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Millford Castle

Re: Millford Castle

"No need to be so dramatic... but this is only enough for three days, huh?" she unflinchingly opens a cut on the pad of her thumb, dripping blood into each phial. When she finishes, she chews absently on the wound, speaking around it. "So, should I take it at noon, just before night, or what?"
Re: Millford Castle

Thankfully, her knowledge of the house had not waned, making her tour of the grounds rather easy. They were able to make it to Scarlet's room, where she picked up the noise of Zaraf trying to wake the young master. "Excuse me a moment. I'll see if I can't help Zaraf wake the young master." With a quick bow to her companions she knocked on the door a couple times before entering, approaching Zaraf "Excuse me, do you need some assistance? Figure I would try to make myself useful."
Re: Millford Castle

"Ok!" Panne said as she nodded in response to Franca, and then promptly started following behind her and after following into the room she added "I figured I could help too!"
Re: Millford Castle

Corina shrugs, and follows the two women into the room as well. She might as well lend a hand if she can.
Re: Millford Castle

"Taking it late afternoon would probably be best, yes. It should last until dawn regardless of when you take it, but... well, no sense in risking things, yes?" Ruby replies as she returns each of the vials to the small wooden box and slides it across the desk to the girl. "I'll have some more ready for you in two days time. Now then, was that all?" she adds, staring through the girl imperiously.


The girls pulled up short as they stepped into the room, unprepared for what awaited them. A soft squeak of surprise erupted from the dark haired maid on the bed, presumably Zaraf. Beneath her lay a man who surely had to be Master Scarlet, lounging in the bed with an used grin upon his face, bare torso visible, his body disappearing beneath the skirt of the furiously blushing girl, who did her best to turn away from the three as they poured into the room.

"Well well, what do we have here?" the man asked, his voice deep and rich with amusement. "The new staff, I presume?"
Re: Millford Castle

Taking the box and bowing, she speaks softly, as restrained as she can, afraid of incurring her lady's wrath. "Unless you have some particular need of me, I believe that it would be best if I went back to the rest now" unless it did, in fact, turn out that she was required, she would then return to her room to put the box of medicine in a safer place, then, perhaps, rejoin the other maids.
Re: Millford Castle

Once again Panne managed to totally miss the air in the room, and instead of feeling embarrassed and/or awkward like she should have, she instead barely reacted to the scene and said with a cheerful tone, "Yes we are sir! My name's Panne!"
Re: Millford Castle

Franca, seeing the scene before her and seeing her companions follow her in, was mortified by the sight before her. Her face was as read as Zaraf's and she actually covered her eyes to shield herself from anything. She was almost scared to actually respond to the young master, in fear that he may punish her if she said anything wrong. But not saying anything may be worse. So with great trepidation, she spoke up. "M...Master Scarlet. I meant no offense! I just wanted to see if Lady Zaraf needed assistance. And My companions may be new to the house, but I've been working here for some time. My name is Franca. I was an aide to the lower staff of the house after your parents rescued me."
Re: Millford Castle

The moment for leave soon come and Tomoe decided to just leave before someone notice her, thankfully the others close her werent expecting to find her now and she havent made anything bad, so she continue exploring, moving to the master side of the mansion, maybe then she could find more info of what she is trying to understand