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Milk Love.

Re: Milk Love.

Leave anything labeled "Natural Expansion" ALONE.
Re: Milk Love.

Lila and Kanami look back. Lila squeaks out. "Kyeh! They found us!" Kanami grins. "We'll be in the elevator soon." They dive into the elevator, but the nurses dive in as well, holding the syringes. They both catch the heroines. One injects Lila's breast with one and Kanami's with the other.

Their breasts expand, then squish out milk, causing miraculous damage with just one attack.

Lila yelps out. "KYAAAAA..... HYAAAAAAAGHN!!!!!" Kanami pants, tensing her body as her small thighs quiver.

Lila -200

Kanami -200

Their busts, while still leaky, return back to normal, but they still tingle immensely.

A.) Right arm struggle

B.) Left arm struggle
Re: Milk Love.

They pull their left arms free, but they still have their more powerful arms. They keep them held as they recharge the syringes. They inject another round in their already sensitive breasts, milk squirting out as they expand.

Kanami loses all HP, her eyes turning into hues as she enjoys it. Lila still struggles around. "KHNNNHNNNHNNNN!!!!!!!!!!"

They gently stroke on their breasts as Lila whimpers.

Kanami -300

Lila -300

Lila struggles with her right arm, then pulls it out, her body still held close. Kanami groping herself as she licks on her own breast. The elevator is almost to the top at the heliport, where a rare healing light for Lila rests.

A.) Threaten with gun (Can't shoot though.)

B.) Try to find anything in Kanami's labcoat that'd knock them out.
Re: Milk Love.

Ooh... Tough...
They'd see through the charade with the gun
Re: Milk Love.

Lila's hand trembles with the tingling, milk dripping in front of her slim form. She takes deep breaths as she reaches through Kanami's labcoat pocket. She picks up a timewatch that is labeled 'Found in Foreign Planet. Use at Your Own Risk.

Kanami and Lila are injected with another round of the vials. Lila shivers, gritting her teeth as her breasts milk themselves out. "GHNNNNNNNNNMMMM!!!!!!"

Lila -300

A.) Use the timewatch. Something may happen!

B.) Drop it and try to find something else.
Re: Milk Love.

After losing nearly 1000 hit points I think any risk is worth getting away from this fight.

Re: Milk Love.

Lila looks to the watch, then squints, stopping time for everyone but herself. Mechanics are immune, but friction isn't, causing the elevator to screech loudly. Lila pants heavily, then ducks down, taking a power pill and putting it in Kanami's mouth. She pulls her down and then takes out a blindfold from the labcoat, tying them around the nurses' eyes.

Lila: 8039

The elevator snaps open, jamming the doors in the open position as time slowly moves, Kanami seen slow motion gulping her power pill. Lila pulls at her hand and walks outside, Kanami surprised at her speed until time returns to normal. The nurses confused at their sudden blindness.

In the middle there is a Lila HP Restore. But in the distance is the Giga Gropes from earlier. The warriors tuckered out from their breeding and milking.

A.) Take the light, use it after trying to get to the helicopter.

B.) Use the light now before the final battle!
Re: Milk Love.

Hmmmm tought choice.. Don't know how much it heals... So A. After the battle.
Re: Milk Love.

If it heals to full, wait till after.

Re: Milk Love.

My god. Grab the HP up, use the watch, and run.

Re: Milk Love.

Lila quickly grabs up the light, then Kanami rushes after. The giga gropes then stomp the roof, sending Kanami back in a shockwave. Suddenly, the two titans that could take down a Warrior in a snap, gropes on her breasts and her slim waist. Lila yelps as a strange light glows around her. The light then causes one of the Giga gropes to back off as one of them disappears as if defeated.

Lila looks to the other one as Kanami races for her. "Heh.... good idea, Lila." Lila things back to what happened, then remembered the alleyway. Lila smiles as Kanami releases her light. The milker jumps over it. The two backing up as the Giga Grope approaches.

A.) Gun!

B.) Run!
Re: Milk Love.

Lila smiles, remembering her gun jacket, then pulling out. She aims at the giant, then right when it tries to pounce her, she fires off in its eye. The purple creature moves back, then falls on the light, dissapearing as it roars. An echo following.

The both get to the helicopter, then rest inside. They close their eyes and relaxing. Lila then moves the helicopter up. They relax as Kanami smiles. "Hnn.... Looks like we made it...."

Lila: 9999

Lila nods, moving the helicopter forward.

Adventure One End.

(How did I do? Adventure 2 will start as I think of it.)
Re: Milk Love.

Could be a little more descriptive in your posts imo, but I think the brevity might actually be why people are liking it so much - instead of one big update, you're giving lots of little updates, which keeps people's interest.
Re: Milk Love.

Excellent ending. Personally (I'll get yelled at, I know), she had too much HP. There wasn't too much worry about her dying.