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Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Yeah it seems like it's a little much for you, but don't worry, I'll help you out alright. I'm not overly good at giving full body massages like this, but I'm damn good at giving foot massages... or so my old girlfriends always told me at least," Telara said as she massaged Taeyani's body for her to help ease her pain from overdoing it with her magics.

"Thanks, don't mind if I do," Telara said when offered a piece of the fruit, taking it from Taeyani's hand with her mouth, letting her tongue tickle the tip of her companion's finger. "Mmm, those fruits are good. Here though, let massage your feet," Telara added, savoring the taste of the fruit before going down further on Taeyani and massaging her feet.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Well good news, I've never had one! So anything you do that doesn't hurt more than the burn already is good.," laughs Taeyani, as she enjoys the foot rub with a grin.

She grins even broader as Telara takes the food from her hands with her mouth, running her free hand over Telara's head with the other. "Aw that's adorable. Like my own elfy pet.," teases Taeyani happily as she basks in the attention, taking more pieces to feed Telara as she works.

"Surprised you don't have a girlfriend now. Too wild for em? Or maybe you like to gather a group of em instead?, teases Taeyani naughtily as she ogles Telara.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Pet huh... well I'm not opposed to a little pet play, but probably best not to do that kind of thing just now and wait until we're more rested and we've gotten to know each other a little better, hmm," Telara said with a smirk as she mashed down on a pressure point on the bottom of Taeyani's left foot she was massaging, a small cracking sound coming from her foot as she mashed down real good on the arch of her foot, where Taeyani would feel an immense relief flow through her. "Bet that felt good didn't it," Telara added as she moved over to the other foot, leaning in to take another of the fruits offered by Taeyani, repeating the whole massaging process on her right foot until she mashed down on it too and the crack came, giving her even more relief and relaxation.

"Well I did have a girlfriend before I came to do this game thing, but she had to move with her parents because she didn't have a job or anything and couldn't support herself alone, and I'm in college with only a part time job, so don't make enough myself really, but I live in a dorm," Telara said when Taeyani asked about if she had a girlfriend or not. Then she grinned and giggled a bit. "And yeah... I like group sex a good bit. It's fun when you've got three or four pairs of tits in your face and or rubbing all over you," she added as she let go of Taeyani's feet altogether and stepped out for a moment to wash her hands off before coming back in and eating some more of the fruits to hold her over for the evening, or at least until the rain stopped.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Heh, I was kidding though hey, nice to hear it's an option.," chuckles Taeyani at the thought, "I agree. Besides, where would I get a nice collar for you? Haha."

She smiled and enjoyed the rubs, before hearing the loud crack, making her yelp in surprise at the sound, before she felt the relief flowing through. "Boy, that didn't sound healthy. That feels good though...," mutters Taeyani with a sigh.

She listens as Telara talks about her relationships, nodding interestedly. "Yeah, I've always wanted everyone and everything kinda, but not many takers for that. Or people who can keep up. Course, I understand having a single partner you care for the most and treat equal and such, but having lots of lovers always favors many species, and think of the fun? One day maybe heh, can find my worthy mate, and a nice harem heh.," chuckles Taeyani.

"I'm erm, just getting into college soon myself. Biology and such. I love studying all the diffrent sexy beasts in the world and floras and erm... Yeah. But it makes it harder not to feel jealous too. And aroused.," says Taeyani, rubbing the back of her neck with a hand as she blushes a bit.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Heh, I dunno where you'd get a collar, but you could of course just use some rope I suppose," Telara replied, sticking her tongue out at Taeyani. When she popped her feet though while massaging them she noticed the yelp and quickly spoke up after Taeyani did. "Oh don't worry about that hon, just popped your foot a bit and hit a good pressure point," she went on to say.

"Oh I agree with you there, having lots of lovers is more fun. Thankfully my last girlfriend was open and didn't really mind it much as long as I loved her and she was involved in the sex too. She's trying to get her parents to let her come to the college I go to, but she's only eighteen and isn't through with highschool just yet so we won't know if they'll let her until time comes for her to go to college and all. Hmm... maybe that's what I'll do in here, make myself a harem. Might be something worth going for and give us a quest in here. To make ourselves both a harem each, or one to share between each other," Telara said at Taeyani's mention of a harem, a grin spreading across her face as she sat back down after washing her hands up after the foot massage, where she grabbed a handful of the fruits to eat. "And back in the real world you can study me if you like. If you think I'm sexy enough to study that is, but for now let's eat and rest up some. I'll take first watch tonight if you like, since you're sore and stuff," she added with a smirk as she gave her a wink.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"I could always weave some vines and grass together. I think purple and green together are real pretty.," grins Taeyani with a chuckle.

"Same age as me heh. Yeah that sounds bout right for me. Harem quest huh? Hah, seems legit, and sharing is caring as they say. I can think of a few other things to do with em too."

Taeyani leaned back with a sigh, waiting for Telara to come back from washing her hands then smirked a bit. "Love to study you, hot stuff. I thought only, well, certain gastropods could be both genders. I'm pretty through in my studies though. But yeah, we should rest up. You make sure to wake me up if anything goes pear shaped and for my watch. I want to hold my own weight. Despite all appearances to the contrary thus far."

She stretched and headed back a little ways from the fire before stripping off her clothes and pack and arrayed them into a little cot for herself before laying atop them to sleep with a yawn. "Try to keep your ears open, cus I figure I know where your eyes will be.," yawns Taeyani with a chuckle before snuggling into her improvised bed. She'd see about weaving nature into a hammock for herself tommorow.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

With their shelter made the enought to have theirs backs covered, both girls decide to use it to pass the night as the storm increase in quantity over them. The cave dont have any difficulty for this, the place just have many defenses agains floods and the termal water would leak away of them warming the stones around it.

It was a peaceful boring guard for Telara, the thunders and rain falling was the only sounds registered by her, it should be futile for anything try to hunt them with this monsoon.

Meanwhile Taeyani sleep she could feel the warm of the bonfire aid the wind to be more comfortable, the heat and cold were feeling so good passing at her bare skin. She should be really tired as she soon fall sleep until she notice some soft rubs at her nude body, then others clothes falling at the floor close her, opening her eyes reveal her who is this person. The mage notice easily than a known female elf was over her with her firm hard dick on display as theirs bodies know each other.


Some wet sounds started to increase inside the cave making Telara turn back and see her nude partner starting to rub her external petals as also her chest, maybe they werent large but Taeyani looks so sexy and her soft moans as she slee were building the moment, a fortune than the noise from the storm was hidding her sounds or anything being outside would wonder what person these moans were calling.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

As Taeyani laid down to go on to sleep for the evening, Telara smirked at her last words before she did so and rolled her eyes a bit. "I'm not that lecherous and stuff you know. I can keep a good eye out for danger, so don't worry," Telara assured Taeyani before she looked back around to the cave's entrance to watch the storm for the night.

It was boring to say the least, but pleasant to watch the storm outside while the rain fell out there. Surely nothing would be out hunting in this weather, so they ought to both be alright for the night, but still the same it was probably best to keep a watch out for anything suspicious. Her ears perked up a bit shortly after Taeyani had fallen asleep though and she heard her moaning softly in her sleep and turned to look. When her eyes saw Taeyani she noticed that her companion was masturbating in her sleep from the looks of it. As soon as Telara heard Taeyani moan her name in her sleep, Telara felt her member starting to come to attention instinctively at the soudn of her name.

"Is she... dreaming about me? Wow, don't think I've ever had anyone do that before," Telara asked in a whisper to no one in particular as she removed her armor and her leather battle skirt to let her now fully erect dick flop out, now freed from its prison that was her clothing. "Ah yes, much better now," she then sighed as she pulled her trousers down that she had on underneath her battle skirt, sitting there for the time being and looking back out of the cave to try and stay focused on the task at hand now that she had relief from the tight confines of her trousers for her length.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani settled in on her clothes, it wasn't the most comfortable bed ever but it was better than a stone floor. It felt like she had barely set her head down when she felt herself being rubbed, followed by the sound of clothes rustling.

"Mmmf... It can't be my turn already...," grumbles Taeyani as she opens her eyes and looks up, blinking as she sees Telara standing over her, quite erect. She chuckles a bit and smiles a bit slyly. "Knew you couldn't keep your eyes off me."

Telara dropped down over her, their tongues entwining as Taeyani pressed into the kiss, wrapping her arms around the shorter but more muscular elf, and pressing her larger bust into her own. Breaking the kiss after a minute, she looked up as Telara's body seemed to change, becoming a humanoid made of delicious kumquats and kiwi's a large baguette erect between her legs.

"God your bread looks so hard. Let me taste it.," shudders Taeyani, ogling the baguette passionately before trying to fit as much of it into her mouth as she could. The grapefruit council looked on in approval from the stands of the arena, as the Caesar Salad gave a frond up in approval.

Taeyani nodded and continued to deep throat the baguette, as she reached up and groped the tomatoes of Telara's breasts, testing each ones firmness as she bobbed back and forth with ease. She pushed the Fruit-Elf down onto the ground, leaning back and popping the bread free, before scoring the touchdown and receiving the gold whiskey medal. She promptly drank it down. "Mmm, tastes like elf. Now cmere, all of you!,"/color] growls Taeyani lustily before grabbing everyone in her many arms, before forcing her many tentcles into their orifices, cackling in a mix of mad desire and conquest.

Then she was a bagel.

(The moral of the story is Taeyani shouldn't sleep without a full stomach)
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani's needs could had turned this dream slighty more bizarre but the main topic remain without change, the fruit elven having sex with her was just the start as more of her strange humanoid food creature continue the work, using her body and mouth to feed both her belly and lust. Filling her with amazing flavors and different scents.

Smeared in their sex food fluids she saw herself slowly losing her movement and limbs until turn into a baget, a perfect one than soon get ready to be open enough to let everyone insert as much as they want of their favorite ingredients. She could feel that mayonise and ketchup drenching her walls as the meat get inside in large quantities, Telara the fruit elf lick her inner walls and caress her ssweet bread points rubing her whole body as she rest and fit inside her, both girls loving the warm meat between them as more get their part to stroke the sexy baget, it was like be in a gangbang, everyone focused in mix theirs needs and fluids loving each other as all warm up.

Taeyani get on fire as the lust increase and then the long naughty picklets thrust on her for a while until finally in a last penetration get deep inside making the bagel cum and let some of her juices fall on the dish. Ready and over aroused after her peak some femenine giant hands hold her and guide her to a lovely mouth. Soon the amazing feeling of feed someone come to her as her partners with her receive that long tongue and lips as they get in pieces inside that mouth.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani groans as her bagel became more a baget, being filled by Telara's sweetbread, her fruit filled body filling her with the sweetest creams and jellies as her strawberry tongue lapped inside her.

Beings of various meats and shapes soon joined, filling them as they squeezed and caressed and shared the various pleasures of the wheat, before they seemed to climb entirely within her, making her groan, stuffed, before they soon knew the pleasure of being eaten and lapped by a giant tongue. Which was weird since Taeyani wasn't sure that would feel good but why not.

She groaned as she was swallowed, before falling into a pool of jello, back to her previous self, as was Telara. Although Telara was twice her size before seizing her and impaling her once more on the massive member, Taeyani mewling at the sensation as the vague elven figure shimmered in her vision all hazy and indistinct.

Plus the ground kept opening up into cracks for some reason and she couldn't move her arms, and that was annoying yet somehow familiar. But at least Telara could protect her, her feeling quite helpless nand useless otherwise.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

With her dream still making her get wet and give to Telara a great show, the small girl soon was taken by the elf in her dream, it soon started to get more weird as this continue, filling her with many sweet moments filled with lust and making her scream and moan like a bitch in heat the whole night.

Meanwhile Telara's turn was ending, she was starting to feel her eyes trying to get closed and if she was not loving to stroke herself she would be yawning and having even more difficulties to remain awake.

It was then when she notice than Taeyani belly has been inflating at these last hours. The human looks to be still deep sleep and having so great dreams than she dont notice her actual state and Telara feels her body more tired than it should be, maybe her dinner havent been the enough to fill her with energy.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Watching Taeyani a bit while she kept watch, Telara noticed her belly was swelling, as if she were pregnant, and what was worse was the fact that her left hand kept drifting down to her member, which was getting harder and harder each time she heard Taeyani's moaning in her sleep. Finally she caved in and began softly stroking her meat while watching her companion toss and turn in her sleep, moaning every little bit. Before she could really cum though, Telara felt herself getting extremely tired and decided to stop before she did, shaking her head a bit to try and shake the sleep from her eyes.

"N-No dammit... gotta get Taeyani up. Getting really... (yawn)... sleepy," Telara mumbled to herself as she got up and stumbled over to Taeyani, still with nothing on save her shirt, as she'd taken everything else off and laid it down next to the fire.

kneeling next to Taeyani, Telara laid a hand on her shoulder and shook her softly, leaning in to whisper in her ear. "Hey... Taeyani... time to get up, I... I can't stay up any longer. Come on get up... my eyes are getting so damned blurry I can't see very far anymore," Telara whispered to Taeyani as she knelt beside her, laying down and going to sleep as soon as Taeyani was awake... though if Taeyani didn't wake up quickly, Telara would conk out before she woke up to take over the watch, as her body was getting very tired for some reason.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani panted and gurgled as the giant elf unleashed her latest torrent into her over swollen womb, her shuddering helplessly as the elf made out with her and used her over and over again. The image wavered though as she felt herself being shaken, before it faded entirely. The sensation of being heavy and full did not though.

She opened her eyes, a bit confused, realizing she was in the cave. almost like a mirror image though Telara was above her again and erect, but suddenly she clunked down and was asleep. Taeyani blinked then stared at her stomach then to the elf, feeling very confused.

"Was... Did she pump me full while I was asleep? Was that what this is? No she looks dry still so... And my hands are soaked. Fuck is going on? Was it the fruit?," frowned Taeyani as she awkwardly tried to get up and find her centre of balance.

She gently got Telara atop of her clothing, getting to ogle the large shaft atop the elf, but right now she wanted to figure out what was going on inside her. So she concentrated on her magic to try and find out what was happening inside her. Was she pregnant? Or what was all this?
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani manage to wake up at time before the elven fall sleep, but Telara needed to have a rest in that moment so she instantly closed her eyes when she notice the human awake.

Certainly Telara could have a huge chance to end what she started when she rest. Soon the mage tried to find out what was happening with her using her magic but she failed to focus her powers this time, she was still not fully awake so she will need some time to try it again. Meanwhile she will need to deal with her aroused and slighty tired body, for strange than it looks she still wants to sleep more and only focus her mind and body in any activity for a while will make her recover all her senses in these hours she suppose.

At least not a single creature has notice them so they were completely safe of any attack.

Once Telara fall sleep, she found herself having wonderful dreams, mostly she dream about her future Harem where Taeyani form part too, a great group of girls of many races and colors with a great body each of them in love with the elven who could take each of them unil cum at theirs lovely cunts.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Once she was out, Telara's dreams took over almost instantly and she found herself in the middle of a large bed with many girls of every race she could think of from games, anime, and books, all of them a part of her harem and all of them madly in love with her. She watched as a kitsune mounted her and began bouncing, her tail swishing back and forth as she went and Telara simply laid there and enjoyed the entire orgy. Glancing to her side, she noticed Taeyani a part of her harem too... or perhaps it was their harem together or something, either way it was a magnificent experience to have so many pussies to cum inside of without a care in the world.

She would make love to every one of them, even Taeyani, and after making sure all of their bellies were swollen with her seed Telara flopped back onto the bed to catch her breath before the dream switched gears to her laying strapped down to a bed that wasn't the same one she'd just been in. As she lay there, unable to move or anything, Telara saw a trio of gorgeous dark eld women come out in dominatrix leathers, where they then strapped a cock ring around the base of her length and began sexually torturing her, preventing her from cumming with the cock ring while teasing and riding her cock while they got their enjoyment out of her, leaving poor Telara near crazed from being unable to cum for so long. They refused to release her cock from the ring too until the very last moment, where she exploded, spurting her seed everywhere for nearly 2 whole minutes. After she finally stopped cumming, with the trio of beautiful dark elf women all smirking and giggling at her as her poor cock fell limp as did the rest of her body.

The trio then all began licking her body clean of all the cum that fell back onto her as she spurted it out, with the leader of them taking her poor limp and quite raw dick into her mouth and sucking hard on it, which despite the soreness in it her body didn't know any better and it hardened back up again in the dark elf woman's mouth and she then put the cock ring back on and they teased her some more until when finally they let her cum again her poor dick was so sensitive she could barely stand for anything to touch it without experiencing incredible pleasure mixed with a bit of pain from how sore she was... yet the trio licked and sucked her clean again anyway once more before finally snuggling up next to her and letting her rest, though not before putting a collar around her neck with a leash attached to it, with them whispering in her ear that it was for her own good, that she was their cock slave now and would do what they ordered her to, at which Telara merely nodded weakly and didn't refuse them.


In the waking world however, Taeyani would see Telara tossing and turning a bit in her sleep, her left hand easing itself down where she began stroking herself in her sleep, her dick fully erect now. At one point, Taeyani would see Telara had spread her legs wide while she was jerking her meat, giving her a very good view of everything, her pussy, ass, dick... all of it. She looked tight... extremely so, both her pussy and ass looked so enticingly delicious, and her hot hard dick was large enough to make even a succubus squeal with delight with relative ease.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani grimaced as she couldn't seem to concentrate on her magic. It was like she was in some sort of sleepwalking haze. Sadly she couldn't use her magic to figure out what was going on. She stared as Telara began to moan and attend her own needs. Judging by how exited she was before, she could imagine she had been doing the same.

Still, she looked real tempting like that and she clearly as desiring sex anyhow. And with all the flirting they had been doing before, why not. Plus screwing a sleeping girl was fairly exciting in it's own way. She looked down at her stomach with a grimace. She wondered if this would get in the way. Only one way to find out.

She crawled over to Telara with a naughty smirk, before climbing above her, her stomach brushing against Telara's shaft. "Mmm, well. Not how I figured our first time would go, but... It's definitely looking like it was worth the wait. New experience for me indeed. Plus I need the help waking up."

She kissed Telara lazily if dominantly, giving Telara's chest a light grope through her shirt, before reaching back a bit and running her hands over Telara's shaft curiously, giving light squeezes and feeling along it. Hard and eager clearly. Wonder what she was dreaming of. Well, she'd be dreaming of her soon enough.

Taeyani was already quite soaked, as she positioned the massive girl cock up at her, before biting her lip as she lowered herself down onto it. She shuddered, it far bigger than any she had tried to date, and she definitely felt it as she slowly eased it in. She wasn't certain she could hold it all but she;d give it a try for certain. She just wished this stomach of hers wasn't so in the way.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Between her dreams and the reality, the silver haired elven could see her partner deciding to pass her free time having a good use or her exposed hard tool. But Telara was confused thanks to her dreams, maybe she could suppose than this was other crazy wet one, after all that sex with all her harem feel so real. She was not really interested in pull away the mage and just let all continue.

Taeyani dont needed to prepare both of them, her pussy and that dick with preecum soon meet each other after rub the warm thing a little. The human pressed herself toward the long member soon breaking her hymen without too much pain thanks to the lust at her system, she only reached to fit half of the large monstruos member as she bounce over it.

She wanted to make fit deep inside, pressing harder each time as her inner walls well lubricated could feel the large member rubs against them and some round orbs inside the human, the pressure given was bigger thanks to that as the objects were like protuberances. That was not all what both could feel, as when they get close theirs orgasm some inside theirs bodies were moving and growing, Taeyani couldnt stop herself now to notice her looking like pregnant belly, she was over leaking from her holes who continualy mix theirs sounds with her moans inside the cave.

After some minutes she cum aloud as the big dick fill her with cum amounts beyond her capacity, these in part leak out and were added at the floor with the human's nectar. The orgasm dont fade as ever because something round was starting to leave her rear entrance. A huge seed many times bigger than the fruit eaten comes out in such way and form than she couldnt stop to push away and moan in feral state before the first one fall on the floor.

Taeyani could feel more inside her but she couldnt just try to leave them normaly. She also notice than Telara's belly has gotten bigger by this little extasis than the elf could bet was maybe a dream.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Telara's mind was so hazy with lust, from both her dreams and from the flashes she got of the waking world as Taeyani mounted her rock hard member for her own pleasures, that the poor futanari girl was barely coherent. When she came along with Taeyani though, Telara was shaken from her half and half state to being fully awake again while her cock spurted its load deep inside of Taeyani, the young futanari elf letting out a cute squeal of delight. In the actual real world in the EGG machine, Telara's dick was fully erect with a bit of cum dribbling from her tip, her body and wall on her side of the dual machine coated in her spunk and her seat soaked with her vaginal juices as her body's reactions to the spike of pleasure in game caused her to cum in real life as well... though she of course didn't know this yet as the game continued.

"H-Holy s-shit... that was one... ooooh... helluva wake up call. H-How long was I asleep?" Telara said, panting a bit as she lay there, not having noticed the seed that just came out of Taeyani's ass as she was still waking up some and was wiping her eyes before looking up at the soft pleasant weight on top of her. "Taeyani... what are you.... Heh you just couldn't resist could you?" Telara then said once she spotted Taeyani atop her hot hard dick.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani yelped as she felt the break of her hymen, shuddering and pausing a moment. "Unf. Guess my body in this world was a virgin still. Ah well. Damn she's big." Didn't help with all this weight. Nevertheless her desires made her begin to drive herself up and down on the dark elven spire.

She moaned loudly, shuddering as she felt the shifting as she thrust upon the great spire, it just too big to fit all the way in her despite her best efforts. Plus she felt unusually tight for some reason as well, making it all the more intense.

Her stomach was getting even bigger, was it feeding on her lust? She wasn't certain but she just couldn't stop either. She needed this, needed Telara so badly as she panted from all the exertion the weight was adding to the work. Before long she felt her insides clench as she cried out in her release, Telara promptly adding her own fluids into her inner core. She idly wondered if it would get her pregnant, but a more pressing concern than the added swell of Telara's copious seed trying to embed in her came to bear.

Her orgasm just kept going, making her gasp, even as she felt the shift of something leaving her, making her cry out as an enormous seed left her. She looked back with a yelp and cry as it exited, shuddering. She stared at it a moment, feeling more in her but not shifting. She knew that was the standard design for seeds, but she never actually figured something like them growing in her would work. Maybe she'd plant it later and see what happens.

Her attention however was turned back to Telara as she evidently came awake during her orgasm, her own stomach seeming to have grown a bit. She grinned naughtily down at the elf she had mounted. "Oh ten minutes or so, I think. And resist? Mmmph, like I wanted too. Hotty like you, and never tried riding a girl before. Or one this big. Geez, it won't even fit inside me all the way. Mmm, but fairs fair y'know, you're welcome to screw me when I sleep too."

She smirked a bit before starting to thrust once more on Telara's shaft with a grin, suspecting it was the best means to dislodge the seeds inside her. "For now, I'm not done by a long shot so let's see how much a mess we'll make. Let's call it christening our new home and our first day out here, hehe. Plus it doubles as gardening. Now you just make sure to drain those poor pent up seed makers into me completly, wherever they are in you."