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Mica (Hentaispider)

Re: Mica (Hentaispider)

Mica can hear the door of the temple close behind her, a relatively loud creak coming from it as it's slowly pulled shut.

The forest surrounding the road is pretty thick, made from a mutlitude of different kinds of trees. As Mica goes along the road and enjoys the scenery, she starts to get a clinging feeling that she is being followed by someone or something.
Re: Mica (Hentaispider)

Feeling like a tingle between her shoulders tells Mica she's being followed. Mica starts to think:"Okay, either the game really is as easy as it seems so far and I'm just being paranoid, or something bad is going to happen pretty soon. Running never ends well in the movies and I don't like running away anyway, so that's out at least for now. If I keep walking it'll just attack me sooner or later and if it's close enough for me to feel it, ambush is probably not an option. So I guess I'll stand and fight. Talking worked with the cute cultist, though. Maybe the game is designed so that every encounter can be solved by talking."

"Okay, whoever you are, I don't like being stalked, so you'd better come out where I can see you." Mica calls out in a voice that manages to be mostly irritated despite her feeling more nervous than irritated, while also spinning to face where she was coming from and drawing her sword in one graceful move.
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