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Mind Flayer's Stream - Whatever game I decide to play. No longer just Smite/Overwatch

Stardew Valley is love, Stardew Valley is life! :3
We're on the ranked grind for Smite today. Let's hope that I can rank up. Come and see if you guys like, would much appreciate the viewership if you did. :)
Strimming some Grindframe and maybe some Human Fall Flat later on today, assuming my buddy gets back to play the latter with me.
We back on the ranked grind folks. Come and see the failing that's going to be my games. :D
Doing a Super Mario Bros. 3 full play, assuming I can remember where everything's at.
Strimming Dark Souls 3 some today. May be getting back into the series after Too long a break.
Decided to stream some Smite today.
Doing some Derpsouls 3 today.
Hey I be streaming some Smite ranked. Doing my placement matches. Come and check it out.
I was hoping to stream Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice tomorrow for day one release of it. But sadly it doesn't look like I'm going to get to, as Twitch never gave out my last payment to me, which I was hoping I'd get in time for Sekiro. So, probably not gonna be any day one release streams of Sekiro, unfortunately. Unless a miracle happens and Twitch gives me my money tomorrow morning.
Alrighty folks, Sekiro stream is on for today, as soon as I eat, and finish getting it installed. My brother was kind enough to give me the extra half of the money I needed to get it.
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die, with Daughters of Ash mod. Stream up, and will be streaming this over the next few streams. :D
How you know you made the perfect character in Dark Souls, ever:


Also spoiler with clips of some highlights I witnessed:

Asylum Demon is supposed to be a normal fight, but you can fall through the floor right away. That, or...

Mind Flayer obviously bought a bow and arrows, but Daughters of Ash didn't approve and punished him upon usage:

Still, Mind Flayer fulfilled the dream he had ever since he was a little boy:

Doing more Daughters of Ash mod for Dark Souls.
Streaming more Dank Souls: Daughters of Ass modz.
Strimming again, some more Daughters of Ass modz. :p
I be streaming some Smite ranked today, cos why not.