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Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

It took only a minute to dial the gate, and after a few more moments, they got a transmission back.

"This is Lokvar of the Valkans, what can we do for you?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Being the first to speak to the Valkans again since the war was a moment of quite some responsibility for Ayla, even if it was more on Alliance business than their own directly. She would speak in response, also sharing a simple video feed of her as she floated in her spherical pilots chamber. "My greetings Lokvar. My name is Ayla Iasha-Voh, of Etheria. Though I've come to speak today on behalf of the Alliance and it's members. We seek your council regarding an artificial plague that is being spread through this galaxy."

She would await the response before over complicating the greeting.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

That seemed to get his attention quickly, his features hardening.

"I see. Tell me all of it that you can, and send any data you have now. I will see if there is something we can do to help. I am guessing there are markers somehow linking it to the former Ori plague, or you would not likely have thought to contact us in regard to it."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

As if in answer, a large star chart appeared in mid air as Draven pressed a couple of buttons on his console. He seemed to snort at her question, though it was hard to tell.

"Short of flying into a star, the shields can handle almost all radiation with ease. They have to since hyper-space gives off radiation as well, and not a friendly type if you catch my meaning. Without those shields, hyper-space would kill us all."

He paused for a moment, then input a few corrections before making the hyper-space jump.

"We'll drop out a distance away from where our initial scout ship went. I want the radiation cloud from the hyper-space window to dissapate before we get near that spot, just in case it can block our sensor readings of an anomaly. Alberik, you should have enough information on our sensor systems, are any adjustments needed to check, compared to what the Klarnell ship had?"

"Funny you'd mention that." Ari responded with a somewhat snarky tone. "Omega 41 is the next best thing to jumping into a star. It went supernova sometime before the region of space was settled, now it's settled into the neutron star stage of life. Nothing else remains of the system but blasted shards of whatever planets there used to be, and the entire area is bathed in severe radiation from the star's output. There was a small unmanned fueling station there, most traffic is running their engines and shielding hot just to cross between jumpholes as fast as possible." She explained.

"The system is here, near the bottom edge of the Sirius Sector." Al finished for her, pointing out one of the faint blue stars on the map Draven brought up. "From what I can tell, this ships radiation shielding will be sufficient, so long as we don't come under fire. As for scanning at our first arrival point, I am making the necessary adjustments as we speak. I'd suggest at least two-thirds of an AU distance in order for our arrival radiation to not interfere with the scans at our destination."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven nodded slowly back to Alberik.

"I was thinking a full AU, so we're about on the same page there. If we do come under fire, the shields should hold long enough for us to make another hyper-space jump. Roughly speaking, what kind of technological level would we expect there?"

He took in what Ariana had to say, frowning slightly as a form of response. It seemed he wasn't really liking the idea of being anywhere near a Neutron Star.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Our thanks. And you are correct. We are transmitting a data package. Collected information on the virus, including recent analysis by the Tollan. Tollan scientists have uncovered signatures that closely match it to the past plague, as well as compounds consistent with the Trabal Drug." Ayla explains. "It's being spread to populated planets by a thusfar uncertain faction with unknown motives. Tollan is the most populous planet targeted yet, and given us more intel than the previous targets, but the attacks also appear to be escalating. And so we're seeking any possible leads that might help on either how to cure or combat the virus, or to track down the culprits."

The data package would contain everything that had been gathered on the bio-weapon to date.
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

There was a very long pause, as if Lokvar were reading the file himself first. Finally he spoke, and when he did, he didn't seem thrilled.

"You are correct, this has elements from the two plagues inflicted by the Ori on your galaxy, as well as elements from this Trabal drug. This virus will not only kill humans, but it will infect and kill wraith as well. You are looking at a double edged weapon to be used both on human, and wraith worlds. Whoever has created this weapon, they have had access to Alteran technology, and for some time. The gene sequencing however shows that this is not a human made virus, but rather it was engineered by someone using wraith technology, and then altering it with Alteran technology to get the desired effect. A weapon like this could very easily wipe out the entire population of your own galaxy, as well as Pegasus. I believe we can find a way to cure this, but it will take some time to do so."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven nodded slowly back to Alberik.

"I was thinking a full AU, so we're about on the same page there. If we do come under fire, the shields should hold long enough for us to make another hyper-space jump. Roughly speaking, what kind of technological level would we expect there?"

He took in what Ariana had to say, frowning slightly as a form of response. It seemed he wasn't really liking the idea of being anywhere near a Neutron Star.

"Well, our information is a few centuries out of date." Alberik reminded Draven, before continuing.

"I doubt you wish information on every facet of their technology, so I'll begin with the few I believe are relevant, and let you ask for more particulars afterwards. Ship technology first, of course. General power for the ships are derived form fusion plants, the fuel being Mixed Oxides, or MOX, containing mainly Uranium Oxides with about three percent weapons-grade plutonium. A seperate fusion rection powers the engine, which uses the process to heat hydrogens and helium-3 into plasma before magnetically shunting it into space to provide thrust. Hulls are made from a complex weave of several alloys, notable components being beryllium, aluminum, and niobium, with a boron lacing and a basework lattice made from polymers and hydrocarbons, which overall provide an adequate radiation barrier as well as proof against more physical means of damage, and of course the vacuum of space.

Shields come in three varieties, but follow the same general principles your own do, though they hug the ship's hull noticably closer than your own emitters, and have a lower output. Weapons run the gamut, though most ships rely heavily on energy projectors fed from the main ship's core. Missiles are also common, as are larger torpedoes and droppable mines. Some of the larger classes of ships run spinal mounted energy weapons with significant output, but apart from those, I don't believe any human ships in the Sirius sector as we last saw it would pose any threat to your own ships, without an advantage in numbers.

That being said, when we left humanity was in control of several advanced pieces of nomad and Dom'Kavash technology, including an intact dyson sphere. Given the general war footing of the various houses relative to each other, it is almost guaranteed there has been significant advances since then. The nomad ships were comprised of some form of bio-crystal, and while some of their weapons were modified to mount on Sirius-built ships, they had greater energy output than our own weapons, but with no drain from the main core. My own suspicions place small cores within each weapon, likely relying on small antimatter reactors, or by drawing upon zero-point energy." He explained, going on for a fair amount of time.

"Do you have any questions?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Draven thought for a moment then shook his head.

"I think that covers it. I might like to have a look at one of these nomad weapons systems if we can find one later though, a self powering weapon like that ... well let's just say if it is powered by zero point energy then they managed to advance that particular technology a bit further than the Ancients did."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Alberik gave a small nod. "The Order's techs weren't able to discover their means, but time was short, and it was enough of a blessing that we could use them ourselves at the time." He replied. "Preparations are finished, we're ready to enter hyper-space, if there is nothing else you need while you're here?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"No, I think we're as set as we're going to be. Engaging hyper-drive. This won't take terribly long."

After a moment, the ship made the jump to hyper-space, and they were on the way.

A short time later, they emerged from hyper-space, and there was a strange sound almost the moment they emerged.

"We are now cloaked. Unless they can see through cloaking devices, we should be able to look around without much interruption. Hmm, interesting, I'm detecting a high magnetic field coming from about half an AU away. I'm sending the readings to you now Alberik, can you confirm a match with the Klarnell registry on anomaly magnetic field readings?

((It would be btw, I just want him and Ariana to have SOMETHING to do haha.))
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

There was a very long pause, as if Lokvar were reading the file himself first. Finally he spoke, and when he did, he didn't seem thrilled.

"You are correct, this has elements from the two plagues inflicted by the Ori on your galaxy, as well as elements from this Trabal drug. This virus will not only kill humans, but it will infect and kill wraith as well. You are looking at a double edged weapon to be used both on human, and wraith worlds. Whoever has created this weapon, they have had access to Alteran technology, and for some time. The gene sequencing however shows that this is not a human made virus, but rather it was engineered by someone using wraith technology, and then altering it with Alteran technology to get the desired effect. A weapon like this could very easily wipe out the entire population of your own galaxy, as well as Pegasus. I believe we can find a way to cure this, but it will take some time to do so."

"The strange part of this, is that it appears to be a large Wraith hive that is distributing the virus. They have so far remained elusive by attacking isolated and more vulnerable settlements, but as the attack on Tollan suggests, they may risk striking other core worlds soon. The abnormal power their vessel has though, means that regular planetary defensive garrisons may not be enough. Trying to intercept it with a more powerful force however, would require knowing it's location or next target."
Ayla saying this in a business like manner, but with a small hint of sadness over the issue in general. "Unfortunately many thousands of people are already suffering and being lost whilst we try to develop this cure."
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"Perhaps the Rebel wraith are involved in some way, although it doesn't make sense why they would essentially poison their food supply. It may be that someone else out there has access to Wraith technology and a stolen hive ship, and the target is supposed to be the Wraith Rebels themselves, if so then it's unlikely they would care much about collateral damage on human worlds, in fact they may be spreading the virus to starve the Rebel Wraith. Unfortunately, our best option is to try and cure this as fast as possible. Even if we stop the ship from spreading it, nothing is stopping them from delivering it via the Stargates. We will work as quickly as possible, and we shall be in touch when we have something of use. A new super-gate should be active in the next three days as well, so that should help in allowing us to deliver our cure faster than by ship travel. Good luck to you in stopping this hive, and whoever is responsible, and if we can assist in any other way, contact us again."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"That may be a possibility. We have no intel yet on the ships inhabitants. And alternative delivery methods would remain a problem yes. We shall leave you with this data then, and are very grateful for any assistance you may be able to offer. For now we will return to Tollana. You have their thanks as well." Ayla says, closing the channel and the gate once she's sure everything appropriate has been said.

With that she would think back to Tollana, finding the co-ordinates in the ships memory, and begin bringing the Al-Sora round to travel back the way they came.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Nodding once, the channel cut, and a moment later the wormhole terminated. As the Al-Sora made her 'jump', Ayla would suddenly find herself seemingly no longer on board the ship. One moment she was, the next, she was in an area that was completely dark. A single white light, with a few other colors appeared, dancing around her for a few moments, and she might recognize it as a Salish Spirit, something never seen away from their own world. At least, until today.

Before she could attempt to communicate with it, something caught the corner of her eye, and came into view. It was a Stargate, but unlike any she had ever seen before. This one was a white like color, and it's chevron ring spun in place with the actual dialing mechanism. Clearly, this was a very different type of Stargate, one she'd never seen before. At the last moment it dawned on her that she was in the direct line of the wormhole, but before she could move, the vortex rushed out at her. Instead of obliterating her though, it passed through her as if she wasn't there, and the whoosh effect seemed significantly larger than she was accustomed to seeing. She also could see that something was out of place, and it took her a moment to realize what. Rather than seven or eight chevrons lit up, there were nine!

For a moment, everything seemed calm, and she might wonder what was going on. Then, from the gate a person, someone she didn't recognize was thrown from the gate, hitting the floor, but making no noise despite the fact she could see his mouth move. Behind him a box flew out of the gate, and about ten seconds later, one at a time more people and boxes flew out of the gate, some coming in faster than others. Then, she saw a face she recognized as she saw Elissia come flying through the gate, managing to avoid being slammed into the floor, and then dodging a large case that flew at her like it had been fired out of a cannon. By now people were coming in far too fast for her to see them all, until finally one final person came through. At first all she could see was a body come out of the gate, flames and what seemed to be an explosive shock wave propelling him at almost triple the speed the others had come through. He was launched clean across the area, which seemed suddenly to be like a room one would find in an Ancient facility. Hurling across the room at sickening speed, he slammed hard against the wall, before slamming to the floor, bone popping out of his left leg. As the body rolled over slightly from the force of the impact, Ayla could see who it was now.

The body lying on the floor belonged to Siphon, who seemed to be alive, but just barely. After a moment, the gate shut down, and she could see huge plumes of steam and flame erupt from under the Stargate, before suddenly the scene shifted.

The next scene showed some kind of data terminal, which showed a series of details regarding the fabric of space, yet it seemed off. It took a moment for Ayla to realize what she was seeing was a display, in Ancient. The display showed some kind of highlighted structure within the fabric of space sampled, and the ensuing data gave her a fair idea of what this was. She didn't need to know Ancient to understand that in this vision, she was seeing a cohesive structure embedded in the fabric of space that shouldn't have been possible.

Before she could see any more, the scene shifted again to show what seemed to be a first person view of a large Blue Giant Star. More pressing was the fact she seemed to be heading straight towards it, far faster than she'd have liked. Barely having time for any kind of reaction, she suddenly found herself within the star itself, but strangely not burning up. After an indeterminable amount of time, she exited on the other side of the star, and strangely felt like she was stronger for it. Several other visions hit her in rapid order, some seeming to involve alien planets, as well as looking at star constellations that were completely alien to her. None of them looked familiar at all, nor did the planets.

Finally, she found herself floating in empty space, a strange blueish glow heading in her direction. After a few moments, there was an explosion of light, similar to what she'd see from a ship exiting hyper-space, and then suddenly she saw IT.

A gigantic ship, arrow shaped in design cruised towards her. As it passed her by, she could see that it had been damaged, parts of the hull completely gone. The ship was huge, easily larger than a Wraith Hive ship, and clearly a very old ship. At the back of the ship was a massive engine, that seemed to take up almost the entire back end of the ship, and a large pyramid like structure near the back as well. She found herself standing on this pyramid, looking down and out over the vast ship, unable to even see the end of it from even this vantage point. Suddenly there was a surge, and she found the ship traveling at incredible speed, a misty like veil all around her.

Abruptly, the vision ended, and she found herself standing next to a peaceful creek, a old man standing not far from her who appeared to be a Native American from Earth. He regarded her for a moment, looking at her but saying nothing, as if waiting for her to recover and speak first.
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Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

"No, I think we're as set as we're going to be. Engaging hyper-drive. This won't take terribly long."

After a moment, the ship made the jump to hyper-space, and they were on the way.

A short time later, they emerged from hyper-space, and there was a strange sound almost the moment they emerged.

"We are now cloaked. Unless they can see through cloaking devices, we should be able to look around without much interruption. Hmm, interesting, I'm detecting a high magnetic field coming from about half an AU away. I'm sending the readings to you now Alberik, can you confirm a match with the Klarnell registry on anomaly magnetic field readings?

((It would be btw, I just want him and Ariana to have SOMETHING to do haha.))

((Hehe, fair enough.))

"It is a match, yes." Alberik answered simply, going through the process of scanning it deeper himself. "I'm calibrating the scanning equipment, should be able to cross-check and see if it's been widened enough for a ship to pass recently or not. Also scanning the surrounding area for any other activity."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

After finishing his calibrations and scans, Alberik would discover the anomaly was indeed large enough for a ship to pass through. In fact, it was large enough to fit a Wraith Hive through it!

Suddenly, the ship jerked forward, and they both would hear Draven hiss.

"We may have a problem. That magnetic field has a strong pull. It's interacting with the alloys the ship is made out of, and we're being pulled towards the anomaly. Estimated sixty seconds until contact with the anomaly's event horizon."
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

Ayla's initial shock at seeming to be displaced, soon turns into cautious observation, as she makes no attempt to move from her spot and watches what unfolds around her. The initial scene was concerning, but as expected things fade and continue to other visions, and so she remains calm and pays careful attention to what occurs.

When the parade of curious visions appears to end, and she finds herself remaining at the creek, she waits a moment whilst checking her senses and briefly re-visualising what she'd just seen, before turning to face the elderly man. "What are these visions you show to me?" She says straight forwardly, but in a polite tone.
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The man regarded her for a moment longer before replying.

"One potential branch of the future, and the future depending on the situation. Some things cannot be changed, whilst others can be. Those you have seen will soon find their Destiny, and not all will survive. It is your task to decide what may potentially be changed, but remember, not all can be. Seek your answers in the fabric of the universe itself. It is your responsibility to see this through, to undo what you have already done. That is your Destiny, as is the ship. Etheria's destiny, and it's future hangs in the fragile balance of your decisions. Are you prepared to return, Ayla Iasha-voh?"
Re: Milky Way Galaxy (Space Itself)

The AI's hands hung over the control panel he was at for nearly two seconds, before becoming a blur of motion again. "Recalibrating the shield emitters. Should interfere with the magnetic pull. I assume the engines are already at work?"

Magnetism from over 46 million miles away powerful enough to pull harder than your much-vaunted technology can push back? :p
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