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Minatsumi Estate

Re: Minatsumi Estate

age:??? it looks as a 18 year old


Uniform Color: brown
Hair Color: orange
Eye Color: beige
Maid Types: Pure & Cool
Special Qualities: Shy, Quiet, angel/devil, yingyang symbol
Favored Attribute: Affection
Maid Power: World for Two
Maid Roots: Slave
Maid Weapon: Wooden Sword/Staff
Stress Explosion: Cry/(Complaining if possible)
trauma: family break up
mental complex: own interior

In a corner of the carriage a young lady with long orange hair look timid to the others two women, her pure eyes timid turn to see also the view in an attempt to calm herself, it was a little ago than she was sell to this family as something less than a slave, no doubt than her past was what made her so Shy and quiet.

Hmm... Hi... Aegis tried to introduce herself but she stop and decide to wait for the other to start the introducction.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Name: Iggy Vulpes
Age: 19
Maid Type: Pure / Hero

Athletics: 2
Affection: 4
Skill: 2
Cunning: 2
Luck: 1
Will: 2
Spirit: 20
Favor: 8

Maid Colors:
-Uniform: Green
-Eyes: Green
-Hair: Brown

Special Qualities:
-Actually a Guy

Roots: Childhood friend

Stress Explosion: Shopping

Weapon: Claws

Power: Power of Friendship

Trauma: Runaway

Mental Complex: Loves Sleep


Sitting across from Aegis was the cute and femininely dressed Iggy. His fox tail uncomfortably positioned between himself and the seat of the carriage, his soft, fluffy fox ears sticking out from behind his maid headress. His petite feet fit comfortably in his matching high heels, and he nervously fidgeted in the seat as he awaited the arrival of the mansion he once called home. He then recalls all of the fun times he had playing with his new employer from when they were both children.

Upon hearing Aegis's attempt to communicate, Iggy's ears perked up and made eye-contact with her.

"Oh, hi there. Where are my manners? My name is Iggy."
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Serial #: ξ-14-253 Or "Xi" for short
Height: 5'7"
Colors: Uniform- black, Hair:Yellow, Eyes: Grey
Qualities: Brown skin, Android, Accessory: Collar

Athletics: 2
Affection: 3
Skill: 2
Cunning: 2
Luck: 0
Will: 4
Spirit: 40
Favor: 6

Priliminary scaning finds ξ-14 in a carriage with two unidendified non-agressive servitude users... And a 8゚ list in the carriage due to uneven weight distribution... Notation recorded...

As they suddenly begun conversing ξ-14 predicted a 90% chance that the conversation would turn to them...

Preliminary Action: Accessing: Personna Data- Xi . . . AI Core Heating . . . Program Loading . . . Loaded

For the first time scince before everyone even stepped onto the carriage, the tanned Maid smiled warmly,

"Hi there! You can call me Xi!

[Status: Rerouting
Condition: Fine]
Re: Minatsumi Estate

With both girls giving their names, Aegis tried once again to introduce herself, even when the bass voice of the one named Iggy take her from surprise, maybe the poor girl was sick. After get fused with an angel, see a girl with a fox and ears tail was not so scary and instead she just think than they looks really cute on her.

Oh... im Aegis, Its a pleasure to meet both of you... Said the shy girl before look down and ask herself if she should add more to the conversation or she should wait for the others

yes Iggy is male, i know, but Aegis dont
Re: Minatsumi Estate

A communications log memmed up on Xi's HUD, Xi minimized the annoyance

"Hello Iggy, Aegis, I'm sure we'll get along just fine at our new destination." she gave with a nod and a slight chuckle.

Xi sensed her internal core temp increase by .006 degrees... Nervousness? Exitment?

[Status: Rerouting
Condition: Fine]
Re: Minatsumi Estate

The carriage finally arrives at the end of the golden brick and cobblestone path up to the pristine and extravagant manor. As they exit the carriage they find themselves greeted by a tall, thin, handsome and immaculately clean man in a black suit, with black hair and red eyes. "Hello, ladies. My name is Tetsuo. I am Mistress Ayumi's personal butler, and will be placed in charge of training you and helping you along as you live and work in the lady's estate. Please, come this way." he instructs them as they enter the doors of the manor.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Giving a little smile, Aegis give a nod to affirmate the tanned girl words. Yes, Miss Xi Whisper before notice how the car was close their new home, she started to shiver softly as she ask herself how their Mistress will be and what they will found. Soon the car stop and they get down to receive the welcome from an handsome butler, Aegis blush and move close the car, trying to hide herself instintively, but using her little will she get close the others.

Nice to meet you Mister Tetsuo Said as she walk scared toward the butler guide them.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

As the carriage arrives at the mansion Iggy spent most of his childhood at, he grabs his satchel and gets ready to exit the carriage. He stumbles because of his heels as he steps out of the carriage, blushing embarrassingly from his clumsiness. After he regains his composure, he walks toward the others. As Tetsuo introduced himself to the maids, Iggy immediately knew who he was and softly wags his tail, happy that he found someone he recognized.

"Tetsuo? Is that you?"
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Xi stood up after waiting for everyone else to leave the carriage, stepping off gingerly, yet still finding the carriage groan and snapping back into place...

There wasn't much for extra luggage... Just a single small suitcase and one even smaller only slightly larger than a lunchpail...

Before Tetsuo spoke his profile was automatically set to a series of various possible identities set by certain emitted parameters: Servitude Drone and Sex Slave were some of the more recurring and prevalent ones...

"Hello Tetsuo, you refer to me as Xi."

[Status: Pending . . .
Condition: Pending . . .]
Re: Minatsumi Estate

"Why hello there, Iggy. It certainly has been a long time since you were at the mansion. Mistress Ayumi will quite happy to see you again. Also hello, Miss Xi and Miss Aegis. I have been briefed on all the important things I need to know about all of you from the hiring agency. Though if you all feel like getting to know each other, I certainly wouldn't oppose to a meet and greet session. It's good for our staff to be friendly and open with each other, after all. Also, please don't be so timid or worried Aegis. I have no doubt you'll find the Mistress, myself and Shizune, our head maid, to be most friendly here. Now please follow me, and I will show you around the mansion. Oh Iggy, since you have been here before, I would greatly appreciate it if you would help with the tour and lead your new co workers through the estate, please?"

After Tetsuo's speill, he lead the maids through the mansion, first showing them the main hallway, making no comment as he heads down the hallway, opening a door to a hallway that leads north-south, and leading them to the Library. "Here is the library. I would advise against spending time here until your daily chores are complete." he states, allowing the two new maids time to admire the rows of books before motioning for them to follow him along to the next destination. "It is very good to have new maids in the household. It was beginning to get rather exhausting and difficult to tend to the estate with jsut myself and Miss Shizune. Especially when we also had to tend to the mistress's.... health issues" he speaks, as he grasps two ornate handles to two fine wooden doors. "And here we have the Grand Dining Hall." he states, opening the doors to reveal a large open room, complete with numerous dining tables, the dining cloth and silverware not yet set out for dinner.

"In the past we would host grand parties here, but that has become rather hard to do, and ill advised, with the Mistress's recent health problems." he states, Tetsuo seemed indifferent to the fact that he was merely the butler in a house full of women, and one transexual and seemed to twitch slightly at the insult directed at him, though he quickly resumed the tour, heading through the double doors to the west, which lead to the grand hall. "Here is where we normally entertain guests at parties, the Grand Hall. As you can see, it hasn't been used in some time, the mistress sadly cannot partake in such exciting activities as often since she has gotten ill, I'm afraid...." he states somewhat melancholy to the other maids, before continuing.

"Through the door in the back, we have the kitchen, where you will prepare meals and the like, and attached to it, is the service dining hall followed by the storage room . Now, shall I show you upstairs, or do you have questions about the first floor?"

(Hurrah for copy-pasta! XD)
((Tetsuo won't reveal Iggys secret unless he would ask or want the others to know. Only the mistress and already present staff would know.))
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

Iggy smiles as he is guided through the nostalgic mansion, making sure to point out things that Tetsuo missed in his tour. Iggy then shakes his head upon being asked if he had any questions, eager to be reunited with Ayumi.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Xi is silent as she is led through the halls and into several rooms...

Several simulations played out as Norman showed them around, with supplimental commentary from Iggy, each new set of information a new set of parameters to enter, a new simulation as a result...

Only to start all over when the next room came and the next set of ojects were introduced...

Eventually a 90% probability concensus rose between them that the layout and the pheripherals of the house were properly mapped out, even by the time the tour had only finished the first floor...

Once asked Xi raised her hand

"If Mistress Ayumi is ill, may I know what ails her? And if theres anything I can do to help..."

Xi could feel her internal core raise in temperature once again

[Status: Scanning . . .
Condition: Pending . . .]
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Just when the young butler talk about know all the important thinks about them, Aegis cant stop to wonder if the agency really know all of her, not like if she is worried than anyone know all of her life, but in some way that could make a normal person get surprised by the fact than the angels exist. Then the questions about heaven and similar will come and she will have to decide between the two entities at her body what information is needed to remain in secret. Uhm... yes, i will try to talk more... Its an honour to meet you Mister Tetsuo Said with a curtsy before follow the others at the guide through the house.

Amazed the half angel looks each room with a surprised face, at her life she hasn't been in a mansion and the oriental touches were what more call her attention, all the house were so much for only five people and she start to think than they could need more personal. She feel so worried about the Mistress when she heard of her illness, it had to be really critical her health if she change her life style so abruptly. She then was close to ask about the sickness when she remember than the questions were about the first floor and will be maybe the Mistress who should talk about her health.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Tetsuo looked to Xi with a rather solemn face before answering, "I'm afraid no one quite knows.... She was rendered I'll at a rather young age.... While at the same time she began to exhibit..... fascinating abilities..... Many mystics, doctors, and the likes believe they are linked somehow, but no one really quite knows the truth I fear......" he said staring at the floor fir a few moments in sad recollection before finally straightening back out, "Well. If there are no more questions regarding the lower floor, I shall show you the top floor and finally introduce you all to the mistress."

With that he lead the trio of maids up to the top floor showing them the armory, art room, tailors room, study, patio, guests rooms, restrooms, and finally his quarters before arriving at the mistress's room before gently rapping on the door, "Miss Ayumi, our new help is here, I'll bring you out to meet them." He said as he would enter the room and bring out an elegant, beautiful and dignified young lady with pale pink hair, icy blue eyes; wearing an elegant dress. "Hello, ladies~ My name is Ayumi Nishihoshi~ I am the lady of the estate. While you work for me, I really want to think we can see each other as friends and family. Also as I am sure Tetsuo has informed you, I am nit in terrific health.... So I will likely be depending on you take care of me as well.... I hope you can be happy here in my mansion." she said with a happy but somewhat waifish tone.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Xi noded solemnly... It was unfortunate about such illness, even more so about the lack of information about it... But despite her curiosity about it and this paranormal phenomona Xi found it was more of import to continue there current objective.

Xi found that the upstairs matched her predictions from the downstairs mappings.

As Xi waited eagerly for Tetsuo to come back with the Mistress, she remembered something... And began rifling through system data channels to find the correct one...

And after Tetsuo returned, her orbfinders pinged, an emerald light scanned the surface of her normally grey "eyes", saving the image automatically.

And as Mistress revealed her Name Xi added this name to her Administrator list, saving the changes and closing the interface.

"Hello, Mistress Ayumi, I have been called Xi before, but you can change it if you like... I would appreciate it if I was to be of service as to help take care of you..."

Status: Saving . . .
Condition: Fine
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Iggy helped out with the tour as best as he could. But when he was in the presence of Ayumi, he stood at attention, his heart sped up and his tail wagged excidedly having not been with her since childhood.

"AYUMI~!... err... I mean... MISTRESS Ayumi... It is a pleasure to meet you again."
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Ayumi smiled softly at Iggy's greeting, "It is nice to see you again as well, Iggy-chan." She said happily as she made her way over to scritch scratch Iggy behind his fox-ears, "I hope you have been well and staying out of trouble." She then turned to Xi and Aegis, "Xi is just fine. I trust you will be just fine, and a good hard worker. I am placing myself in your girls' care, I know you will all take good care of me." "Tetsuo and Shizune will fill you in all of the important tasks around the house and things you need to know when taking care of me. After that, it will be time for lunch. I will let you girls decide what we will have today. Or if you don't have any ideas or anything, you can simply see if Tetsuo and Shizune will have any suggestions. Oh! That reminds me.... Do you know where Shizune is at this moment, Tetsuo?"

The tall handsome butler responded to Ayumi's query, "Yes, M'lady. I believe she should be getting the new help's quarters ready. If you wish I can get her for you." "No, that's okay, Tetsuo. It will give you time to get the others caught up to speed. I'll call her when you're finished and are ready to begin working on lunch. As for everyone, I look forward to spending my days with you and hope to make good and close friends with all of you~ You are dismissed~" She sang out happily as Sebastin lead them to the main hall down stairs to debrief them.

((OOC: Anytime when the Mistress and other NPCs are in a scene and speaking their dialogue will be color coded, Ayumi is pink, Sebastin is Dark Blue, Shizune is red, and other ones will either be default or something else. Just to keep people from being confused. ))
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Iggy blushes and wags his fluffy tail excitedly as his ears were scritched.

"Yes mistress Ayumi~. I've been well."

Iggy then made sure to pay close attention to his childhood friend as she explained everything to the him and the rest of the help. Upon dismissal, Iggy made sure to eagerly follow Tetsuo to the main hall.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Xi nodded as she resaved the affirmed Personal Callsign and with a small smile she falls in line behind Iggy behind Tetuo

[Target: Tetsuo
Status: Following . . .
Condition: Fine]
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nearly hidden at a corner, Aegis stay hearing all the conversation between her new mistress and the others workers, she heard all the instructions and finally decide to dont stay hidden, after all she must be ready to serve her owner and the others or she could get in problems for be so shy and quiet.

Its a pleasure to meet you my Mistress, my name is Aegis and i have come here to serve you as best as i can Said the redhead faltering and trying to dont said it in low voice.

The shy angel wait the answer and then follow the others at the line, she form herself behind all of them and wait for others instructions.

Maybe we should go to help Miss Shizune or start to work before eat something... Said nearly in whispers ashamed than she has dont helped in all and now they will just eat maybe their favorite dish.