggy shirt on, both barely covering herself up. Though as she scans the room she's in. She can see a old man in a robe standing by watching as another man seems to try to rape the wall, though as soon as you go to stand up the old man turns and stares at you with a wicked smile.

{Run} {Attack} {Wait} {Talk To Old Man}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

She looked around slowly as to take in her new surroundings, she noticed the old man, and strange man behind him and thought to herself Well this cant be good..... She backed away slowly from the old man and put her hands up to guard herself as she asked quietly, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Talk to the old man/wait.
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][100]}

Status: Pinned (Magicial Pin)

Mia's words fell short as she felt her wrists and ankles be gripped by an invisible force, the old man lifted up his staff just before she felt the force take hold. "Because my dear, you're our next victim. My friend here, can only take so much before he wants an actual pussy." He let out a cackle before he kept the staff pointed at Mia, the sex crazed fiend seemed to continue to hump the wall but his face turned to the pinned Mia.
ENCOUNTER: Wizard, Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][30]}
Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][51]}

{Run} {Attack} {Try To Escape Pin}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

She struggles against the magical bonds, curseing loudly as she glared back at him.

Escape Pin, of course.
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][100]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Wizard, Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][30]}
Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][51]}

Mia tugged at what could only seem like midair before the Wizard seemed to jerk back and lose a grip on her tugging. He growled as he swung his staff in the air and a glow shot off of his staff as he tried to pin her again but she rolled out of the way and by this time his friendily horn dog joined in but missed Mia as well, both failing miserably at trying to get a grasp on the girl.

{Run} {Attack} {Wait} {Reason With The Wizard}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Mia quickly looks at her two would be assailants and decides to take care of the old fraud before the crazy man, She ran at the old man letting loose a high pitched yell of "HIYYAAAAHH!!!!" as she jumped, extending her legs out to try and dropkick the old man in the head.

Attack old man's head.
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][100]}

Status: Pinned (By Wizard)

Wizard, Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][30]}
Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][51]}

Mia goes to drop kick the wizard only to have her body stop in mid air and he stepped out of the way before she could finish her kick on him, ending up her just kicking the air. "Try harder lass, I've been around for decades." Soon as he finishes his lousy come back he swings his staff around and places her back into a grip, forcing her to stand still for longer once more. The crazed man leapts towards her but falls short and ends up humping the wall again.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Attack} {Wait} {Reason With The Wizard}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

She growls loudly as she says, "When i get my hands on you...." She immedaitly struggles against the magic as she trys to headbutt the Wizard.

Attack wizard useing head.
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][100]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Wizard, Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][30-25=5]}
Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][51]}

Mia struggles with the magicial binds but she gets enough force around to swing straight into the wizard, though he puts up magic power so he can survive such a blow he still is hit mentally very hard. The wizard shakes his head and litereally sees stars after such a blow to his mind. "How...could you be so powerful!" He groaned as he staggered a bit and the crazed man made another lunge towards Mia but only ended up missing and grabbing at the ground.

{Run} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

She quickly recovers from the headache she got from there heads colliding, and decides to finish him off. "Thats how a head is used, and heres how my elbow is" She moves in to finish off the old man by wacking him in the chin with her elbow.

Attack old man, Elbow to the chin
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 1
Experience: 70/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][100]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Wizard, Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][DEAD]}
Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][51]}

Mia sends a heavy blow to the wizard's chin with her elbow and the next thing the wizard sees is the light, as he falls backwards his body turns into a pile of bones. It was obvious to her now that the power he held on to was keeping him alive and when the power left him, he showed his true age. The crazed human went lunging for her once more but all he came up with was air. The man was obviously getting very frustrated and started to even stamp his feet, though since he couldn't get ahold of her he started to play with himself but still watching her.
Gained 70 experience.

{Run} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Mia looks at the remains of the wizard and notices the staff, she decides if nothing else it might help bring this crazy man down. She picks up the staff and charges the crazy man, aiming to spear his crotch with the staff. "Take this Pervert" she yelled.

Attack Crazy man with staff at his crotch.
Last edited:
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 1
Experience: 70/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][100]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][51-27=24]}

Mia sends the staff directly up into the sex crazed man's crotch and giving him a shattering blow to his manhood, literally, the man toppled over with a groan, it didn't even make a move to lunge towards Mia this time, just laid there in pain.

{Run} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

She swings the staff strongly at the man again, aiming for his head this time. "This is for all those women out there who have to put up with guys like you" she yelled as she put alot of force behind the swing.

Attack man with staff blow to head.
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 1
Experience: 70/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][100]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][24]}

Mia swings the staff at the man's head but whether he ducked or fell out of the way, it didn't matter, he had dodged the staff and had slowly got back to his feet and lunged towards Mia but missed her again, he wasn't obviously a very good catcher.

{Run} {Attack} {Wait}

(lol You were the only one I hadn't done yet, so did it before I go.)
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

She swung the staff again at the mans back as he missed trying to catch her, hopeing to knock him out.

Attack man with staff to back.
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 1
Experience: 70/100
{[Health:][65]} {[Stamina:][100]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][24-23=1]}

Mia swings the staff into the crazed man's back, sending him hard into the ground. The man just twitches, unable to do anythting as it was obvious that she had broken his back with the heavy blow.

{Run} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Mia decided to finish the fallen man off with a swift kick to his seemingly damaged back.

Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][120]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Sex Crazed Human, Level 1, {[Health:][DEAD]}

Mia gave a swift kick to the fallen man and with the kick she could hear bones crushing and it literally look like that his body had caved in even from such impact, obviously, this man was very fragile.
Gained 78 experience.
Health 65 >>> Health 75
Stamina 100 >>> Stamina 120
Level 1 >>> Level 2
8 stat points to distribute freely.

{Move On} {Wait}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Mia sighed in relief as it looked like the man was finished, she'd never really killed before, but she decided she shoudlnt wory about that since it was necessary here. She slowly walked on with staff in hand.

Move On

+5 Speed
+3 Strength