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Minatsumi Estate


Dec 6, 2009
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I am going to be starting a mansion of my own. I'll be putting new information up as I have it worked it out. I can take up to 4/5 maids.

Mistress of the Estate:
Hinako Minatsumi
Weight:115 lb.
Colors: Eyes:purple, Hair: Purple, dress: Purple
Qualities: Quiet, Shy, Burns, One eye hair
Powers: Blood Ties, Mansion
Stress Explosion: Crying
Trauma: witnessed parents death
Mental Complex: Loneliness
Favored Maid Type: Lolita
Athletics: 1


Hinako was in a terrible fire that killed both of her parents and left her and body horribly burned and disfigured at age 5. She is horribly afraid of people, and considers herself ugly and never able to be married. She has great difficulty opening up to people, only talking much at all and spending me with her headmaid; the one who managed to save her from the fire and get her to the hospital. She is the only surviving member of her family and thus the family's wealth and estate was left to her belonging. It is said that the Minatsumi Estate holds a terrific secret, though Hinako is completely clueless as to this and the head maid merely discredits it as foolish Urban Legend. When Hinako's stress gets too high, she winds up breaking down in tears.

Kiraiya, Hinako's Headmaid
Age: Appears 28
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 125 lb.
Colors: Uniform- green, Hair: Pink, Eyes: Purple
Maid Types: Lolita and Sexy
Qualities: Sadist, Whip Scars, Vampire, and Brown Skin
Favored Attribute: Luck
Power: Foreboding
Roots: Returning a Favor
Weapon: Machine gun
Explosion: Mischief
Trauma: Knows no love
Physical Complex: Scars

Only with dark skin and purple eyes.

Kiraiya is Hinako's headmaid. She has always been there to look after care for Hinako ever since she was born. It was Kiraiya who jumped into the burning flames to save Hinako from the fire that claimed her family. She is fiercely protective of her mistress, and is suspicious of new people, though she does wish for Hinako to make friends and break through her fear of the outside and shyness that the fire had put on her. She is a strict and stern house head who expects results and obedience from her underlings. She is also a sadist who delights in causing others pain. Unbeknownst to Hinako, Kiraiya is really a centuries old vampire. She stands just an inch taller then Hinako, has long pink hair purple eyes and a rich brown skin. Underneath her uniform she has several whip scars covering her back which she refuses to speak about to anyone other then her mistress.

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Re: Minatsumi Estate

age:??? it looks as a 18 year old


Uniform Color: brown
Hair Color: orange
Eye Color: beige
Maid Types: Pure & Cool
Special Qualities: Shy, Quiet, angel/devil, yingyang symbol
Favored Attribute: Affection
Maid Power: World for Two
Maid Roots: Slave
Maid Weapon: Wooden Sword/Staff
Stress Explosion: Cry/(Complaining if possible)
trauma: family break up
mental complex: own interior

Bio: A long time ago a battle between the angels and demons happened in our world in a distand land, the place disapear in the history of the world and nobody remember or hear of it again even when the holy knigths win that day. But unfortunately one of them fall in the hands of the evil creatures who used her even worse than a slave or an object, for many days the dark creatures used the celestial being to sattle their lust and anger by the losed fight. The time passed and just when all looks like her time as light was ending a big quantity of holy warriors get inside of the fortress and free her from the torment, they then attempt to return to their realm, but the angel has been tainted by the darkness and will be not able to returnt to the heaven, she decide to stay in the earth and help the world as much as she can, with the pass of the time she was abble to control her dark side and help the mortals showing them the real path of the thruth, but then she noted it, her energy was nearly ended and fy around the closest city in the night knowing that her days were counted.

As she was flying she saw a little soul banishing in the snow night at the outside of the city, it was a young girl with a pair of rags that cover only her privated parts, she was filled with wounds and was in her last moments too. The soul of the child was so pure and still fighting to live even in her last moment than the angel had pitty of her and decide to give her a second chance. Aegis then sense a warm feeling full of love and light that fill her with new energy and streng to get up again in a light grow, her slave collar had changed and now she had a bright yingyang necklance fused in it, she she was unable to take it out and resign herself. After that day Aegis was the vessel of the tainted angel, the powers of the light creature had given her a pair of wings one white and the other dark, also she could endure more the enviroment and for some reason she could conect with the hearst of others and she used it to help the people as se travel around the world, but some of them were corrupted people and after some years she start to had fear of the humans, she just avoid to meet more persons even when she was hearing the celestial voice inside her that ask her to help the needed, she after some time accepted and saw a mansion bellow her where she was flying, after reach the floor and hide her wings Aegis try to get inside and meet the person after know if she was a nice people.

She try to get in but then she saw a woman walking toward her with a maid uniform, she try to run away but when she reach the corner she get amazed to saw the same woman waiting for her. Kiraiya soon ask her about why she was doing outside the mansion and who she was, but the girl just try to hide herself behind the wall, as her mouth stay closed and her face show her feelings in this situation, after many attempts the maid heard the noise of Aegis´s stomach and also saw the strange slave necklance, it was clearthat the girl had not a home and was just a slave without any right who tried to find a place to rest and eat, but for some reason her way to act make her remember her mistress and thats how Aegis turn into a maid without know it.

FP 12=6+6
spirit= 10
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

Name: Norman Saddler.
Age: 44
Height: 6'9"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Colors: Eyes: White, (Quality) Hair: Gray, Suit: Black.
Qualities: White Eyes, Giant, Sunglasses, Brown Skin.
Butler Powers: Crisis Adrenaline, Trap.
Roots: Loyalty.
Weapon: Katara.

Athletics: 4
Affection: 2
Skill: 5
Cunning: 2
Luck: 1
Will: 6

Bio: Norman's family has served the Minatsumi line for generations, and Norman himself is no exception. He serves her with undying loyalty and follows her orders without question, though he tends to butt heads with the head maid on occasion. Beneath his sunglasses which he refuses to take off, he has a pair of almost luminous white eyes, as to how they got that way, he never tells, but no one knows about his white eyes aside from the mistress of the mansion. His tanned skin and tall stance tend to put people off-balance, though he is quite gentle to those who know him.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Name: Holo
Age: 14
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 95 lbs

Athletics: 1
Affection: 2
Skill: 3
Cunning: 1
Luck: 2
Will: 1

Uniform Color: Orange
Hair Color: Blue
Eye Color: White
Maid Types: Boyish & Lolita
Special Qualities: Western Magic (Alchemy), Fox Shapeshifter, Overactive Imagination, Elf Ears
Favored Attribute: Skill
Maid Powers: Stalking, 4-D Dress
Maid Roots: Slave
Maid Weapon: Kitchen Knife
Stress Explosion: Crying
Trauma: Ran Away from Home
Mental Complex: Inexperienced in Love
Physical Complex: Sickly

Spirit: 20
Favor: 13

Description: Holo is very short and thin, with bright blue hair cut very short, and her chest is almost nonexistent; even up close she looks like a sort of feminine boy. Despite her ability to shapeshift, she can't seem to correct this. Nor can she make her ears suitably human; they always come out drawn to a point. She also can't seem to make her skin a healthy color; she is extremely pale and her skin feels clammy to the touch.

Bio: "Holo" is young fox who recently discovered her ability to shapeshift, and decided she would like to try being human, and so ran away from home; her distance from her family sometimes bothers her, but she enjoys the chance to gain new experiences. Unfortunately, her naivety allowed her to be tricked into slavery, and she was quickly sold to the Minatsumi Estate. Still, she isn't bitter, and sees this as another chance to experience life as a human. She hadn't had a name (foxes have no use for them), and so she allowed her new mistress to name her. She is still somewhat naive about the ways of the world, and perhaps a bit too trusting.
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

Name: Nadia


Uniform Color: Gold
Hair Color: Cream
Eye Color: Yellow
Maid Types: Boyish & Pure
Special Qualities:shy, elf ears, long ringlet hair style and quiet
Favored Attribute:
Maid Power: Ultimate Retort
Maid Roots: Infiltrator
Maid Weapon: Exotic weapon (Trident and net)
Stress Explosion: Shopping

Bio: Raised by her uncle, Nadia was taught from an extremely young age that the Minatsumi family had destroyed and killed her parents, believing this for do long Nadia has nurtured a hatred and seeks vengeance at any cost, only willing to play the long game in the hopes of not revealing herself too soon. a few years ago her uncle went missing, weather he left or weather he was taken she could not tell but took it into her own hands to extract the vengeance she seeks.

What details of this betrayal were always vague, she was told merely that their families downfall and her parents death was because of them. She has been given no reason or facts as of yet to refute these claims.

Her plan is simple, infiltrate the family by being hired as a maid, find evidence of their crimes and evil, revealing it to the world. Then her families honor would be restored.
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

Full Name:Kiyomi Rinohwa Arisunaka Mille'Tiberoan (Kiyomi Arisunaka for short)
Age: 19
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 125 lb.
Colors: Uniform- Metallic, Hair: Green, Eyes: Green
Qualities: Secret job- Assassin, Princess, and Necromantic Magical Girl.
Power: Power of Friendship
Roots: Returning a Favor
Weapon: Kung Fu Weapon - Tonfa
Explosion: Prayer
Trauma: Witnessed Parents Death
Physical Complex: Muscular
Athletics: 2
Affection: 4
Skill: 2
Cunning: 0
Luck: 0
Will: 4
Spirit: 40
Favor: 8

Bio: December 8 12XX
Kiyomi... I was named after her birthday using the characters for holy and beauty... But not all Christmas Eves are merry...

The official reports say that they were slashed by an unknown instrument... And wrote it off as a terrible accident... A little known countries royal family, killed mysteriously while on vacation But I knew... And I remembered... After being tossed around the orphanage for a while the sect got a hold of me... Tought me how to hunt... How to kill... How to seek revenge... And using the magics the sect had taught me, I did so... But on that dark rainy night... It wasn't a thirst for vengeance that guided my hand... I had long scince forsoke any feelings of vendetta I once harbored... I performed my duty... Finding mass slaughter not to my tastes...

I knew the repercussions to my actions, comrade attacking comrade, only to have the loser fall under my spell and assault another former comrade... It was chaotic... It was gruesome... It just... Wasn't me though... I left that gore strewn scene with tears washing away the blood from my face... And stepped into the black rain...

Years have gone by scince I last thought about that night... And countless more assassinations... But now I'm stationed here, waiting for my next orders, at the mansion of a previous intermediary... Posing like a common servant girl...

But you know what?

I don't hate it...
Re: Minatsumi Estate

The Minatsumi Estate is sprawling elaborate complex comprised of several different buildings and towers. It has been in service for several hundred years and upon entering its area it is immediately noticeable. There are several rumors abounding about the estate and the previous owners of it, and the reclusive almost demo-phobic current mistress of the estate. Many of the of the peasants and civilians of the area whisper in hushed tones of the rumors surrounding the extravagant estate. A lone carriage brings two young maidens that have recently been hired onto the domestic staff of the home down a long cobblestone road leading past several colorful trees and topiary, past the several annexes of the estate to the main house, a beautiful large black and purple painted house, from a window of one the many rooms a lone face, half covered by long purple hair peeks nervously and shyly outside.

"N-Norman..... These new maids....... d-do you think t-they'll be nice? D-do you know anything about them? I'm....... nervous, about bringing n-new p-people into my home..... but.... I just don't want to b-be alone anymore......" She saids sadly and rather melancholy. "Wh-what about, you Kiraiya-neesan?"

Kiraiya a dark skinned woman with pink hair in a green uniform looks over to her with a rather blank stare on her face merely shrugs, "All I know is that one was hired by the regular rental services, not very much is known about her, the other one seems to have to been indebted to your parents before their deaths, and is just now arriving for duty as a maid. I really don't know what they're like, Norman was in charge of the contracting, m'lady."

The purple haired girl looked over to the pink haired woman with a somewhat crestfallen expression, "I see..... I'm..... worried about outsiders or strangers coming into the house, but it's too much to ask to expect just you, Norman, Holo and Aegis to take care of this massive property on your own. We simply need extra help." She saids before turning her gaze once more out the window as the carriage finally arrives at the doorstep. "Kiraiya please inform Aegis and Holo that the new help has arrived, and Norman would you please greet them and orient them for me before bringing them to me to meet please?"
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman stands just behind the mistress of the house, staring out the window before answering his mistress in a calm tone of voice, his lip movements masked by a gray moustache on his upper lip. "I made sure to perform a thorough background check on them. Should any complications arise, I will inform you, mistress." he says calmly, still staring out the window as the carriage arrives. "I will go and greet them, Madame. I shall give them a grand tour." he says, bowing slightly with his right arm crossed over his stomach as he turns and exits the room, walking down the hallways and corridors leading to the main entryway, where the two maids would be entering shortly. He stands stiffly with his right arm crossed over his stomach, awaiting the entry of the two maids.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

In a room inside of the mansion a red haired girl just had wake up, she still feel uncomfortable to sleep in her bed even when she had been there for nearly a month. with little yawns she get up and take out her pajama to prepare herself with a quick bath, her white soft skin soon give the welcome to the cold water and Aegis get wake up completely. She then increase the speed of her bath and take a little time to check her now clean nude body. She had a over average breasts and a nice round rear, her skin don't had any pubic hair as the transformation into an angel vessel had been turning her body into a better one with the time, its very weird to saw herself without grow up and wonder with fear if she will stay like this for the rest of her life, You arent a mortal anymore Aegis, dont worry you will never be alone anymore said a female voice in her head. The poor Aegis still dont get used to hear the angel voice, but at least she could sense a warm feeling whens she heard her. She just smile as she touch the necklace in her neck, it had not get away of that place from the time when Aziel get inside her, it was a luck that it dont give her itching or any problem, she had tried to take it out many times but it looks like a magic spell make her dont be able to take out the cute collar.

After drees herself with her now used maid outfit she proceed to walk through the creepy mansion, as she heard that there will be new maids coming today, she really is scared to meet more people, this place is now very scary to even add more persons, they could be murders or bad people that could do many bad things to all of them, they could punch her and torture her to make her open security boxes and she dont know any combination. Aegis walk slower and in a moment she just hide behind a wall trying to see the others maids coming from the entrance door in any moment.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Holo woke up fairly late, as she had been doing lately, and had to rush to put on her bright orange uniform. New maids had just been hired to help her and the other slave, Aegis. It was a welcome occurrence; the estate was enormous, and there was no way the two of them, the head maid, and the butler could keep up with all the things that needed to be done. She hadn't seen even half the estate in the month or so she'd been there, coincidentally being enslaved to the Minatsumi girl around the same time as Aegis had been. It was also a chance to make some friends. She hadn't interacted with the mistress very often, and she had purposely avoided the head maid; something about her just seemed wrong somehow, and she scared the fox girl. The butler was a bit... stiff... And Aegis was a nice girl, but she was painfully shy and quiet. It might be nice to see a little life injected into the estate.

The shapeshifting fox walked briskly down the hall towards the entry to the main house, hoping she wasn't late. She certainly didn't want to cause trouble for herself with the head maid. When she arrived she saw the butler and gave him a slight bow, saying "good morning, Saddler-san. When is the new help supposed to arrive?" Her pale white eyes darted around the room, confused that Aegis wasn't already there; normally she was always around before Holo was.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman turned his head slightly to notice Holo, a smile on his face hidden behind his moustache. "Oh, Holo-chan. They should be arriving any moment now. You'd best go find Aegis and go talk to Kiraiya. No doubt she'll have more tasks for you today." he says, then turns back to watching the door, stiff as a statue.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Aegis stay hidden for a time, she was looking to the door and Norman the stiffed butler. Then she just sit in the floor trying to calm herself and after some deep breaths she start to saw the walls and floor of the room, they were cleaned by her a time ago and once again they had a little of dust. Then she heared Holo voice and the red haired girl get up to heard the conversation, the other slave has been soo friendly with her, she still remember the scary first days when she come and quickly Holo attempt to be her friend.

Aegis leave her hideout and her steps soon call the attention of the others, she was still a little nervious in front of the big butler and she make a slow vow to both, her face was blushed and she try to smile as her hands play nervious in front of her for a time and then speak some words nearly in wishpers as she look to her hands. Good morning... miss Holo and Saddler-san... anyone know something about the new maids?
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

Holo looked a bit surprised by Norman's statement. "Kiraiya-sama won't be joining us to welcome the new maids?" she asked, though secretly she was a little bit glad if that was the case. Just when she was about to go off looking for Aegis the girl appeared, looking nervous and shy as she greeted them. "So there you are. I was starting to get worried, you're never later than I am. Good morning. Supposedly the new maids will be here soon." She grinned at the girl, beckoning her to come stand next to her as they waited for the new maids, not wanting to go find the head maid just yet.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman lets a slight chuckle escape his lips. "I know very little about the new maids, aside from the fact that they're willing to work out here at the mansion. As for Kiraiya-san, she won't be joining us. It's my job to welcome the maids. Perhaps you two can help me give them a tour." he says, smiling, though the gesture is hidden behind his sunglasses and thick gray moustache.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

The green haired girl stretches out noisily, her emerald eyes glimmering in the shadey carriage...

The ride was nice and uneventful, but kinda boring...

Looking over at her traveling companion, she debated poking at her in sheer boredom...

But settled on idle chat, sounding a little more enthusiastic than normally would be put into an introduction

"Hey, scince were heading to the same place, why don't we introduce ourselves!

I'm Kiyomi... Kiyomi Arisunaka...

Now how about you?"
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia watched as the scenery passed them by, thinking of how she would need to act or do to not raise any suspicions. She was so close now, she had done it, she was in.

The girl beside asked her what her name was and she turned smiling "A pleasure to meet you Kiyomi, I am Nadia. I'm a little nervous about this job, I heard a lot of strange things about this family."

She looks away, not hiding her nervous, only why she was nervous as the carriage pulled up to the house. Stepping down in her golf uniform she brushed her long curly hair out of her eyes. Stepping aside to allow the other girl to get out of the carriage and offering any help to the other girl, taking her own simple and small bag she gets ready to enter the house together.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

"It's nice to meet you, Nadia! But I'm sure this place were heading to is gonna be fun, filled with all new stuff to see and do... Think of it like an adventure!"

Kiyomi grew even more impatient now as they drew ever closer, periodically bobbing up and down in her seat, a grin plastered on her face all the while

Finally when the carriage stoped and Nadia opens the door and setps out, Kiyomi begins rocking back and forth mouthing the words silently "Come on... Come on!"

Finally clearance was enough and she soared out of the carriage with an energetic "WHEEEEE!" Hopping to slow herself and keep balance as she lands,

"Ah... Land...!"

The seeing Nadia with her bags already,

"Oh yea! My bags!"

Climbing up the wheel Kiyomi snags her two bags and hops back off with a "Hup! There we go!"

Then Kiyomi looks up at the mansion,

"Wooow... Its.... Big!"
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia watches the girl and thinks she might prove useful in the future, her spunk could both be of aid, and her actions could be her cover.

She makes and effort to smile at her new friends actions. "Come on, we should get inside."

Nadia leads the two of them up the step, knocking on the front door.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman hears the knock on the door, and steps forward, reaching his right hand forward to grasp the handle of the large wooden door to the mansion, opening it and looking out at the two maids and clearing his throat. "I assume you are the two maids that will be in the employ of the house?" he states, then opens the door further, ushering the two ladies inside then closing the door behind them. "First and foremost, I am Norman, the butler of the estate. I have been instructed to guide you and ensure that you know enough to adequately perform your day to day tasks." he states, his left hand still resting against his stomach as he begins to walk. "Holo, Aegis. Please go find Kiraiya-san and inform her that the two new maids have arrived." he states, motioning for Nadia and Kiyomi to follow him.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Aegis bite her lips when the door get knocked, giving some feets away of the place Aegis get behind Holo, as she look the two new maids get inside. They look like normal good girls, but she is still nervious and blushed she make a quick vow, her body was shivering by the through of her mind of how they could be. She then went to look for the headmaid with Holo as Normal said, her presence was unnecesary there now.
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