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Minatsumi Estate

Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiomi had enjoyed her bath, and after drying off and dressing she was wondering what it was that she could do at that moment and heading back to the maid dorm when she heard Miss Kiraiya break the bad news about Norman

"Aww! Normies Not feeling good? Can we get him some flowers or something to cheer him up?"

And then Kiraiya mentioned breakfast... And that was all it took...

Kiyomi's stomach began talking for itself loud enough for Kiraiya to overhear as Kiyomi enthusiastically shouted with a hop "Breakfast? I can help!"

As she makes it to the Kitchen with the others she waits for the others to divvy up the dealings... All the while watching the two new girls with a bemused grin

A girl in a pretty red Cheongsam calls herself Kara as she intro duces herself

"Hiya Kara! I'm Kiyomi! What brings YOU to the mansion?

Oh... Wuh? I guess theres enough people cooking already... I guess I'll set the table! That way we can chat while I work, Hee!"
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia followed the other maids, what could have happened? it didn't matter, one more person not to worry about, these four new maids would be of benefit, even if by making her not 'the new maid' as relatively anymore. Moving to set the table as the other girl file in, listening to Kiyomi chat the girl She leans t set down plates and utensils she smiles at the girl named Kim and says

"My name is Nadia, I'm glad to meet you."
Re: Minatsumi Estate

"Aegis, why don't you fix some crepes and some biscuits and gravy? I'll be making eggs, bacon, and sausage, if you need any help ask for it. The new help can set the table and do the other things like that" Holo said, quickly taking charge and setting about fixing the sort of breakfast her mistress would love. Or so she hoped. She didn't have time to worry about Norman, his absence would only mean that there was more for the rest of them to do. Though I probably shouldn't worry, there's far more help than we've ever had in my time here. Everything should go smoothly.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi: skill=1d6x2 (12) vs TN 4 success
Aegis Skill: 1d6x2=4 vs TN 6 fail
Holo Skill: 1d6x3=12 vs TN 6 success

Kiyomi would have no trouble at all doing something so simple as setting a table and have it done in record time, meanwhile a scent of smoke would roll through the house from the kitchen of burnt crepes and poorly done gravy- it would seem Aegis would have lesser luck then Holo and Kiyomi. Holo would however had zero problems with the main course, fixing the bacon not too crispy or chewy, the sausage fit for a king or in Hinakos case a queen, and the egg would be perfectly unbroken yolks and look like a master piece of culinary art. However the smell of ruined dessert and would draw Kiraiya towards the kitchen and earn Aegis her wrath. "Aegis.... Is something as simple as gravy and pastries so difficult for a seasoned maid? I hope you don't expect the mistress to choke down on it. Or The rest of us. Either get it fixed or you'll be eating your mistakes for breakfast and the rest of us will have the main course." she said in a flat icy and threatening tone to the angelic maid.

Aegis takes 2 stress damage

Shortly after, Kiraiya would head towards the dining room and address the current staff and new help, "I am afraid there has been a problem with dessert and the gravy and biscuits. Our current assistant chef will try to remedy the problem. Meanwhile the main course will be out in a moment." Meanwhile Aegis would scrap the gravy and burnt crepes and biscuits and try again. Hoping for better results.

Aegis Skill: 1d6x2=6 vs TN 6 Success

This time they would come out just right and she and Holo would announce that breakfast is ready before entering in the room, Hinako at that time would come to the head of the table and seat herself, waiting for the food to arrive.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kim stood there, keeping her head down, blushing furiously at every imagined mistake as she waited with the other newcomers.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

*Violet sat there, awaiting breakfast, curiously staring at Hinako.*
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Akita looked at the maid who sat at the head of the table. She then looked away, and slumped into her chair waiting for food to be brought out.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Holo easily prepared the food; this cooking stuff was really her thing. It wasn't Aegis', though, and she smelled the burning dessert right away. Oh no, she'll be here soon she thought, quickly finishing up the food as she dreaded the appearance of the head maid. Sure enough, she was there soon, giving Aegis a tongue-lashing. "Ah, Kiraiya-sama, please don't be too hard on her" she called out meekly as the head maid walked out the door, and it wasn't certain she would be heard. Still, the angel maid tried again and successfully made the crepes this time. Good for her, maybe she'll get better at this soon. Everything now ready, Holo called out "dinner is ready!" and brought it out to the mistress and the new maids.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Looks like her throughts affect her kitchen skills, the young angel was just thinking on the news maids and how they could afect their lives, suddenly she smell it and quickly tried to save the food, but it was too late ohh, noo... its all burned She look everywhere and tried to find how to save the food, but all was usseless and the headmaid start to shout her and said her all that come to her mind. Aegis just noded and said little shy sorries as she accept Kiyomi words im soo sorry i was distracted, but will not happen again , even accepting to eat all if she miss again. Her tears nearlly fall but she decide to try again. It was hard to try to cook alone all, she tried to remember the instructions of her friend and using all her experience was abble to finish the creppes gravy and pastres. She just aid Holo to serve all without said something more with all these new faces around.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kara stared impatiently at the wall, waiting for dinner.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi was just setting the final set of silverwear in there place when she smelt... Something... It was... Interesting...

"Um.. Can you excuse me a second Kara? I'll be right back, kay?"

Kiyomi excused herself from the brief conversation to investigate the odd scent, finding herself drawn to Aegis's side of the range and the still darkening Crepes and dark gravy pudding...

"Oh... My... A-Aegis... I like my crepes crisp too, but I think thats a bit too much..."

Kiyomi could see how much it was upsetting Aegis, and was trying to be helpfull

"Uh... I guess I'll take that batch then? I kinda don't mind my food with a side of charcoal..."

Then Kiraiya entered and began her scolding, making Aegis throw out the batch... Kiyomi stayed quiet throughout most of it... Only untill Kiraiya was out of earshot...

Then whispered with a giggle "Don't worry, I'll help you eat them you mess up again, hmm?"

Then made her way to the dining room, to await the results, a grin upon her face as she skipped off...
Re: Minatsumi Estate

As Holo and Aegis would come out with the crepes and main course of the breakfast, the delightful smell of fried meat and eggs and sweets would waif through the air, "Mmm... It smells wonderful, ladies. I'm looking forward to trying it myself." she appraised the fox girl and angel as she took a fork and daintily cut off a small piece of the sausage eggs bacons and crepe on her plate. She once again chewed slowly and deliberately tasting and savoring the flavor of the meal prepared for them before replying with a small smile, "Mmm, it's rather good girls. I can always count on you for the meals...." she stopped for a few moments before adding, "But maybe we should allow some of the newcomers to try cooking tomorrow. After all if you and or Holo fall ill like Norman or something one day, who would do the cooking? And they can't be able to do so without practice. Also with this much help the chores should e quite easier. Kiraiya, after breakfast is over, please bring the staff up to my study. There we will discuss assignments of chores." " Yes Mistress." Kiraiya replied plainly.

Once breakfast was finished, Kiraiya spoke to the staff, "Everyone follow me to the lady's study. Kiyomi, since you deal with setting the table clean up is your responsibility. Holo you stay here and show the way once she is finished." with that Kiraiya lead the entourage of maids up to hinakos study. Meanwhile, Kiyomi would start on the dishes as Holo waited for her. At the same time Kiraiya would lead the others upstairs to the mistress' study.

Kiyomi Luck Roll: Roll(1d6)+0: 4,+0 Total:4*0=0 + Holo:Roll(1d6)+2: 2,+2 Total:4*2=8 vs TN 6 success

As Kiyomi would go to gather the dishes, Holo would see that she was being too eager, trying too carry too much and see the tower of dishes wobble before running up to her and agreeing to take half of them, and help with the task. Once they were done they would head up to the study where the others were in wait, before the mistress and Kiraiya would start.

Aegis recovers 2 stress points from the mistress's praise
Holo gains 3 favor
Re: Minatsumi Estate

*Violet eagerly eats her her breakfast, helping herself to plenty of bacon and crepes. After listening to the announcement, she nodded and followed the head maid. As she followed she blushed and mischievously giggled to herself as she looked at the head maid's sexy butt and wondered how she was in bed.*
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Akita eats the delicious breakfast quickly, her favorite part being the fried meat. She then listens to the mistresses announcement. She said the staff will now follow her to the study, so Akita stood up and walked over to her mistress. The other maids gathered towards the entrance of the dining room. From here their mistress leads the staff through the halls to the study.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

"Thank you, mistress" Holo replied, glad for the compliment as she ate her breakfast. It really was quite good; she had always loved a good piece of sausage, even before she had learned how to shapeshift. Her troop of foxes had lived close to the city, and she had always searched for any scraps of the meat she could find, and she devoured it hungrily now. When she was done she listened to Kiraiya's instructions, replying "yes, Kiraiya-sama" with a little bow and waiting on Kiyomi to finish cleaning up. Of course, the new maid tried to do too much at once, and Holo ran to help her, shouting "oh no no no, please don't try to carry so many plates at once! You'll drop some if you do, please, let me take half." She took half the plates off of Kiyomi's hands and they finished the cleanup without incident, hurrying up to the study to join the others and get their assignments.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

The mistress warms words soon calm the angel heart. Thanks...Im so grad to serve you my Mistress said a little ashamed by her last accident, maybe the kitchen was not her place and she started to eat her breakfast to recover her strengh for the rest of her day that was near, her speed to eat was over the average, maybe to continue with her next task ending in third place, but just then they order them to follow the headmaid, leaving only Holo and kiyomi to clean the desk and wash the dishes, she just follow the rest. Without say any word and just smiling to them
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kara ate her breakfast slowly, she was surprised at how good it was considering all the shouting there had been and the smell of smoke which had reached the dining room. After finishing with her food she got up and went over to were the other new maids were standing, awaiting the head maid.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kim ate in silence, head down, and finished quickly. Listening to the announcement, she followed the sound of maid footsteps, stumbling a little as she got up from her seat. Blushing she walked briskly with the others, wondering what was in store for her.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia looked to a fro, not worried about the lack of notice to her. New assignments would be given out and she should try to get a different job, a better way to see the whole mansion, and perhaps get alone time with the other maids. The Mistress seemed to enjoy her food, contrary to her figure, and Nadia thought maybe she could try to win her over with a well placed meal or two. Thinking she realized she had no exceptional skills at cooking, but it was worth a try.

Her eyes focused on the one girl sitting the most silent, ((Kim)) smiling she stepped into line with the girl, brush her hand against hers as they walked and sending her a reassuring smile.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi once again devoured her food, a living embodyment of a food erasing vacuum cleaner, clearing her plate and even scraping the cast off gravy globs off, leaving a almost pristine looking plate in her wake...

Then sits back, pleased with the meal and her thouroughness with it, a wide grin across the foodies face.

After the meal was finished and the Mistress spoke of the new girls trying the cooking tomorrow, Kiyomi's mind drifted of as her mouth started watering again... She proabably wouldn't be a good choice... Unless everyone liked bit into toast and too often taste tested soups...

Then as the Mistress was leaving and Kiraiya was delegating the cleanup duties, Kiyomi began her task of clearing the table...

(Hmm... I'll have to remember if my name come up to make lots... Maybe there'll be leftovers! Yay!)

Caught up in the thoughts of the tasty foods of later, Kiyomi doesn't think twice about piling up the plates on top of each other, afterall... They came out that way, didn't they?

A few steps off the plates began sliding around, and Holo's intervention snapped her out of her tasty tasty daydream with a "Huhn? Ack! Gravy lube! Uh... Slowly now... Slowly..."

When Holo offered to take a few of the extra slippy ones Kiyomi can only nod in agreement and add "Gravy spilling all over me... Gonna have to wash up first..." while lowering the stack as much as she dared so Holo could grab a few.

With the messy stack not trying to play jenga in her arms, Kiyomi makes it the rest of the way to the sink and dips her gravy covered arms under the water with them, washing off the thick liquid at the same time as best she can.

Then just shaking her hands dry, she turns and with a quick sigh, "Allrighty! Now... Uh... Oh yea! The study! ... Um... Your gonna show me where it is, right?"

Kiyomi follows Holo to the study afterward.