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Minatsumi Estate

Re: Minatsumi Estate

As the maids made their way upstairs and into the study, they would find two good sized tables set up with chairs pulled out for them, and the mistress sitting on the couch with Kiraiya standing beside her, offering her a prepared cup of tea for her to drink, "Everyone please have seat. Once everyone is seated, I will begin introductions, and chore assignment for everyone." She said pointing to the two tables with seven chairs arranged for the staff to sit themselves at. "Now then, as you may have heard our good friend Norman has sadly fallen ill. So that means I will be relying on you seven and Kiraiya extensively from now on. I will need your help to keep this place looking immaculate and in some cases even personally taking of me myself." Hinako said with a little blush on her marred features, "We have a good number of helpers here, so I think the chores can be divvied up between two groups one to handle the top floor and attic and one to take care of the first floor and basement. Four of you will tackle the top and four on the bottom." It was at this time that Kiraiya chose to chime in with a mischievous grin on her face, "But it wouldn't be interesting enough to simply assign four people each, so to mix things up a little each of you will draw a piece of paper from this hat," She said procurring an old top hat from the tailor room, "They are divided between F and T, First floor and top floor." Hinkao's eyes widened as she started at Kiraiya's suggestion, "Kiraiya!" She hissed at her head maid as she tugged on her uniform, "That is not what we discussed earlier!" She cried out a little worried, "So, with Norman out of commision for a while, I have more freedom to run things and makes things more interesting around here, and also I can toughen you up some without him here to baby you." The head maid said with a wicked little grin at the mistress, "Uhm.... oh.... Kiraiya....." Hinako whined before the vampire continued, "Now every one draw a slip."

Holo(1):F, Aegis(2):T, Kiyomi(3):T, Kim(4):F, 
Akita(5): T, Nadia(6):F, Kara(7): T, Violet:F

Once that was done, Kiraiya would also draw one, pulling out an F, revealing shed be on the first floor crew. "Okay, now that that's been decided, one of you will also be responsible for taking care of the laundry and cooking for the day, and will switch out everyday between the seven of you." She said before asking the maids to reveal their slips to show which tema they are on.
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

After getting inside the room with the others, Aegis take her place trying to be close Holo, when the other two reached the place she give a shy bow and a happy smile feeling herself better now with them close her . Quiet she stay there hearing all the conversation and even scared she tried to move to defend her mistress until she heared that it was for her good. The first to take a paper was the foxgirl and Aegis noted that it was a F the letter in the paper "please...please a F, please" she through as the young woman get close the hat and take her paper. Slowly she opened her paper and unfortunately was a ugly big "T" nearly crying she return to her site just making a little whine to herself with her sight in the face, really depresed and angushed to work without her friend. But then she noted that the happy new girl will work with her, but then the headmaid draw her paper when all had taked their papers. "poor, Holo... " she think as get close to her to try to confort her, as the foxgirl dont get well with the headmaid.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

The mistress displayed the teams the maids are on. Akita thought to herself "well looks like I'm on the top floor." "I'd like to get to know the maids that are on my floor" she added to her thoughts. "Well there is nothing to do now, so I guess I'll just stand here and wait for our chores to be given."
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi entered the study after Holo led her in, and took the final seat offered...

"Yea... When IS Normie gonna be back, huh?"

As Kiraiya spoke of toughening up the mistress, Kiyomi couldn't help but imagine a cropped haired version, wearing chainmail and greaves, armed to the teeth... Warpaint splashed over her face as she growled and roared in her fury at anyone who got near...

She could hardly contain her laughter and could only cope with little hissing snorts as she covered her face, her daydream cut short as Kiraiya called everyone up to draw lots...

With her eyes slightly glossed over from repressed laughter Kiyomi got up and took her slip, still giggling to herself...

Looking at the small slip she cocked her head to the side...

"I.. I got a 'T'... What everyone else get?"

Kiyomi waved her hand up showing the slip to everyone

Then practically jumps Holo, Nadia, and Aegis for there slips

"You got a 'T'? Nope! How bout you? No? And you? Eeee! You got one too!
Yay Aegis!"

Kiyomi turns to the other two with a mischeivous grin and stuck her tongue out at them

"You know? You both suck... Come on Aegis!"

Kiyomi skips off a few steps and calls out over pronouncing the 'T's in the words

"Team Tottally Awesome over here!"

It was then that Kiyomi remembered that the Mistress and Miss Kiraiya was still in the room, and she slowly spun round to face her... Expecting a shearing look of dissaproval to cleave her mood... But as she looked at the two, she couldn't help but remember her silly daydream of Mistress Super Soldier and burst out laughing in silly embarrasment and just the overall absurd fun of the situation
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Holo made her way to the study quickly, giving a little bow and taking her seat when instructed to do so. She listened silently to the head maid speak, cringing as she went against the mistress and seemed to bully her into submission. She was called first to draw her slip out of the hat, and picked out an F, indicating she would be on the first floor. She walked a short distance away again, and noted that unfortunately both Aegis and Kiyomi drew a spot in the group dealing with the top floors. And of course, the head maid would be there on the first floor with her. Her hands trembled a little bit as she thought crap crap crap, stuck alone with her and the quiet new maids. Crap. She didn't pay much attention to Kiyomi, allowing her to take the slip and then toss it aside as she daydreamed idly about her undesirable situation, and all the many ways it could end badly. She was drawn back to reality by Kiyomi's laughing fit and theatrics, and she couldn't help but cringe again, afraid for her friend.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

*Violet drew her slip and started to think to herself, 'What would cleaning the first floor involve?'*
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia looked around to the other girls, Kiyomi conveniently pointing out who got what, know better than to hide her slip of paper from the girl she tips it over for here. stand from being dismissed she looks to the other girls with F's Holo among them,

"Do you think we should clean each room as a group? or split up and each take a different room?" she asked Holo, preferring to be separate but didn't want to be too eager, content to put the onus on the other girl to choose.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Still a little bit shaken and out of sorts, Holo took a moment to process Nadia's question. "Well, I can clean a room alone, if you think you can handle it" she said, confident enough in her skills to go it alone. After all, she'd already been doing this for a while.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kim drew her slip, trying to feel out the edges of the letter but failing to do that, she murmured a request to the maid next to her, which happened to be Holo, to tell her the letter, blushing again despite all attempts not to do so.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Holo almost jumped out of her skin when Kim asked her to tell her what letter she had gotten, still on edge. "Oh... You're on the first floor, with me" she replied, wondering how this girl was going to be of any use in the chores if she couldn't see.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi snickered, "That what you guys been doing before we arrived? I don't think theres really any more reason to do that anymore... No more having to solo rooms if theres someone else to talk to, and each room can be finished that much faster that way, everyone shifts scenery more often, which is great for us new girls, and... And... Yea! I think two teams of two per floor could go pretty fast!"

Then hopped into a turn, "Buuuut, I think it's ultimately up to Mistress or Miss Kiraiya! So..."

Kiyomi leans forward for her answer a grin slowly creeps along her face

Re: Minatsumi Estate

For one of the very few times, Kim looks up into Holo's eyes, seeming to see even though in reality she couldn't. "Thank you very much," she said, smiling a little.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

As soon as everyone had been assigned to their teams, Hinako spoke up, "Has everyone been assigned to a team? Good. I have papers, documents, tax forms, and other official business to attend to my in Study now, so Kiraiya will be in charge of the chores until lunch time. Kiraiya will preside over the first floor chores and the upstair team will pick a leader between each other to be in charge of the upstair work. If anyone has any problems, please feel free to come knock on the study. I trust you all to be capable of taking care of things in good time and form on your own. Good luck." And with that the maids left the study of the shy burned heiress girl who will take care of her many official family affairs.
Kiraiya would wait until all the maids leave the study, before turning to the maids assigned to the upper floor, "Alright, newcomers and veteran maids alike. We have a lot of ground to cover downstairs! First we will need to clean the hall rooms and keep them maintained. Next we need to check the music room and make sure all the material and tools are clean and ready to use for the mistress. Then we will need to check on the Kitchen, Dinner room and the library to make sure it's neat and straight. Then we should deal with the storage room, theather and the garden. Then two should deal with the lunxh, and two with the laundry. And then finally we will need to work on the other rooms like the church, courtyard, basement rooms . Now fall in and follow me!" she ordered leading the troop of maids to the first floor while the maids on the upstair floor would discuss amongst themselves and choose a leader before getting started on their own assignments.
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

"I declare myself the leader of the downstairs floor!"

Violet follows Kiraiya.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

As the team of maids went to the second floor, Akita asked "does anyone want to be leader?" "I'm not good at leading so I won't be the leader." Akita now stood close to a wall waiting to see if anyone would volunteer to lead.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

It... sound as an excelent idea... Miss Kiyomi. Said Aegis still wondering herself how she could work with two unknown maids, as she turn to see Akita one of them, who get close them making a little chat outside their mistress room Im also bad for be the leader, but how about you turn in our leader, Kiyomi, i could help you to know the place and what we usually clean everyday The pure blonde angel girl nearly plead with her eyes to Kiyomi wishing that she accept or Aegis will be more close to be the leader, something that could turn fatal for this team
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

"Meh-ME? Be the team leader? But..."

Kiyomi turned her head and looked up in though for a moment in thought...

"Okay! I guess I can do this... Soo? Lets GO!"

Kiyomi walks out of the Study and into the halls...

"Welp! I guess... It would probably be easiest to start off witht the closest room and move to the further ones later?

Sooo... Whats this one..."

Poking her head through the door, Kiyomi's face brightens up a bit

"Oh sweet! It's an armoury! Everyone! Come on!"
Re: Minatsumi Estate

The affirmative answer of the maid was a relief for Aegis and just nodded, as she follow the others. But then when the group reach the first hall, the shy maid went close Kiyomi and said a little ashamed by talk close the others new members who were quiet all this time I will go for all the needed for clean these rooms, please take care... these weapons are very sharply

The angel soon moved toward the close cleaning closet in the zone and quickly take brooms, mops, dusters and others things, at the end she had to do two trips to take all to the others maids.
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Re: Minatsumi Estate


Ooookay~ My last attempt was a bomb but this time I'll try to see it through...... So if anyone would be interested I'm going to put up the main things for my second attempt at maids here, rather then clog the sub forum up with another thread. So here is the beginners guide to my second game, "Maidos and Mikos"!


Name: Ayumi Nishihoshi
Age: 18
Height: 5'7"
Weight: State Secret
Bloodtype: O-
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Blue
Handicapped: You can only move around on your own with a wheelchair, or you might even be confined to your bed.
Ayumi is cripoles, and also quite ill. About half the time the help keeps her in her bed to rest afraid to put too much stress on her.
Oracle: You can predict the future to a certain degree.
Ayumi possess limited precognition, she is susceptible to occasional moments of spacing out where it seems like she is staring into space. When this happens she can see anywhere from a few minutes to a few days into the future. Some mystics and scholars believe with proper training she could see much farther.
Master Powers:
Magical Powers- power. Magic. Something beyond the pale. You possess this an and through it your very existence demands special treatment.
Popularity- You have something that people find irresistable. Something worthy of a king. That is why the maids serve you.
Stress Explosion: Sleep
Name: Tetsuo Hoshihara
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Uniform: Black
Types: Shadow, Partner
Qualities: Bishonen, Attractive
Powers: Now you see him........, Two as One
Weapons: Knives, Exotic (Monofiliment wire)
Roots: Affection
Athletics: 5
Affection: 3
Skill: 4
Cunning: 5
Luck: 2
Will: 10
Head Maid:
Name: Shizune Namazaraki
Age: 23
Height: 5'9"
Weight: None of yo' damned business, a'ight!!??
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Golden Yellow
Uniform: Beige
Types: Boyish, Heroine
Qualities: Dark Past: Runaway, Trauma: Abusive Parents, Delinquent: Cigarettes
Roots: Orphan
Power: immune to Pain
Weapon: hand to hand
Stress Explosion: Alcohol
Athletics: 2
Affection: 2
Skill: 2
Cunning: 2
Luck: 2
Will: 4
Re: Minatsumi Estate

It was a delightful mild breezy, but sunny spring day in the Kansai prefecture of Japan, the air was crisp but not bitingly cold. The sun glared powerfully, and there was not a cloud in the sky. Through a helicopter shot we come to a large eastern style style home. It is surrounded by plum, maple and cherry trees. A lone carriage brings three young maidens that have recently been hired onto the domestic staff of the home down a long cobblestone road leading past several colorful trees and topiary, past the several annexes of the estate to the main house, a beautiful large black and purple painted house. The Nishihoshi Estate is a sprawling elaborate complex comprised of several different buildings and towers. It has been in service for several hundred years and upon entering its area it is immediately noticeable.

(Copypasta FTW :p)
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