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Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][125]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mia was relieved to find that upon entering the next room that she couldn't see anything that was a threat but on the downside she could not find anything worth while in this room either.

{Move On} {Wait}

(lol empty room. XD)
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

She looked aorund carefully, before deciding to move on, no use staying in an empty room after all.

Moveing on
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][125]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mia slowly entered the next room and upon further examination she could see that there was a book on a pedastal, though she couldn't see much of anything else in this room. Some torches on the walls to lit the room up, a cobweb in the corner and a dark and damp dungeon looking stones.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine Book}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Mia looks around the room slowly, taking in the sight of this strange room, she decides to cautiously take a look at the book sitting there, watching for any sign of anything strange as she went.

Examine Book.
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][125]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mia slowly started to examine the book and upon noticing that it seemed rather normal, she opened the book up. She flipped through the first page which was completely blank, when she got to page 2, she had no pages but instead it was a hollowed out book and inside of it was a small piece of a map. If she examined the piece she could easily see that it was to a dungeon, no doubt this dungeon.

{Move On} {Wait}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

She carefully examined and then took the peice of map, then decided it best to move on instead of dilly dallying.

Move On.
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][125]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mia moves on to the next room to see that the room is filled with computers, at least five different computers with the one in the middle one wired off to a case and another to the wall, as well as a third wire going somewhere she couldn't spot. Otherwise she came into a dead end room.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine Computers}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Mia looks around at her new surroundings, and decides it might be best to wait and look around carefully before she touched anything, considering all the movies she watched she didn't want to accidentally press a button that might blow up the building shes trapped in or something.

Wait and Look around cautiously.
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][125]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mia seems to not find anything more of importance than the computers. Nor does anything disturb her while she remains in this room. The computers seem to have some codes on them and the only out is back the way she came.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine Computers}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

After deciding it seemed safe enough, she decided to go ahead and examine the computers, though she still carried the staff defensivly as she did.

Examine the comps.
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][125]}

{One Piece Of The Map}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mia started to examine the computers the first one popped up a letter and number. U2. The next one she started to click a few keys to start it up and it also produced another letter and number. K4. She continued to go around the computers and type on some, though one was very significant as the one with the wires kept asking for a password. By the time she finished with it, her memory reminded her that the letters and numbers were: U2 K4 F1 U5 C3. She knew that the numbers must signify what letter of the password it goes to. So she inputed: F U C K U. Soon as she did the case popped open and so did the exit for her. Inside the case she could see a pill bottle labeled 'special booster.' With one gray pill inside.

{Move On} {Wait} {Take The Pill/Eat The Pill}
(lame password but ah well. >.>)
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Mia took the Pill bottle and muttered to herself as she walked to the next room, "Figures" considering the password was stupid.

Take pill bottle and move on without eating it.
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][125]}

{One Piece Of The Map, gray stat boosting pill}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mia entered the next room to see a desk with tons of papers spread out on it. The desk was pushed against the only other exit so she'd have to climb over the papers to get out of this room or head back to where she had begun. Otherwise the room was your average dungeon room, chains here and there. Torches lighting the room up. Nothing special.

{Move On} {Wait} {Eat The Pill} {Examine Papers}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Mia looked around the room, and saw all the papers, she thought they might have somethign to do with the other room, so she decided to examine them.

Examine Papers
Last edited:
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][125]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map, gray stat boosting pill}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mia starts examining the papers, the papers have lists of names, one of the names is actually her own. Mia Areroa, though the names aren't really listed WHY they are listed there. Though the papers have their name, age, gender and a rough appearance of them. While she is fanning through the papers a small piece of paper falls out that looks like its a sliver of a bigger paper. Upon further examination, its another map piece!

{Move On} {Wait} {Eat The Pill}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

After acquiring what appeared to be a second peice of some map, she decided it best to move on.

Moving on
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][125]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map, gray stat boosting pill}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mia moves on to the next room to find it looks as if its some kind of doctor's office, cabinets witht a glass door maintained pill bottles inside, and there was coats thrown around the room. Even cases with the red cross medical sign on them.

{Move On} {Wait} {Eat The Pill} {Examine Room}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

She looked at her new surroundings, and decided it best to look around carefully before moving on.

Examine room
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Level 2
Experience: 148/250
{[Health:][75]} {[Stamina:][125]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map, gray stat boosting pill, blue stat boosting pill}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Mia slowly scans around the room only to think she found nothing but junk. Under the coats were dust, in most of the glass cabinets were empty bottles or bottles that had expiration dates of 40 years ago. Though upon further examination of this one bottle she sees theres a blue pill inside and the label is booster, the same as the pill bottle she found before. Only a different color.

{Move On} {Wait} {Eat The Pill(s)}
Re: Mia Areroa [IncredibleGremlin]

Mia takes the new pill she found and decided it best to move on now. No use staying in a room full of junk.

Take pill with her and move on